The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 168 An Exceptional Punishment

Mylene had an unsightly expression, the fact that she was seen trough by mortals was a hard to swallow pill, still even at this point she still had one last thing to resort, but it's something she never expected to do… begging.

She ignored the pain that was assaulting her left shoulder and changed her expression to a "charming" one, her eyes got teary and her face blushed a bit.

"I recognize you are different to any other man I have ever met in my life, but you aren't a native of this planet, so why are you siding with Eris?".

"I'm the princess of the ash nether clan, so I can only marry someone outstanding… someone like you, if you help me return to my clan you will become the ruler of a whole superior plane, what do you say?".

Aster evaluated Mylene's current expression, her long pink hair waved with the wind, her light green eyes gave her a gentle calm aura, and her figure was nothing to laugh at, a beauty in all the aspects.

He approached Mylene and rose her face by her chin, which made Mylene mentally smile.

"That's right, any man will be charmed by my beauty, consider yourself the luckiest man in this universe as I'm allowing you to touch my spirit form… once we go to the temple where my precious body is resting, I will use all of you as a sacrifice to call an elder from my family and finally leave this disgusting inferior plane", she thought.

Aster let go of Mylene's face, he smiled and took out a little box from his spatial ring, inside of it Mylene saw a necklace which she thought looked quite decent, it had the shape of a dragon and was mostly black with some golden tones here and there.

"Since the moment I saw you at the entrance of the castle I thought that killing you would be a crime, that's why I prepared this little gift beforehand".

Mylene smiled, she by herself uncovered her neck as she said.

"I knew you weren't fool enough to not appreciate me, I would have preferred a ring but I will gladly take this token of love ♥".

Aster made her wear the necklace and almost immediately both Lilia and Eris took of their hands from her shoulders, Mylene stood up although she still felt a bit of pain, she had a triumphant smile on her face when she looked at Eris.

"You see bitch, even in beauty and charm aspect, I'm way above you".

Eris snorted but she didn't say anything, which made Mylene feel even prouder of herself.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Apparently this kid surnamed Drage holds a quite important position in the group… maybe I should change my plans, if I can make him follow my desires then I will have a gate transcending realm cultivator at my disposition, then getting rid of Eris would be a piece of cake".

While Mylene was imagining the benefits that using her charm as a woman brought her, Lilia and Eris walked until they were standing next to Aster.


"Mm?", the sound of fingers snapping made Mylene feel a bit weird, she looked downwards and saw that the dragon of the necklace was now stuck to the skin of her neck, she had a bad premonition which was confirmed a couple of seconds later.

"Killing you would be a crime, because you still have a lot of debts to pay with the living, I can't think of a better punishment for an arrogant bitch like you, than becoming the servant of a "mere mortal", that's why with Eris's help I prepared this "obedience necklace", it's got a pretty design right?", said Aster in a ridiculing voice.


Mylene immediately tried to remove the necklace, but as soon as the thought crossed her mind she felt as if her soul was being burned which made her fell to the ground, the excruciating pain only stopped when any thought of rebel disappeared from her mind.

Aster rose his left hand which was now adorned by a bracelet with a similar design to that of the necklace in Mylene's neck.

"I wouldn't do it if I were you, even the slightest evil thought will give you a little "correction", of course that includes any suicidal thought, so now be a good girl and tell us where can we find your body and where are the corrupted hiding".

Mylene felt her world collapsing, of course she could understand the meaning of the collar and the leash… she has basically become a pet for those who she disdained, before she didn't have the guts to self-destruct her soul, that's why she tried to seduce Aster and now she didn't even have control over her own death.

The one who was enjoying seeing Mylene in disgrace was none other than Eris, when Aster suggested her to use her knowledge in divine runes to create a counter for Mylene's killing arrays, she instead proposed to create this set of necklace and bracelet.

The necklace would link itself to the body and soul of the one that wears it to make it submit, the bracelet on the other hand was the control device, so no matter what the one wearing the bracelet ordered, the other would have to obey.

Aster was a bit surprised at the idea, to be honest he just planned to kill Mylene if she was the scheming bitch he thought, but Lilia persuaded him by saying "A servant which was above the heavenly conqueror realm would be a good acquisition for our family darling ♥".

And that's how he also apported something to the design of the necklace, since he will be the one using the bracelet, Aster added his blood to the materials which Lilia proportioned for their creation, it was the same principle he used to create the swords which he has been using.

So now besides making the one using the necklace obey… in case of showing any sign of betrayal, disobedience or malice, thanks to the link between the bracelet and the necklace, Mylene's soul will be exposed to annihilation.

Of course, Aster limited the exposition to not make her soul collapse, but the pain of being exposed to annihilation was something that even Rya deemed as impossible to withstand.

Once Mylene finally recovered from the horrible pain that was running through her body, she gave Eris a poisonous gaze.

"The Lyselle and their divine runes… hateful", she mumbled hoping that the necklace wouldn't make her experience hell again.

Eris smiled.

"What could be a better punishment for a "puppeteer" than turning it into a puppet, karma is a bitch right?".

Everyone sat down again, with the exception of Mylene which remained standing of course, Aster played with the bracelet a but before saying.

"I have a lot of things to ask, but for the time being tell us if you brought any reinforces?".

Mylene gritted her teeth but when she felt that the necklace was about to punish her, she immediately answered.

"One of the two sea of knowledge corrupted came along with me, he is hiding two kilometers away from the capital city, also an army of corrupted beasts is surrounding this place, they haven't attacked because… I had no time to give them the signal".

Lilia smiled at Aster before she disappeared.


Everyone felt the ground shaking a bit, Aster turned his head towards east and he saw a pillar made out of black flames which appeared out of nowhere before dispersing, with a little amount of wind, Lilia returned but now she was dragging a half-burned corpse which resembled a bear.

Sylas called a guard and the order was given for the royal guards to eliminate the corrupted beasts that were near the capital city.

Mylene felt her heart sinking, she noticed that Lilia didn't use her body cultivation to fight, "What the hell are those weird black flames it didn't take her even a couple of seconds to kill a peak sea of knowledge cultivator", she thought.

Aster smiled, now that the most urgent matter was taken care of, the next thing they needed was a report of the current situation at Riga, especially since the people from the sand mountain sect probably arrived a couple of hours ago.

Orson couldn't hold back his curiosity and he shouted.

"What happened to the kings that were kidnapped by Riga… what happened to my ancestors!!!!".

Mylene ignored the king until Aster spoke.

"Answer the question".

"I originally controlled the royal family of Riga; in fact, I bestowed a few drops of my blood to them to help them become strong, that's how they managed to overwhelm their enemies, unfortunately after a certain incident I had to separate my soul from my body"

"They broke away from my control and that's when the kings of this continent started being captured, they tried to replicate my blood to augment their strength, and of course they failed, how would a mortal be able to imitate my precious blood humph".

"That was the truth of how the corrupted were born, they are basically failed tries to replicate and improve the bloodline of my ash nether clan".

Orson gritted his teeth.

"That doesn't explain why the kings of Luonto were kidnapped".

Mylene shrugged.

"Aurelian left some descendants behind, the blood of a heavenly transformation cultivator is not a pathetic as the blood of mortals, so they tried to refine their blood along with the one they got from me to create a "better" bloodline, the result was an inferior defective imitation which can't survive for too much time".

Orson was speechless, apparently, he turned out to be Aurelian's descendant after all, that being said his anger didn't disappear.

"Are you telling me you didn't have anything to do with those bastards experimenting with my family?".

Mylene looked indifferent as she answered.

"Do you believe I wanted my precious blood to be mixed with the one of a mortal… I might have been desperate to return to my clan, but I would never fall that low humph".

"When I tried to erase that insult, I was chased out of Riga and then I just laid low until I managed to recover, with the support of Riga the corrupted became stronger and now they are the true rulers of that place".

Aster frowned his eyebrows.

"Then why did you make a deal with them?".

Mylene sighed.

"Because there are new players in the chess board, those guys that came from the outside just like you are now staying there, so if I didn't act then I would have lost my chance… do you think the corrupted will actually respect an agreement?".

Aster shook his head.

"It seems the guys from the sand mountain sect will get the "prize" they deserve hahaha".

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