The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 180 Time To Relax (Part 1)

Aster opened his eyes, he turned to see Lilia which was the one that called him, just to see her pouting.

"Darling you can play with Rya later, I'm still waiting for my reward, it was hard not to erase the planet after I let myself loose in that fight you know?".

Aster frowned his brows, his mother might argue with Rya from time to time, but she never interrupts his moments with her, because she understands how lonely it must feel for her to be limited to the mind space.

While he was wondering why Lilia was acting like this, he noticed her gaze was different than usual, unlike the usual gentle easy-going vibes, she now was looking at the other girls with a rather aggressive expression, even her eyes seemed to glow in red light a bit.

He then understood what was happening, both of them used great amounts of their attributed earlier, he started to "mature" as a dragon thanks to Lilia, which augmented their compatibility as mating partners, dragons are lascivious and violent and even when the fight wasn't too satisfying that side was now fulfilled… so now it was time for the lascivious one to take over.

Just like he sometimes felt extremely attracted to Lilia or Alice, the same happened to them, apparently the closer his bloodline was to finish its transformation, the more they would be having this "episodes", which was something he didn't like, he loved Lilia due to his own reasons and no other external things could influence his feelings for her.

"Hmm ♥", Aster dragged Lilia closer and sealed her lips with a kiss, he used his tongue to play with hers, while one was being dominant the other simply stayed still and enjoyed the caressed of its "dancing partner".

The other girls had different reactions, for Alice and Aria this was normal, in previous years they have witnessed Aster and Lilia lusting really hard for each other to the point that after a couple of rounds they will go to sleep, only to be woken up by Lilia's moans because they won't stop doing it until they literally fell asleep.

So far, the only one that has been able to keep up with Aster's sexual drive is Lilia, of course Alice always affirmed that it's just because her mother has higher body cultivation than her.

Sarina on the other hand was feeling a bit jealous, although Aster hasn't ignored her or anything of the sort, the fact that she was the only one sleeping in a separate room made her feel a bit left aside.

Luckily although Kana wasn't too informed on the things between men and women, she knew couples had to sleep in the same bed so she already told her mother to go and share a bed with her big brother.

Speaking of Kana, she saw the passionate kiss Aster was giving Lilia and she unconsciously touched her lips with her fingers, imagining how will it feel to be kissed like that.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

On the other couch, both Eris and Mylene had similar reactions, as noble ladies they have never witnessed such intimate interactions in person, of course they have heard rumors and gossips but this was the first time they see a couple kissing…and it was between a mother and her son on top of that.

Eris blushed, "If they are going to be doing this so often, this is going to be a long travel back home".

Mylene on the other hand felt slightly different, Alice's previous words still resonated in her mind, "You are my brother's maid, so it's your duty to serve him", but then she remembered the little interactions she had with Aster so far.

"The princesses of Riga at the basement weren't ugly at all and he simply killed them without batting an eye at them… and according to Eris that would have been my destiny if he wasn't persuaded by Lilia, what a weird man".

Contrary to what one would think, the so called "higher plane" from where Eris and Mylene come isn't that different from the mortal plane, that's why the scene of Kayla mind broken made her remind that if she fell into the hands of some other guy, her destiny might have been worse than death.

Once Lilia came back to her usual self, she stopped the kiss, her face blushed as she realized she let her emotions control her for a moment.

"Darling I…".

Aster stopped her from saying anything else.

"Don't worry, this is also in part my fault on any case everyone here is a part of the family or is related to the family some way or another, are you better now?".

Lilia nodded, she leaned her head against his chest and closed her eyes to calm herself down a bit more, Aster caressed her hair as he let out a sigh of relief, he didn't mind starting a "battle" with Lilia at any time, but how she looked at the other girls was something new.

Eris doubted for a moment but she still said what was on her mind.

"Aster if you don't mind me asking… what is the origin of your lineage, I originally thought you three descended from a Darkness Desolation Dragon and a human, but I'm not sure anymore".

Aster shrugged.

"You are not wrong, but that is also not the case anymore, the Drage family lineage does come from that dragon species, but we are not like them… to be honest even I don't know what will we become in the future".

Eris was in awe, many people in higher planes seek to have offspring with other races, so their descendants inherit innate stronger bodies, souls etc. but it also comes with a price, for the descendants is nearly impossible to surpass the limits of their non-human ancestor.

That being said it's a popular method to secure the glory of their clan for quite some time, since the limit also means having a high chance to reach that realm, imagine a family where all the descendants have a better possibility to become heavenly conquerors.

"That explains the sudden hostility I felt from Lilia, she has already taken Aster as the progenitor of this new race, so it's only natural that she is aggressive towards other women… a dragon species that can make me feel pressured while it's still in the process of creation, and she managed to suppress it with only a kiss, both mother and son are monsters", she thought.

The rest of the travel back was quite relaxed, Lilia actually fell asleep as she felt emotionally tired, at some point Aster felt the spaceship landing, the lateral door opened and a member of Sylas's crew informed.

"We have arrived at Hawthorn city, if the young master doesn't need anything else from us, we will return with Lord Sylas".

Aster nodded, he was amused at his new title of "young master", apparently Sylas has already told everyone he was going out with Sarina, so his subordinates changed their way to refer at him.

The girls stood up and left the spaceship, with the exception of Lilia because Aster carried her like a princess all the way to the mansion, of course she woke up when her son took her on his arms but she kept her eyes closed to feign being asleep.

While they walked towards the mansion Aster didn't miss the chance to fondle her ass a couple of times, as he said in a low voice.

"Yesterday we have to go to sleep early, but tonight I will make sure to fill you with my love".

Lilia suddenly forgot she was "sleeping", a bright smile flourished in her beautiful face as she said.

"Luckily my body is sturdy enough to keep up with you darling ♥".

As soon as they entered the mansion Alice smirked.

"I sweated a bit earlier, so I need to take a bath".

In a rare occasion Aria completely agreed with Alice.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but it sounds like a good idea", Kana and Sarina summed to the fun so the four of them left to the bathroom, Eris and Mylene were about to join them when Lilia's playful voice drew their attention.

"You two know that my darling will come bath with us, right?".

Normally she would actually support Eris getting closer with her son, but right now she was feeling rather clingy, so she was not in the mood for that.

Aster laughed, he let down Lilia and they followed the rest of the girls to the bathroom, leaving behind two blushed girls in the form of Mylene and Eris.

Aster opened the door of the bathroom and what welcomed him was the beautiful scene of all the girls taking off their clothes, without him assaying anything Lilia started helping him take off his clothes until he was completely naked.

Of course, he did the same for his body, until her beautiful naked body was in plain view for him, Lilia felt his eyes glued to her and she felt proud of her figure, she went ahead to the shower not without forgetting to sway her hips in a tempting manner.

Aster smiled, he followed the girls to rinse his body before they all entered the huge bathtub, surprisingly this time even Lilia was playing in the water with Kana, which reminded him the idea he previously had when they visited the island where the body of Eris was hidden.

"A family beach day, sounds quite fun", he thought.

As soon as he sat down Alice swam over all the way until she was next to him.

"It's not fair that you only pay attention to mom, I'm also affected by that, you know?".

Aster smiled; he used his right arm to drag his sister closer to him and hugged her tight, but before he could kiss her, Aria's shy voice interrupted them.

"It also affects me… I feel jealous whenever you three get that clingy".

"You two have gotten quite spoiled", said Aster as he smirked, something soft and bouncy pressed against his shoulders, which made him turn his head around just to see Lilia laying face down in the floor near the edge of the pool so her breasts were resting on him.

"I wonder whose fault might it be d-a-r-l-i-n-g ♥".

"Mom, weren't you playing with kana?".

Lilia kissed her son as she replied.

"Well, both Sarina and little Kana agreed that this game was funnier than playing with the water hehehe".

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