The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 228 Meeting At The Ghale Clan (Part 2)

The servants quickly placed the dishes on the table before respectfully leaving.

Then a slightly weird situation unfolded in front of Camila and the elder's eyes, both Aster and Arthur were personally fed by one girl, in Aster's case it was of course Lilia, as for Arthur, Nadia acted like a diligent wife cutting the meat before offering it to him.

Although the situation was similar, there were some big differences between them, their manners for example, while Nadia was a bit clumsy and shy about it, every gesture made by Lilia was perfectly executed as if she has done this more times that one could ever count.

The other difference was that Aster received the attention of another girl which in this case due to the agreement the girls had, was Aria, she was so happy right now, that ignoring the fact that she was in front of her father, she happily hummed while feeding Aster.

Arthur had a weird expression seeing his daughter act in such a lovey-dovey way with Aster, but ultimately, he knew she was no longer his little girl, as she had already found her life partner.

And thanks to Aster he also found a new light in his life, his cultivation was advancing by bounds and leaps and even Nadia was cured allowing him to take her as his wife.

"Aina, I hope you can see this from the heavens", he thought.

The breakfast was rather simple compared to what high status people is used to, the old man was quite surprised seeing this side of Aster

Unlike the ruthless and overbearing youth which he got to know, this time he saw how he treated his family, joking with the girls and chatting about random stuff, it didn't escape his eyes that at some point even Camila started participating in the conversation actively.

"Having the power to rule but choosing not to do so… what an interesting kid", thought the old man as he ate his food.

Cultivators had a high appetite compared to normal humans and body cultivators were even beyond that, that being said those who also cultivated in the energy path could use spirit energy as their sustenance.

That was Alice's excuse to being a little glutton, but right now in front of everyone Aster devoured at least thrice the number of dishes compared to the others, he only stopped because he didn't feel need to keep eating, but he wasn't full at all.

Lilia just happily kept giving him piece after piece of grilled meat, after he swallowed the last one, she whispered at him.

"Perhaps you need to "eat" something of a higher grade, how about something of the void manipulation realm ♥".

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Rya from the mind space chuckled.

"You don't need to invent another excuse for Aster to drink from your breasts you know?".

In her hurry to mock Lilia, Rya forgot to only speak at her and Aster, so the other girls also heard her, Sarina nearly choked with the bread she was swallowing.

Kana on the other hand just giggled and kept munching on a little cupcake.

Once the breakfast was over Arthur guided them to the place where the meeting was going to take part, the main court of the Ghale family which was remodelated after that birthday ceremony when Aster wiped the floor with the young generations of the Kraft and Asher families.

Now there was a proper platform for such cases, an elevated area for the main participants of the events and variety of seats in front and at both sides of the main seats.

Aster and the girls naturally went straight to the main seats, the meeting was arranged by Aster after all, Camila was honestly going to sit at the side seats but the old woman stopped her with a few words.

"Where are you going, let me and your uncle represent the Wolfstein in this kind of thing, you looked so happy earlier that I can't bear myself to see you in that sad "mask" you have to wear as the supreme elder".

The old man agreed with her, but he also added.

"Besides, like this, our Wolfstein family will have a higher moral position, at least on the surface, it will be good to keep the "wolves" which are eyeing us after Isaac's death".

Camila didn't know what to say, she wanted to deny her aunt's affirmations, but it was true that she didn't remember the last time she had fun, prior to the fashion show of yesterday.

She turned around just to see Lilia nodding at her, still she made it look as if she was going to do it due to the words of her uncle.

"Ahem, I think uncle is right, we need to put on a strong front", she said before walking towards the main seats.

All of this didn't escape Aster's eyes, but he didn't interfere because he wanted to see how will she behave even after spending some time with them, and the result was up to his liking.

"Well, she is definitely different to the other Wolfstein… or maybe she is just stubbo he thought.

Leaving that little episode aside, it didn't take long for the rest of the people to start arriving, the first was of course Wieland Kraft, which wasn't a surprise considering he lived at the auction house in Ghaleria.

"Wieland Kraft greets the Ghale patriarch and the Drage young master".

Although Wieland didn't like formalities he now held the position of the one with the bigger fist in the Rodia star cluster and this was a formal meeting, so etiquette was needed.

Aster nodded at Wieland and then formalities ended, as he caught a ring which Wieland threw at him.

"All the things you requested are inside the ring, please do check in case I overlooked something".

Aster used his spirit sense to inspect the contents of the ring and nodded, he paid beforehand so the deal was finished now.

Wieland then took a seat at the right row of seats and closed his eyes, this was going to be his last act as the representative of the Kraft family, since he will leave the Rodia star cluster in a few days when the spaceship from the barbarian heart sect will come to pick him up.

As if Wieland's arrival unleashed something, the many representatives of the different families started arriving one after the other.

"The Asher family pays his respects to the Ghale patriarch and the young master Drage".

"The Rein family pays his respects to the Ghale patriarch and the young master Drage".

"The Fragrant Pavilion pays his respects to the Ghale patriarch and the young master Drage".

Little by little most of the seats were occupied, while some people like the Asher and Kraft families were completely relaxed, those who had no previous experience in dealing with Aster had their backs covered in sweat.

He killed one of the four strongest cultivators of the Rodia star cluster after all.

"Gerard Orkel from the sand mountain sect pays his respects to the Ghale patriarch and the young master Drage".

"Kalas Rein from the Rein family pays his respects to the Ghale patriarch and the young master Drage".

All the noise was suddenly silenced, the people here was part of the high echelon in their respective families, so although no one knew Gerard specifically, the name "sand mountain sect" was famous nowadays.

It was the force that was supposedly trying to conquer the Rodia star cluster and according to all the bragging done by Isaac just one elder from them could trample upon the whole star cluster.

They were also surprised by seeing Kalas Rein a strong star axys realm cultivator attending the meeting, when his subordinate was already here.

Gerard was taking his seat with a calm expression, but deep inside he was speechless.

"It's only been a few days and that kid looks even stronger… is he really a habitant of a low ranked star cluster", he thought.

Arthur noticed all the ones invited were already here, so he stood up to start the ceremony.

"First, let me welcome all the esteemed representatives of all the hegemon forces in our Rodia star cluster, please feel free to drink and eat from the many dishes that are displayed at your tables",

All the representatives nodded but no one fooled around, they were more interested in what Aster had to say, Arthur sat down but and then it was Aster's turn to take the lead.

"Hi everyone, thanks for your time, the purpose of this meeting is to determine who will be ruling what".


While Aster gas going to finish his explanation, a middle-aged man from one of the second-grade families interrupted Aster.

The man cleared his throat before saying.

"I beg the young master Drage to not be offended… do you work for the sect that is trying to conquer us?".

Aster shook his head, he pointed at Gerard and then said.

"Tell them what is your identity and how are you related to me".

Gerard stood up and replied.

"I'm the ancestor of the sand mountain sect, a sea of knowledge realm cultivator and Aster's Drage subordinate, my mission is to protect the Rodia star cluster from now and onwards".


Everyone's eyes widened, for a moment they thought their ears were deceiving them, turns out the sand mountain sect which made them feel afraid was already under the control of the youth in front of them.

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