The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 236 Conditions Of The Exquisite Resonating Body (Part 2)

While they walked towards Camila's room as if she suddenly remembered something, Lilia patted her son's shoulder.

"I nearly forgot about it darling, Aria went to visit the tomb of her mother to tell her about her breakthrough and presenting her respects one last time before we leave"

Aster nodded, he did notice Aria was missing from the room, but he thought she was training or something like that, still it was comprehensive she was so eager to see her mother's tomb, since she finally surpassed the stellar constellation realm in which she stagnated for quite a few years.

"I will go with her once we finish here".

Leaving that little exchange aside, they soon arrived at the room of the supreme elder, Camila's aunt was standing outside with a somewhat worried expression.

She came to see Camila early without knowing she left to see Lilia, so she has been knocking on her door for a few minutes without any response.

So, when she saw Aster and Lilia bringing a fainted Camila, she couldn't help but frown her brows, especially because she still had the theory that Aster had some kind of illicit relationship with Nadia.

That being said, she wasn't stupid, Camila trusted in them and in any case she was sure Aster could do whatever he wanted and no one in the whole star cluster could stop him.

She slightly bowed towards Lilia and then approached Camila to inspect her, before letting out a sigh of relief, everything seemed to be alright.

Seeing the old woman inspecting if Camila was taken advantage of, Lilia chuckled before saying.

"She came to see us earlier but when we were in the middle of a conversation, she just fell asleep, apparently she couldn't rest yesterday, so we brought her back to her own room".

The old woman nodded and then looked in Camila's pocket, with the key she opened her room which was a mess again, this time the ceiling didn't crumble but all the metallic things were out of their respective places.

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"Well… she seems to be in the same frequency as Alice", thought Aster seeing Camila's clothes spread all over the floor including her underwear.

With a wave of her hand Lilia let Camila's body rest in her bed, the old woman then started cleaning the room while she waited for Camila to wake up.

Lilia frowned, previously she thought the mess was caused by her spirit energy which was out of control due to her sudden advance, but now she had the suppressing bracelet, so that theory was immediately discarded, still they couldn't do anything about it until Camila wakes up.

"She is a star tribulation cultivator so one hour should be enough sleep for her to recover, we'll go to have breakfast and she can catch up with us when she waked up".

After saying that, Lilia, Aster and Eris left the room, with the old woman to look after Camila there shouldn't be any problem.

By the time they arrived at the dining room, the breakfast was already served by Sarina and Kana.

Aster took a seat followed by Lilia and Eris, before everyone started eating their meals.

"So, what happened with that woman mom?", while Alice cut a piece of a fruit for her brother, she felt a bit curious about Camila's state.

Lilia finished the food in her plate before answering.

"I'm not too sure, but my current theory is that her body constitution is related to attracting metal things, that would explain why she was so tired, luckily that ability isn't working to the max of her capacity or things would have been completely different"

"Imagine having to maintain the armor of the paragon body for eight hours, you will probably die out of exhaustion".

Alice nodded, the Drage bloodline wasn't pure nor rich enough to grant them an ability, but now that she had the paragon body like her brother, she understood why Aster didn't use it all the time.

A body constitution naturally consumed the energy of the body, so that was the limiter for the golden armor, after using it for a prolongated lapse of time, she would feel tired and lethargic, even if she didn't use her spirit energy at all.

Of course, in both grade and utility Alice refused to believe whatever Camila constitution might be, could compare with the power she got due to the love she had for her brother, even then she couldn't help but feel a bit of respect for Camila, maintaining the ability of her constitution for such a long time was worthy of praise.

"I guess she isn't like other members of the Wolfstein family", she thought before continuing feeding her brother.

Just like Lilia expected after nearly one hour Camila appeared in the dining room followed by the old woman.

She looked way better than earlier; the color had returned to her face and even the bags under her eyes were completely gone, the only thing is that she looked really ashamed, like a little girl who did something wrong and now has to confess it to her parents.

After she woke up, her aunt told her Aster brought her to her room while she was carelessly sleeping, of course the old woman couldn't resist to tease her.

"That was a good move little Camila, men can't resist the urge to help the "damsel in distress", you even let some of your underwear to tempt him, perhaps I was wrong thinking you'd end up becoming a spinster", she said.

So right now, Camila wanted to dig a hole to hide, last time she was seen using a very scarce outfit and now her used underwear was in plain view for others.

Aster more or less supposed what she was thinking but he feigned ignorance about it and instead invited her to eat with them, mostly because he felt a bit curious about the "Exquisite Resonating" body.

She accepted the invitation and started digging in, for some reason she felt quite hungry compared to her usual self, unlike her usual noble like manners, she ate to the content of her heart, without realizing tons of empty plates piled next to her.

Camila only noticed she was being a glutton once she had her fill, her face slightly blushed, but she calmed down seeing that no one said anything about it, she let her last empty plate on the pile and then continued where she left before falling asleep.

"Ahem, thanks for taking me to my room, as you probably already guessed, I couldn't sleep at all yesterday… but that wasn't all, the whole night I was assaulted by anxiety as if there was something I needed to do and as the time passed, I started to feel weak and stressed but no matter what I did I couldn't sleep".

"I tried to circulate my spirit energy and managed to calm down a bit, but after a couple of hours the metallic things in my room started floating everywhere, luckily this time I set up a spirit formation to isolate my room, so things from other parts of the mansion didn't flew towards me".

Lilia nodded, everything matched with her supposition, except for one thing.

"Then how come you fell asleep when we were talking?".

Camila shook her head, she was also confused about it, once the door of Lilia's room was opened, all her tension disappeared, it's just that after so many hours of being in that stressed state it took her body a couple of minutes to relax and that's why she fell asleep in the middle of a conversation.

"That's precisely what I wanted to ask you, as soon as the door of your room opened, that uncomfortable feeling disappeared, I felt my body so eased that I simply fell asleep without noticing".

"What's even weirder is that right now there is no trace of that feeling, as if it simply vanished".

Lilia repassed Camila's story a couple of times in her mind before asking a few more questions.

"Do you remember the approximate hour when you started feeling anxious?".

"Yes, it was about two hours before midnight, before going to my bedroom I was normal, I even talked with my aunt and uncle without any problems".

Lilia made some calculations, then a strange light glowed in her eyes as she turned to see Aster.

"Let's do a little experiment, you will stay with the other girls here in this same room, while my darling, Alice and me go to Ghaleria to see Aria, we will return in two hours, do you accept?".

Camila didn't understand why Lilia wanted her to stay with Sarina and the others, but she already decided to take the day off to rest while her uncle took care of her duties as the supreme elder, so she was free to do what she wanted.

"Okay, thanks for the help, Lilia".

Lilia nodded, she looked at the clock, it was 10:00 Am so they will return by midday to the Wolfstein castle.

The only one which complained was Kana because she also wanted to go with them, but with a couple of head pats Aster "bribed" her to stay.

With a wave of her hand Lilia took her children with her to Ghaleria, leaving behind Camila in a slightly awkward situation, besides Lilia and Aster she hasn't even spoke with the other girls and now she had to be alone with them for a couple of hours.

Eris and Mylene weren't particularly friendly with others besides Aster and his family, so they just started talking between each other about some things regarding their families, luckily for Camila, the awkward atmosphere disappeared thanks to Kana.

"Miss Camila, is it true that you saw big brother Aster when he was a new born?".

Camila nodded, then she felt a bit weird trying to overlap the image of the current Aster with the adorable and innocent baby she once saw from afar.

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