The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 374 A Sudden Change In The Schedule (Part 1)

After laughing due to being amused about the comments added by the one who wrote the book, Aster changed the page.

Drake: Their dragon form is pretty imposing, they have four legs, thick bone plaques on their back and a strong tail which they use as a whip, they don't have wings, but have two large horns on their heard which they use to headbutt between each other, in human forms they are the tallest among dragonkin and also the bulkiest, unlike the draconant who have high physical strength, the drakes excel in physical defense.

PS: Despite their macho looks, they like to be dominated but just in secret, in front of other they are pretty serious and assertive.

Aster looked at the illustration in the book and he was surprised to see, that a drake basically looked like a dinosaur, which made him wonder if back at earth there used to be cultivators, though spirit energy was non-existent, Rya was with him back then after all.

'I guess, everything will be solved at its due time', he thought as he stole a gaze at the beauty in his arms, before he continued reading the book.

Amphiteres: One of the most popular choices as partners for us, because their dragon form is pretty unique, although their body is pretty much that of a serpent slightly similar to a wyrm, they have a mix of scales and feathers covering their bodies, they have no limbs but their wings are the largest among all the dragonkin and have feathers on them, unlike other dragonkin they have average physical strength and their defenses aren't great, but they excel in speed and flying abilities, their human forms are always skinny and some are short, but still taller than wyverns in general.

PS: They are pretty delicate and even the males look feminine, but they are rather aggressive, unfortunately although their yang is tasty, they get tired too easily which add to their delicate looks.

Rya who was also reading with Aster couldn't help but laugh her ass off at the note left by Linette, Aster on the other hand had a bitter expression imagining a skinny guy with a high-pitched voice, but a bossy attitude.

"Who would have thought there is such a wide variety of dragons~", said Rya with a playful voice as she looked at her lover.

"I'm not in any of these categories though, I wonder if I will obtain a dragon form and how will it look", mumbled Aster, with a somewhat expectative expression.

"Mmm, I don't know, there has never been someone like you, a dragon can cultivate in the soul path is incredible by itself, your strength, defense and speed are boosted by the paragon body, not to mention you haven't completed the armor so who knows what else will you get and all of that will affect the result of your evolution, not to mention the other stars… specially my Cygni and probably Orionis, whatever the result I'm pretty sure it will be something outrageous", said Rya as she shrugged

Aster chuckled and then stole a kiss from her, before he looked at the last of the six major classifications.

Crysopels: Probably the most serpent like among the dragonkin, their dragon form is a large serpent like body, but with long whiskers and deer like horns, they don't have wings but have the ability to fly without using any king of energy, some have limbs while others don't, the adults also have a mane decorating their bodies, in human form the adults always have beards, and they retain their horns, depending on the race some have strange abilities, like creating tremors or controlling the weather to a certain extent.

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PS: They are pretty reserved and is actually hard to get one on your bed, as they prefer reading books, calligraphy and other boring stuff, their bed play is rather weak but they are quite responsible so having one near comes in handy from time to time.

The image Aster saw reminded him of the dragon form the eastern myths, one that would only appear if seven spherical objects were gathered, specially came to his mind.

'Yeah, I guess, Earth was really once more than what meets the eye, as this is too much of a coincidence, but then what could have happened so that all the spirit energy was completely gone', he thought.

Aster then leafed through the rest of the pages and was surprised to see that under each of the six major classifications, there were some races of each, some had notes from Linette, while others didn't.

But there were too many to just read in one go, so after going through some of them he placed the book on nightstand and instead focused in caressing and spoiling Rya.

Since so tired that he directly went to sleep after fighting against the woman from the Storm Roc family, interrupting his time with Rya.

Needless to say, but Rya was over the moon, she simply closed her eyes and enjoyed Aster pampering her, he gently stroked her long silky hair, kissed her from time to time and whispered some sweet words at her.

While it might sound dumb for some people, she who had no love experience loved every single second of it, and this was one of Aster kinks to be honest, mature women with no experience were simply alluring for him at least, though the same could be said about shy or assertive girls too, Aria being a good example of the first and his sister being one of the second.

'I wasn't this fond of women back then, or could it be, that I never realized because I didn't even have the time to socialize with girls', he wondered.

Prior to his reincarnation, he lived a pretty monotonous life, no friends, no girlfriend, no family, he never dreamed in all those years of life, and then the first time he did something for a greater purpose, he ended up dying.

"I'm really lucky things turned out like this", he mumbled as he kissed Rya's forehead before the two of them slowly fell asleep while cuddling under the starry sky of the mind space, not without Rya looking at the sky as she thought.

'In all the creation, there is no one that deserves being happy more than you, with this Empress at your side, I will like to see who dares to try and lay a finger on my beloved~'.

The rest of the night went uneventful, after Kana got sleepy, she crawled into Aster's bed and hugged him to sleep, although she was used to sleep in loose clothes or underwear, while Aster and her "sisters" are most of the time naked, since this time it was Mylene, Camila and Vivian the ones sharing the bedroom with them, she just took her shoes off and enjoyed Aster's body warmth as the night in the secret realm was rather cold.

Mylene and Camila were already used to see how attached was Kana to Aster, but it was still something new for Vivian who had pretty light sleeping habits, her eyes sparkled with curiosity and a bit of jealousy as she was never as close as Kana with anyone.

'I can't believe I'm feeling jealous of a little girl… for having someone to trust to that extent', she thought as she silently fell asleep again.

After a few hours, the moon left the sky and the sun appeared on the horizon, Aster opened his eyes first inside the mind space, he for some reason felt pretty fresh and well rested.

To the point that he was full of energy, he inspected his own body and found out the reason, he smoothly broke through during his sleep to the middle stage of the Stellar Constellation realm.

"It hasn't even been that long since I advanced in the soul path thanks to the "help" of the twins, how come I broke through so easily", wondered Aster.

Dual path cultivator might be stronger that single path ones, but the heavens are fair, as it is harder to advance for the for the first ones, although Aster could gather spirit energy faster than others by innate and Orionis improved that capacity even further, he still had to put some effort to accumulate enough spirit energy to advance.

'I guess that fight yesterday was really the first time I had ever used so much spirit energy, maybe the action of depleting my reserves in a single go had something to do with it, the Soul Crushing Parade works like that after all', thought Aster.

The soul offensive technique Rya handed to Aster had the perk of being trained through physical actions, instead of just meditation which is the usual, the more Aster controlled the soul weapon exhausting both soul energy and physical energy, the better, it was a pretty "barbarian" way to train, but Aster couldn't stand boring hours of just meditation.

"Maybe those two are getting closer to finish those two's evolution, Rya said that they will bring me a pretty nice surprise along with their retu he mumbled before shrugging.

Aster looked at Rya and after kissing her cheeks and covering her with the blanket, he left the mind space.

Since the room had no windows and the lights were off, once Aster opened his eyes it was still pretty dark, though there was a small amount of light that was visible from the small space between the floor and the door.

"Mm~", as always Kana's adorable sleeping expressions welcomed him as she mumbled in her sleep, Aster looked at the clock and it was already 9:00 Am, he was surprised that the other girls were still deeply asleep.

Still, he caressed Kana's cheeks and then pecked them, which made her eyes open as a bright smile flourished on her face.

Noticing that the other girls were still sleeping, she spoke in a soft low voice.

"Good morning big brother~", she said as she tightly hugged Aster.

As aster was about to answer, he heard Kana's stomach making a cute little sound, which made her blush.

Aster softly laughed, despite being so small, Kana was a little glutton, something she had in common with Alice.

"Let's go grab a quick snack while the others wake up", said Aster.

"Mm", Kana nodded and they floated towards the door, to not wake the others, they will be leaving the bedroom in about half an hour anyway, as it was almost time for Espi to rest.

Once outside of the bedroom, they walked to the dining area Ixas built so that everyone could have a space to eat.

Aster took out some of the snacks Sarina and Lilia prepared for their "children", which consisted in cookies and little pastry, although Aster wasn't too fond of sweet things, this was one of the exceptions.

He occupied one of the chairs at the shared large table while Kana sat down on his lap, and they both ate some of the cookies, with a cold version of a drink similar to milk coffee.

"Oh, something smells nice~", while Aster was enjoying the adorable sight of Kana munching on a cookie, he was personally feeding her, Natasha's voice came from behind them.

Aster turned around and saw the redhead Natasha coming down from upstairs, with her pretty revealing black dress and that flirtatious smile, she has shown him since they met.

"Good morning", said Aster, as he nodded at her.

"Good morning, can I take one?", asked Natasha as she pulled the chair right in front of Aster.

"Sure", answered Aster.

Natasha took one of the cookies and finished it in a single go, judging by her satisfies expression, she seemed to really liked it, but then she looked at Aster with a tempting smile.

"I was awake until late preparing for you to pay me a visit you know~".

Aster didn't know whether he should laugh or cry, being hit on so adamantly by a girl had an interesting feeling attached to it, if Aria was here, she would probably say he was getting a taste of his own medicine, as he flirted with his girls quite a bit.

"Speaking about that, could you contact the person you mentioned had more information regarding the Storm Roc family?", said Aster which made Natasha stuck her tongue at him.

"I already did it, so that I could personally talk about it with you~".

'Not to mention, it would be against my interests to present you to that vixen friend of mine', she thought to herself.

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