The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 531 The Treatment Begins (Part 3)

Tamara's eyes couldn't help but open as she felt two incredible shockwaves of yang energy resonating with her body constitution, she first saw a large chain link that was radiating heat.

'That must be the yang chain link which little Alexandra mentioned', thought Tamara.

Her pretty purple eyes then focused on the second object that was radiating an insanely strong yang energy, which was Aster's body.

Kana's eyes sparkled, she loved the light spectacle that appeared whenever Aster summoned the golden armor, and though right now Aster was actually using yang radiance instead, the effect was similar.

Aster was bathed in a bright yellow light, unlike the yang chain link Aster wasn't increasing the temperature of the room, mainly because his yang is more oriented to nurture and vitality than to high temperature generation.

Not that he couldn't create flames with yang, as he had an innately high resistance to either heat or cold, thanks to his dragon lineage, as his time playing on the volcanic and ice zones with Alice and Aria suggested.

But Tamara didn't know that, she was amazed at the strong yang being radiated by Aster, because she knew that Aster isn't a dual cultivator yet, she is sure that some of the women that surround him are more than his friends or companions, but even with her extra sensibility towards yang she can't tell who is and who isn't, as they are all bathed in Aster's yang.

In fact, even her daughter was the same, the difference is that just as Jack mentioned to Alexandra back then after he met Aster for the first time, while the women around him are being benefited by his yang just by being near him, he isn't using their yin for his benefit.

It's not like Aster didn't want to, but he couldn't, their yin isn't strong enough to affect others like that, with the exception of Lilia, but while her yin is strong due to her high realm and her thick lineage concentration, she can't just give it to Aster, like he did for her, otherwise she would have done it already.

Her body isn't innately adapted for dual cultivation and so she also needs a compatible and strong enough technique that can handle her energy, that being said it's not like she jus took from her lover without giving anything in exchange, her primordial yin is stored into Aster's body, until he can properly turn it into his power, the same applies to Alice's.

Aria is different, she could give Aster her yin, in fact Aster regularly absorbs some, but only the excess of it, because she needs it to strengthen her bones that are in the middle of showing their ability to let Aria create that special ice.

With a sigh Aster's body stopped radiating bright yellow light, what he did was synchronize his energy firm with the yang chain link for the next step, which was summoning the golden armor.

With a snap of his finger, the golden armor cladded Aster's body, and then nodded at Eris.

"I'm ready".

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Eris nodded back, with some gestures of her fingers, runes appeared all over the yang chain link, and to everyone's surprise runes appeared on the back of the armor, once Eris finished her job, the yang chain link moved until it was floating above Aster.

Aster exhaled and then moved the fingers of his right hand, a current of yellow energy could be seen coursing all the way from the yang chain link to Aster's body, to then be redirected through the surface of the armor and then distributed to his hands.

"We'll be following the easiest way to cure someone from the Bone Melting Palm, which is eliminating the hostile ang energy with a beneficial one", said Aster as he approached Tamara.

"After the bath you took yesterday, the connection between that guy and you, was destroyed, but the original order he gave to his yang energy remained, so once I start removing it, it will try to harm you, I can assure you, you won't die, but it's going to be uncomfortable".

"I'll say this first but once I start, I can't stop until the whole bone in which I'm focusing is clean, otherwise the reaction will break the bone, also with my current skill I can only turn on and off the energy drawn through the chain link, I can't tone it down, so the intensity won't diminish", he added.

"Please go ahead", answered Tamara with a determined expression.

"Wait… is there a problem if I join, my body constitution is meant to protect so I can take some of the charge on my mother's stead", Alexandra interrupted as she pointed at herself.

Aster shrugged, as he answered.

"I don't mind, but I don't think things will go as you expect".

Alexandra wanted to complain that she was being underestimated, but she remembered she was the one receiving such a great grace from Aster, and she hasn't properly explained what her body constitution does, so she limited to nod and then grab her mother's hand.

"Don't blame me later", said Aster as he inwardly shook his head and then, he slowly extended his index finger which he then used to poke Tamara's clavicle.

The yang chain link shone in bright yellow light which was then channeled into the golden armor, and then injected into Tamara's body through the point of contact between her and Aster.

Tamara's eyes who were tightly closed relaxed, the pain she expected didn't come, in fact she felt a comfortable warmness on the area of her neck, nothing to fret about, so she opened her eyes to look at Aster, but as she was about to ask what did he meant with "uncomfortable", she felt a strange tensing sensation in her body and then a her faze froze as she heard a strange sound.

"Hyaa~", it was a strange sound yes, but it came from a familiar voice, the one of her daughter.

Tamara slowly turned around just to see Alexandra whose face was as red as an apple; her body was shivering due to embarrassment which then turned into anger as she gave Aster an aggrieved gaze.

"What kind of treatment is this!", she shouted, but then she felt her legs wobbling, which forced her to let go of her mother's hand, because she was about to experience something that will make her wish to fall into a pit and die.

"I pretty much guessed it would happen, but to think he could "corrupt" the yang from a star… just what the hell is your body made of", mumbled Eris.

"Hahaha, that's what you get for doubting of Aster, shield girl!", Alice thunderously laughed as she pointed at Alexandra, while the other girls couldn't help but feel sorry for Alexandra, especially those that had templated their bodies using Aster's blood as the spirit beast material, like Felicia and Tiana.

Aster's current yang is certainly strong way beyond what it should, for his age and realm, reaching a level where it could compete with any Void Manipulation yang oriented being in terms of concentration, and probably more than that in terms of purity.

That's in part why he could he "nurture" Lilia's body, to the point that she broke her previous limits and could advance all the way to the Gate Transcending realm.

That being said Aster acted as a catalyst not as the source of Lilia's power, he amplified and helped her have a smooth breakthrough that Lilia attained with her cultivation and talent.

Because even as strong as his yang is, let alone the Heavenly Realms, the peak of the Transcending realms is too far from his reach as of current, otherwise he wouldn't have asked Agnes and Eris to deal with the Law Integration spirit beasts.

Sure, he defeated Mira who was dangerous for the four beasts, but the reason of her danger, is that she could suppress them as they were oriented to yin and their attacks wouldn't have worked on her.

So, Aster and Eris thought of this, the Paragon Body is part of Aster and so the armor is always protecting him, whether he summons it or not, his physical body is as similarly tough, the difference is that he needs the armor to get the respective boosts it grants, increased strength for the armguards, increased speed for the protections of the legs, and increased defense for the chest plate, those are what he has currently unlocked.

The armor is part of Aster but it can act as a separate entity as Aster has proven lately, when he summoned its giant version and sent it to fight the giant skeleton back at the lair of the evil spirit, while he fought the evil spirit.

Unlike Aster, the armor is also practically unbreakable unless it's limit is completely surpassed, back then even Alessia's attack couldn't destroy the armor, though the impact did harm Aster before the invincibility activated when Aster's life was judged to be in serious danger.

The armor can resist extreme amounts of tension, in a sense its only weakness is its user, Aster can't currently fully exert the power of the Paragon Body, as a proof he can't use the giant version without him being taken to the limit.

So, Eris thought of a way to extend Aster's limit, something only he with his crazy vitality and compatibility with all elements despite not being able to use them, can do, which is basically… using a star a battery!

The connection between the yang chain link and the stars has been restored by Eris, but she only linked it to one of them, and also limited the output quite a lot, the yang chain link was then linked to the armor, and the energy it was drawn from it is what it's being used to expel the yang of the guy who used the Bone Melting Palm on Tamara.

What surprised Eris, is that since the yang energy of the star used Aster as the medium, it was altered to be similar to Aster's, in other words what Tamara was feeling was a generic warm and comforting sensation, with the slight side effect of causing excitement, due to the yang energy going through Aster's body.

As to why Tamara was unaffected while the poor Alexandra ended up letting out a weird sound, that is thanks to her body constitution, at least according to Lilia.

Still, Tamara was surprised that she was feeling it, not to the point where it was dangerous, but besides that one time she shared a night with her husband, she never got to experience any pleasure.

Naturally Aster didn't do it on purpose, the nature of the yang energy of the stars was too violent for Tamara's body to endure it, even Mira who obviously used to be way stronger than she is, ended up being tortured by the collar after a certain amount of time.

But Aster was changing that, when it passed through him it became nurture-oriented yang energy, with the intensity of the star, and so slowly but surely the ominous yang energy of that dual cultivator guy was being erased from the bone Aster was focusing on.

Alexandra bit her lip as she noticed that her mother didn't show any reaction, at least not externally, which made her wonder if she was the weird one here, that was until she heard Eris and the others speaking with each other, and making it look as if they expected this to happen.

"I told you to not blame me later, your mother's body constitution is specialized in dual cultivation, she can handle this without reacting too much to it, at most it will be uncomfortable, but you are different, consider yourself lucky that things didn't get out of hand".

'S-Such a shameful thing isn't getting out of hand, what the hell!', inwardly screamed Alexandra, but she simply looked away and tried to kept whatever dignity she had left by taking a step back to observe the process.

Tamara on the other hand looked at Aster and then said.

"Do you mind talking with me, whatever the subject it will be fine, I just want to distract myself a bit and you are the second man I have ever met that is able to look at me without any lustful thoughts, purposedly or not, I wonder what do I look like to those like you".

Aster raised an eyebrow, but he did as she asked, because he only needed to put effort to start the process of cleaning her bone, once it had started the rest was automatic, as he just needed to replace the harmful yang with the nurturing one.

"You look like a good mother", said Aster, it would be a lie to say he didn't found Tamara pretty, but that was the end of it, he sympathized with her, and also had encountered feelings regarding her situation.

Because Aria could have ended up in a similar situation, judging by Lilia's surprised expression, Tamara's body constitution was really something, and yet a woman with such a high talent ended up nearly dying after suffering for so many years, just because she didn't want be used by some douchebag, as she had already found someone she loved.

"I see… now I understand why that honest idiot accepted to work for you", said Tamara with a smile.

The process didn't last long, around twenty minutes later, Aster retrieved his finger and then after coughing a couple of times, Tamara expulsed a mouthful of dark yellow air.

"Today it was a test, we'll speed up the process tomorrow, I chose a bone on the area of the chest, because it will help your heart fight back too, so you'll be expulsing that disgusting yang energy continuously, have a good rest and take the pills that I wrote on the list".

Vivian approached Aster and handed him a bottle with a dark blue liquid inside.

"This is the yin cold poison you asked for", she said.

Aster nodded and then handed it to Alexandra.

"Next it's your turn, before she goes to sleep, rub that on the areas that where yin is more prominent, and don't worry, Vivian's poison doesn't clash with me, so there won't be any negative reaction, the yang energy will take care of her bones, and then yin poison will revitalize her body constitution, which will accelerate her recovery", said Aster.

Of course, he wasn't going to clean Tamara's whole skeleton manually, the yang from the star was way more intense than the one of a mere evil dual cultivator, the nurturing property it gained thanks to Aster will spread to the nearby bones and start a detoxifying process.

Vivian smiled from ear to ear listening to Aster saying that her poison didn't clash with him, which was true, also she was happy that her poison could be used to help someone instead of just bringing harm to others.

Aster exhaled and then looked at Lilia who snapped her fingers and the portal closed, which cut the source of energy of the yang chain link, Eris did the same and the formation disappeared.

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