The Romance Of Mr. Walton

Chapter 1124

Gu Mo roared: "luczhou, if you dare to touch me, simonan will not let you go."

"What if I don't let it go? I'm afraid he won't? I'll tell you, today I'm going to order you. "

Luczhou's voice fell, and he bowed his head and imprisoned her head with one hand to kiss her.

Gu Mo is not so good. When she was struggling, she saw a white porcelain vase on her head.

As she struggled on the sofa, she seized the white porcelain bottle while Luzhou was distracted.

She clenched her teeth, grabbed the vase and smashed it at luczhou's head.

The vase is very heavy and there is a lot of water in it.

She didn't know where she got the strength to grab the vase.

The vase smashed on luczhou's head and broke in an instant.

The broken residue of the vase, the water in the vase, instantly splashed open, poured two people.

Gu Mo felt a pain on his face, as if there was something sharp.

And luczhou also body a slant, turn over to sofa.

Gu Mo didn't care about her wet clothes and the pain on her face. After kicking luczhou, who had fallen over with her head covered, she stood up and ran to the door.

When she got to the door, she turned her head and looked at Luzhou.

He had blood on his forehead from the vase.

Gu Mo is a little afraid in his heart. Won't luczhou die?

I don't care so much.

Gomorra opened the door and ran out.

Mi Xiaoqi has been anxiously hovering at the door.

She just vaguely heard Gu Mo's cry, but she didn't have the courage to rush in to save people.

Just when she wants to call to continue to urge Zheng Yi.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Gu Mo ran out of the house by himself.

Seeing this, she hastened to greet him: "Gu Mo, are you ok?"

What Gu Mo looks like now Very embarrassed.

"Zeus, he didn't hurt you, did he?"

Gu Mo gnashed his teeth and looked at Mi Xiaoqi. He didn't want to say a word to her. He pushed her away and ran to the door.

Mi Xiaoqi yelled behind: "Gu Mo, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

But she did not go after Gu Mo, because she was worried about luczhou.

She sighed, turned and ran back to the living room.

After seeing the appearance of luczhou, she screamed and rushed forward.

"Zeus, Zeus, are you all right?"

Luczhou raised his hand to wipe the blood stains on his face and pushed her away: "get out of here."

Mi Xiaoqi does not give up to continue to help him, see him like this, she was very distressed.

"I'll take you to the doctor."

"I told you to go away!"

Mi Xiaoqi cried and threw forward, hugged him and cried out: "Zeus, please, don't do this. Don't embarrass Gu Mo any more, and don't torture yourself any more. Don't you find that if you hold Gu Mo all the time, the most painful person is yourself? I don't want you to suffer, I don't want you to suffer. Please, give up Gu Mo and let go of yourself. "

Luzhou took her hand and grabbed her neck: "what are you, who are you qualified to take care of my business? You are a toy when I need you. When I don't need it, you are nothing. You dare to ask me if you don't want to live

He had a strong hand, tightly pinching her neck.

Mi Xiaoqi was almost choked out of breath.

Her face was flushed from lack of oxygen.

Instinctively, she reached out and patted Lucius on the arm.

Until the strength of her hand was much lighter, luczhou released his hand and pushed her to the door: "from now on, you have no use value to me. Go away, never appear in front of me again!"

Gu Mo ran to the side of the road and several cars stopped in front of him.

She thought these cars were sent by Luce, and instinctively ran away.

But then the door opened, but only heard the familiar voice of Zheng Yi.

"Sister in law."

Gu Mo Leng for a moment, stopped and turned around.

Seeing that it was really Zheng Yi, I was relieved.

Gu Mo ran forward: "Zheng Yi, how can you be here?"

Zheng Yi looks up and down at Gu Mo, but the elder martial sister-in-law is not in general distress now.

"Sister-in-law, how can you..." Zheng Yi said up and down pointed to Gu mo.

Gu Mo looked down and found that his clothes were not neat and his hair was scattered, like a madman.

After she raised her hand and straightened her clothes, she quickly pricked her hair again and reluctantly laughed.

Zheng Yi makes a wink with Gu Mo, the voice is very loud say: "sister-in-law, you get on the car quickly, I go to the car behind."

Zheng Yi knew that if he got on the bus, the air pressure would be very low for a while.He has a good sense of current affairs.

Gu Mo looks at Zheng Yi for help, but Zheng Yi doesn't seem to see it.

She secretly in the heart of the belly Fei, this boy, really is not enough meaning.

Gu Mo gets on the bus.

Zheng Yi closes the door and runs to the car behind.

Gu Mo turned his head and looked into the back seat of the car, looking at his simonan with a dignified face.

Simonan pulled her into his arms, "it's ok..."

Gu Mo eyes a red: "sorry."

Simonan stroked her back: "it's not you who should apologize. Don't worry, I'll make him pay."

Gu Mo was more aggrieved when he heard this. He put his hand around his waist and cried, regardless of the driver in front of him.

She was really scared. She was scared to death.

"Lucius is crazy. What should I do? How can I get rid of this devil? I really don't want to see him any more. Simeon, help me."

Simonan's hand gently stroked Gu Mo's hair, and his voice was light and steady: "I will let him lose all his proud capital, and let him completely disappear from your world."

Gu Mo's head hung on his shoulder, and his mood finally calmed down.

Simonan's body recovered day by day.

A few days before winter, simonan was able to move freely like a normal person.

Early in the morning, Gu Mo received a call from Ling Baisheng.

He's coming to the west side.

Gu Mo talked to Ling Bosheng once a week before, but Ling Bosheng didn't mention coming to Xicheng. Her sudden visit made her feel at a loss.

Ling Bai said: "I'm here to discuss the future cooperation and development plan with Lushi group. Originally, it's not my business, but you know, people like my father always have a way to force me."

"Well," Gu Mo nodded.

"Did I scare you when I came here all of a sudden?"

"That's not true," Gu Mo quickly shook his head with his mobile phone.

"Let's have dinner together that evening."

"Good," Gu Mo agreed without hesitation.

Some things, after all, have to face.

Hang up, Gu Mo tells simonan that Ling Bosheng is here, and she is going to meet Ling Bosheng tonight.

At first simonan said he would go with her.

But she knew that simonan's going would only be counterproductive and refused without saying a word.

Si Mo South see Gu Mo insist, then promise by her, but for the sake of safety, or send someone to follow her, protect her safety.

Gu Mo arrived earlier than Ling Bosheng.

Ling Baisheng appeared with a big bunch of roses in his hand.

He is thin and handsome, with charming smile and delicate flowers, and instantly becomes the most attractive man in the whole cafe.

Gu Mo was going to say hello, but she didn't dare to see everyone's eyes.

Until Ling Bosheng himself saw her and came towards her.

Ling Bosheng handed over the flowers, sat down and said with a smile: "this time, another purpose of my running out is to find you. I'm afraid if I don't come again, you will be robbed by others."

Gu Mo's hand gently holding the pure white coffee cup, eyes fell on Ling Bosheng's face: "Bosheng, in fact, I have something to say today."

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