The Royal Contract

Chapter 104 - Kind And Gracious Hosts

Chapter 104 - Kind And Gracious Hosts

"I hope you are enjoying your stay so far," Katherine asked as a good host. She wanted to be sure that all was above board when giving their guests a great, fun, and comfortable stay.

She decided to treat them with a good massage, then later on more pampering, her style. She wanted them to have a nice vacation while they were staying with them.

"You have been a very gracious host. We have nothing to complain about." Laura smiled at Katherine. She was only speaking of the truth.

"I am also having a great time, but I hope you did not take it the wrong way when Alex and I decided to transfer to Nanna's house." Dani feared that she might have offended their host with that move. But she agreed with Alex that they would be more comfortable if they stayed there compared to the palace.

"Don't you worry? I am used to Alex staying in that place. So, it was not a surprise when he took you there. But I hope you are comfortable sleeping in that small space." Katherine knew his son decided to keep her to himself. She could not help but giggle at the thought of them giving her first grandchildren.

"In truth, I like the place and the privacy it provides." She stated honestly.

She had no problem staying in small places. The other apartment she stayed in was way worse than that. Deathtrap was the term her father used to describe it.

"I heard from your mom that you are a good lawyer. That you are doing a lot of charity works by taking cases of the people who could not afford to get fair justice." Katherine said in her elegant accent.

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She had heard some good traits about her from her husband. A characteristic which she thought to be fit to be a princess and even possibly a queen. Although the only concern that she and her husband had was her willingness to stay here in their kingdom.

She wondered if she was ready to take over handling the Blackstone House as the next duchess, replacing her when her son became the duke. Was she prepared to stay at his son's side if the Council chose him to be a king?

"I'm not sure about the term good lawyer. But I do try to help whenever I can." She answered the duchess modestly. She could not take all the credit for her past work. They were a team that helped their clients get a fair trial and a day in court.

If this new arrangement she had set up with Alex would push through, she might get more resources for her cases and even hire a small team, which could help her with her pro bono cases.

"Well, I am sure that Daniella would have done more if given a chance." Laura expressed her sentiment on what her daughter was doing. She was proud of her and what she had accomplished so far, despite her circumstances.

Laura had offered her some help, but she would not take money from her. Dani said that she would find a way to get her funding without using her father's money. When Laura offered to give her money from her savings, Dani still would not accept it. Dani wanted her to keep it just in case she would need it for an emergency.

"If things worked out, I do plan to take up more pro bono cases. I feel like there is no justice if not everyone could afford a lawyer and a time at court." She believed in what she was fighting for and that people should have an equal chance with the law.

"I wished I could have done the same when I was young. That was to fight for what I believed in, but my fate changed when I met my husband. I had to stand by my side and support his cause." Katherine stated, but not without studying Dani's face.

She wanted to know if she would react to what she said. Would she give up everything just like she did and support her son if they finally convinced him to come home and take his place?

"I don't think I would be able to turn my back on all those people who need me. If I am to marry, I will make sure that my husband will support what I am trying to do." She stated with conviction.

She was not about to bow down to what her future husband wanted. If he desired her affection, then he must learn to accept her for what she was.

"You meant to say, Alex, right? He already accepted that you would continue your work after you got married." Katherine corrected her statement. She was a bit confused with the way she talked about her son. But more concerned about her answer.

"Of course, forgive my choice of words. Sometimes I get carried away when I am talking about my profession." She wanted to slap herself for the slip.

She just hoped that Alex's mother did not suspect anything. She hoped that her explanation sufficed Katherine's curiosity. Because of the way Katherine was looking at her, she might be on to her.

"I'm sure Dani is still getting used to the idea that she is about to get married. I remembered I was still having a hard time believing that I was getting married. Even if I was already standing in front of the altar." Laura interrupted their conversation.

"Yeah, that is true." Katherine eventually accepted Laura's explanation. It did take her some time to believe that she was getting married to Fred at that time. "Dani will eventually get used to the idea. In the meantime, let us just enjoy this moment."

"I am," Laura answered her with a wide grin as she closed her eyes while lying on the table with her face, facing down.

"What about you Dani?" Katherine asked as she too relaxed in her position.

"I think I needed this," Dani answered her future mother-in-law to be if she was, in reality, getting married to her son, she thought as she also did the same. Then, the session started for the three of them.

It would seem that these few days already took a toll on her nerves as she felt all the tension released as the masseur continued to press on her muscles.

She felt guilty for what she was doing but knew she had to do it. She was already into this charade too deep. There was no more backing up, or it would ruin her reputation.

"Just tell me what else you needed to make your stay more comfortable," Katherine spoke directly to Dani, who was lying just near her position.

Katherine felt that Dani was the perfect person for Alex. Besides the fact that they were totally in love, she believed that each one would compliment the other. Katherine could see it in their eyes. The only dilemma she had was the fact that she might not stay here.

But if she could do something about that, then maybe, there would be no more problem. Then, she just had to find a reason for her to stay.

"Thanks so much. You did so much." Dani would have hugged Katherine if she was not lying on her belly. Katherine was so much like her mother that she found it hard to lie to her.

She wondered how long she could keep up with her lies as she spent more time with their kind and gracious hosts.

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