The Royal Deal

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

Alexcent immediately abandoned the meeting and rushed to the riding field. He was met with the sight of a still excited horse and Amethyst sitting on the ground. Stable hands and maids milled around nervously. The stable hands could not touch Amethyst, while the maids could not carry her.

“Amethyst,” Alexcent said in response to her questioning look, “what are you doing!”

“Ah Alec, you came?” Amethyst said calmly, “It’s nothing. I merely plopped to the ground after a miscommunication with the horse, seeing as I am still a novice. I’m alright, everyone is just too worried.”

Alexcent didn’t listen to her excuses. He lifted her up to carry her off the field. As he walked, he shouted over his shoulder at the stable hands, “Get rid of that horse!”

“Alec, it’s my fault!” Amethyst protested, “Don’t blame the horse.”

“You’re hurt!” Alexcent said angrily.

Amethyst flinched at Alexcent’s tone. Usually, he always lost arguments to her, but now he was scaring her. His strange, furious tone made her feel suddenly alone in the world and her eyes teared up.

Alexcent’s grip on her tightened, hugging her closer, “I’m sorry I scared you, but a horse throwing its rider cannot be tolerated.”

“I’m all right,” Amethyst said tearfully, “Please don’t say you will get rid of the horse.”

“I will. I’m going to call a doctor to see to you.”

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“Okay,” Amethyst said quietly.

Alexcent carried Amethyst to the bedroom and ordered Pon to bring a doctor. He didn’t enjoy seeing Amethyst hurt in any way.

For a while after this incident, he thought things had quietened down. But that was before Pon came to him again. Alexcent had been in his office looking over some documents.

“Master!” Pon’s voice brought him running to the door.

“What is this time?” Alexcent demanded.

“Madame and her gun…”

Shock overtook Alexcent and he bolted from his office to the shooting range. People were standing around pale faced and waiting for him. The marble statues that had decorated the space were now in pieces.

“Amethyst,” Alexcent said patiently, “What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to learn how to shoot,” she answered innocently.

Alexcent drew a patient breath, “Why?”

“Because I want to hunt.”

“Amethyst, give me that gun,” Alexcent held out his hand, “It’s dangerous.”

Amethyst ignored him, “Alec, why can’t I shoot straight? Is my stature wrong? This is right, isn’t it?” she took up her position again.

Alexcent sighed in defeat and went to her. He grabbed her lower abdomen and pulled her against him, pressing them tightly together.

Amethyst could feel his chest against her shoulder and his warm breath over her head. The feelings stilled her.

Alexcent closed his left hand over Amethyst’s and slowly raised the gun, “You have to tighten your shoulder since there’s a strong recoil. Then aim at the center of the target.”

Amethyst narrowed her eyes as she stared at the target’s center.

“Match your breathing with mine,” Alexcent instructed, “Slowly.”

Amethyst listened to his breathing, pacing hers with his until it seemed they had become one. Time seemed to stop. Her heartbeat was loud in ears, signalling her to shoot. She pulled the trigger and shot the target dead-on with a loud bang.

“Did you see that!” she said excitedly.

“I did indeed,” Alexcent said, his chest pulling tight at the sight of Amethyst’s smiling face.

“Alec, if I practice harder, can I participate in the hunting competition?”

“What?” Alexcent said in surprise, “No,” he refused flatly.

“Why?” she said with a pout, “I heard women could enter, and Her Majesty is hosting the competition.”

“Her Majesty hosts all competitions. I can’t let you participate.”

“Why?” Amethyst pressed.

“It’s dangerous,” Alexcent countered.

“I will practice hard and make sure I don’t hurt anyone. Can’t you trust me?” she seemed a little hurt at his refusal.

“It’s not that,” Alexcent said softly, “I just don’t want to see you hurt.”

Amethyst was stunned to silence. That hadn’t been the response she’d been expecting.


Amethyst’s final responsibility of the day was to greet Alexcent. Recently, he’d been coming home earlier than usual and every night they supped together.

Alexcent found it charming how Amethyst always carefully avoided the vegetables on her plate.

Alexcent picked up his glass of wine, sipped it, then lowered it from his lips, “What will you try and learn tomorrow?”

Amethyst nudged a spoonful of vegetables around her plate without looking up, “I have something in mind… But I know I will not be permitted.”

Alexcent remained silent. He thought it best not to ask any further questions, considering what had already happened regarding Amethyst’s other learning endeavours.

At his continued silence, Amethyst looked up, “Won’t you ask me what I want to learn?”

“No,” Alexcent said flatly.

“Ask me.”


Amethyst’s cheeks coloured, “If you do not ask me, we shall eat separately.”

His shoulders sagged in defeat, “What do you want to learn?” he said unenthusiastically.


Alexcent whipped his head up and stared at Amethyst. He made no attempt to hide his surprise at her words, “Magic?”

“Yes,” she replied defiantly.

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