The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 100 - 100: How He Met Her

Kim Eunji and Iris came back to their dorm after she had three cups of milk flavored ice cream.






The amount of ice cream she consumed shocked Iris a lot.






When they entered the dorm, they were surprised that everyone was in their living room hanging out.






"Oh! Where did that two of you go? We thought you're already inside resting." Guo Xiaolan immediately asked them the moment they entered.






"Sorry guys. EJ wanted to have a cup of her ice cream. So we went and ate one." Iris explained.






"EJ, are you okay?" Yun Mei asked her.






"Yes." Kim Eunji simply answered.






"Girls, if you'll keep on asking her if she's okay...she would surely felt bad." Fu Rong said.






"Yes...yes. Rong'er is right. She showed her scar to everyone. I bet, she knew what she was doing. She's ready to face whatever consequences her actions had caused." Marie came in her defense which made Kim Eunji's brows to raise a bit.






"Well, Marie had a point." Kim Eunji supported her as she added, "I'd rather feel pity for all of you guys if you'll be pitying me. I'm quite satisfied with what I did earlier. I'm not a Kim for nothing." She added.






"Honestly EJ, I really found your reasoning quite weird. I mean no one would dare do what you did. If it was me, I would make sure to make it a secret and hide it until I have enough money and visit a dermatologist." Wen Zhen  added.








"Hmmm. Was that a compliment or are you criticizing me?" Kim Eunji asked her.






"More of a comment. Anyways, do you have any plans to remove that scar?" Wen Zhen asked her in curiosity.






However, Kim Eunji only smiled at them and said, "I have no plans in removing this scar...yet. This is still useful for me in a way." The girls could only helplessly shook their heads in disbelief.






"Good. Make it quick. I don't want them to ridicule you or find faults on you. Honestly if someone would deliberately bully you in broad daylight, I would kick their assess, too." Guo Xiaolan said in her most serious face.






"Thank you Xiaolan." Kim Eunji said.




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Guo Xiolan's personality really reminds her of Kelly.






"Wait, why do we feel like you were acquainted with Young Master Ling before coming here." Fu Rong asked which also made everyone curious.






Kim Eunji sighed before she decided to answer her question.






"Before we meet here...I happened to bump into him when I attended a party a couple of days ago. Things got complicated and I don't want to be involved in their mess. Matters between rich families would never end good." Kim Eunji shortly explained.






She was hoping that they would not probe any further.






"Cousin? So does that mean you came from a rich family as well? Young Master Ling would never attend petty parties." Yun Mei asked and supported her questions with facts.






"Now that I think about it, your IU card was quite unique as well." Wen Zhen also supported Yun Mei's theory.






"How should I say it? My maternal grandmother is from their circle. I just discovered about it later in my life. And her family was kind of associated with the Ling family in a way." She looked at their faces to see their reaction.






"But I was unwelcomed in that family, except for my male cousin. Therefore I decided to live on my own. My photographer job quite helped me save up for my studies. With my Man and cousin's help, everything's doing fine for me. So I should make them proud and not make them worry. And oh, in case you wonder Iris was sent by my cousin to protect me originally. But she's not going to do that since she should be studying just like me." She finished explaining which made all of them dumbfounded.








"Wow! I never thought wealthy families had such drama." Yun Mei felt like she was enlightened in a way.






"Yeah right? You made the right choice to not be with them. I could not dare to imagine what they would do to you given your beauty. Like...they could use to marry you off to some third generation heirs to make connections." Guo Xiaolan said which made Kim Eunji to chuckle.






"Hahahhaha! You're right." However Kim Eunji did not said anymore. And instead turned around and leave towards their room.






When she was inside, she checked her phone and saw that it was a hundred percent full. She immediately turned it on and saw few missed calls from J and Kelly. She frowned when there was no Nathan in the call directory.






However, she sent him a message wishing him a good day.










While Kim Eunji has just started her day, her man was about to start his private talk with Mike Roland.






"Do you want something to drink? Wine? Whiskey?" Mike Roland offered however Nathan politely declined him.






"I'm sorry but I think I have to decline. I felt that I should be sober at the moment since the things you're going to reveal is related to my wife." Nathan said in all seriousness.






Mike Roland chuckled as he heard his response.






"Well Nathan, why don't you tell me how you met our Eunji? Could you please tell me in detail?" Mike wanted to know this so he could decide whether or not he should tell him about it or not.






"I met I met her as Eve during my military days. It was my first time to be assigned in a field mission then I had an accident. The plane that we were boarding had a bomb planted in it. When I woke up, I found myself in an island. I was badly injured. I don't know how many days I was out. I was so weak and starving that I could not even move a muscle." Nathan's eyes turned serious as he recalled what happened to him back then.






"I thought I was going to die there...alone. I suddenly felt emotional as I remembered Mom. I was really helpless at that time. And I prayed to God to sent someone to help me. And then she came...Eve."






A smile was formed in his lips when he recalled the first time he saw her.






"She was this mysterious mask girl that came into my rescue. Unfortunately, I passed out before I could even ask her name. Then, I saw myself waking up inside a cave. And the girl was something for me to eat. And I found out that my injuries were all bandaged. She told me I was out for a week. And I finally found out that her name was Eve."






"Seems like you had a very interesting first encounter with Eunji." Mike Roland interrupted him.






"Yeah. Pretty much. I found out that she was stuck in the island just like me but she had no plans in going back to the mainland if there's a way that she could go back. It took me a month to recover from my injuries. And within that span of time, I fell in love with her. I fell in love even though I had not seen her face." What he mean was that he loved her because of her qualities as a person.






"You don't know how happy I was when she finally revealed her face to me. She said she was wearing a mask because she's afraid I would be scared of her face. Which never happened when I saw it for the very first time. Yes, she had a deep scar on her face and had lost her left eye but that could not even hide the fact that she's extremely beautiful."






"Right. She's such a beauty even if she had that ugly scar on her face." Mike Roland seemed to agree with him.






"Yes. Eventually she admitted that she had feelings for me, too. And she decided to come with me in the capital of we got the chance. Our life spent in that island was really meaningful. And I believed that having that accident and being stuck in the island was a blessing in disguise as I found the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with."






" did the two of you got separated?" Mike Roland was very curious how they parted ways.






"I came back to Tokyo with her. I immediately went back to the camp to report that I'm alive so that my Mom would not worry. I also passed on my resignation letter to my superiors that day. After almost losing my life...I realized that I'm not brave enough to put myself on the line for the country. Call me selfish but there are more important things that I should consider. I could still serve my country by being a law abiding citizen and become a productive member of the community."






Nathan's demeanor changed when he recalled something terrible.






"Then one day, someone sent me a video. The video was about a woman fighting men wearing black ninja suits. I watched she mercilessly killed those people. Then her last victim managed to remove the mask on her face, it was then that I realized who she was. It was Eve.






I immediately went home and confronted her about the video. She did confess on who she was."






"She told you everything?" Mike Roland asked him.






"She did. I learned about her past. About her being the most wanted killer in the world and her plan to quit and leave that life. But...but I was a coward back then. I did not believe her and I left. One day, I was abducted by those men. And I saw her there with my captors. She flashed a sad smile to me then left. I was drugged and lost my consciousness the next second. I was held captive there for days. It was there I received the news that she was dead. She was killed when the militaries and other International organizations sieged their camp. I could not believe it myself. I don't want to accept that she was gone. But what  could I do, I was helpless. I was weak. I hated myself back then. I was full of regrets." Nathan' expression cracked when he recalled how stupid he was for leaving her.






Mike could see the feeling of regret evident in Nathan's eyes. Seeing that, his heart ached for the man in front of him.






"I didn't know how I managed to escape from that place. When I woke up, I was already in the hospital and my Mom was watching over me. But I could not recall anything."






"You lost your memories?" Mike interrupted as he sipped his drink.






"Yes. I totally forgot about her. But deep inside, I felt empty. I felt like something was missing. The worst case, I keep dreaming of a woman's silhoutte which I concidentally called as Eve as well . Then I decided to go to the US and accepted a job offer where I discovered I was destined to inherit it as what my Uncle insisted. There, I met the woman whom I thought I want to spend the rest of my life with. The woman whom I thought would be my Eve. I don't know why I did not tell her about my identity and let her believe that I'm just an ordinary employee back then.






We dated and I ended up to the point where I was about to propose to her and tell her about my identity. However, found out that she cheated on me and married another guy which happened to be my rival exactly on the same day that I was about to propose to her. As broken-hearted as I was, I immediately flew to Paris to meet with an investor. I got drunk and happened to have a one night stand with a pure woman. It was then that I found out that she was Eunji when she told me the other day."






"Which made me confused as to how it was her when I knew we already did it before. Can a woman have two hymen?"






"No." Mike immediately answered him. But before he continued, Mike asked him another question.






"Nathan, if the thing in the past happenes to repeat itself, would you still do the same thing? Would you be a coward and ran away? Are you going to leave her again?"






"No! I would never do that again. You don't know how guilty I was when I remembered what I did. But now that we're finally together after everything that we've been through...I would never leave her again and I would never let her leave me!" Nathan said in pure conviction.






Seeing the conviction in Nathan's eyes, Mike made up his mind to tell him the thing that he was so eager to know.






"About the's imposible for a woman to broke her hymen twice. The blood on the sheet would never be there unless..."






"Unless what?!" Nathan suddenly became impatient and watched how Mike shook his head in disbelief.






"Why don't you take a breath first. I don't want you to pass out when you learned the truth. I believe you're here because you were also thinking the same thing. You're doubting if the Eve that you met in the past was the Eve that you're currently married with."






Nathan could not find words to refute Mike Roland's statement. Seeing that he was silent, Mike Roland decided to not torment the man.






"A woman's hymen would not rupture twice and the blood stain should not be there unless you have had make love to two different people." Mike Roland dropped the most shocking revelation that Nathan didn't want to believe.

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