The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 111 - 111: Kiss And Make-up

Everyone was shocked when they saw how the man, the scariest and most intimidating man they had ever met in their lives had willingly submitted to Kim Eunji.




Of course they have had heard the rumors that a man addressed Kim Eunji as his wife and they were talking about divorce earlier but no one was able to take photos as evidence since his security escorts were there to stop them on time. Therefore, they thought that those were all rumors. As far as they could remember, Kim Eunji didn't tell them that she's married so they believed it as a fake rumor.






Those who managed to successfully took a snap and tried their best to upload a photo on their respective SNS, the photos uploaded were immediately taken down in split seconds and their phone would then be attacked by a virus that deleted the photo from the phone storage itself.






So imagine the shock in their faces when they witnessed such a scene.






"I'm hungry. Feed me?" Kim Eunji said sheepishly. Though she did not say any name, Iris and the rest knew who she was referring to.






Nathan strode towards her and gave her a quick peck on the lips and then reached out on the tray of food on the table.






This action made the girls dumbfounded and excited at the same time. Deep inside they were screaming and jumping in excitement and squealing because of Nathan's sweetness towards Kim Eunji. If one would look at them in the eyes, hearts could be seen in them. Just like in Japanese anime.






"Don't worry, we took the food that the chief in the cafeteria had cooked especially for her. Rest assured, there's no egg, chicken and nuts in there." Alice somehow managed to say after she got over the sweetness.






Nathan did not say anything else and continued in uncovering the food on the tray.






"Thank you for taking good care of her while I'm away. You may all leave now. I can take good care of my wife."






"No! Don't believe on him. If I'm not mistaken, we're still on a talk on whether I should agree to date you or not. That's the last thing I remembered before I got this accident which caused my amnesia." Kim Eunji decided to let him know that she had recovered her memories.






"You remembered?" Nathan asked her in surprise.






"Yes. Every memories that I've lost because of that accident." Kim Eunji admitted which made Nathan to gulp.






"Do you remember anything else?" Nathan had to make sure that she indeed only recover the year worth of memory and nothing else.






"Why Mr. Bai? Is there anything else that I should remember?" Kim Eunji said which made Nathan to fake a chuckle but deep inside, he was scolding himself for being an idiot.






"Nothing wifey. I mean...I thought you had forgotten that I'm your husband. I mean since you had recovered your memories, then you might have forgotten the days we had spent together while you had your amnesia." Nathan tried to explain.






"Well, in my case, I did not forget that I'm married to you. However, now that I'm finally one hundred percent okay, I'm thinking on whether I should remain being married to you or not." As she said that Nathan immediately slumped on his knees and kneeled in front of her.






Will her feelings for him changed just because she had regained her memories? As Nathan thought of that possibility, he suddenly felt scared. He was scared that all of his efforts would be thrown in the drain.






Now, all he could do was to beg her to not think about divorcing the marriage. To give him the chance to prove himself to her. Nathan admitted that before the accident, Kim Eunji was very hard to handle compared to when she lost her memories.






"Wifey...Love, please don't do this to me! I'm begging you."






Nathan reached out for her beautiful face and gently caressed it with his thumb.

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Kim Eunji's heart softened when she saw the panic and pain in Nathan's eyes. Should she stop punishing him now?






Of course, even though she had regained her memories, her feelings for him did not change even a bit. In fact, she could swear that if she'd have another amnesia in the future, she would still fall in love with Nathan over and over again even in the next life.






"Let's talk later, okay? I'm starving. Feed me, okay?" Kim Eunji said.






Nathan was somehow hopeful that Kim Eunji would change her mind about it.






"I'm sorry to interrupt your loving time. I already finished dressing your feet. Just make sure that it won't get contact with water for three days and also, I have to give Ms. K---Mrs. Bai with an anti-tetanus shot." Dr. Amanda Dai interrupted.






"Go ahead." Kim Eunji gave the permission. Kim Eunji did not flinch when the needle pierced through her skin.






When she was done, Dr. Amanda Dai left together with the girls.






As much as they wanted to see this lovely couple together, they needed privacy and space to talk to each other.






"Right. Here." Nathan took the bowl of congee and placed it on his left hand while he held the spoon and made a scoop. Slowly, he fed it to Kim Eunji who willingly opened her mouth.






He also fed her with the stir fried vegetables.






"Eat some, too. I don't know if you have had lunch or what. Don't just feed me, feed yourself as well."






"No, you're my priority. Let me serve you first. I'll eat after, okay?" Nathan stubbornly said and continued feeding her.






However, Kim Eunji was more stubborn and instead of swallowing the food that Nathan fed him, she reached out and kissed Nathan.






Nathan could only gulp down the food that Kim Eunji had mouth fed to him.






Instead of stopping, Nathan deepened the kiss making Kim Eunji to moan and she was out of breath.






Their make out session halted when Dr. Simon Dai cleared his throat.






Kim Eunji looked down as she was embarrassed of what she did. But it was Nathan who didn't let go and kissed her instead.






"Shameless." She mumbled in her breath.






"Ahem! Seems like you two have finally reconciled. Mr. Bai, come to your room after, I'll have to change your dressing and also check if the suture in your wound did not open." He continued which made Kim Eunji to look at Dr. Simon then back to Nathan.






Nathan groaned in disappointment as he didn't want Kim Eunji to know he's injured.






Based on their reaction, Dr. Simon could only guess that Nathan had not told anything to Kim Eunji yet. He looked at Nathan apologetically and took the initiative to leave.






"What does he mean?" Kim Eunji asked him.






"Are you injured? Tell me!" Kim Eunji half-yelled when Nathan did not even answer her.






"Nathan! Show it to me or I'll divorce you now!" Kim Eunji threatened.






Nathan looked at her with a troubled expression. His wife was scary when angry.






"Wifey. I'm fine. Don't mind what he said. That doctor is sprouting nonsense. Believe me, okay?"






However, Kim Eunji did not believe him and instead pushed him on his chest where his wound was.






Nathan groaned in pain with his face turned pale instantly.






"Oh my gosh! Nathan!" Kim Eunji called in panic and in guilt. Especially when she saw a patch of blood in Nathan's white shirt.






"I'm okay. Don't worry. This is just a small wound." Nathan said so that she won't worry.






Kim Eunji did not listen to him and instead stripped off Nathan's shirt.






Kim Eunji's eyes widened when she saw the bandage that wrapped around Nathan's upper body then to his shoulder.






Nathan looked away as he didn't want to see her reaction.






"I'm sorry. I didn't know..." her voice trailed off and later on Nathan heard a sob.






"Oie! Shhh! Don't cry. It's not your fault." Nathan said as he hugged Eunji to comfort her.






"I'm sorry. I didn't know." Kim Eunji repeated as she felt extremely guilty and ashamed of herself.






"It's okay. Look at me...I'm fine right? So there's no need for you to cry now." Nathan continued coaxing her as he gently tapped her back.






Kim Eunji cried because her dream earlier became true. Something bad indeed happened to him and she was not there to protect him. She was blaming herself now for what happened to him.






"I should've been there to protect you. I'm sorry. I was not there when you needed me the most." She said while crying.






"Shhh! It's okay. There's nothing we can do now. It already happened. Don't blame yourself. You're not a god that you could see the future and could stop this. Things happened wifey. Okay?" Nathan continued coaxing her which made Kim Eunji's heart to melt.






When Kim Eunji calmed down, she detached herself from the hug and looked at him.






"Look I'm sorry but as much as possible I want to hide this from you honestly as I don't want you to worry about this. This is the reason why I was not able to contact with you. I was shot by a sniper the moment I walked out of the airplane when I came back and when you called, I was in the operating room. Marco did what he thought was right. As soon as I woke up this morning the first person I wanted to see is you. So here I am, facing you. Asking for your forgiveness...for unintentionally ignoring you...for hurting you. So please stop crying now, yeah? I'm sorry." 'I'm sorry for being weak and careless.' He continued in his thoughts.




This time he was the one crying and it's the time for Kim Eunji to hug and comfort him.




"Don't cry. I'm sorry for snapping, for being stubborn, for acting like an immature child, for being insensitive, for--mmh!" Kim Eunji could not finish what she was saying as Nathan kissed her.




And this time, Kim Eunji kissed him back passionately.




They stopped when they heard Nathan's rumbling stomach.






Kim Eunji leaned her forehead on Nathan's shoulder as she said, "Do you have any idea who did this?" Anger was evident in her voice.






"Someone who was bored of his life. Someone from the Johnson family did this to me, wifey." Nathan confessed.






Unfortunately, what his granduncle was fearing the most had happened. Someone from the Johnson family wanted Nathan's head so he could take over Net International.




"Don't worry wifey. I'm hunting down the person responsible for this. I already have the idea on who did this. I'm going to make him pay a thousand fold for what he did. I won't let the person off. All I'm asking from you is to let me handle the situation." Nathan vowed.






"Good. If you need my help, just let me know." Kim Eunji understood what he mean though. Men had their pride and ego and as his wife, she should protect it. But she would not hesitate to jump in and join the battle if Nathan would be at a disadvantage.






 "I know and I'm grateful for that. But for now...I'm hungry and I'm thinking of the perfect food that could satisfy my hunger." Nathan said in a huskier voice as he continued, "I think I'm craving for some tofu."






Kim Eunji's eyes widened in disbelief and her face turned red when she understood what he meant.






"Behave! You're injured." Kim Eunji scolded him but Nathan giggled because he knew Kim Eunji was shy.






"Aigoo! My wife is really cute." Nathan said as he reached out and pinched her cheeks hard which made Kim Eunji to wince in pain. The next second, Nathan kissed them to soothe the pain away.






"Stop acting naughty will you? Does it still hurt?" Kim Eunji asked him.






"Yeah, but don't worry this will pass. This pain is nothing compared to the pain of losing you. The pain of you leaving me. Please let's not talk about divorce okay? I'm begging you, wifey. The thought of you leaving me would be the death of me."






Nathan didn't care if Ana happened in his life. He did love her so much, yes. But his love for Kim Eunji had surpassed that beyond leaps and bounds. That if he had to choose between Ana and Eve he would choose his wife over the other. Ana's departure broke him but it was Eve or Eunji who healed him. It was her who showed him the magic that love could make a person feel and experience. And he would never dare trade this love over material things.






Kim Eunji sighed as she looked at Nathan's vulnerable state. She took the initiative to give him a quick peck on the lips and said, "En! I could not bare to lose you either. So I agree. Let's consider that as a taboo topic in this marriage from now on."






"Excellent idea wifey!"






The mood in the room somehow felt way better than before.






"Go to Dr. Dai and tell him that I'll dress your wound instead. But first, give me my phone." Kim Eunji instructed which made Nathan to smile like an idiot. He gave her phone and left the room to do what he was told.






Kim Eunji called Iris and asked the latter to bring Nathan's T-shirt which she had in her closet and also her comfortable sleeper. She also called Marco and asked him to bring some of Nathan's clothes from the mansion for him to change. Kim Eunji could feel that Nathan would want to stay with her until he's okay.






Now, she felt like she had a lot of things to explain to especially to the school director.

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