The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 116 - 116: Match Made In Heaven And Hell

"I'm sorry. That should have never happen. I should have not gone-"






"Gone what wifey?" Nathan asked her as he continued coaxing Kim Eunji who was now sitting on his lap with everyone else around sitting on the table as they waited for their breakfast.






"I don't know. Aggressive? Violent?" Kim Eunji mumbled.






"What you did was self-defense. If you didn't stop him on time, I would be injured by now. You saved me wifey. Now...why don't we enjoy our breakfast? You looked thinner now. I'm sorry, I should have paid more attention to your health." Nathan regretted that he neglected Kim Eunji's health over the past few days.






"Ehem! Stop staring at EJ, Director Li. If you want to ask or say something, you better say it before Master Bai would think that you wanted to covet his wife." Alice suddenly spoke which made everyone to turn their attention to Director Li.






Well, everyone was stealing glances to this lovely couple. They could not help not to envy their relationship. Such adorable and loving couple.






But their attention was mostly on Kim Eunji. They still could not believe what they had witnessed earlier. How can a fragile looking woman possessed so much strength and power?






She was so fierce back then but now, she was enjoying being spoiled by Nathan.






Even Mark Wang was silent as he had to accept the sad reality that his crush was already married to someone. And he was not an easy opponent.






"Director Li?" Nathan asked him this time.






"Nothing! I was just...just amazed at how amazing your wife is! No wonder the mighty Satan had finally fallen in love but it's so ironic that you had fallen in love with an angel. Your pair was like a match made in heaven and hell."






Everyone giggled with his remarks.






"Don't be deceived by my face Director. I may looked innocent but I can do the worst to people." Kim Eunji seriously warned him.






"An angel of death is still an angel right? What you did there was hard core! Which made me wonder if you had some background on martial arts in the past." Director Li asked.






"Oh, father taught me some basic self-defense. It's no big deal. Nothing to brag about." Kim Eunji wanted to end the conversation there.






"Really?" Though Director Li knew that there's more than meets the eye, he had no choice but to hold back for now.






"If my wife said it's no big deal, it's no big deal." Nathan had to intervene. He knew Director Li very well. Once he set his interest on something or someone, he would not stop until he got the information he wanted.






"Of course. Of course. I was just thinking if Mrs. Bai wanted to star in a drama. Like do some acting." This was the first time Director Li managed to have a closer look at Kim Eunji. And he could not help not to be amazed by her beauty.






"Not interested." Kim Eunji plainly said.






"I told you Director Li, Eunji would never be interested in acting." Alice whispered on his ear.






"What are your interests then?" Director Li changed the topic. He wanted to start a conversation with Kim Eunji as he found her very familiar. No, he saw a friend's face on her.






"Photography...reading...and some other petty stuff." She shortly answered.






"What about modeling?" Director Li's friend who happened to visit the crew today butted in. He owned a modeling agency and was well-known as the best in the country.






"I'd rather work behind the scenes than on the spotlight." She honestly answered.






"And why's that?" He asked her.





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"Are we going to talk business here or are we going to eat?" Nathan interrupted as he knew that Kim Eunji was uncomfortable with this topic.






"And for goodness sake, stop stealing my wife's attention away from me!" Nathan whined like a kid and hugged her tightly which made everyone to be dumbfounded.






Seconds later, Kim Eunji pinched his ear hard as she reprimanded him, "Stop acting whining! It doesn't suits you!"






"But you love it when I do this."






Everyone giggled because of their antics.






Who would have thought that Nathan, the feared Satan could be this cute as well?






"Alright. Let's eat." Director Li said as the servers brought their food inside the room and placed it in the table.






After their breakfast, Nathan and Kim Eunji went back to their villa inside the campus. She had also finished dressing up Nathan's wound.






As per Nathan's arrangement, Kim Eunji was using a crutches to help her in walking. Nathan didn't mind carrying her though but he was injured himself.






The two had their shower and changed into their casual clothes.






Nathan wore a black tattered jeans matched with his white printed shirt and black wind breaker. She completed his outfit with a pair of white sneakers.






Kim Eunji on the other hand wore her denim tattered jumpsuit matched with her yellow sweater with hood. She wore an Adidas slipper since her foot was still injured.






The couple decided to drop by the infirmary to check on Nathan's condition. Simon checked Nathan's blood pressure and checked on his wound. He also asked him some standard questions.






While Dr. Simon was busy with Nathan, Dr. Amanda was also checking on Kim Eunji.






The couple bid their goodbyes and decided to go to the grocery store to buy the ingredients that Kim Eunji needed in making her shampoo, body wash and her lotion. She's running out of supply already.






Even though they're inside the vicinity of the school and most of the shoppers inside the mall were students, body guards were following behind them. Nathan didn't want to compromise anymore when it comes to their safety.






Nathan was pushing the shopping cart while Kim Eunji was carefully checking on the fruits that she'd be using to make sure that they're of good quality.






After their short errand in the grocery, the couple went back to the school and Kim Eunji borrowed the school's chemistry lab so she could start making them.






Nathan wanted to see the whole process but he had some errands to go to in the company. Since his accident was hidden from the public, Nathan had to show up in the company from time to time to avoid suspicion.






Kim Eunji had already asked J to send a few of their best agents to accompany Nathan's security escort. She also made sure that Nathan's new phone had the tracker installed in it.






Even his cars had some bugs in it. Nathan didn't have to know what she had done to the cars' program just to make sure of his safety.






Kim Eunji walked out of the lab carrying the products she had freshly made. Since she had bought many, she decided to share some to the girls.






"Woah! For us? Wow! I didn't know you can make your own shampoo and body wash EJ!" Guo Xiaolan exclaimed in amazement.






The girls excitedly opened them one by one and the fresh citrus and vanilla scent evaded their nostrils which excites them more.






"EJ, do you have any plans opening your own brand? Like bath and shower essentials. These products are so good. By the smell alone, we could already say that these are of good quality and could even compete with the known brands in the market today."






"Sounds like a good plan. However, if ever I'd establish my own company, would you like to be a part of it?"






"Eh?!" All of them looked at her in surprise.






"Why not? Well, it's you who brought up the idea. So you should take responsibility." Kim Eunji simply explained.






However, instead of getting excited by the news, Guo Xiaolan's expression shifted.






"Well, I'm still a student. I'm not even sure if I would be able to graduate."






"Why? What happened?" Kim Eunji's expression softened as she looked at Guo Xiaolan with full concern.






"Well, my father, he met an accident and his right leg was completely amputated. He would now be having a hard time going back to work. And even though I am a scholar here, I still have younger siblings that depends on us...the adults in the family." Guo Xiaolan weakly said.






"Should you really stop? Should you really sacrifice this chance to be better in the future?" Kim Eunji wanted to test her.






"My mom...she's sick, too. How can she support my four younger siblings and my father without my help?"






"Then...if I'll give you the opportunity, would you grab it? I'll give you the chance to change your fate." Kim Eunji proposed.






"I will!" Guo Xiaolan was full of determination.






"Good! Give me your father's hospitalization details. Also, don't worry about your younger siblings. I will send them in a boarding school where they can concentrate on their studies. Also, for your mother she could stay beside your father and take good care of him and I would answer her medical expenses and maintenance medicine as well. The same goes to all of you!"






Kim Eunji looked at the girl's shocked faces.






"If you have problems, feel free to approach me. Young Warrior Foundation and Paradise Foundation would take care of everything." Kim Eunji sincerely said.






The girls could not stop from being emotional. They didn't expect that a day would come that an angel would descend from heaven and help them with their problems.






"Aigoo! Don't cry. I hate crying. It's okay to cry but at the end of the day, crying would never solve the problem."






They didn't expect much from Kim Eunji from the very beginning but as they saw how sincere she was to them, right then...they vowed to protect and  cherish her.






It's no wonder that someone like Nathan would fall in love with her. She's that type of person who's not hard to love. She's a total sweet and kind-hearted person.






"Thank you, EJ. We would be forever grateful to you for changing our lives for the better." Fu Rong said.






Then Kim Eunji realized something. Maybe she was sent here to help these students to achieve their dreams.






Afternoon came and the students were gathered inside the school's gymnasium for an important announcement.






Standing in front of the stage were the school's faculties and administrators






The School Director stood up on the podium as he was about to deliver a very important announcement.






"Today, was the last day of your vacation. Next Monday marked the start of the Academic Year. Which also means, our foundation day is also fast approaching. In connection to that, I would like every department to prepare for a week long celebration to be held two months from now. And for the entire week, we would be opening the school to outsiders. You could invite your families to come."






Everyone's eyes lit up in excitement. This was the first time that something like this happened in history.






Imperial University had remained to be mysterious in the eyes of the public for years.






"But before that, we would be holding a welcoming party for all freshmen next Friday so I would be expecting for everyone to be in their best outfit as you could all be and also, I'm expecting some of you to prepare special presentations for every one to enjoy."






Then the School Director looked towards Kim Eunji's direction and politely bowed to her which Kim Eunji found it very unnecessary.






Kim Eunji could also feel that someone was looking towards her with deep hatred.






She didn't have to turn her head to know who it was.






Later on, Yun Mei leaned towards her and said in a whisper, "The fake queen was looking like she wants to kill you."






Kim Eunji only chuckled and said, "Well, just let her be. She's only all bark with no bite." Did she really have to take her seriously?






"Wait, where's brother-in-law?" Guo Xiaolan asked.






"So, you're willing to call him brother-in-law now, huh?" Kim Eunji teased her.






"He has some errands to go." Kim Eunji said.






"Now, I would give you the entire afternoon to prepare for next week's event."






After the assembly, the girls went back to their respective dorms. Some even decided to go shopping for their outfits.






As soon as she heard the word party, Kim Eunji was sent in a deep thought. She had no plans to attend the party at all.






But as she thought that Nathan might be attending since he's the new boss of the school.






Now, she felt like having a head ache.






Well, when it comes to this, Alice or Kelly would be the perfect candidate to ask for help.






Kim Eunji decided to visit Alice on the set but before she could even go there, Jin Li Rong and company blocked her path.






Kim Eunji decided to follow them to not caught the attention of the other students. She was brought on the most secluded part of the campus which the students seldom dropped by.






"Speak." Kim Eunji said with impatience evident in her words.






"Is it true? Is it true that you're married to him?" Jin Li Rong asked her.






"To who? I don't know what you're talking about." Kim Eunji asked innocently. Well, she knew what she was talking about but she decided to play with them.






"Stop pretending that you didn't know what I'm talking about!" Jin Li Rong snapped.






"Didn't you get the memo?" Kim Eunji lazily answered her.






"You piece of sl*t! How dare you seduce my future husband!" Jin Li Rong was about to slap her hard but Kim Eunji stopped her arm with her right hand.






"Do you dare?!" Kim Eunji challenged her with a bit of murderous intent evident in her eyes making Jin Li Rong to shudder in fear.






Seeing that Jin Li Rong was still in shocked, Kim Eunji harshly let go of her hand making Jin Li Rong to stumble on the ground. Good thing her friends were ready to catch her or else she would fall on the ground harshly.






"Future you mean Ling Bao? I never seduced him. It's his fault for being delusional." Kim Eunji explained though there's no need for her to explain.






Seeing that Jin Li Rong was done for, Kim Eunji turned around to leave but who would have thought a few unknown group of men showed up and blocked her way.

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