The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 123 - 123: Someone's In A Hurry

Nathan immediately rushed towards the school director's office to confront him. However, when he reached there, he was informed that the latter was holding a meeting with the entire Business Department Faculty in the auditorium.




Nathan didn't waste any time and walked towards the direction of the said auditorium.




As he was approaching the entrance, he saw both Derek and Darren standing by the door.




"Let's talk later." He said in his serious voice which made the two to subconsciously gulp.




Nathan then open the door and his expression darkened even more when he saw and hear for himself the insulting words that old Professor was throwing on his wife.




His clutch on the bouquet tightened as he emitted this frightening aura in him.




He finally descended on the wooden stairs with stable steps which he didn't know how he could manage to do that since he was raging in anger.




Maybe because he saw Kim Eunji's gentle figure standing on top of the platform ten meters away from him. That's all he could manage to explain to himself.




As soon as he started his pace, his inner Satan evilly smiled when he saw how terrified they were with his presence.




'Good. Fear me! How dare you bully my wife!' He thought in his mind. He wanted to punish him for ridiculing Eunji.




But before he could even start doing what he was planning on his head, he saw Kim Eunji's figure coming his way.




"Hubby, is that for me?" Kim Eunji asked pointing on the bouquet of flowers on his hand.




Kim Eunji didn't knew how much Nathan had heard. But based in his expression and aura, she thought he might have heard a lot.




She admit, she was angry too. Mad even... but she didn't want things to blow up in proportion. She bought the latter's excuse that his drunk. He's worried for his daughter's condition.




Which was really unnecessary given that J was not an unreasonable man. He would give punishments based on how heavy the sin you've committed to him. The greater the sin, the heavier the punishment.




"Nathan?" Kim Eunji gently called him out when she realized that Nathan was till looking at Professor Xi with a terrifying gaze.




Then his gaze finally landed on Kim Eunji's pair of stunning heterochromia eyes which was a faulty move as he felt like his soul was being drowned in them.




Kim Eunji really knew how to work on her charms towards him.




With this, his aura had slowly toned down bit by bit and his gaze became gentle.




Taking advantage of how close they were, without warning, he claimed his wife's lips not caring that they're not alone in the auditorium.




Everyone were left dumbfounded because of the sudden turn of events.




Realizing that the couple were kissing passionately, they volunteered to look away to give them little privacy that they needed. Shameless Couple!




Nathan only released Kim Eunji's lips when he felt her panting on his kiss. Kim Eunji looked down to hide her embarrassment.




Nathan's terrifying aura had completely vanished as it was replaced by warmth and gentleness. The Satan who was about to go berserk had turned into an angel the moment he kissed his wife.




Then Nathan spoke, "This is for you wifey. It mean's I'm really sorry about that stupid prank that I did. I'm sorry if I scare you. I won't do it again. I swear!" Nathan was about to kneel down to express his sincerity but Kim Eunji pulled him up midway.




"Stop! You're only embarrassing us if you'll kneel down."




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"But if I won't do it, how would you know that I'm sincere?" Nathan had instantly become a cute husband trying to coax his wife.




"You don't have to do that." She said softly.




"Does that mean you have forgiven me already?"




"Would I allow you to kiss me earlier if you're not yet forgiven?"




Kim Eunji was not really angry to him. She was only punishing him by giving him cold shoulder.




Who told him to give her a scare back then?




But seeing his pitiful state this morning, she knew she would give in before this day ended.




She was not only punishing him in the process, she was also punishing herself as well. She's dying to hug him when she slept last night but she stopped herself to prove her stand to him.




Also, seeing Nathan earlier, she knew she has to do something before Nathan would lose control and lashed out to these people who insulted her.




"Really? That's a relief." Nathan uttered as he leaned his forehead against Kim Eunji's.




Now that everything between them was settled, Nathan then shifted his attention towards these people who were waiting for their verdict. How dare them trying to bully his wife.




Kim Eunji could sense the shift in Nathan's mood so she wanted to coax him by caressing the back of his ear.




"Wifey. Just trust me okay? Let me show them who's the boss." Nathan said like in a whisper.








"Don't worry. Go and join Iris." Nathan then looked at Iris who immediately stood up from her seat and approached the loving couple.




"EJ." Iris softly called.




"Just don't scare them. I still want to discuss important things with them about my studies." Kim Eunji softly reminded him.




"I understand." Nathan reassured her and let Iris to take away Kim Eunji to sit on one of the seats in the auditorium.




Nathan deeply sighed. Compared earlier, he was calmer and composed now. Even his anger when he learned that someone tried to hurt Kim Eunji was thrown out of the window the moment he looked at Kim Eunji's beautiful eyes. With that he couldn't help not to gently smile. However, these people misinterpreted that smile especially that Nathan's face immediately turned serious the moment he looked at them. His protective nature was back.




"Director He, seems like you're not disciplining your staff well. Do you want me to discipline them instead?" Nathan spoke.




"I apologize Master Bai! This won't happen again!"




School Director He immediately rushed towards Nathan to apologize.




However Nathan only waived his hand to stop him from doing what he was planning to do.




"Professor Xi, right?" Nathan asked the person who dared to offend him by insulting his wife.




The man who was in a drunken state earlier had already sobered up. Therefore, he was trying to control his shaking body at the moment and was cursing himself because he was not able to control his blabbering mouth.




"Yes, Master Bai!" He sighed when he managed to make his voice not to crack from fear.




"Why did you stop talking earlier? You were saying interesting things about my wife before I came in. I think I missed most of it, would you mind if I ask you to say them one more time so that I won't misunderstand you?" Sarcasm was evident on Nathan's tone.




"Master... I."






"Come on! Don't be afraid. I'm not that unreasonable boss as what you think. Also, I might even like your compliments about my wife and decided to promote you into SD." He continued his assault.








Professor Xi dropped down on his knees on his attempt to ask for forgiveness. He didn't want to lose this job.




However, Nathan maintained his indifference all through out.




"Why are you kneeling? Did you do something to upset me? If you did, I didn't ask you to kneel."




"I'm sorry Master Bai! This servant was such a fool for sprouting none sense against Missus Bai." Professor Xi said.




"Oie. Why are you apologizing to me? Recognize the person you offended. If she'll forgive you...sigh...even if she did, you'll still have to face me!"




Now Nathan stopped playing around.




Professor Xi hurriedly got up and almost stumbled on his tracks when he tried to approach Kim Eunji.




"Missus Bai! Please forgive me. I'm in the wrong!" Professor Xi suddenly broke down into tears as he begged for forgiveness.




"I'm just so worried with my daughter that I couldn't help not to drink a couple of shots before coming over to this meeting." He added.




Kim Eunji only looked at him with a plain expression.




"Stand up." Kim Eunji finally spoke.




"What's the name of your daughter?" She asked the man who was standing in front of her.




"Lala...Xi Lala Missus Bai!" He answered.




Kim Eunji then got her phone from her pocket and called someone.




Everyone could hear the phone ringing on the other line.




Before the person on the other line could speak, Kim Eunji spoke.








"Hey, Eunji!"




"Release the kid named Xi Lala. No, release all of Jin Li Rong's minions and bring them to their respective family. Let their own parents to discipline them instead. It's their job to teach their daughters what's good from bad, not ours."




"Alright." J paused as he heaved a sigh "In behalf of my sister, I'm sorry about what Jin Li Rong have done to you." J's sincerity could be felt from his words.



Everyone present were shocked as to why the man was apologizing to her. They were even dumbfounded when they heard him mentioned Jin Li Rong's name. Then finally they figured out the identity of the man, Jin Jie.




"It's okay J. It's not your fault that she grew up like that. However, I hope she would change and would stop bothering me when she comes back. Next time, I'll discipline her myself."




"I understand. Rest assured, she'll be well-behaved when she's back." J reassured her.




"Good. I'll hang up now. That's all I wanted to say." Kim Eunji told him.




"Oh. And here I am, thinking that you called because you missed me. Don't worry, if you miss me, I'll pay you a visit one of these days." J said in a teasing tone.




"No need cousin. I'm surrounded by a lot of people that I won't feel lonely for sure." Kim Eunji told J on the other line.



"Cousin?!" Everyone gasped after they received this news.




"Okay. I'll go now. There are a lot of things I still need to do. Take care...and tell your husband to take care of himself and not give you any worries and most importantly not to make you cry or else..." J tried to warn Nathan but Kim Eunji cut him off.




"J, I'll hang up now. Ttyl."




After talking to J and making sure that the kid would be released, she turned her attention to Professor Xi.




"Prof, rest assured, your daughter will go home tomorrow morning. However, she's still under suspension for trying to harm a schoolmate. I hope you know what to do with her." Kim Eunji told him.




"Now that everything's settled, can we continue discussing the main purpose of this meeting? If we would drag it further, I'm afraid we would be starving."




"Sure Missus Bai."




"Mr. School Director He, as a student, do I not have the rights to make such request? It's not too much right?" She asked.




Nathan also joined her on her seat and chose to listen what his wife wanted to say to them.




"Not at all, student Kim. This is part of your privilege when you enrolled in this program. You can adjust your own schedule." SD He explained.




"My purpose is to gain all those credit grades if possible by taking your exam. Rest assured, this man here won't interfere and won't pressure you to let me pass."




They all turned their attention to Nathan as if confirming what she had just said.




"Aside from making sure that she's safe and not bullied, I won't interfere when it comes to her grades nor on her examination results." Nathan said which earned a soft smile from Kim Eunji.




"In connection to that, I would like to ask all of the course syllabus in your respective subjects so that I could start my review."




"When do you plan to take the exam?" They asked her.




"Next month." She then turned her attention to SD He and continued, "Mr. School Director He-"




"Just SD He, student Kim."




"Sir, I would like to have them by tomorrow if possible."




"Missus Bai, may I know why you're doing this?"




"I want to fight fair and square. Also, I might want to finish my last year within this semester." Then Kim Eunji looked at Nathan meaningfully.




"Oh." Was all they could respond.




"Someone was in a hurry."




Kim Eunji's decision was not made out of a whim. Nathan wanted them to conceive their first child as early as possible. And it would be a hassle if she'd be staying in the dorms when she's on the latter stage of pregnancy. The early stage was not different as well.








Nathan was greatly touched by this gesture. He stood up and approached her. He placed her into his warm embrace.




"Since everything's settled, I'll take my wife home everyone. Also, Professor Xi, you're lucky that my wife have calmed me down, or're fired. Now, you'll receive a punishment fit for what you've done. I'll assign SD He for that."

The couple then left the auditorium holding each other's hand leaving everyone dumbfounded.

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