The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 127 - 127: Reverse Scales

Morning came and the couple who had just slept a total of three hours, woke up from their sleep.



Nathan woke up with a slight fever which made Kim Eunji to be alarmed.



"Are you sure you didn't want me to stay?"



"I'm sure. Go or else I would do something with you and you'll be late. This is your second day in school and it would be bad if you'd be absent. It won't look good, wifey." Nathan tried his best to persuade her to go.



"But..." Kim Eunji pouted.



"No, you go. I'll ask Dr. Dai to come over and give me a check. Satisfied?" He asked her.



Kim Eunji heaved a sigh and nodded.



"Alright! If you'd really insist, then, I'll go now." Kim Eunji told him.



"Okay. Take care...make daddy proud and I love you, wifey." Nathan told her.



"I love you, too daddy. Oops! Hubby." Kim Eunji teased him.



They both gave each other goodbye kisses and then Nathan watched his wife's departing back.



He smiled when he saw her limping a bit as she walked towards the elevator.



Good thing they still had an excuse with her foot.



Now that Kim Eunji left, Nathan decided to went back to bed and sleep.



While Nathan decided to go back to sleep, Kim Eunji was starting her day as a student.



Iris joined her when she went out of the faculty building where Nathan's villa was located on its entire topmost floor.



"Are you okay, Mistress?" Iris softly asked her.



"Yeah, I'm fine." Kim Eunji told her and smiled. Of course there's no way she would tell her that the area between her legs was so sore. Good thing she had that cream or else she might need a wheelchair.



They were very wild last night. They lost control. Now, she wondered if Nathan's fever was an after effect of that.



After a few minutes of walking, Kim Eunji and Iris arrived in their classroom. They happened to be classmates in this subject.



Kim Eunji went inside first and sat on her favorite seat which was near the window while Iris was following behind her.



Suddenly, Iris' phone rang and she excused herself so she could answer the call. Kim Eunji didn't hesitate to let her go as she felt like the call was pretty important.



Left alone, she watched as the students slowly entered the room as they slowly filled in the seats in the classroom.



The students were trying their best to avoid her direction to not offend her.



Kim Eunji didn't mind them as she maintained her indifference making the room to be drop dead silent.



It became lively when Iris entered again followed by the rest of the girls.



She was greeted by the girls who were happily chatting when they reached on their seats.



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"EJ, are you okay?" Guo Xiaolan asked.



"Yeah." She answered. However, her mind was somewhere else.



"Come on! Spill the teas." Guo Xiaolan asked her.



Before she could even answer, the professor came and Kim Eunji knew who it was. Professor Xi.



Everybody stood up to greet him.



"Good morning Professor Xi!"



"Good morning. Please be seated." He said in which everyone did.



"Let's begin."



And the classes started just like that.



This subject was Business Mathematics.



Professor Xi was very professional at what he do. And at least, he would avoid eye contact to Kim Eunji.



He was afraid that he would so something that might displease her. However his next action really made Kim Eunji upset.



"What is depreciation? Anyone?" Professor Xi asked.



However, silence answered him. This made him upset at some point as a professor.



Their class was composed of students who were one, smart students but didn't want to answer because the question was too easy or two, students who had no idea of the topic at all or three, they knew the answer but doesn't give a damn.



"For d*mn sake everyone! Are you going to be like this for the entire semester? Are you really not going to answer my question? Or I'll give all of you a failing grade this semester." Professor Xi threatened.



"Excuse me professor, but I think giving us a failing grade just because we didn't answer your question is not pleasing to the ear. Could you specify how do you want us to answer? Is it based on our understanding with the topic? Based on it's definition on the book? or Based your own definition?" Kim Eunji asked him which made the latter to be rendered speechless.



"And besides, this is just the start of the semester. It's really too early for that." She added.



Everyone in class gasped in disbelief, too. No one dared to talk back to Professor Xi because he was quite close to the former management.



Then his face turned red because of anger.



Well, her classmates refused to answer his question because no matter how much they would answer it, he would not accept their answer if it was not the same with what's in his mind.



And Kim Eunji had known about that fact during the past week of living in the dorm.



"Student Kim! Just because you're wife of the--"



"I think bringing your student's personal life while being in the middle of class discussion was quite unprofessional. Right Prof Xi?" Kim Eunji reprimanded him.



"I know it's not right to say this to you but, why don't you reflect on your actions first? You are good at teaching your students props to that. However you were not open minded when it comes to the answers you wanted to hear from them. This was making them hesitant whether they should answer your questions or not."



"Anyways, you can punish me all you want. Put me in detention after school hours. I'll accept that. However, I would like to ask your permission if I could leave early. I'll prefer studying alone in the library than be here receiving your naggings." Kim Eunji said as she stood up and took her bag without even looking back to everyone who had a shocked expression on their faces.




Who would have thought that underneath that goddess looking face, she had a temper, too? Who would dare stop her from leaving?



No one.



Iris stood up and followed Kim Eunji.



"EJ, wait!" She called her.



She knew that Kim Eunji was pissed right now. Did Kim Eunji went overboard?



Probably, but she didn't care. She was just giving her explanation from her own point of view. That was constructive criticism. If only he didn't bring her personal life in the picture, she won't act that way.



Her actions was not good if she was still an assassin because she was showing to her enemies her reverse scale. And for sure, it would be taken advantaged by her enemies and would then be used against her.



"Go back. Don't leave just because I left. It's not a good example." Kim Eunji told her.



"Now that you left, do you think it would be fun to stay there?" Iris reasoned.



"Ohoh! What's going on? Something's bugging you. What is it?" Kim Eunji asked Iris who had became silent after hearing it.



"Well, it's nothing really." Iris insisted on not telling her.



But when Alice happened to pass by on the hallway and saw them, Iris' expression changed making Kim Eunji's eyebrow to raise.



"What did I miss?" She mumbled.



"Hey EL!" Alice greeted Kim Eunji but decided to ignore Iris.



Iris was a bit upset to say the least.



"Hi Alice." Kim Eunji meaningfully smiled.



"No class?" Alice asked because as far as she knew, classes was still on going.



"I went out. I want to do my review. I could still catch up to them even if I skipped today's lecture. It's no big deal." Kim Eunji told her.



"How about you? You should be with the crew right now right? Aren't you filming now?" Kim Eunji asked her back.



"Well, I'm not much needed in there. I'll be needed if they'd require my insights on the scenes. So far, they're doing pretty good." Alice reasoned.



"That's good. Have to go now. Why don't you come and join Alice, Iris? I think the both of you had a lot of things to talk about."



"No need for that EL. We already talked about things and cleared up everything. It was just a misunderstanding." Alice had to put up a strong front when facing Iris. She's still hurt as hell after their talk didn't end well last Friday. And if she continued seeing Iris, she's afraid that the walls she had built would fell down.



Iris was hurt when she heard Alice talking about everything as a misunderstanding. She should be happy right?



But how come she felt sad all of a sudden upon hearing that?



She wanted to confront Alice but she knew she had no rights to do so. She had turned her down last Friday.



Kim Eunji was not dumb to not see those conflicting emotions in their eyes especially on Iris.



Kim Eunji had seen right through Alice's walls.



She knew they had to talk but she won't push them to do so. They're clearly not yet ready.



"Just a peace of advice, if both of you are ready, try to talk things out one last time. Do it when your emotions are both stable. Okay? Both of you are important to me."



"We'll do." Alice said and looked at Iris who was looking down at the moment.



"Okay. I won't disturb your study time. I still have things to do. Bye-bye." Alice then waived her hand as she bid goodbye.



"Fix yourself Iris. You're better than this. Do the thing that you think is right. And make the decision for yourself. It's your happiness that's at stake. Not other people's." Kim Eunji gave her a peace of advice.



"Thank you, EJ." Iris gratefully smiled.



"Good. Now, let's go." Kim Eunji said as she walked towards the direction of the library.



The library had a separate building of it's own and quite far from where they were.



When they entered, Iris was amazed at how big and luxurious the library looked like. It even had several floor, ten to be exact. On top was where the Chairman of the School's Board of Directors was having his second office. His main office was in the floor below his villa.



Kim Eunji on the other hand had seen a lot of libraries as grand as this one. But those were all either private libraries or public libraries, never a school library.



"This is heaven." Kim Eunji uttered.



She heaved a sigh as at least because there was no students around. It was still too early for students to camp inside the library to do revisions.



Kim Eunji and Iris went to the counter and deposited their bags on the bag section. Kim Eunji took from her bag her laptop, phones, wallet and pens and library card in case she would want to borrow some review materials.



She then entered the barn size door that separated her and the books that she loved to read.



She looked for a table and placed her things there.



Iris sat on the opposite side of the table after she took a book from the bookshelf.



She watched Kim Eunji approaching a shelf and picked up a book. Then she would flip through the pages one by one and after five minutes, closed the book and return it back on the shelf. She then repeated the same process.



In one hour, Iris saw Kim Eunji picking twelve books but still had not chosen any book to read.



After Kim Eunji flipped on the last page of the book, she closed it and placed it back on the book shelf.



She then slowly made her way towards Iris who was still midway reading the book that she had chosen earlier.



"Are you done? I'll go now, I still have a class schedule. How about you?" Kim Eunji asked Iris.



"Oh. My next class would start thirty minutes later. So I guess, I'll stay here for a bit." Iris told Kim Eunji.



Iris had a different course than Kim Eunji. However, they're on the same department because they're both business students.



"Okay. I may not be able to join you and the girls later at lunch. Nathan's sick. I have to check on him."



"I understand Mistress. I'll relay the message." Iris said as she helped Kim Eunji with her things.



"Okay. Take care Iris." Kim Eunji then took her bag from the counter and went out of the building.



When she went out, she was surprised to see Ling Bao on the entrance of the library.



Kim Eunji decided to ignore him and she heaved a sigh when the latter didn't do anything stupid.



Kim Eunji thought that something had changed about him but she could not pinpoint as to what it was.



Kim Eunji saw in her peripheral vision Darren was sitting on one of the tree branches keeping an eye at her.



She gave a quick nod and the latter nodded back.



When she reached her next class room, the classes had just started and good thing their young professor hadn't started their discussion yet.



This subject was a minor and was really unrelated to what she had enrolled but she decided to add it up last minute because this was her second passion. Music.

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