The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 129 - Chaptr 129: Showing Her Ability


"Mrs. Bai!" The man greeted cheerfully.






"Dr. Simon." Kim Eunji greeted back.






"He's inside the villa. Busy with his laptop." Dr. Dai told her.






"How's his fever?" She asked worriedly.






"Well, his fever's down now. I already gave him fever meds just in case. Also, he had already eaten lunch. I'll be back to check on him. I gotta go and be reunited with my wife Amanda. I already miss her." Dr. Simon said and bid his goodbye.






Kim Eunji entered on the elevator and she heaved a sigh when the door to their room came into view.






When she entered, she heaved one more time and went directly to him. Hugging him from behind while his face was being glued on the screen of his laptop.






"You should be resting. You know." Kim Eunji said as she closed the laptop right in front of him.






"Wifey, I have to finish that. It's needed today." Nathan whined.






"Oh?" Kim Eunji raised a brow as she straddled on his lap.






"I love it when you're so serious hubby. Come...let's take a nap. I want to cuddle." Kim Eunji had no other choice but to resort to this to make him rest.






"No. It's time for lunch. Let's go downstairs and let me accompany you." Nathan said.






"It's alright. I'm not really hungry. You have to rest." Kim Eunji dismissed.






"No. Let's eat. I didn't eat that much earlier. I only ate for the sake of that nasty medicine." Nathan reasoned.






"Okay. If you insist." Kim Eunji surrendered. Well, it's not for the fact that she loved this man so much, she would still be stubborn and would not agree to him.






But before they went out, Kim Eunji decided to prepare her PE uniform for PE class.






Well, it's one of the minor subjects she selected together with her music lessons. She had to balance her majors and minors too.






Nathan passed down the gym bag to Darren when he saw him standing outside their door.






"Bring it to her locker first. We'll take lunch on the cafeteria."

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Nathan and Kim Eunji got out of the elevator and shocked the staffs on the lobby.






"Eh? Good afternoon Master Bai!" They bowed as they greeted him.






"Good afternoon Missus Bai!" They awkwardly greeted Kim Eunji which made Nathan to halt on his steps.






They didn't know how to address Kim Eunji. She's the wife of their boss but also she's a student here.






"Greet my wife properly!" He scolded them.






"I'm sorry Master Bai! I'm sorry Missus Kim!"






"No, it's okay. I'm sorry if all of you got confused with my identity." Kim Eunji apologized to them instead.






"Wifey, you don't have to apologize to them." Nathan told her as he sounded annoyed by the situation.






"Well, I already did. And besides, put yourself on their shoes. I'm a student and at the same time your wife."






"Simple. You are a student inside the classroom and you are my wife outside." Nathan felt like they were only making things as complicated as it looked like when everything was so simple.






"Everyone, you heard him." Kim Eunji told everyone.






"We understand Missus Bai. We're sorry if we caused you any displeasure." They apologized while bowing 90-degrees. They were really tensed because Nathan was dissatisfied with them.






"Okay everyone. Go back to work." Kim Eunji told them. She could see how their shoulders relaxed a bit.






Nathan and Kim Eunji went to the cafeteria to eat lunch.






Nathan accompanied her when she took her food from the counter.






Nathan decided to eat what was available on the cafeteria menu.






This shocked the students even the chef when they found out Nathan decided to eat ordinary food.






Kim Eunji could only chuckle as she watched their reaction.






Nathan didn't mind as he took his first bite. He also watched Kim Eunji as she ate her food.






Since they were planning to conceive, her dietician decided to change her diet. And the chef was working his best to not conflict everything with her allergy.






Kim Eunji tried her best to eat them all. She was now eating oranges which were peeled by Nathan.






"Are you okay now?" Kim Eunji asked him.






"I am. You're here now with me." Nathan sweetly talked making her to playfully pinch his nose.






"I think I don't have to ask you that question now." Kim Eunji said in relief.






"Hubby, do you know about the Luo?" She curiously asked.






"A little bit. They're very secretive. They seldom join gatherings or parties within the circle." Nathan told her what he knew so far.






"There are four children in that family. I happened to meet the eldest. In fact, he's married to Angelina, your music teacher." He added.






"How about the second, the third and the fourth child?" Kim Eunji curiously asked him. Well, she could investigate that family herself but since her husband was a capable man, she decided to ask him instead. Hoping that he knew any information about them.






"They're out of the country at the moment. And they're not so important to talk about." Nathan simply said but underneath his tone and deep in his eyes, she could tell that Nathan didn't want to talk about them or anything related to them.






"Okay." Kim Eunji decided to not pursue the topic anymore.






"Are you done? You'll be late for your next class." Nathan decided to change the topic.






"Oh yeah! I almost forgot about it." Kim Eunji said as she stood up from her seat at the same time when Nathan did.






"Let's go. I'll walk you there." Nathan told her and Kim Eunji didn't protest.






Nathan then wrapped his arms around Kim Eunji's slender waist and kissed the side of her head.






The students were already gathering around the gym when Nathan and Kim Eunji came in. They were busy doing the stretching to prepare themselves for this class. They're going to play volleyball.






Darren met them halfway and greeted them.






Nathan waited for Kim Eunji while she's changing into her PE Uniform.






Her PE uniform was a ocean blue track pants and pink V-neck shirt top with the logo of the school on the left chest side. She also changed into her white rubber shoes and tied her hair into a ponytail. She also fixed her bangs to the side using her hair clip showing the slightly fading scar on her forehead.






When she was ready, she went out of the changing room and was surprised to see Nathan waiting for her outside.






"I thought you're already back in the villa. Seriously hubby, just because your fever's gone you would do things that would make you tired." Kim Eunji told him.






Well, she had to shoo Nathan away or else they won't have a peaceful PE class if Nathan would stay.






The students would either be intimidated by Nathan's aura or fantasized his godly visual. Either ways, the students would be distracted if he's around putting a lot of pressure on the PE Teacher that was about to get inside since it was almost time.






Kim Eunji looked at him with her pleading eyes making Nathan to chuckle and give in to her request.






"Alright...alright. I'll leave now but I'll fetch after your last class ended." He said and cupped her cheeks with his two huge palm and kissed her. Good thing the hallway to the dressing room was empty or else she would be beat red on embarrassment.






"I love you, wifey." Nathan told him.






"I love you too, hubby. But I have to go or else I'll be late for my class. I don't want to create a bad impression with my classmates and to my teacher." She expressed.




Of course, Nathan had no other choice but to let her go. He could only watch her departing back and he would heave a sigh when he could not see her silhouette anymore.






When Kim Eunji entered the gym, their PE teacher was already inside calling their names. When he saw her, he displayed a teacher's aura towards her.






"Where were you Miss Kim?" He asked. He had already called her name earlier and he had marked her absent for the class.






"I was changing Sir and was not mindful with the time." Kim Eunji tried to explain herself.






"Since this was your first offense, I want you to run around this gym ten times." He ordered.






Kim Eunji didn't hesitate to obey him. She knew she was at fault. She was lost with Nathan's sweetness that she forgot the time. She was only a minute late though. But still, a late is a late. End of discussion.






Kim Eunji then started to run. She started slow but immediately gained her speed when she covered a hundred meters.






Their eyes almost popped out from their socket when they saw how fast Kim Eunji was running.






In just one and a half minutes, she managed to finish ten laps.






However, she was heavily panting afterwards as she was holding her chest.






"Are you okay?" A concerned classmate asked her.






"See? You could not even breathe after you covered the ten laps. What more, playing volleyball?" The teacher commented.

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