The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 138 - 138: The Third Ring


Kim Eunji hooked her arm around J's arms. As they step foot on the entrance, Kim Eunji got a clearer view of the interior.






Though it was a ball themed party, the interior was decorated just like in fancy ball parties. However, she frowned when a special section of the pavilion was decorated with more flowers than the rest.






Also, she was expecting for a jam packed pavilion but to her surprise, the students inside were more or less a hundred or two.






She could also see familiar faces standing amongst the crowd.






The background music started to play and it was a known romantic love song based on the melody itself. What was surprising was that it was Angelina Luo, her music instructor, who was playing the piano on the background.








While the music was playing on the background, the big screen on both sides and at the center lit up and started to play a video.






It was a post produced video which contained series of her candid photos during the whole filming. Some where clips taken from the video.








There were photos taken when she was fixing her hair right after she woke up.






All those photos were taken in her dorm bed since she didn't got the heart to show to everyone their love nest. It's to protect her husband's privacy as well.






Every photo contained a caption with poetic remarks praising her ethereal beauty which shined brightly amongst the crowd.






Things like maybe she had saved the world in her past life that she reincarnated with a beauty that could destroy cities.






Then, there's a photo of her gazing up in the night sky looking for any stars above with her hair freely blown by the wind.






They edited the photo and added a pair of angel wings on her back.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com





The caption then said, 'Look at her! Isn't she an  angel?'






Then it was followed by a short message which quoted, 'Good job on becoming a real life angel, Eunjiyah! I'm so thankful to you for giving me a chance to be a part of this amazing journey of helping other people's lives. Especially to those young children across the world who lacked support. So please, don't join your sisters up there, yet. Hmp! If you do, I would ask your Satan husband to go to the heavens and bring you back to hell and punish you there! So better watch out!'








Kim Eunji chuckled as she read that. She knew it was from Kelly.








Her heart warmed up because she was greatly touched by these little messages. She had no idea how she meant for them until she saw these cute and loving messages.






As they walked near the center, one photo popped up on the screen with a long message beside it accompanied by an audio recording of the man's voice whose owner was so special to her heart.





The photo caught her by surprise as she could not recall that she allowed them to take some photos of it.




The photo was that of her promise ring. And what was surprising was that it was not worn in her fingers.




And the caption or the message displayed beside the photo together with the audio said:






'I could still remember how I gave her this ring that day. We decided to go out that day and after tiring ourselves we happened to see a park and decided to sit there for a moment to take a breather. She saw the kids playing near us. Then out of the blue, she suddenly asked how many children I would like to have one day when I decided to settle down and have my own family. Such personal question which of course caught me off-guard. Who wouldn't, right?'






'However I was surprised when my answer came out naturally. Like it was a no brainer at all. So, I uttered a number...Of course since she started asking this question I got curious about her too, so I also asked her the same question.' The audio paused and a faint chuckle could be heard.








'I thought she would answer the same thing like saying 'one or three' but surprisingly instead of answering my question, she answered me with another question and I quote.'






'Why don't you put a ring on it for you to know?'






Everyone gasped because of how bold that question looked like.






Kim Eunji smiled because of that memory. It was indeed so bold of her to ask him that kind of question out of the blue.






'I admit, she caught me by surprise back then. I knew she was not serious when she asked that. She might have asked that to either provoke me or shut me up.' Then he gave them a preview of how they got together.








'Folks, she and I were like fire and ice back then. And we got together in the most unromantic way. However, I didn't regret asking her to be my lover that way even though I was unsure myself where this relationship would go. I was a little skeptical of my true feelings for her. But I knew I was damn serious about her. Agreeing to exclusively be with each other was a big risk for both of us after all and I didn't want her to get the smaller stick.'








'So, when she asked me to put a ring on her finger, maybe she was also testing of how serious my intentions were to her. Who wouldn't? I was quite infamous because of my rumored reputation towards women.'






Everyone chuckled when they heard that line. If they had not witness the couple's sweet moments together, they would judge Nathan was a Casanova and therefore had no chance of changing. Therefore, it was a great shock to them to find out that Nathan was now married to a woman.








'And so, I let my intentions be known to her. I reached on my pocket and took a velvet box. Opened it and took a ring which I let her wore almost a minute after she had thrown that question. She even asked me if I was serious when I did that. Oh boy! I was serious every step of the way. She gave me lectures about marriage and relationship and that's when I realize, I would regret it one day if I won't have her for the rest of my life.'






'This ring is the very first ring that I gave her. I told her that it was a promise ring which represents my promise that she already has a place in my heart and I'll wait for her.'






'However, the inner me became so selfish that I didn't want to wait another day to pass by and she's not fully mine. So that night, I asked her hand on marriage. I proposed to her.'






'I was so nervous back then. What if she won't say yes? What if she got overwhelmed and would avoid me in the end? I could not bare to lose her after proposing to her. That would be a total nightmare. However I was hopeful that since she accepted my mock proposal, she won't reject my real one. So I gave her this.'






Then the photo of their engagement ring popped up.






'And I'm glad you said YES. You don't know how happy I was back then. The feeling was more than that feeling when you won the lottery or for me as a businessman, to close a very important business deal. It was beyond that. I was in cloud nine back then.'






The video then stopped playing and the microphone echoed on the speakers.






This time, Nathan's live voice could be heard on the speakers.






"Wifey..." Nathan said their endearment gently and lovingly which made everyone to scream in excitement because of this open public display of affection.






Kim Eunji smiled when she heard Nathan calling her.






She didn't have to look around to look for him since he appeared on the stage wearing a white tuxedo and pants holding a microphone on his right hand.






"Surprise?" Nathan chuckled when he looked at her  who was still in a daze after seeing and hearing that.






Nathan slowly made his way towards her. Every step he made towards her, both of their hearts were pounding in anticipation. They could not wait to be in each others arms again.






"Wifey..." Nathan's voice trailed off as he reached out for her hand and brought it to his lips as he kissed her knuckles one by one.






Then he kissed her forehead lovingly.






Nathan decided to continue his speech.






"I already gave you the first and second ring. Will you accept the third ring?"






Then the big screen lit up showing a very beautiful gold wedding ring with embedded diamonds surrounding on the outer ring.






Then another slide played out which read, 'Will you join me in this holly ceremony of marriage?'






Then Kim Eunji felt that Nathan moved and when she looked at him, he was kneeling on the ground.






"Will you marry?" Nathan asked her full of anticipation. Though this was not the first time that he asked her this, the nervousness was still the same. It was even more compared to this time.






"Idiot!" Kim Eunji said which made everyone to gasp.






'Is she going to refuse his proposal?'

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