The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 150 - 150: Positive

"But...I think we should rest first. Especially you. You looked terrible." She continued.

More than the need to quench the thirst for each other, Kim Eunji was more concerned of his health.

She learned from Marco that prior to the event of their surprise wedding, this men had pulled up an all-nighter just to make sure that everything would be perfect and would go as planned for their surprised wedding.

So that dark circles were not only caused by his sleepless night last night.

It had already accumulated since the day that he left her and went to this 'business trip' that turned out to be only his allibi.

She hadn't confronted him for lying to her yet. 

What he did was maybe a white lie but still, he hid this from her.

(A/N: Girl, you're hiding something from him as well, so can you call it even?)

Brushing that thought aside, she felt that what she was doing was being justified.

Call her petty but she didn't like it when people were hiding things from her.

That's why she disliked receiving surprises however she liked giving one.

She hated it when it was out of her control. 

Kim Eunji still had trust issues.

She wanted to forget and change this side of herself ever since she met Nathan but sometimes the things that you're used of having or doing will always keep on coming back.

"Why? Are you okay?" Nathan worriedly asked her.

"I am. But honestly, I hate riding airplanes, it would always suck my energy."

Well the fact that their ride earlier made her suddenly sick was taking a toll on her now that they were up in the air. She always felt sick when traveling on high altitude that's what she realized lately that's why she hated plane rides.

Now, she didn't know how she survived those multiple plane rides she had in the past when taking on missions.

Going back, she could not clearly recall how she would end up into the places where her targets were.

This made her to be confused and eventually made her to frown as she was thrown into sudden deep thoughts.

She recalled that recently she tend to forget about things especially related to her past. No, she couldn't exactly pinpoint when it all started.

And this realization troubled her this time.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As she tried her best to remember, her head suddenly ached. Which was weird as she could not recall having an accident that made her suffer from head injury prior to the one she had with Nathan.

Now she's confused.

She wanted answers but the more she pushed herself to remember, the more her head ached like hell.

Seeing her sweating big beads of sweat with her face turning into like a sheet of white paper, Nathan suddenly panicked.

He immediately pushed the emergency button and asked for his emergency medical team which was also boarding the jet plane with them.

When he was done, he immediately rushed to her side and cradled her on his arms.

"Shh!!! It's okay. Wifey...please say something." Nathan pleaded as he watched Kim Eunji holding her head because of the pain saying nothing.

She was also having a labored breathing.

Nathan was even more terrified when he saw her vomiting. After she vomited on his chest, Kim Eunji went limp on his arms.


That's when the time that the door was kicked open and a team of medic rushed to their side.

Nathan was being pushed outside by his people.

"What happened?" Derek, Darren and Marco who also responded to the emergency call asked Nathan who was standing by the door and looking at his wife who was being checked by the doctor and his team.

They watched as she was given an IV drip and her blood was being extracted from her arm.

"I don't went so fast. We we're only cradling but then she was frowning. The next thing, she went pale and then sweating...and then..."

"Boss! Calm down!" It was Marco who yelled at him.

Marco and the rest didn't like seeing their almighty boss losing his cool at the moment.

Of course they were worried at their lady boss but they were used to seeing Nathan as a cold and ruthless ruler in front of them.

However, when it comes to his beloved woman, his attitude turned a total three hundred and sixty degrees.

And seeing him in a total mess broke them.

But what kind of man would think of his pride and reputation first while his beloved wife was being sick?

And the saddest part was that he felt helpless as there's nothing he could do to help her.

Who would have thought that the most feared Satan by everyone would felt powerless and completely useless when facing his sick wife.

Now he started to blame himself.

"Maybe this trip shouldn't have happened to begin with." Nathan mumbled.

"I should have been more attentive enough for her. She was already sick but then I pushed this trip to her." He added as he looked at his hands which were trembling in while covered with her puke.

"Boss! This is not your fault! Let's wait for the doctors report, okay?" Marco tried his best to convince him to sit in one of the couches outside.

Half an hour after, the doctor came out with a troubled look.

"What happened to my wife?" Nathan immediately asked the moment he saw him.

"Master Boss, Lady Boss seemed to be suffering from severe motion sickness and migraine. What caused her migraine was still unknown. I'm afraid something triggered it. Her heart rate was also not normal when we checked her. I can't give a more conclusive report since we lacked the facilities to conduct more tests on her."

Nathan cursed for not making this jet plane well-equipped with medical facilities.

The doctor also paused as he looked at Nathan's reaction. He knew his next question seemed to be over the line but he had to ask anyways as he needed to gather information.

"Does the Lady Boss suffering from any mental health issues? Not that I'm saying she's ill in that department but I have to know. I'm afraid she had suffered from anxiety and panic attack as well."

"I'll let you talk to Dr. Mike Roland, he's her private doctor."

Then the nurse came back with a white paper on her hand.

When the doctor saw what was written on the paper, he smiled which confused Nathan even more.

"Master Boss! This..."


Kim Eunji woke up hearing a beeping sound echoing on her ear.

"Are you okay? Do you feel any discomfort?"

Nathan immediately bombarded her with questions as soon as he saw her eyes opened.

"Relax. I'm fine." She frowned when she heard her hoarse voice. She licked her lips and found them dry. She also felt thirsty.

"Where am I? What--" But before she could even ask her next question, she felt like her stomach was revolting upside down and she felt like throwing up.

Nathan immediately gave her the bag and she threw up there.

His heart ache as he watched her puking her hearts out.

After she was done, she gave Nathan the bag and he disposed it.

Kim Eunji looked around. When she realized that she was on her most hated place she then looked straight to Nathan.

"Where are we?" Kim Eunji asked.

"We're in the hospital," was his simple reply.

"I know this is a hospital Nathan but for damn sake! Where are we?!" Kim Eunji's sudden outburst stunned Nathan.

Kim Eunji's eyes widened when she realized what just happened.

"Oh my God! I'm sorry...I" then before she could even say a damn thing, she felt a sudden lump on her throat building up which she found it hard to swallow.

Then...this weird thoughts suddenly rushed through her mind making her more emotional.

Seeing his wife in this state, Nathan was even more dumbfounded.

"Wifey," he softly called but it was no use as this act made her feel even guiltier.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to...I just...I'm sorry." Kim Eunji couldn't finish her words as she felt like crying all of a sudden.

'He knew...there's no way he would not find out.' She thought.

Kim Eunji realized that it was so stupid of her to think that she could hide this to him for a longer time.

"Why are you crying? Don't cry. Please." Nathan coaxed her while he gently rubbed her back.

"You knew?" Kim Eunji asked in between her sob.

A faint 'yeah' answered her question which made her cry even more.

Nathan felt like his heart was being ripped apart when he found out that she already knew yet she didn't inform him.

Now, the thought that his wife was against this pregnancy kept on bugging him. 'Does she really hate being pregnant that's why she decided to hide this from me?' He asked himself.

"So you knew but you didn't tell me?" Kim Eunji immediately stopped crying when she felt the pain in that question.

She felt it hard to swallow to be honest because knew she was guilty with this.

"It was still unsure...It was still so early to figure out…to say that we are indeed pregnant." Kim Eunji said her defense which she knew was useless given the situation.

"Are you really that against of the idea of being pregnant early?" Nathan couldn't help not to ask what was running on his mind.

He was clearly frustrated. She could have talked to him about this if she was really against it.

(A/N: Oh boy! You didn't give her the chance to express her opinion and even when she attempted, you were so caught up in the moment that you really didn't want her to disagree with you. You forced her to agree with your wish.)

To be honest...she was indeed against with it at first, but she loved him so much that she's willing to give what he wanted...what he wished to have with her.

"I did. But I love you so much that I'm willing to fasten my plan to give way for this. It just that I didn't expect this to come so soon. That we would have him or her on our first night. That the yacht."

Kim Eunji was certain she had conceived this child that night. There were so many interesting things happening in a human body that even science would find it hard to explain and Kim Eunji felt that this pregnancy was one of that phenomenon.

"I was planning to tell you after a week or when it was certain that this pregnancy was not a false one. But then I guess they checked my blood and it turned out positive again."

And this fact made her sad all of a sudden.

Nathan who couldn't keep being angry at his wife that long immediately softened upon hearing her explanation. Especially when he saw her sad face.

"Of course they have to make sure whether you're pregnant or not before administering you the medication you needed." Nathan tried to explain to her.

"I know! And they ruined my surprise to you! I hate them! Hmph!! And I hate you more! Go away!" Kim Eunji even tried her best to push him out of his bed.

"Unless you get me out of here, I won't talk to you! I hate you!" Kim Eunji turned her body around as she felt irritated seeing his face all of a sudden.

Nathan who suddenly realized the reason of her sudden outburst earlier couldn't help not to face-palm himself.

How could he forgotten that she hated hospitals!

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