The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 154 - 154: You Can Prepare All You Want But The Actual Will Always Be Different

An hour later, the OB-GYNE came to the resort to check on Kim Eunji who was feeling a little discomfort on her belly.

Worse was that she saw red stains in her underwear when she went to pee. This made Kim Eunji and Nathan to panic.

Had she came a minute late, Nathan would bring her to the hospital to have her a check.

When she arrived, they honestly told her about what happened and the couple received a serious nagging from her which the couple didn't complain as they felt they deserved it. Especially Kim Eunji who felt guilty because it was her who put that food on her mouth.

The doctor praised their baby for being such a fighter. She even made some predictions that the baby would be a fighter and would defend and protect them.

Nathan couldn't agree more if it's a son as it's his main duty to protect the women in the family. But if it's a daughter, he would make sure to pamper her and treat her dearly.

And oh! He would teach her to choose the best man for her when she grew up and not settle for anything less.

After the check-up, she prescribed Kim Eunji some vitamins and medication which could make the baby's hold on the womb to be much stronger.

Nathan's friend OB-GYNE also messaged him that she might be late an hour or two because her patient just had her baby.

When Nathan called her, her patient was already on the labor room so she should be on stand-by until the mother delivered the baby.

Good thing the baby was cooperative and came out earlier than expected.

Now, she's on her way boarding the chopper that Nathan had arranged for her.

After the check-up Kim Eunji had fallen asleep. Nathan watched her peacefully sleeping on the bed. He had already wiped her clean and even changed her in her new set of clothes.

Maybe because she was extremely exhausted that she didn't wake up even until it was dusk.

This made Nathan to be torn between waking her up or not. She looked so peaceful like a goddess that he was hesitant to wake her up.

It's still early in the night and dinner would be soon served. She had to eat even a little bit or else her stomach might get upset. She technically hadn't eaten lunch at all.

Nathan decided to wake her when dinner's ready for them.

Manong Popoy and his wife later came to check on the couple in the cottage and let them know that dinner's ready.

But they were surprised to see that the cottage was empty.

They thought that the couple had moved to the big house since it's already dark and since they're on top of the cliff, the wind was blowing a bit strong.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

However, they were surprised to meet Nathan alone when they were about to go out of the cottage.

Dressed on his comfortable maroon shorts and black V-neck shirt and his big eyeglasses on, they paused from their track and greeted him.

"My wife insisted to come with me when she heard that the young Madame was having a hard time handling her pregnancy. She wanted to check on her." Manong Popoy explained why his wife was with her.

Manang Ines stayed on their house down hill taking good care of her two grandchildren during the day while their parents (her son and daughter-in-law) was working on Nathan's resort as butlers and cleaning attendant respectively.

"Thank you Manang Ines." Nathan gently said.

Nathan would always have a soft spot for elder women and men like Manong Popoy. Maybe because he saw his grandma or his mom in their likes and saw or longed for a father figure ever since he was little.

It's sad to say his father was a big full blown bastard who only knew how to have fun and run away from responsibility.

Ever since he took over Bai Corp., he hadn't heard any news from his father.

Going back, Manang Ines only smiled in response.

Unlike Manong Popoy, Manang Ines could understand when someone spoke to her in English but unfortunately she's shy to converse with it. She's not confident.

And Nathan knew about it but didn't mind since he knew how kind and considerate she was.

Also, he knew that Manong Popoy would translate what she would say for him to understand.

Manong Popoy was once a tour guide back then but then forced to retire early when he encountered an accident and unfortunately lost his leg.

Nathan felt sad on his situation when he saw him for the first time knitting the fishing net he would be using when he went to fish together with his eldest son later that night.

Before Nathan left the island, he made sure to leave a gift for him. Which was a prosthetic leg which replaced his amputated leg.

And also he immediately remembered him when he was looking for a trusted person who would be the caretaker of his resort in this island.

So even though they haven't known each other that long, they had good impressions on each other.

"She's asleep inside. I bet dinner's ready so now...I have to wake her up." Nathan told them.

"She's sleeping inside? We thought you moved her into the main house, Master Bai." Manong Popoy asked him.

"Moved her? No, I didn't. She looked so peaceful and was having a sound sleep which made me hesitant if I should wake her or not." Nathan told them which made Manong Popoy and Manang Ines to be confused.

"But the Young Madame's gone." Manong Popoy blurted out.

"What do you mean she's gone?" Nathan's forehead creased. It had been five minutes when he left because he had to use the toilet but she was gone when he came back.

He then went inside the house to see for himself. He pinched the space between his brows when he saw her eye glasses resting on the bedside table.

He was also sure that she wasn't wearing her contacts earlier and they were in her duffle bag which was in the main house.

He picked up the eyeglasses and also took a malong with him.

Seeing that Nathan had no idea where Kim Eunji went, Manong Popoy took the initiative then approached one of the young butlers who were roaming around near the area and ask if he had seen Kim Eunji.

The entire property was actually on top of the hill which had a wide plateau that stretched for a hectare and a half with a cliff facing the sea and a hill on the other side.

(A/N: So when I described that the houses of the residents were below the cliff, what I meant was that on the foot of the hill.)

So it could be that she might get lost around the property. Also it's dangerous since it's already dark.

"Manong Popoy! May nakita ako na diyosang lumabas diyan sa kubo! Sobrang ganda niya grabe! (Manong Popoy! I saw a goddess coming out from that cottage! She's super beautiful!)" The boy spoke in their native language.

"Saan banda pumunta, Boy? (Where did she go, Boy?)" Manong Popoy asked him. He's name's Boy.

Nathan who was impatient and he was about to leave when Manong Popoy said where Kim Eunji headed.

Nathan immediately went to the area where Kim Eunji said to go.

Manong Popoy and his wife sighed when they saw this reaction.

Nathan heaved a huge sigh of relief when he saw her sitting by the bench close to the safety railings by the cliff.

Her back was facing him as she was facing the sea looking up the moon which had just risen up showing her beautiful glow while illuminating everything both living and not under the young yet already dark night sky.

Kim Eunji then heard footsteps coming behind her and she knew who owned them especially when she smelt that very familiar scent which she recalled she liked the most.

As he got closer to her, he cleared his throat to let his presence be known.

Kim Eunji turned around and smiled when she saw his silhouette.

Nathan then decided to sit beside her and wrapped the malong behind her going to the front to give her warmth and comfort. When he was done, he then wrapped his right arm around her slim waist while his left hand caressing her still flat stomach.

"Liking the view?" He asked her while looking at the beautiful scene right in front of them.

Kim Eunji who was still looking at him subconsciously answered, "Yeah."

If stares could melt, Nathan should be melting by now.

 Nathan then looked at her and smiled. He then took her eye glasses from his pocket and helped her to wear it.


"There. Better?" Nathan asked her.

"Better. No, best. You're so handsome hubby." Kim Eunji praised Nathan from the bottom of her heart.

Nathan chuckled as he knew that Kim Eunji was up for something.

"If you think praising me would not make me scold you, then I'm sorry but I still have to scold you. Why are you out here alone and without your eyeglasses? You're still not familiar with the surroundings and you could only see silhouettes. One walk and a stone might cause you to trip and fell." He said in a serious tone.

"Are you really mad at me for coming all the way here without my eye glasses? Or are you mad that everyone was staring at me now since I didn't keep my disguise and now...I bet now, everyone's secretly looking at me?"

"Both!" Nathan admitted as he threw death glares to his subordinates.

"See? Stop eating vinegar, will you? They just couldn't help to admire the goddess in front of them."

'Feeling cocky, are we?' Nathan thought.

"A quick look at you is okay. Admiring you is fine. But resting their eyes on you is not good." Nathan expressed. He didn't care if Kim Eunji would tell him that he's jealous. He didn't care at all.

"Hmph! You're saying that but you can't even ask those female servants to not look at you." Kim Eunji grumbled.

"Of course they had to look at me as they were asking something."

What Nathan meant was the time when one female servant approached him and asked if he needed help in changing her clothes. It was Mona by the way.

She was half-awake and half-asleep that time.

"If we're going to use that logic, then there's nothing wrong if they'd look at me. I am your wife. Their boss' wife. Therefore, legally I am their boss, too. What if they wanted to ask something." She refuted.

"Wifey, since when did you become so stubborn?" Nathan asked her in his mind but he didn't know he spoke it out loud.

"Since day one. Why? Are you having second thoughts about me now?" Kim Eunji felt a lump on her throat.

"Of course no! Why should I get tired of you? Look, I'm sorry for my wrong choice of words. I really didn't mean to make it sound that way." Nathan coaxed her.

Seeing her already crying, he felt helpless.

He knew that pregnant women would have mood swings. In fact, he thought that he was prepared for this on how to handle the situation but then when it was reality, he felt helpless at all. He didn't know what to do.

(A/N: Go Nathan, use your sweet tongue.)

"I'm sorry okay. Look, why don't we comeback here after we had our dinner?"

"I'm not hungry." Kim Eunji told him.

"Wifey, at least eat a little. Our little bun might get upset if you would get sick because you won't eat." Nathan said as he touched her flat belly.

"Little Bun?" Kim Eunji mumbled then a smile flashed in her lips. She knew Nathan would be the best father in the world for their children based on his actions now.

"Little bun, Mommy's not cooperating. What should we do to her?"

Kim Eunji's heart swelled as she saw how Nathan was trying to talk to their baby.

"I know. Little bun, can I ask a favor? Just a little bit. Let Mommy eat a little okay? We don't want her to get sick, do we?"

"Good boy." Nathan then praised him.

Then Nathan looked up and kissed her on the lips.

"That's our appetizer." He remarked after letting her go while she was gasping for air.

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