The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 157 - 157: Challenging Him

The following day, Kim Eunji felt like not waking up as she was super tired.

She felt like her nausea had reached on another label.

She kept on vomiting and it felt like everything around her smelt so bad that her insides would twist upside down.

Her nose had become more sensitive that she could smell someone's perfume even if that person was a couple of meters away from her as long as nothing was blocking in between them.

Even Nathan's smell whom she thought was the most fragrant smell in the world smelt like something she could not explain.

Poor Nathan, he had to stay away from her for the meantime or else she would feel sick in her stomach.

Her dislikes in food had gotten worse as well.

Nathan's OB friend who was named An Qi would go and check her from time to time.

Because she could not stomach any food and her constant vomiting and nausea, An Qi put her in bed rest and even put her in IV.

"How are they?" He asked her pertaining to his wife and child as soon as she came inside his home office.

"Your wife is sleeping. I had to put an IV on her because she had become dehydrated and had lost energy. While the baby, so far it's doing great despite the crazy thing that it had went through yesterday." An Qi told Nathan after she finished checking on her and putting her to sleep.

Kim Eunji woke up with a little spot of blood in her underwear this morning which meant that the vitamins and the medicine she had taken yesterday was doing its job.

"Congratulations Nate, you have gotten yourself a little warrior!" She praised the baby on Kim Eunji's stomach.

"However, we should make sure that both the mother and child would not be exposed to overwhelming scenarios that could cause them to be stressed. Stress is very harmful for both the mother and the baby." She reminded Nathan.

"Seems like your wife was unlucky to be one of those who had the worst morning sickness." She also honestly added.

"How long is she going to hate me? How long is she going to be like this?" Nathan asked impatiently.

"Well, it depends on every pregnancy and on the body of the mother. Some would be like this during the entire first trimester of the pregnancy. Others would return to normal after the second trimester. Worst, other mothers would be like this during the entire pregnancy." An Qi told Nathan.

"What?! So she's going to hate me for the entire nine months?" Nathan asked in disbelief.

"Pray to God that it won't happen or you're going to be the most pitiful husband in the world." An Qi teased Nathan.

Nathan's expression became unreadable after that as he had taken her joke seriously.

"So you have become religious when you were traveling around the world for this past few years." Nathan sarcastically remarked which made her to look down and become silent.

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An Qi could not tell him the reason why she chose to leave his side and work overseas. If she did, she would only look pathetic.

Seeing that she was silent, Nathan sighed inwardly.

"Can we take the fetus out of her body and place it in the tube to grow for the entire nine months?" Upon hearing Nathan's suggestion, An Qi became dumbfounded.

"Are you serious Nate? You're going to do that to your own child?!" She asked in disbelief.

"If this pregnancy would make my wife to hate me, then it's not worth it."

"Seriously? Are you even listening to yourself Nathan?" She then paused as she scoffed, "Better not let your wife hear your thoughts about this or else she would be extremely disappointed in you. This is not some kind of sci-fi movie where the baby of the lead would be extracted from the uterus and then would be transferred into this large cylindrical container filled with fluids. If you think that this pregnancy was giving you a hard time, then you should face it like a proud man that you are!" She challenged him.

This was one of the reasons why she would greatly recommend for couples to start trying for a baby after they were over the honeymoon stage of marriage. And also when they were both stable financially.

Couples during that stage (honeymoon stage) were still all over each other that a baby on the way would be not a good idea.

Some said that a baby on the way during this stage made their bond as a couple stronger because they've now became parents.

However some wives complained that after they got pregnant, the husband's treatment towards them as their wives had turned cold.

Handling a pregnancy was not only stressful for the wife, it was stressful for the husband as well especially when the husband cared so much for both the child and the mother.

The husband's priority would also shift on providing more for his growing family so he would be stuck in work more forgeting that he had a pregnant wife at home.

When he came home from work, he would be so tired that he would go to sleep earlier than what he had used to losing the time to talk to his wife at night.

This would make the pregnant wife who had grown insecure of her body due to the fact that she had grown bigger everyday just to cater the babies growth feel like he was being cold towards her.

Then the issue of a cheating husband and a nagging wife happened and they would find themselves in endless arguments and fights during the later stage of pregnancy even until the baby was born.

The relationship had grown to be toxic as the time went by.

After giving birth, the wife's attention would be on the baby leaving the husband neglected. And the husband would look for that attention he wanted from his wife from someone else. Leaving the wife broken-hearted once she found him cheating on her.

If both couples didn't have a solid foundation in their relationship and is not mentally ready for the changes brought upon the married life and the baby, then they would end up seeing each other in the family court together with their respective lawyers filling for divorce and fighting for the custody of their child.

Of course the situation would always depend on the couple and that was the worst case scenario.

Judging from how Kim Eunji and Nathan interact with each other, that scenario was far from happening between Nathan and Kim Eunji.

Their love for each other was somehow deep and had hopefully grown deep as the days went by.

After giving Nathan an earful of nagging about how to be a proper supportive husband to his pregnant wife, she left him and decided to go back to the couple's room where she left Kim Eunji sleeping.

Dr. An slowly approached Kim Eunji who was sleeping peacefully on their bed as if she hadn't been suffering from great discomfort caused by nausea every time she got up since earlier.

Looking at Kim Eunji's ethereal beautiful face, she could not stop the jealousy inside her heart.

She had secretly loved Nathan for years now and was hoping that one day, he would notice her, too.

However, the man had told her that he had no plans of getting married.

She even volunteered to check on the women he decided to play with back then just to make sure that the woman would not carry Nathan's child.

So she was okay if her love would remain unrequited as long as no woman would own him in the end.

But looking at Kim Eunji now, she totally understood why a man who swore to the heavens and Earth that he would remain single for eternity after that painful break-up with his ex, decided to break his resolve and marry her.

Worst, she's now carrying their first child in her womb.

Something that would only remain as just a wishful thinking for her. The saddest reality for her was that she had lost the ability to be a mom after she had a miscarriage when she was still young.

That was her reason why she decided to walk in this path to help mothers in delivering their babies out to the world.

Though her heart was telling her that it should be her who should be on Nathan's side and not Kim Eunji.

But it's sad that she knew she could not give the happiness that he wanted. He only looked at her as a sister, the highest position that she could place in his heart and life.

So for Nathan's sake and happiness, she would fight against that jealousy in her heart and make sure that both the mother and child would be safe in her care. This was her forte after all.

Maybe because An Qi had been looking at her while she was asleep, Kim Eunji stirred in her sleep and suddenly woke up.

"What's wrong?" An Qi asked when she saw Kim Eunji's brows creased and her eyelids to open.

"Nothing. Have you been here that long?" She asked with her raspy voice.

"Not that long. Why?" An Qi asked her back.

"Did he come and visit me while I am asleep?" Kim Eunji felt the need to ask her as ever since she had pushed him out of bed this morning because he smelt bad for her, Nathan hadn't shown up ever since.

This made her felt guilty and she was wondering if Nathan hated her now because of what she had done.

"Well, he was afraid that you would feel nauseous when he showed up while you were sleeping so he decided not to come. Don't fret. Nathan's just next door listening to you." An Qi told her.


"En. And oh, he told me that if you needed anything like you're craving for some food, you could call him over this walkie-talkie and he would go and look for it." An Qi then gave her the walkie-talkie.

"Do you know how to use that?" An Qi asked her.

"Yeah." She said weakly.

"Well. I also have mine so if you needed anything and I'm away, you could call me as well through that."

"Thank you." Kim Eunji then pressed the button and speak to it as a test.

"Hubby?" She called him.

Nathan who heard her voice over the walkie-talkie immediately stopped what he was doing and immediately picked it up and spoke to her.

"Yes wifey?"

"I miss you." Kim Eunji faintly said.

Well it was already three in the afternoon and he hadn't seen her since then so he knew that his wife missed him the same as how much he missed her.

"I miss you too, wifey. I hope you would not hate my scent that long. I miss hugging you and showering you with kisses."

"Yeah. I hope so, too hubby." She weakly said.

She was hopeful that for the following days, she would not hate his scent.

"While I am not around with you, An Qi will accompany you for the meantime, okay?" Nathan said which made Kim Eunji to look at An Qi with her head down after hearing all the affection that the couple was showing over the walkie-talkie radio.

"Do you want anything to eat? You haven't eaten anything." Nathan worriedly asked her.

"Well, I want to eat my ice cream with chili and tomato sauce. Would that be okay?"

"Alright, if that would make you happy, I'll go and prepare them for you."

After hearing her request, Nathan immediately left for the mainland just to buy the food that Kim Eunji wanted to eat.

Also, An Qi left for the meantime to do something else.

Meanwhile, Marco had received a call from the Net International. From the way Marco's face changed after hearing the person from the other line, Nathan who was picking the ice cream paused and looked at his assistant.

"What's going on?" Nathan asked him.

The call ended and Marco looked at Nathan with a worried face.

Earlier today, they received various complaints from the customers who brought their recently pre-launched anti-virus software.

The complaints rooted from the claims that Net International had stolen the idea from someone else and even threatened that the guy's life was being threatened that's why he decided to stay silent until today. He claimed that he was unfairly sent by the top executive of Net International for stealing his own work.

Though he didn't drop names, it was clear as day as to whom that person was accusing.

Nathan was angered by this and asked Marco to look onto it.

Now the public was boycotting all of their products even the old ones as they were afraid that they were supporting an unethical company.

Even the international media had published an article accusing Net International of using underhand and unethical means to sustain their status as one of the best software and tech company in the world and even had maintained its current top one position for the past years because of this.

Something that was clearly unacceptable to the public.

This was clearly a plot by the enemy against them. It was not them who had stolen the idea, the blue print was stolen from his office one night. And when he found out who was the mole planted by their competitor, he filed a case against the person and sent him to jail.

"Somehow, the Mega Tech Corporation was using that person and the appeal to the public against us. It's so hard to prove our innocence if our enemy pretended to be defending the weak." Marco told him.

"Tell our legal team to find evidence to prove our innocence. Tell the PR Department to release a statement that we will look on the matter seriously and will file legal complaints against those who were spreading false accusations and rumors which aimed to harm the reputation of the company!"

"Right away Master Bai!" Marco then turn around and was about to leave when Nathan stopped him.

"Make sure that any topics on the internet related to this would be shut down instantly. I don't want Eunji to be stressed because of this." He added.

Whoever dared to tarnish his reputation in business should bring their all or else they would find themselves in the deepest part of hell because he would definitely bring them down there.

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