The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 161 - 161: Poor Husband

Then, the screen behind him lit up and a video recording was being played.

It was the CCTV footage of what Nathan was talking about.

"Oh, let me correct myself. He didn't force his way inside as he knew the security pass. Now, can I ask you all a question?...What was he doing inside the company building at two in the morning?"

Then the video switched into the recording inside the server room where he was being captured of smashing a glass shelf and taking out a flash-drive which was kept inside.

The employees present on the venue were also shocked to see the footage as they thought there was no CCTV camera installed inside. The server room itself was very confidential that only a few trusted people had an access to it.

What had unfold in front of them caused a great shock to everyone.

Aside from Nathan, only the police and Mr. Harold knew about this video.

This was never showed in the public as the last recording was sent to the police as part of the evidence to support the case he had filed against the man, Mr. Harold, who happened to be one of his assistant before the latter chose to betray him.

Unfortunately, the copy that the police had was lost because of a fire that broke out a couple of weeks ago.

The reporters and the public who were watching everything via livestream were both dumbfounded when they saw the footage.

And one person was as shocked as them not because he saw this footage for the first time. It was because he thought this didn't exist at all.

Nathan told him that he surrendered the recording to the police and he didn't keep any back-up at all.

Nathan did surrender the file that he had to the police and didn't have any back-up. It was Kim Eunji who sent this recordings to him.

When Nathan threw him a quick glance, the former sighed with great disappointment in his heart when he saw the latter's reaction.

He had been hoping that the person whom he had been looking up to and had treated as a father figure for almost a decade would not betray him since they're a family and was blood-related.

But right at this moment, he had proven that even a family member could do such cruel a cruel act of betraying him.

Why? Because he was no longer obedient to him?

He badly wanted to ask him the reason of this betrayal...of this kind of treatment.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He really thought they were a team. That the man would back him up like what families would usually do.

But it turned out, he was only using him.

Going back to what was happening, if not for the second video, one would say that Nathan asked Mr. Harold to go in the server room. It would be his perfect alibi even if the time stamp was already questionable to begin with.

But from his actions while he was making his way towards the server room, he tried his best to avoid the security guard who was on walking on the hallway at that time so it meant that he was aiming for something bad. And besides, he was wearing a thief outfit.

He could also claim that his access card was stolen from him but the second video clearly erased that alibi as his face was clearly seen when he smashed that glass shelf. Also, the crocodile tattoo on his arm was visible in both videos.

"I never disclosed to anyone how that security system works. So I caught him red-handed and sent him to jail."

There was no such thing as right or wrong passcode as the keypad was not for the passcode but for their identity code. Those number combination together with his iris scan were used for them to be recognized by the system and be allowed of access.

Also, the card was just a prop. It was completely useless.

The iris scan and the number inputted should match so that they could enter. Little did they know, Nathan had set the time when they're only allowed to enter which was during office hours only.

After that time, the system would send warning message on Nathan's phone and he would then see what was going on. Nathan could then overwrite the system and let the person enter with ease if he was there to do his job properly and not do something else.

He did let him enter as he was curious on what he was doing during that time but then he didn't expect for the man to do that.

Then Nathan called the police and the rest was history.

"Now, this man was serving his punishment in jail. Now, may I ask you, are those two videos looked fabricated? He was caught stealing something, is it wrong to send him in jail?"

Only silence answered Nathan.

"He claimed that I had stolen his idea. That this was his and not mine?! Well, pardon for my words but f*ck him! How could it be his when I started making that project when I was still a junior in college? Now! I challenge those people supporting behind him to come out and show to me your own version!" Nathan snapped in anger and challenged them.

Then, a reporter who was obviously paid by the other party spoke up to question Nathan.

"If what you're saying is indeed true, then why did you abducted him out of prison and beat him to death? Now, he was fighting for his life! Are you saying that he beat himself up? Why would he do that?"

This reporter really knew how to ask the right question to put the doubt back in the audiences' mind.

However, in Nathan's mind, he was dumb and an idiot.

Nathan was not alone in thinking that way too.

The other members of the media who had come to attend this media conference also looked at him with disgust.

He should know when to stop or else he would surely be crashed by Nathan.

"If I were you, I would be careful with my words. The next time you'll ask nonsense, you'll be facing my lawyer." Nathan threatened him but the reporter didn't back down as he knew Nathan had no escape of the beating incident that he was involved.

"I am just protecting the interest of the public Mr. Bai." The reporter insisted to be rightful not minding the disgusting look he had been receiving from his fellow reporters.

"Protecting the interest of the public or protecting the fat check being shoved inside your pocket?" Nathan asked indifferently which caused the man to turn red in embarrassment.

"Then, let me ask you, have you asked him himself to confirm if it was I who beat him up like what was seen in the video?" Nathan asked him again.

"How could I? As of the moment, he was in the ICU fighting for his life! And we would never let you get away with your crime. Let's say he was guilty, but why would you come and beat him up?"

"Are you hearing yourself? What reason do I have to beat him? Fine...I think you should go and ask the man himself."

After Nathan said that, the screen played another video again but this time, it was a live video feed. And from the looks of it, the place looked like a hospital room.

The next second, everyone's eyes almost popped out from their respective sockets as they could not believe what was happening.

Mr. Harold had just entered his private room while making out with his private nurse.

The next seen was so embarrassing to watch.

While everyone was caught in shock and great disbelief, Nathan took the opportunity to leave the venue.

The public was in rage and even rushed to the hospital where the man was being confined.

They wanted to beat the man to pulp this time. How dare he deceived them!

Nathan then took his time and went to his executive office upstairs.

He wanted to look at it for the last time. This might be the last time he would be there as his decision of giving up the position was final.

He had also decided to leave the Johnson family.

No wonder his grandfather had decided to turn his back away from this family.

They were a bunch of ungrateful old hags who only knew how to nag and spend the money that didn't come from their own blood and sweat. They were seeing the member of the main family as a cash cow.

Now he understood why Andrew Johnson didn't made his son as his heir because he knew the fate of the next Johnson head.

They had this privilege because they were born into the family.

To speak frankly, the Johnsons were not great at all. After all, they were just a bunch of parasitic leaches who only knew how to suck on their host's efforts which was really unfair.

Who would want a future like that?

He didn't want his children to experience the same thing.

"So you're quitting?" Andrew asked him the moment he entered the room.

"Yes. I am of no use to you anyways. I am of no use for this family anyways." Nathan corrected himself sharply.

"You're abandoning your family. The one who saved you...who dressed and made you into who you are...for that ungrateful sl-"

"Insult me all you want but I will never allow you to insult my wife just like that!" Nathan snapped at him.

"Look how that woman had turned you against me! Don't forget how I made you the way you are now!"

Nathan then sighed heavily.

"I am grateful for your help. For everything that you have taught me to learn. You mold me to become the man that I am now. But let me remind you that whatever I owed to you had long been overpaid by me."

Nathan then paused and continued, "Don't let me expose you granduncle. Because when I do, you'll definitely lose face."

What Nathan meant was his gambling addiction that made him to embezzle the company funds just to support this habit.

Thankfully, Nathan had come and with his efforts, had returned what was lost in their treasury before everyone took notice of it.

"I'll give you back the company to ruin once again. I'll only come once in a while to take dividend shares every quarter. I'd rather spend my time with my family than working with all of you." Nathan stressed.

Nathan left Andrew Johnson alone with an unreadable expression.

While on the hallway, he then took his phone out of his pocket and called his beloved wife.

He knew it was already late and she should be sleeping but he had known her better.

She would never stand back and just let him do the fight alone.

She's after all as stubborn as he was.

In just a single ring, the call connected and Kim Eunji's tired voice echoed on the other line.

"You should be sleeping by now. It's already late there." Nathan gently scolded her.

"I took an hour nap in between. After all, I had to witness how my husband had cleared his name in front of everyone." Kim Eunji said.

"Alright. You win. So? How's my performance?" Nathan asked her.

"Perfect! The plan was well-executed." Kim Eunji praised on the other line.

"I'm thankful that you did this for me. However, don't do something like this in the future. Okay?" Nathan begged her.

"Okay." Kim Eunji answered faintly.

Nathan then continued, "Wifey, I am poor now. Aren't you going to pity me?"

Marco who happened to be standing beside him and heard their conversation clearly almost vomited blood.

'Master Boss, a man like you who still had two companies left in your possession and the shares in Net International, would call yourself as poor then what about us?'

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