The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 174 - 174: Stay Please

J heaved a sigh as he heard that it was Jake who found out Eunji this time.

However, there's no room to be complacent as the danger was still there.

"I admit, my wife's life is in danger because of those people coming after her." Nathan sighed as he thought of how serious the situation was.

"Also, she had just suffered from a relapse. After finding out that my in-laws were dead, she suffered from heart attack."

"Oh my!" Everyone gasped as they heard this news.

The ladies in the room started to be emotional.

The gentlemen could not believe what they have had heard.

"Are you serious?" Kim Jeong Ho asked Nathan.

"Do I look like I'm fooling around?" Nathan sarcastically asked him.

"You should have told us of what happened and not let us be in the shadows. Eun…sister-in-law have been very dear to us. We wanted to know what's going on with her, too." Kim Jeong Ho added.

J who knew of Kim Eunji's situation because Nathan happened to inform him decided to keep quiet.

"How? She's still so young to suffer from that." Madame Mo interfered and asked Nathan.

"She had been diagnosed with this illness since she was young. Her dad and Master Liu helped her with the treatment and because of the procedure done to her, she had lived like a normal person with a normal heart given that she should take good care of her health." Mike Roland explained to them.

"Is there any ways to help her with the treatment? We could hire the best specialist in the world to treat her." Master Mo asked this time.

"As much as I hate to bring this news but there's no cure on her illness. But it could be treated." Mike paused as he looked at Nathan to ask for permission if it's okay to disclose Kim Eunji's pregnancy to everyone.

"However, her situation is...I would say had become complicated. She had been long been diagnosed to suffer from depression for the past years. And her depressed mood would never help her heart at all. We also have to be careful that the medication she's taking for her heart treatment would not affect the life growing inside her." Mike explained.

"What? She's pregnant?"

"Yes. And it's more than one." Nathan decided to disclose to everyone.

Should the situation be different, he would rather announce it later to them.

"Oh my gosh!"

"Congratulations Nathan!"

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Everyone expressed their congratulations to them.

But their happiness were short lived when they realized how indeed complicated the situation was for the couple.

"Actually, Eunji's body is not healthy for this pregnancy at all. I told Nathan for the possible termination of pregnancy. However Nathan opposed with the idea." An Qi voiced out her opinion.

"How can I give up on my babies when they didn't even give up on us? You don't know the dangers they had faced inside their mother's womb because of some people who wanted to harm my wife."

Nathan then looked at J and frankly said, "Your sister drugged my wife on the reception of our wedding ruining our wedding night. The good thing was that my wife had a strong tolerance to those types of drugs. But it didn't stop there. Then short after, an assassin attacked her."

"What?!" J asked in shock.

That shock was later on turned into anger as he clenched his palm into a tight fist.

He wanted to beat his spoiled sister so badly at the moment. He wanted to give her the punishment that would make her to realize how big her mistake was this time.

He knew that Nathan and Eunji would not let her sister off this time.

Nathan saw his reaction yet he decided to ignore it as he then decided to enumerate the times when Eunji almost had a miscarriage.

"She suffered from her severe allergy while we were in the island and we had no other choice but to inject her anti-allergy meds which was so strong and caused her to suffer from bleeding. We really thought we have lost them but no! They showed how strong their will to live and be with us."

"Call me selfish but I would never want to give up both my wife and children as much as possible."

Nathan had already expressed his stand towards this pregnancy.

"But what if the time will come when you have to choose between them and Eunji?" Mike asked Nathan in a serious tone.

Nathan was silent for a moment. He heaved a sigh and looked up at the second floor where her wife was being checked by Master Liu.

"As much as possible, I don't want to experience such nightmare. For now... I'll cross the bridge when I get there." Nathan said which made everyone to sympathize him.

It's hard to give up any of them.

If they were going to be placed in the same situation, they didn't know who they will choose.

Now, they're hoping and praying that that time would never come for the couple as they could never imagine the amount of pain that they'll be suffering with their loss.

"I know...I know it's too much to ask but Eunji and I would need your support and understanding."

"It's not too much son. Your grandma and I would always give you our hundred percent support in every decision that you'll be making. You're in a tough situation but we're here to help you in making the situation lighter." Mei expressed her sentiments.

"Thanks Mom." Nathan said as he hugged his mother.

"Right. Now's the time that Eunji would need all the love that we could give to her. And don't worry son, well do our best to protect her from every possible harm." The senior Mo couple added.

Kelly who had been very emotional since then also joined in the conversation as she said, "I'll stay with her all through out her pregnancy as I'm sure she's experiencing what I've been experiencing."

"I think her situation was much worse since she's carrying more than one." Alice seconded.

"Yeah. Poor Eunji. She's been so good to us. She didn't deserve this at all. What she deserved are years of happiness and sunshine." Guo Xiaolan voiced out.

Everybody in the circle agreed to her sentiment.

"So, Mistress would be stopping her studies momentarily or would she be stopping for good?" Iris asked.

"I believe she had to stop studying temporarily."

It's better for Eunji to pause from studying until she's better.

"Can we go and see her?" Kelly asked Nathan.

"Darling, I believe it's not the perfect time to go and see her. She's not mentally okay. There's a chance that she might not recognize you." Mike answered her instead.

"Just like before?" Kelly asked even though she already had a clue of how serious the situation was.

"Yes..." Mike admitted.

Kelly opened her mouth to say something but she could not utter anything. She was left speechless.

She really felt bad for her best friend. Her sister.

"Now that you already know what's happening to her, when she's good to receive visitors, I hope that you won't show to her any signs of pity. Instead of helping her, you'd only make the situation worse for her." Mike advised them.

They understood what Mike said.

"I'm sorry for being such a bad host...but let's go and eat late dinner." Nathan said as he saw Aunt Lucy giving him the sign that the dinner's ready.

Since their visit were unannounced, it took time for Aunt Lucy to prepare food for them.

All of them were hungry but they didn't have the appetite to eat after finding out of what was going on with Kim Eunji.

"You know what, we better eat. If sister-in-law found out that we're like this because of her, she would never be happy with this. She'd only be upset. For the short time of knowing her, she wanted everyone around her to be comfortable."

"Zhang Wei's right. My wife would never like this. She would really feel bad knowing how affected we were because of her." Nathan seconded.

With this, everyone gathered in the dinning hall and ate their late dinner.

Nathan ate his share and immediately excused himself as he wanted to be around his wife.

Everyone understood him so they didn't stop him from doing so.

Nathan decided to wait outside the door of their bedroom.

Moments later, the door opened revealing Master Liu to with big beads of sweat in his forehead.

"Master, are you okay?" Nathan worriedly asked.

"Yes. I am fine. It's just that I never thought her heart was this severely damaged than it was back then. Also, I had to condition her womb to have a safe pregnancy for nine months." Master Liu answered Nathan.

"How's she? Master...can you help her? Help her in getting back to her old self?" Nathan asked. He was hoping that Master Liu could help Eunji to be better.

"Nathan...boy...the trauma caused by everything that had happened to her six years ago was too much for her to handle. Let's be patient with her. Let's show to her how much we care for her. That way, she'll feel that we need her to be with us. That we need her to come back as soon as possible." Master Liu advised Nathan.

Nathan was silent as he listened to Master Liu's advice.

He knew he was right.

"Don't worry Master, I'll do everything that I could to help her." Nathan vowed.

"Good. Then I'm counting you on that lover boy." Master Liu said as he tapped Nathan's shoulder.

"Oh by the way...Eunji hated doctors so made sure to not let those people wearing their white coat when they checked on her. Also, I'll be giving her tonics and supplements to drink. Don't worry, it won't interfere with her treatment nor it would affect her pregnancy. It would strengthen her body and eliminate the effects brought upon by those chemical drugs in her body." Master Liu added.

"Thanks a lot Master Liu. I haven't even formally expressed my thanks for helping my grandmother. Thank you for helping my grandma and now, my wife." Nathan sincerely expressed.

"You're welcome Nathan. I'll be back tomorrow to check on her again. I have to go and prepare the ingredients for her medicine."

"Alright. I won't hold you any longer. Let me know if you'll need anything else."

"Hahahahhaha! Keeping Eve healthy and happy is enough for me."

Master Liu didn't stay longer and he bid his goodbye.

Nathan on the other hand decided to get inside.

Nathan slowly walked towards her who was peacefully sleeping on the center of the king size bed.

Nathan kissed her forehead good night and which made her to stir in her sleep.

She then opened her eyes and looked at him.

They looked at each other in the eye for quite some time until Eunji decided to look away.

"Go back to sleep wifey. I'll sleep on the couch."

Nathan was about to leave and go on the couch bit to his surprise, Eunji reached out and grabbed his wrist.

This made Nathan to be emotional and he looked away as he tried to hide the tears that were starting to pour out of his eyes.

Kim Eunji then gently tugged his hand which made Nathan to look at her.

"..." Kim Eunji didn't say anything but her actions was enough to mean everything.

"Do you want anything wifey? I'll give it to you."

"Are you nauseous? Do you want to vomit?"

Nathan bombarded her with questions but all she answered was nothing.

"St-ay...ple-ase." She said in her smallest voice which made Nathan to almost miss it should his attention was not fully focused on her.

"Sure!" Nathan said in delight as he kissed her lips and walked around the bed and lay beside her.

This was a good start for them both.

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