The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 194 - 193: One More Confession

At nine in the evening, Nathan and Eunji had excused themselves because it was time for her to go to bed.

Nathan had asked them to stay for the night and occupied the vacant rooms in the house.

Nathan was sure that what they discovered today had probably affected this people deeply. Why?

They cared and loved Eunji just like he did.

After the couple left, everyone was lost in their thoughts.

"Uncledad, she made it! She finally made it!" Kelly spoke to Mike breaking the silence in the room. She's proud of her friend. She did an excellent job.

Mike hummed in agreement as he said, "Indeed. She's getting there and it all thanks to you guys. You made her feel safe and loved."

Grandma Sana who had been quiet all this time finally spoke.

"Poor Eunji. That kid had suffered a lot." She sighed after she said that.

She then looked at Master Liu and asked, "You have known about this do you? What more do you know about her? Tell us. We wanted to know. We wanted to protect her."

Master Liu was caught off guard.

"Oie! I'm not the only one who had watched her grow over the years. This man too." Master Liu said defensively.

But seeing that all eyes were on him, Master Liu had no other choice but to narrate everything that he knew of Eunji. The moment she was born until the last time he had seen her.

Mike helped him too as he filled them some information.

Mei, grandma Sana and the two Madams could not help but cry their hearts out as they learned everything from her childhood to the part where they had to tamper her memories and made her believe in false memories.

They were even enraged by the fact of such inhumane act.

They were treating Eunji and her sister like robots by doing such.

Yes! The sisters had agreed to it but still, they're humans not tools nor weapons.

Michael also disclosed that she had been fighting from depression and had suffered from those nightmares.

But Michael asked them to not show to Eunji that they pity her. She had her pride too.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Thankfully they agreed to their request.

He believed that in no time, she would be okay and ready to face her enemies.

This time, she won't be fighting alone.

While the adults were having a heated argument the couple had long arrived in their room.

Nathan was blow-drying Eunji's hair after they had taken a shower earlier.

"Hubby. There's one more thing that I have to tell you."

Nathan paused from what he was doing when he heard her tensed voice.

He knew was something was off with her the moment they left the conference hall earlier.

Which was uncalled for since everything went well. The outcome of their talk was far beyond their expectation.

"What is it?" Nathan said as he decided to continue though he could feel that she was nervous.


As he heard that name, Nathan stopped and looked down at Eunji's reflection in the mirror.

He tried to hide the fact that he was a bit affected by it but he miserably failed in Eunji's attentive eyes.

"Judging from your reaction just now, I know you knew her right? You remember her."

Nathan hummed as he answered her while he made an attempt to continue.

"And you two had lived together. You were a couple before...before she died." Eunji repeated the last part.

Nathan was not surprised by this at all. She must have had her ways in finding this out.

"I met my sister a month before the incident happened. I was so shocked because I really thought she was dead. And seeing her alive and healthy made me happy. That my sacrifices were not in vain." Eunji revealed it herself.

"We got the chance to talk and there... there she told me happy she was because she had found the man she would love for the rest of her life. And it was you, Nathan." Eunji looked at Nathan as she tried to find the man's reaction but he was not looking at her but somewhere else.

It was clear that he was trying to avoid eye contact with her. His action made her heart ache a bit.

Sighing Eunji decided to continue, "She showed me your photograph. It was an old one. You were wearing your eye glasses and your hairstyle was like that of a nerd student look. But of course, the handsome version."

She emphasized the last part as she tried to brighten the mood which had suddenly became tensed.

Eunji sighed as she got up from the chair and walked on the bed as she took the silk robe that was a match of her pajama and wore it.

"She told me about her plans of going back to talk with our parents and ask for her freedom. To be completely free from the burden our destiny had placed on our shoulders." She fidgeted as she continued the story.

"I told her not to do it. That since I had taken over her place, she'll be free to do whatever she wanted to. That she could pursue her happiness with ease. Sure, she felt guilty but I reassured her not to because it was my decision to do it. That I am fine with it even if I wasn't."

"So you see, me going to my parents and asking for my freedom was not only for myself but for my sister, too." Eunji's expression turned sad.

"I drank the drug in peace with the thought that we're both freed from our destiny. I thought she would be spending the rest of her life with you. Both of you would get married and be a great parents with my nephew or niece. But I was wrong." This time, Eunji felt a lump in her throat and it built up which made her hesitate to speak as she was unsure if her voice would not crack when she did.

Nathan's forehead creased but decided to not interrupt whatever she was about to tell him.

"When I came back to life...I saw her...slaughtering everyone. I tried to confront and stop her but she could not even recognize me." Eunji could feel a lump on her throat and her voice cracked together with a lone tear that dropped from her eyes.

She looked up as she didn't want to cry. Crying won't bring back everything that she had lost that night.

But her pregnancy hormones were not helping her at all. Eunji could see him walking towards her probably to comfort her but she raised her hand to stop him from getting closer.

"She was drugged to madness. Confrontations happened and I found myself fighting with her. Fighting to save her and myself too."

"I could not let myself to be killed by her. I am the only person who could stop her at the moment. The only person who could save her. But I was already too late." Stream of tears flooded from her eyes this time.

The drug that Jake's group had injected to her had slowly destroyed her body and when Eunji realized what was happening, Ana had suddenly fallen on the ground and coughing so much blood.

She had also regained her consciousness (regained control of her body) and Eunji could still remember the horror and remorse that was plastered in Ana's face especially when she saw the dead bodies of their parents and everyone she had killed and also the deep wounds that Eunji had suffered because of her.

Seeing that her twin had collapsed, Eunji had immediately rushed to her side and cradled her.

Eunji was pleading her to not leave her. That she should hold on and wait for the help to come. She was the only relative she had left and if she would die too, she'll be left alone.

She should be the one who should die but the tables had been turned and she's the last person left in their family of four should Ana left her, too.

"While I cradled her as she was fighting for her life, she told me how the two of you met up to the point of how she was supposed to surprise you that day with good news." A smile crept on Eunji's lips as she recalled the last moment she shared with her sister. They usually do this since they were kids. The latter would always tell the other about her day and the other way around.

"Unfortunately, you didn't know of that surprise. It didn't happen because she was taken away by Jake's group and was bought to their base."

Ana told the horrible things that those bastards had done to her. The fact that they had abducted Nathan and threatened her that he'll die should she not obey them. They were successful at that and made Ana to agree.

"But those bastard didn't stop at that. They drugged her so they could control her. So they could brainwash her. They had successfully turned her against us."

"That drug. That drug was super strong that the baby in her belly could not stand the effects and sadly died."

Upon the mention of baby, Nathan's mind went blank.

He could not believe what he had discovered tonight!

"Ba-by? Ba-by?" He repeated like he was a broken record disc.

"Yes. sister, was pregnant all that time. And those bastards killed her baby...your baby together." Eunji looked at Nathan and what she witnessed made her to be heart broken.

Nathan was clearly in a daze. He was still in shock.

Now she was thinking that maybe...maybe he still had feelings for her sister, Ana.

"I'm sorry. I failed. I failed to protect my sister and the baby."

This time, Eunji sobbed her heart out.

Had she known, she should have followed her sister to make sure she was safe before she went to their base.

She failed her sister and her baby.

She failed her parents. She failed her family.

The events that happened that night were going to haunt her on her life forever.

She wanted to bring justice to their deaths.

When the time was right, she would hunt the people who hurt her family and take them down, one by one.

Eunji could hear the door of their room opened and was then shut closed.

She stood up and was about to follow him out but midway, Eunji decided not to stop him as she knew he needed time.

She already had the idea that Nathan had known of her sister's death.

But about the baby, he was surely unaware of it.

He deserved to know about it.

Eunji's knees softened and she dropped on the floor.

She leaned her upper body on the side of the bed and cried.

The pain that she felt that night had returned to her one more time.

She dropped her head over her knees and hugged her legs together while placing a hand on her belly as she caressed them.

"Don't worry babies. Daddy only need some space to mourn your brother or sister, okay. Stay with Mommy, okay? We love you and we would do everything to protect you." Eunji talked to her babies as she felt a slight discomfort in her stomach.

She didn't know when she had fallen asleep in that position. She was hoping that when she woke up, Nathan was back.

Nathan who had come back after venting all or his anger on the punching bag inside his private gym opened the door of their room and saw Eunji sleeping in that position.

He had no intentions of leaving her. He only left because he didn't want her to witness his anger. He didn't want to breakdown in front of her.

However he regretted for taking that long to come back. Looking at his wife, his heart were being pierced with thousands of needles.

There were still traces of tears on her face as he came closer to her.

He lifted her up and placed her side of the bed and tucked her to sleep.

He kissed her forehead and finally her lips goodnight and left for the bathroom to take a shower.

When he was done, he changed into his pajama and slid inside the duvet to hug his sleeping wife.

"Good night wifey. Good night babies."

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