The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 200 - 199: Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover

Magnus and the rest arrived after lunch time so they could set up on their camera for better angles.

The fashion show will be held on a makeshift stage on the school's stadium so a that many could watch the event.

Everyone was busy preparing on the stage designs and the lightings when the group arrived.

There were not many people present at the venue because there were many activities being held for everyone to have fun. One of these activities was being held at the school's Performing Arts Hall where the students coming from nobble descent and other interested students with their family members had gather around to watch the musical/theatrical performance specially prepared for this week long celebration.

The models were also having their last-minute practice for their walk on the eight meter ramp.

Rows of tables and seats were prepared for the VIPs and the panel of judges for the event.

Meanwhile, at the Performing Arts Hall, the students were shocked to see Nathan and Eunji's group entering the venue wearing their casual clothes.

Nathan had changed into jeans and a knitted cardigan over his long-sleeved shirt. On the other hand, Eunji was wearing a jeans and a white shirt underneath her black leather jacket. A grey-colored scarf was neatly wrapped around her neck.

The EMCEE welcomed them with glee and let the usherettes to guide the group on their VIP seats.

Hua Zhang Wei, Kim Jeong Ho, Mo Jing-sheng and Jin Jie were trained since childhood to attend this genre of entertainment as this was very common for people from noble descent to immerse themselves in classy and elegant performances fit for their social status.

However this didn't mean that they didn't appreciate and enjoy other types of entertainment as well.

Kelly and Eunji also attended the event since they had no choice.

Their respective husbands didn't want to even let them to be out of their sight even for a second.

They were like two overbearing CEOs who were so overprotective of their wives.

Eunji didn't mind coming though as she never find music boring.

And besides, her former classmates will be performing for them, too.

And she was supposed to play should she was not forced to stop attending the University after she found out that she's pregnant with her previous health complications.

Nathan knew that his wife would surely want to watch this that's why he decided to watch the show.

Angelina Lou came forward and started to make an introduction for her students' performance.

Everyone clapped as they anticipated for it.

Angelina played the piano of course while her students were playing the brass wind and string instruments.

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They were performing the phantom of the opera. Of course with the help of the actors from the school's drama and opera club.

Everyone was so immersed on the performance as they were so captivated at how the actors conveyed their emotions and their entire performance.

They were also amazed at how these students were able to pull off such big production. The costume and outfit design and the stages itself were world class.

When the performance finally ended, all of the audiences gave them a standing ovation accompanied by their thunderous applause.

Before the next performance started, the EMCEE came down to Nathan and Eunji's group to interview them.

Everyone was so delighted as they realized what the EMCEE was doing.

Of course they wanted to know if these guests liked the performance they had just watched.

"Master Bai, may I ask if you liked our students performance?"

Nathan then looked at Eunji and then back at him.

The EMCEE understood what Nathan was doing and so he asked Eunji instead. However, he was in a dilemma on how to address Kim Eunji in public.

Well, the news that Eunji had somehow gave way her identity to the outsiders on the first day of the event were gone.

It was as if her coming back at school as Mrs. Bai which had caused a frenzy at the entrance were like none-existent.

Those who didn't witness that scenario would say that it didn't happen at all.

Though a lot of them had seen Eunji and Nathan being intimate in public, those who knew the truth could not share it to their families or friends because of the NDA they had signed.

These couple were really leaving the outsiders to have a wild guess of their real relationship.

The closest guess they could have was that Eunji was Nathan's new found woman.

And they didn't take this seriously because they were well-aware of Nathan's reputation.

Wasn't he someone who changed woman as if he was changing clothes?

However, they had seen Eunji a countless of times with Nathan.

Who would dare to forget her goddess beauty?

Because of this, the outsiders thought that Eunji must be really desperate for fame and status just like everyone else. They were looking at her with disdain.

She was indeed beautiful and it was such a waste that she used it to gain her status and not by other means. Using their face and body to gain favors from rich men was a big NO for them.

Though their family members who knew the truth kept on warning them that she should not be provoked and also kept on explaining that things were not really like they thought, they could not stop but paint Eunji as a low class woman with an unknown background aside from being a former student of Imperial University.

But seeing that Nathan's overprotectiveness and the young masters of the big families of the country were close to her, they dared not to voice it out because they didn't want to offend them.

But of course, there were others who knew her status as the Jin's real heiress. Unfortunately they dared not to interfere as she was none of their business.

They thought that Eunji didn't hold a much more important background aside from being a Jin. And wasn't the Jin family business had been declining? And it was said that the mastermind was Nathan himself?

Then time will come that the Jin family would soon lose their luster.

Nathan could hear the murmurs around them and his expression turned cold as he looked around the crowd.

Frightened by his cold and overbearing aura, the noise finally stopped.

However, Nathan was displeased in his heart. While everyone was waiting for Eunji to answer the EMCEE, Nathan called Marco as he whispered, "Marco, find out what these people were talking about my wife and report it to me immediately. I can't tolerate this behavior at all."

Eunji heard him and so she gently squeezed his hand as if telling him that it was okay.

That she was not affected by it.

But Nathan being Nathan, wouldn't want his wife to suffer such mistreatment from other people. He had been working hard to make sure that she would feel that she's worth it of everything and he would not let those opinions to spoil the mood.

He knew her better.

Though she said that she's not affected, deep down, she was. She was only so excellent at masking her feelings that only those who were closer to her could see that she's hurt deep down.

Nathan smiled meaningfully at her as he leaned and whispered, "Wifey. They're waiting for you."

"Oh." Eunji then looked at the EMCEE who was also looking at her awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, what is it again?" Eunji asked because she didn't hear his question because she was distracted by everyone's comments about her.

"Do you like the performance Miss Kim?" The EMCEE finally asked her hoping that the way he addressed Eunji would not anger Nathan.

"Oh! Well, they're really good. Instructor Angelina had done an exceptional job on leading my former music classmates all through out the performance. The only regret that I have now was I missed in being a part of this show." Eunji honestly said.

Angelina heard her and grabbed the spare microphone as she said, "Then, why don't you come here and play with me?" She invited.

She was well aware of Eunji's talent in playing the piano.

"But I didn't got the chance to practice with you guys." Eunji told Angelina.

Of course, she could not afford to come there and play with them without practice. She didn't want to ruin their performance.

"Then, why don't you perform something for us. I'm sure everyone would want to hear your music." Angelina understood what was running on Eunji's mind therefore she decided to ask her that way.

Eunji looked at Nathan who gently nodded and showed an encouraging smile.

"Go ahead. Show them your talent, Wifey." Nathan being the doting husband encouraged her. He knew his wife loved playing. And he's more than willing to let her share this talent to everyone.

"Okay." Eunji faintly said as she stood up and was about to go to stage.

But before she could even make her first step, Nathan stood up and grabbed her by the waist and gave her a peck on the lips making the students who had become a fan of the couple to squeal in excitement.

They didn't know that what they had done caused those who already had biased opinion against Eunji to hate her more.

"Kids this days." Their parents disapproved of what the couple was doing and even reprimanded their sons and daughters to not do the same.

"Mom, couples do that these days. I don't see anything wrong with that. It their way of showing love and affection. And in fact, aren't they perfect?" The female student defended.

"Hmpp! I am now having a second thought of whether I'll let you finish your degree here or not. Xie'er, you are really pretty but I would never want you to use your beauty to get rich men's favor. You have to work hard if you want to be successful. But don't worry, as long as me and your dad is here, we won't let you suffer. Okay?"

The mother said as she looked at Kim Eunji and Nathan.

"Stop over reacting Mama. I told you didn't I? It's not really what you think. You better change your opinion about her if you didn't want to be slapped on the face. Remember that b*tch Jin Li Rong?"

This time, Nathan accompanied her in walking as he was intending to accompany her until she reached the grand piano.

"Mind you language but go ahead. What about her?" The mother reprimanded her daughter but could not hide her curiosity about the topic.

"Mama, aren't you curious why she's not around the campus anymore?"

As her daughter said that, she too was curious.

"Well, she was forced to transfer overseas. Serves her right. She provoked student Kim back then. I guess meeting the true Lady Jin and being punished by her was her karma. And oh, he and Master Ling Bao was already married so he followed her there."

The news that the Ling and the Jin had finally been tied by marriage did cause a big news. Especially when the announcement was made after the stocks of the Jins suffered the lowest price in the stock market.

But even the news could not help them to make a comeback at that time.

Now, the Jin was merely hanging on a thin string.

"Then, she's even a greater bully. Good thing she's no longer a student here or I'll talk to the Parents Association to talk to the board and kick her out of the school." Her mother's opinion didn't even changed. It even worsen.

"Mom, she deserved it but student Kim didn't deserved your bias opinion towards her. Jin Li Rong threatened to hurt her. She hired outsider gang members to attack her while she was inside the school. Now, tell me, does Jin Li Rong being bullied by student Kim? Isn't it the other way around?" The student looked at her mother in disbelief.

"I myself had suffered in the hands of that bitch. Just because I am pretty, she targeted me. But we could not do anything because she had deep connections with the former Chairman of the School Board."

Sighing, she then continued, "Mama, student Kim was the kindest, coolest and most outstanding person I had ever met in my life. I did hold the same judgement just like you had now towards her. But as the time went on and I got the chance to know her even in a distance, she had proven me wrong every day."

"No wonder Master Bai had fallen head over-heels in love with her. And isn't obvious? Young Master Bai was treating her like her most precious possession. So her relationship with him should be greater than what was on your mind."

"And Mama, not all women with a beautiful face were manipulative and cunning foxes who're willing to seduce rich heirs to have a better life. Kim Eunji was one of them."

The exchange between mother and daughter didn't escape Eunji's sensitive hearing.

Therefore, before she sat down on her seat, Eunji took this opportunity to grab the microphone and said, "Thank you," while looking towards the direction of the female student.

However, the audience thought that she was thanking Nathan.

But as she smiled towards the audience, they too were curious and looked at the direction where she was looking.

Nathan did the same too and the student and her mom suddenly stopped their heated discussion as they felt that something was off.

"Though I didn't ask you to defend me to your mom, but still thank you. I hope I didn't cause you both a misunderstanding or else I would be very sad." Eunji said.

"Student Kim, though she's my Mama, not all of her opinions are right."

She then looked around as she mustered the courage to continue, "Yes. Having a different opinion and arguing with it to our parents may sound unfilial but honestly, it's not. Yes, they may call it as a form of talking back but honestly, we're only expressing our opinions, too. It just so happen that it contradict theirs."

"I believe that parenting is a two-way process. Just like learning new things never stops. Just because you happened to be born ahead from us meant that you knew everything. Parents, it does not make you to become less of a parent if you'll listen to your child's opinion. On the contrary, you're giving them the opportunity...a chance that enables both parties to have a healthy and meaningful conversation. We won't be afraid to open up with you guys as we know that you'll listen to us."

"Being open-minded at certain topics is not really a bad thing. And Miss Kim here is a perfect definition of 'Don't judge a book by its cover', " she finally ended.

"Ma'am you have raised her well. You should be proud." Eunji said meaningfully.

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