The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 246 - 245: Sophia Bai

"Mommy?" Eunji turned around as soon as she heard the sweet voice.

"Baby!" Eunjie's demeanor changed as she dropped herself on the ground and welcomed the child with a tight hug.

"Mommy! I can't breathe!" The child whined and Eunjie chuckled.

"I'm sorry, Sophie." Eunjie apologized to her child.

The little girl would be turning two years old next month.

She looked like both Nathan and her. Her eye color was definitely her fathers together with the lips, nose and eyebrows. While the rest on her face was like that of Eunjie's. She also had a cute dimple on her right cheek.

It was still uncertain if she would get her mother's soft and fluffy cheeks or not.

When it comes to her personality, she was more on being Eunjie than being Nathan but it would still change.

Yes, the child was the one whom An Qi failed to revive.

She died but a miracle happened. She came back to life while she was about to be brought to the morgue for cremation. Good thing Master Liu arrived on time and told one of his disciple to bring the child to the NICU. Good thing there were three NICU in the hospital and she was on a separate NICU room.

Mo Jing-sheng had arranged a private doctor to look after her until the day that Eunji and her would be moved to South Korea.

Since she was already pronounced dead, they replaced her with another dead baby. So the baby that was being cremated was not her.

They also waited for Eunji to give her name before they registered her birth.

Eunjie learnt about all of these when she regained her consciousness. Eunji was so happy knowing that she could keep one baby with her and so she named her as Sophia Bai but she would call her Sophie.

Little Sophie had complications when she was born. She had a weaker lung. She was bound to carry an oxygen tank behind her back all her life.

But thanks to Master Liu, her condition did not get worse and she was healed.

"I miss you, Mommy. Where have you been?" Little Sophie asked her mother.

"I'm sorry if I was not there when you came back. I had to go and get grandma so she could finally reunite with us." She said.

"Grandma? I have a grandma?" She asked as her innocent bluish-green eyes sparkled in amazement.

"Yes dear." Eunjie said as she carried her on her arms.

"Can I go and see grandma?" Sophie asked her with her puppy eyes.

"Not yet dear. Grandma's still resting inside. She's probably not joining us for dinner too." Eunjie told her making the child to be sad.

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"Don't be sad, we'll see grandma tomorrow morning." Eunjie told her daughter which made her to be happy again.

Eunjie didn't tell her that she had a father and two brothers.

The child didn't start asking about her father, too so Eunji didn't tell her. She didn't want to make stories about where her father was.

She would tell her about them hopefully before she would start asking them. So she better hurry up. She knew that the time when she would start asking was closer.

The child thought that it was her and her mom in this world. That's why she was happy to know that she had other relative.

"Master Grandpa! Did you hear it? Mommy Devie told me that I have a grandma!" She excitedly told Master Liu.

The child knew her as Devie Bai and not Eunji Bai.

Master Liu chuckled because of the child's cuteness.

"I know. I had seen her too." Master Liu teased her.

"Eh?! You're cheating Master!" Eunjie chuckled because of her child's silliness.

"I'm not. I have to go and check her. Your mom told me to." He defended himself.

Hearing this, Sophie's eyes widened.

"Is grandma sick?" She asked her mother.

"She's fine Sophie. She just needed some rest." Eunjie explained.

"Oh really?"


Then Eunjie changed the topic and asked her child.

"Tell me what you did while mommy's away. Did you give Aunt Angelina and Master Liu head ache again?"

"I didn't misbehave mom. You can ask Master Grandpa." She then looked at Master Liu.

"Sophie's a good child. You don't have to worry about her dear. She's well-behave." Master Liu reassured Eunjie.

Eunjie knew that. But she just could not help but worry about her.

She's a mother after all.

Dinner time came and Eunji and everyone was hungry.

Eunji was tired to cook for the night so they ordered a takeout outside.

She's very exhausted from the flight and had no energy to go outside to eat on a restaurant.

Good thing there were restaurants who offered food delivery services to their clients.

That way, they didn't have to go out.

Eunji took her phone and chose the nearest restaurant around the building.

She already had a favorite among them. The one who has food that could not trigger her allergy.

It would take forty-five minutes before their order would arrive.

Good thing that little Sophie didn't inherit her allergy.

That way, she could enjoy the food that she liked in the future when she grew up.

It was a huge relief for her.

And also, the child didn't inherit her Rhnull blood.

As they were waiting for their food delivery to arrive, Master Liu volunteered to cook for Sophie's rice porridge topped with ground pork and egg. He wanted to cook for their dinner but since Eunji insisted on ordering outside, he only prepared for Sophie's food. Letting a child to wait for forty-five minutes was like a punishment.

Sophie could eat soft meat and hard food but in moderation as she might have indigestion.

Her diet always had healthy fruits and vegetables on it.

Her favorite was chicken. Something that Eunji could not cook for her. So Angelina would cook it for her whenever Eunji asked her for Sophie.

Eunji's penthouse occupied the entire floor of the building so they had everything a normal house would have including a smart kitchen, an indoor swimming pool, Jacuzzi, four rooms, a library, entertainment room and her playroom.

In fact, every penthouse apartment she owned had one.

Sophie was already eating her dinner when the dumbwaiter lift on the kitchen made a *ding* sound.

It means that their order had arrived.

Since she had paid it already through cashless transaction, she didn't have to go and get some bills to pay the delivery man.

Eunji took the food and they joined Sophie on eating on the dinning room.

When she was done, Eunji took the child to her room so she could take some shower and get ready to sleep.

"Mommy, I want my ice cream!" Sophie whined. She wanted to eat more but Eunji had limited her with a scoop during dinner that's why she was not in the mood.

"Sophie, I told you no. You had eaten a scoop during dinner. It's not good to have more. Do you want to lose your finger?" Eunji tried to scare her.

"No." The child answered.

"Then behave. Drink on mommy's milk so we could sleep now okay? Mommy's tired." Eunji patiently said.

Should this be not her child, she would surely lose her patience with her.

"Sorry Mommy." Sophie apologized because she felt like her mother was already upset with her behavior.

"Okay baby. Come, let's lay down now." Eunji said as she was about to breastfed her.

"One bedtime story please?" She asked her mom.

Though she could read and write at the when she's eighteen months old and could answer simple algebraic equations and could memorize the entire periodic table of elements, knew five languages and counting, Sophie's heart was still that of a little girl who loved to hear fairy tale stories at night.

"Okay baby, what do you want mommy to read this time?" Eunji asked her and Sophie got up from her bed, took a book from her shelf and handed it to Eunji.

"This one Mommy. I want this."

"Cinderella." Eunji blurted out.

Then Sophie lay down to her bed like a good girl that she was and latched on her mother's ni**les.

"Once upon a time..." Eunji's voice was soft as she read the story on the book.

This was their bonding as mother and daughter every night when she's in the country.

Yes, she's not ashamed to admit that she's breast feeding Sophie. Of course, if she was away on a mission or something, she would pump her milk and store it on baby bottles and put it on the fridge for Sophie to drink.

But if she was present, she would let her have it raw.

She planned to stop breastfeeding her at the age of two.

Because of this, her breasts had become fuller and had grown into another cup.

She was like the hot momma of her generation.

Since Master Liu had brought Sophie with her, she could not give her back to Nathan.

She knew that he was struggling with their two kids and his other child.

So she kept Sophie with her. But it didn't mean that since she had Sophie, she no longer missed her two sons.

Of course she did. So much to the point that she would secretly cry at night.

She wanted to go and see them in secret but she's afraid that if she would see them, she would no longer want to leave.

She had always been looking forward for the day that they could finally be reunited and all the dangers would ffinally be eliminated.

At least having Sophie with her had given her a little peace of mind.

Sophie's a well-behaved child. She would just sit on her office all day obediently or she would be with Master Liu as she was being trained by the old man even at such a young age.

Master Liu asked Eunji if Sophie could be his apprentice and his heir.

Eunji hesitated at first but since she knew that the child could learn a lot from Master Liu, she didn't hesitate.

But her formal training would start when she's three years old.

What they're doing now was conditioning.

Master Liu, even though he was already old, he still had a lot of energy on his body to teach little Sophie.

Sophie liked the old guy too as he was funny.

Eunji closed the book and stopped reading when she saw her already sleeping.

Eunji kissed her forehead goodnight and then she removed her mouth from her ni**les.

She then got up and took a shower then changed into her pajamas so she could sleep.

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