The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 250 - 249: Assassination Attempt?

Eunji and Angelina would not really be attending the convention together...

On the last minute, she received a call from her superior in the CIA that she had to report there.

So it's only Angelina who would be going there and she'd follow afterwards.

So she removed her gold mask and changed into this skin mask with ugly scars on the face while hiding her true face underneath it.

She utilized the use of skin masks to put on her disguise. She was known as the agent with a thousand face.

When she arrived, she was scolded by the CIA director for being hard-headed and stubborn during their last mission in Dubai.

She used this opportunity to immediately resigned as a CIA agent effective as soon as possible.

She didn't leave because she could not take being scolded by a superior, she left because she had gathered enough information from then inside of the agency for her to use.

"Resign? Are you kidding me? Do you think being a CIA agent and the CIA itself is like a play ground where in you would join when you wanted to play and then quit when you're already bored?"

Eunji sat on the couch while her superior was fuming while looking at her carefree attitude.

"Rodrigo, don't act as if you're unhappy with me quitting this boring job." Eunji commented.

"And besides, I am just an honorary agent right? I don't see any reason for me to continue working here."

She had contributed to the agency already. She had gathered enough intelligence against those terrorist groups who were a threat to the US while gathering enough intel that were useful for her own disposal.

Rodrigo, the director of the CIA was silent.

"Alright! I'll approve your resignation." Director Rodrigo said.

"Good. I thought you would give me a hard time. You know...I can bomb this entire building and made as if it was a terrorist attack." She lazily said as if what she was saying was a simple conversation like the food she had eaten for breakfast.

Director Rodrigo dared not make a comment because he knew that what Eunji would say, she would do it.

She won't regret leaving the CIA because she had made connections with decent people who were true and honest on their jobs.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She had met the head of the Interpol and she knew that he could be reliable and loyal with his job.

She planned to visit him in the Interpol HQ in France later.

"If you'd do that, you'll be the number one enemy of the US." Director Rodrigo said.

"Before you'd put me in the number one enemy list, I'd wiped out the people in position whom I see as a threat to my safety. And I think I'll start with you. Wanna try?"

Director Rodrigo became tensed when a dagger suddenly appeared in her hands. She then looked at him in the eyes and her expression turned serious all of a sudden.

"One more request. I just hope that whatever that's going to happen in the underworld in the future, the CIA won't interrupt. Or you'll know the consequence. Better stay behind the line I've drawn for you people." Eunji finished her speech as she kept her dagger and went out of the room with her hood pulled down.

She used the fire exit to leave the building. That way, the chances of her bumping fellow agents would be minimized.

Even if the director had issued a memo before hand to not block her from entering the CIA building and honor her honorary agent ID.

She then took her phone and sent command to Alora to send the virus to the CIA server and database to erase her trace in the organization.

Even the CCTVs in the nearby area was not exempted with this command.

Now that she was free she'd be making her next move.

It was now already dark when she left the CIA building. The night was still young and at the peak of rush hour.

She then went into the corner where she parked her car in the dark alley.

As she got inside her car, Eunji smelt a strong scent of gasoline so she hurriedly jumped out of the car and it exploded seconds after she was out.

She fell on the ground the last minute to avoid the shock wave of the explosion to hit her body.

Good thing she dashed twelve meters away in just four seconds before the explosion.

That way she was not directly hit by it limiting the damage to just scratches and abrasions on her elbow and knees as the garment was torn by the cement road.

The explosion caught the attention of the bystanders on the main street and they rushed immediately on the scene.

They gathered around to Eunji as they tried to help her but Eunji pushed them away and slumped into the corner to sit.

Eunji's expression went gloomy as she felt sorry for her car which was destroyed by the explosion.

She was really annoyed to whoever did it to her car.

Though it was only a Porsche 2016 edition car, it was still a part of her collection. One of her babies.

She ignored the questions of the bystanders and she got up and took her phone which was thankfully on her pocket together with her wallet.

She called one of the KSA agent which was assigned in the US to clean up the mess and made sure that the authorities would not come and investigate on the matter.

This KSA agent was now the chief of police in the area.

Yes, this was the great improvement that Eunji was proud of.

Her KSA agents were now spread across the globe and had successfully infiltrated those government agencies across in those respective country.

KSA had now gone global. Their operation was not only limited to South Korea but to every region where there's an employer who would want to hire their low rank agents.

They had also established a satellite training ground to those countries which had a greater demand of their service.

Their aim was to help Eunji whenever she encountered trouble across the globe at the same time, gather intel for her. Yes, even if they were employed by someone, they would still be loyal to Eunji.

She even left one KSA agent in the CIA and the director had no idea that Eunji had left a mole in their organization.

So even if she left the organization, she still had eyes and ears inside.

Under J's management in the past, they were already solid.

Withe Master Liu's integration, they had become unsullied.

Now, she was leading an army of people who were willing to do everything for her.

Of course, Eunji was never an abusive leader. She gave them salaries pretty handsomely. And if someone wanted to quit from being an agent, she would let him go without any grudge against the person.

The government had recognized them as one of the leading security training agency of the world and had provided agents which skills was equal to that of a secret service agent or that of a special force in the army.

Even so, these agents were disciplined and trained to never bully the weak or to cause trouble to other people.

The KSA agents had never done something that would violate other people's rights. They never showed off or brag their status as an agent because Eunji prohibits them to do it.

Because of that no one could find fault to them.

In fact, if there were information that the government could not get, they would go to KSA's intelligence division to ask help.

Of course they would sell that information to them. They had to pay the agency.

Even the Interpol asked their cooperation once.

Just as usual, only the top-level agents knew Eunji's true appearance and involvement of KSA. While majority of the middle-level agents knew her because of the ring but never her name. All they knew was that she's a Kim.

Going back to the present, her agent came on the scene. He could immediately recognize Eunji through her aura and the skin mask that she was wearing.

Those middle and top agents were already oriented on what faces their big boss would be wearing when meeting them. Also, the big boss was always wearing this gold phoenix ring on her right index finger as a symbol of her status on their organization.

So even if they were not familiar with her face, they would immediately recognize her

Also, Eunji would be calling them through this mobile phone that would only receive a call from the big boss. If that phone rang, it would be a great privilege to serve the big boss.

The poor guy was sweating heavy when he saw Eunji sitting on the corner with a serious expression on the face. The more that she was annoyed, the more that her face was serious.

"Mistress!" The agent bowed down his head as if he was saluting to his superior.

His reaction shocked everyone because their handsome chief was showing a lot of respect to this ugly-faced woman due to the deep looking scar on the left cheek.

"Which gang was responsible for this." Eunji asked him in Nihongo.

"The Red Pirate Gang Mistress!" The agent answered.

"Oh! Do you know where they are?" Eunji's brows raised.

"Yes Mistress."

The Red Pirate Gang was a notorious gang in area which was known for illegal drugs, prostitution and car napping.

"Lead the way." Eunji simply instructed.

Eunji boarded the patrol car and let the chief to bring her to the Red Pirate Gang's base.

"Mistress, let me bring you to the hospital first to treat your wound."

"Don't bother and drive." Eunji's voice was so cold that the poor agent shivered down her spine.

It was actually a few blocks from where the incident happened.

As soon as they arrived, Eunji borrowed the agent's firearms and got out of the car.

As soon as she got out, she shot those big bellied guards outside on the head.

Yes, a basement of this bar was where the hideout of the Red Pirate Gang was located.

She was not in the mood to give them any second chances.

They dared to target her so all of the member's blood would be flooding on this place tonight.

The agent could only sigh as seems like he would be cleaning up a big mess tonight.

The bar was already on operation when she came in. Loud music were blaring that hurts her eardrums.

"If you don't want your blood to mix with theirs right here tonight, LEAVE!"


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