The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 85 - 85: What Love Could Do To A Person?



A couple of days passed by peacefully.



Nathan and Kim Eunji's day always start with a good morning kiss and ended with an evening cuddle.




Kim Eunji's life became dull yesterday since Nathan had to report to the office for company matters. Therefore nothing exciting happened especially when Nathan had to stay late in the company last night.


Kim Eunji was already sleeping when he arrived and he could only cuddle her and sleep.



Yes, Kim Eunji was now describing her day as dull when Nathan was not around. She could not even believe how she had survived living the past few years of her life without knowing his existence.



Today, Kim Eunji had undergone a complete full body check-up and the doctor was about to hand in the results for her to read.




She asked this favor from Mo Jing-sheng and had gladly arranged this appointment for her. She didn't want to bother informing Nathan about this since she didn't want to add up to the long cue of the things to be done on his To-Do List.




Running three companies at the same time was no joke. It would demand his attention and almost drained him in the process.




However, he made sure to let her feel that she was being loved by sending her sweet messages every hour just like what he did yesterday.




On the other hand, Kim Eunji needed this check-up for school requirements. She received an email stating that she was required to submit a full medical report in order to be fully admitted at Imperial Uni. Though it was just for formalities, Kim Eunji decided to comply.




She could choose to ignore that email since whether she complied or not, Imperial University had decided to admit her at all cost.




There's no freaking way they would let her go!




"Do you want me to read the findings to you Miss Kim?" Politely asked by the doctor before he could hand the results to Kim Eunji.




The doctor addressed her with her maiden name since the news of their marriage had not been publicly announced.




"No need Doctor Tan. I'll read it at home." She politely declined the offer.




Kim Eunji also asked Mo Jing-sheng to keep her files in the hospital hidden or if possible be deleted. She had to be extra careful.




"Okay." The doctor had no other choice but to obliged.




"Thank you Dr. Tan for the time." Kim Eunji then bid her goodbye to him. She wore back the cap and face mask and walked out of the room where she was greeted by Tiger.




She handed Kelly the envelop and said, "Please keep this for me."




"As you wish Mistress." Tiger obeyed.




Kim Eunji only brought a small purse with her.




Kim Eunji decided to visit Kelly in her room upstairs since she's in Mo Hospital already.




As they reached the floor where Kelly's VVIP room was she bumped into the gloomy Mo Jing-sheng with his head down and walking with his crutches.




"What's up?" Kim Eunji initiated to greet him.




"Based on your expression, I could tell she's not on the mood. Am I right?" She spoke since the latter decided to remain silent.




"Worst." He simply answered.






Out of their previous arguments, this was the worst that he had ever experienced. Kelly had thrown him out of the room.




"What happened this time?" Kim Eunji asked and gestured for them to sit on the nearby bench.




"I... *sigh*" Mo Jing-sheng sighed and started to narrate what happened.




Kelly was craving for watermelon-chocolate-chili flavored ice cream with simmered mongo beans. She wanted Mo Jing-sheng to buy it for her.




However, the ice cream itself was beyond impossible. There's no such flavor in the world!




He was told not to come back until he found that flavor.




"Why don't you gather the ingredients and asked your chefs at home to make it for her. But I think Kelly wanted you to make it personally." Kim Eunji bobbed her head innocently to the side.




Making ice cream?




That was more like a challenge for Mo Jing-sheng.




Upon hearing her suggestion, Mo Jing-sheng's gloomy face immediately brightened up.




"Thank you Sister-in-law!" He genuinely said.




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"Don't say that. We're a family here, aren't we?" The feeling of relief was overflowing her after she learned that she had finally cheered up the man.




"Sure. Okay! I'll better get going." Mo Jing-sheng finally now had a smile on his face. He was looking forward to make his first ice cream.




With that, Mo Jing-sheng left with his assistant following him.




Kim Eunji went inside the room to see Kelly while Tiger decided to stay outside to guard the door.




Upon entering, Kim Eunji saw Kelly sulking in the corner of her hospital bed. She did not even realize that Kim Eunji had entered the room.




"You threw him out of the room and then you're sulking there like an abandoned kid?" Kim Eunji said as she removed her cap and face mask.




Her sudden question broke Kelly's trance mode.




"He's gone. He left me, Eunji-yah!" Kelly said in an frustrated tone.




"Aigoo! You kicked him out of the room with that temper of yours and now you're sulking because he left?" Kim Eunji cursed herself when Kelly suddenly cried.




Kim Eunji immediately hugged Kelly and let her cry on her shoulder.




"Oie... Shh! Don't cry. I didn't mean to talk like that. Erase! Erase!" Kim Eunji comforted Kelly.




"I know. I hate being pregnant now. I'm hurting him. I don't like this feeling Eunji-yah!" Kelly admitted.




The feeling of being not able to control her own mood and feelings frustrated Kelly a lot.




"Don't say that. The baby can hear what you say. She can also feel what you feel. She might be sulking inside your womb now." Kim Eunji pointed out.




Kelly's cry immediately stopped making Kim Eunji to think that she had successfully coaxed her. However Kelly had actually remembered about something that's why she stopped crying.


Kelly immediately removed herself from the hug making Kim Eunji to be curious of what was going on.




This sudden shift of emotion amused Kim Eunji.




"You have to explain something to me." Kelly said in her serious voice.




"Why didn't you tell me that you have another family here in China? If not for Mo Ping visiting me and telling me that he saw you at the Jin's party, I would never know that you were related to them. I thought we're sisters?!"




Kim Eunji face palmed herself yet decided to remain calm.




"Before you freak out...I didn't want to hide this from you. It's just that in that I don't really treat them as family. I don't feel the familial bond in them. With J, it was more like a male best friend and a brother like. He's the closest that I could recognize as a family in the Jin." Kim Eunji pursed her lips and continued.




"And besides, I didn't get the chance to introduce you both because J and Uncle Mike didn't want to. Your maternal family suspected that the Jin were involved in the car accident that you had gotten involved with together with your Mom. He was afraid that you might hate me for being a Jin."




Kelly became silent all of a sudden.




"It's up for me to decide whether I would hate you or not!" Kelly refuted after she had thought of Kim Eunji's reason.



"Gosh I can't believe that Uncledad knew about this but decided to hide away everything from me!" She was heavily frustrated at the same time.




"Gosh! I hate you!" Kelly yelled however Kim Eunji did not take it seriously.




"I know and I love you." Kim Eunji sincerely said.




They both hugged each other until Kelly felt better. They also had enjoyed the healthy lunch that they had ordered from the restaurant.




Kim Eunji stayed until later that afternoon. She looked at her phone and frowned when she didn't receive a message from him since 11:00 am.




"He must be busy." She mumbled.




"Are you missing him?" Kelly teased her.




"Sigh. Yeah." Kim Eunji admitted.




"Silly. If you're going to be like that, how are you going to survive being away from him? You'll be leaving for Imperial University this week right?" Kelly asked her best friend.




"Yeah." Kim Eunji pouted. It's Nathan's fault for spoiling her too much.




"Aigoo!...Go and be with your man!" Kelly suddenly said.




"How about you?" Kim Eunji asked her.




"I'll be fine. Mom will be with me soon so I'll be fine." Kelly said as she looked at the time in the wall clock.




Like it was expected, the door opened up revealing Madame Mo.




"I'm back! Oh my! Our dear Eunji!" Surprised by Kim Eunji's visit, the Madame rushed towards Kim Eunji and wanted to hug the latter.




Though she was surprised to see the delight in the visitor's face, Kim Eunji still stood up and politely granted the latter's request.




"Oh my! I'm sorry. You must have forgotten about me." Madame Mo immediately apologized.




"I'm Mo Jing-sheng's mother. I'm your godmother. Call me Mom." She introduced herself.




"Oh. Hello, Mom? Gosh that's awkward." Kim Eunji scolded herself which made Madame Mo and somehow Kelly to smile.




"You're so cute child." Madame Mo complimented that made Kim Eunji to blush in shyness.




"How are you? I heard about your accident. I'm sorry I was not able to visit you." She sincerely apologized.



"Does your wound still hurt?" Madame Mo continued as she looked at Kim Eunji's forehead.




"I'm fine, Mo-m. Aunt Mei and Grandma Sana had taken good care of me. And about this wound right here? It's already half-way from being completely healed."


Her wound was completely healed though and was now left with a scar that she would be dealing with next. He just had to cover them up with a dressing like usual in order to not freak the people who knew that she had an accident.



This also amazed Dr. Tan earlier after knowing that had accident and a surgery less than a month ago.



"I see. So you finally meet my good friend Mei. That's good to know. She's the sweetest person I have ever befriend with. I never regretted being friends with her." Madame Mo commented happily.


"Yes." Kim Eunji simply said and heaved a sigh when Madame Mo finally shifted her attention away from her.




"Kelly dear! How are you feeling today?" Madame Mo now turned her attention to Kelly.




"I'm fine Mom." Kelly sweetly replied with a smile.




"Oh? Why do I feel like you aren't? My son would not leave the hospital if you are."




"I'm sorry." Kelly said cutely. She swear didn't want to do it.




"Child. I understand. I did worse when I was in your place."




"What did you do, Mom?" Kelly's interest was suddenly caught by it.




"Well, I hated your dad during the entire pregnancy so I did not live with him until Ah Jing was born. Your dad would only watch me from afar. I really thought he would give up on me and I'm thankful that he wasn't."




"Gosh! That was horrible." Kelly remarked.




"I know right? That's why the both of us decided to not have children anymore. Afraid that we would experience the same thing all over again had I become pregnant." Madame Mo admitted.




"What a tragic story." Kim Eunji described it like that. Deep inside, she was praying that Nathan and her won't suffer the same thing if she got pregnant. It already made her terrified.




"Tssk. Don't say that. If you got pregnant with Nathan's baby, you would also experience this. Probably worse based in your personality."




"Wait, why Nathan's baby? Did I miss something?" Madame Mo inquired.








"Come on girls! Tell me!" Madame Mk was dying to hear the news.




"Nathan and I are..."




"I knew it!" Madame Mo happily said not even letting Kim Eunji to finish the statement making Kim Eunji completely at a loss.




"Is that the ring?" Madame Mo then asked as soon as she saw the sparkling ring on her left ring finger. Kim Eunji simply nodded.




"Beautiful." Madame Mo complimented.




"Thank you."




"So, when's the wedding?" Madame Mo asked that caught Kim Eunji completely off-guard.




"We haven't talked about it yet. A lot had happened and we're going to be both busy. So yeah, not so soon." Kim Eunji sadly said.




Holding a marriage ceremony was not on their least yet.




"When are you going to get the certificates? Come on! I would really spank that kid if he would delay marrying you."








"Soon. Right Eunji-yah?" Kelly interrupted. But deep inside, she was scolding Kim Eunji for hiding the happy news to everyone that they're close with.




Nathan didn't get the chance to tell Mei and Grandma Sana about it too because of everything that had happened.




But they planned to do a video call to inform them about it. This way, Grandma Sana would be more motivated to fight her illness.




Going back, Kim Eunji suddenly felt awkward so she could simply say a simple "Yeah," as her response.




Though unsatisfied by her timid answer, Madame Mo decided to change the topic of their discussion to not make Kim Eunji feel awkward.




"Gosh! It's good that you visited, now I got the chance to hang-out with my other daughter." Sensing the enthusiasm in Madame Mo's voice, Kim Eunji was in a dilemma.




She didn't want to disappoint the old woman but deep inside, she missed Nathan.




"Mom. Maybe some other time. Our Eunji is missing her man at the moment. Can't you see?" Kelly whispered to her mother-in-law as she tried to help Kim Eunji.




"Oh I see! I never thought their relationship was this strong already." Madame Mo cheerfully remarked as she saw the longing on Kim Eunji's eyes making Kim Eunji blushed.




"I know right? The chemistry between destined souls would always be strong. And nothing could beat that." Kelly seriously remarked.




Kelly showed a playful smile as she looked at Kim Eunji making the latter to feel goosebumps all of a sudden.




"Yah! What's with that smile? It's creepy!" Kim Eunji asked her.




"Nothing. Can't I not tease you?" Kelly cheerfully said making Kim Eunji to be dumbfounded.




"Go ahead. Your fated man would surely be happy if you'd surprise him." Kelly got up and shooed her away. Even Madame Mo joined in the fun.




"Careful you preggy Momma!" Kim Eunji reminded her.




The door was opened and Kim Eunji found herself outside the room all of a sudden.




The door was slammed shut on her face and Kim Eunji could hear her best friend giggling on the other side.




She heaved a sigh of relief after she was finally sure that Kelly was fine now.




"Gosh! Mood swings of a pregnant women are terrible." Kim Eunji said to herself.




Tiger then approached Kim Eunji and asked where their next destination would be.




She then fished out her phone from her clutch bag and called Marco.




Wondering how she got access to his contact details?




Nathan gave it to her just in case of emergency.




Nathan did told her that he'd be in the company all day. Which company? She had to confirm first.




"Is your Master Boss around?" Kim Eunji immediately asked as soon as the call connected.




"Lady Boss." The man calmly answered.








"He's currently on a meeting right now." He answered.




"Since when?" She asked him.




"Since eleven Lady Boss."




"Did he perhaps eat lunch?"




"No, Lady Boss."




"Is he always like this?" She could not help but ask him.




"On a tight schedule, yes Lady Boss." This information suddenly worried her.




"When will the meeting ends?" She asked him.




"Probably late Lady Boss. He's not on a good mood. If you plan to visit him Lady Boss, I'm sorry but I don't think now's not the time for that." He reminded her hoping that the latter won't be offended by it.




"Okay. Don't tell him that I called today. Is he in Bai Corp today?" Kim Eunji immediately ended the call.




Wearing back her glasses and mask, Kim Eunji called out and walked out of the hospital.




"Let's go!"




Man 1 was already waiting for them beside the car when they reached the private parking lot.




"Where to, Lady Boss?" Man 1 curiously asked.





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