The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 94 - 94: Ice Cream



The cafeteria was quite far. It was situated on the main building.








Marie and Guo Xiaolan came in first while Iris and Eunji was a few feet behind them.








Since Kim Eunji and Tiger were quite taller, their entrance already caught the attention of many students. They paused to appreciate the arrival of two beauties.




Since they were late comers, a lot of students had witnessed their arrival earlier. And also they were curious about their identities and which country they were from. Especially the girl with the turtle neck top.








Tiger was also beautiful. With her naturally wavy brown hair out in the open and more relaxed, she looked just like her age. No, she looked way younger.






Gone was her poker agent persona this time. And was replaced by this charming beautiful lady in her. With Kim Eunji's persuasion, she finally let lose the tension in her body and decided to enjoy everything.








However, she still did not dare to bring her guard down.








Kim Eunji who was standing beside her wearing the turtle neck top and this time, with the denim jacket over it and her black denim boyfriend jeans, which she always found more comfortable than the skinny ones, she let her black hair on a low ponytail and scanned the entire place in just a quick second.








After she found out that there were no danger signs, Kim Eunji heaved a sigh of relief and bowed down her head afterwards and decided to get busy with her phone instead. She followed Tiger to the long queue on the counter.






She already knew what was going on in the area in such a quick inspection.






A lot of students were already lining up to receive their food on the counter with their (Imperial University) IU card in hand.








Kim Eunji and Tiger had received the card earlier from their guide together with their dorm keys and school ID. Someone had already informed the Director of their arrival time beforehand. Therefore the staffs had managed to prepare everything for them.






This IU card would be used by the students in paying for their food and other things inside the premises of the school. It's like an ATM card. It also contained their names and room numbers just in case someone misplaced it or worse, lose it.








Cash and real ATM had no use inside the vicinity of Imperial University. All they needed was this IU card and present it whenever they make a transaction. Without it, they won't be able to buy anything. The IU card was also linked in their personal bank accounts therefore reloading was just a piece of cake.








Just like in the outside world, the IU card also had different colors depending on the class or program the student was enrolled with.








Since Kim Eunji was enrolled in a special curriculum, she had a platinum with a horizontal strip of black and gold in her IU card. The horizontal black strip contained her name while the gold one contained her IU card number.








There were also cards that were issued to recognize those rich students studying inside the school. The rich students received a privilege card which they could use in occupying the top floors of their dorm building.






Also, there were amenities and facilities inside the dorm that were only exclusive for them. Just like inside the cafeteria, these students had the entire second floor for them and could by-pass the long queuing as long as they presented that Privelige card with a VIP word embossed in the card.








Kim Eunji also received that card. But compared to her IU card this privilege card was given to her by Nathan earlier after their appointment with the doctor.






She didn't ask him earlier about its purpose but now that she knew the use of it, she had no plans on using it...yet.






Kim Eunji really found it ridiculous how the school showed favoritism and discrimination among the students.








In an institution like this, students should be equal. There should be no distinction between social statuses. These students came here to study and pursue their dreams regardless of where they came from.








Yes, this was a private university. An International school which kept on promoting equal opportunity to capable and talented students as what they had advertised but it turned out everything were just a part of their marketing tricks.








Their dorm arrangements were already a red flag to Eunji. And now, this IU card. She really found it ridiculous.








However, she decided to stay quiet and observe this foreign domain first. She's a newbie. If she would dare fight without knowing the rules of the game first, she would surely lose.








Also, she would not risk her two years of peaceful student life over things that she should not poke her nose into. But as long as they won't act up against her first, she would remain indifferent and unbothered.








These senior students around her knew better than her.








Just then, Kim Eunji just realized that this school was like a big jungle full of wild beasts. The place she was ready and more than eager to explore and conquer if possible.








Tiger decided to gently tap her shoulder when the former realized that she was in a daze.


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"Mistress." Iris whispered as well in a voice so low yet Eunji could still hear it.








It was now her turn to get her food but the moment she came forward, the teller smiled at her and handed her a blue card which would bring her to the special counter.






This counter was for students who had food allergies just like hers.




This was the purpose of the medical check-up that she had gone through with yesterday.





It was very evident that at least the school was considerate enough to pay attention to their diet and nutrition.








As soon as she approached the counter, Kim Eunji was given a non-nuts, non-sea food and non-chicken based food. She paid her food using her IU card.








She got Buddha's delight and steamed dumplings with hot and spicy sauce. She also had a glass of fresh orange juice and a glass of water on her tray.








Iris waited for her so that they could look for their table together. Marie and Guo Xiaolan had long found their place. They're eating with their fellow scholars whom they had known for a long time.






Kim Eunji and Tiger settled on the farthest table close to the exit and near the window.






"Let's finish this quick. We still had to unpack our clothes and get ready for the activities tomorrow." Kim Eunji said.






Then her phone rang and it was Nathan on the other line.






"Hey." She did not hesitate to answer the call.








"Miss me?" Nathan asked on the other line.








"Nope." Kim Eunji lied.








"Oh? How's it going?" Nathan didn't believe her but he still let her off the hook this time.








"So far, everything's fine. Are you about to board the airplane?" She asked s she recalled what she had told him earlier.








"I'm already boarding. I just got the free time now." Nathan admitted.










"Really?" Kim Eunji said as she swallowed her food.








"Yes. What are you doing right now?" Nathan asked her.








"Eating dinner with Iris. I mean Tiger. Have you eaten yours?"








"Good. How I wish I'm eating you, too." Nathan simply said which made Kim Eunji to choke on her food.








"Here EJ." Tiger immediately handed her the glass of water.








"What's wrong?" Nathan worriedly asked. He had heard the panic in Tiger's voice from the other side.








"I'm fine." Kim Eunji said after she calmed down. But her face extremely became so red because she was so embarrassed that it took her for a while to recover.






"Are you sure?" Nathan asked her just to make sure.








"En! At least you still have a wife." Kim Eunji said in Japanese this time. "You should be careful next time or else you'll be a widow by now." She added still in Japanese.








"I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." He apologized.








"I know. I also overreacted upon hearing your statement." She honestly said. She's at fault, too.






"Alright. I wont disturb your eating. I don't want you to choke again. I'll call you later."








"No need. A simple message will do. It would be inconvenient to answer your call. I'm sharing the room with my roommates." Kim Eunji said which made Nathan to be upset on the other line.








"You could call and see me but I won't talk." She teased but she didn't expect Nathan would say yes immediately.








For Nathan, t's far better than pure messages.








"I don't like this feeling. I'm not used to being away from you." Nathan honestly said.








"We would get the chance to meet each other after a month." Somehow, Kim Eunji exactly felt the same way, too. Therefore, she did not refute what he said.








"I know. Don't worry. Time will run quicker if we won't count on the days." Nathan said as he tried to convince them both.






"Yeah. Alright. I'll go now. I'll eat dinner, too. I love you."






"I love you, too." Kim Eunji said in a lower voice.






They both ended the call at the same time.






Kim Eunji inwardly sighed and turned her attention to the food in front of her.






Somehow the call lifted her spirit up and she had the mood to eat another serving. But since her food was specially cooked for her and in one serving only, the clerk had to decline her.






Kim Eunji had no other choice but to order another one.






She was carefully looking for another dish when she spot something on the corner of her eye.






It's ice cream.






"Can I have that one instead?"






The teller gave her one serving of ice cream. Kim Eunji happily received and paid it.






However, as she started to walk, someone blocked her way.






She looked up and saw a somewhat familiar face.






"Hello, Miss Kim." The guy politely greeted. However Kim Eunji did not pay him any attention and decided to walk away.






Her reaction caught the attention of many students. In fact all of them dinning in in the cafeteria were dumbfounded at the same time shocked to see this. Some even gasped in disbelief.






Who was the guy she had ignored just now? Ling Bao. The Imperial University's famous student, the King of the entire University. The campus heartthrob.






"How dare her ignore the King." One female student said.






"Yeah right? The audacity to ignore him. Who's she? She's just a woman with beauty." One student pointed out






"Guys, we should be happy that she didn't like our prince or else we would have another rival by now."






"Are you dumb? Can't you read what she was doing? She's trying to offend him to make Master Ling be interested in her."


















"If I were you, you should not mind her and don't get involved in her business." It was Marie who reminded them.






Guo Xiaolan also nodded her head in agreement.








While their group was having their own discussion, Kim Eunji ignored all of what she was hearing from them and decided to go back on her seat where Iris was waiting for her.








However, she frowned when she saw that Ling Bao also followed her and sat on the nearby table with his tray of food.






This shocked everyone as Ling Bao usually eat on the second floor of the cafeteria together with his circle of friends from the basketball team.








"EJ, did he do something to you back there?" Iris anxiously asked, referring to the scene she had just witnessed earlier.








"Don't worry. He didn't." Kim Eunji reassured.








"I really could not believe it when he still had the audacity to approach you still after everything that had happened back at the Jin party."








"Hmm." Kim Eunji hummed as she placed a scoop on her mouth.








"I really don't mind though. As long as he won't cross the line, just ignore him." Kim Eunji simply said.








"I understand, EJ." Iris immediately said.








"Good. Do you want an ice cream? Go and buy one, my treat." Kim Eunji said and handed her IU card to the latter.








"It's okay EJ. I'm not really into ice cream." Iris immediately declined her Mistress' offer.








"Really? Why?! Ice cream is the best!" Kim Eunji scoffed in disbelief.








Even a five year old kid would love ice cream. How could she dislike ice cream?








Kim Eunji found it ridiculous and at the same time she's a bit upset.








Iris who was looking at her while enjoying the food sighed as she scanned around the entire place.








'Seems like my job would be tougher. Master Boss, I guess you should ask your wife to stop being adorable. Or else, the entire male population of this school would be charmed by her and become her admirer.' Iris thought.








"EJ. Then if Master Ling's here, then her female counterpart would also be here as well. Aren't you afraid she would give you a hard time?" Iris asked Kim Eunji who was now on her last scoop.








"I mean Lady Jin Li Rong." Iris added as she's afraid that Kim Eunji did not understand her.








Kim Eunji did not answer her question after she had finished her ice cream.








"Well, I'll give that child the face given that she's J's younger sister. But if she'll try and keep on troubling me, then... I'll ask J to discipline her."
















"En. When it comes to age, I'm her senior. As someone who's older, I should teach her a lesson but... my ways might be harsher than the usual. Therefore, I'll give J the face and let him discipline her sister for me. As an outsider, I should step down and let someone responsible to do it."




Iris nodded her head in understanding.





"I see. No matter what happens, I'll be here beside you. I mean Darren and Derek will protect you here, too. We got your back."






"Instead of being too serious of trying to protect me, why don't you enjoy your days here? This chance only come one in a lifetime. I mean, have you studied in college before?"








"I did. But I had to drop out." She truthfully answered.








"J told me that you're the best agent we had. Consider this two years of being in college as a reward. And you should smile...more. Like you're so pretty and you chose to wear a smug look. You won't get the chance to meet your partner if you'll continue acting like that."








Iris inwardly face-palmed herself when she heard her Mistress talking about her and her destined person. She suddenly felt helpless.








"Geez! EJ, not because you already had yours that means all of us should have it, too!" She spoke out what's on her mind. But she immediately apologized when she realized she had raised her voice to her which was unforgivable.






"I'm sorry."






However, instead of getting angry, Kim Eunji looked at her for a couple of seconds and a beautiful smile bloomed on her beautiful face which made Iris's heart to skip a beat.








"For starters, I like it when you talk more. You have so much potential. Don't limit your life within the organization." Kim Eunji advised like a big sister.








"You won't understand EJ. I could give up other things but I don't see myself having a life outside Shadows of Dawn." 'I owe you my life. Therefore, I'd dedicate this second chance, Mistress.' She continued the last part in her thoughts.

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