The second female lead Dual Cultivates

Chapter 111 109: Temporary Truce

"I lost Maria's signal. I can't find her presence either" Suna observed as she spread her senses all over the cave network. She had been able to sense Maria all but a minute ago but had lost her signal in a matter of seconds.

It had not been a brief trigger as well, but a sudden silence from Maria's side. One second she had been there and the next second, it had all been quiet and calm.

"Did your friend finally die? What about my brother? Did she meet up with him?" Daniel asked in a worried voice. He had been tied up by Nao at the start of the whole mess and he had not been let loose till now.

One thing Nao had to say was that the kid had a vivid imagination for someone who was a demon. He had a lot of impossible scenarios inside his tiny head which amused Nao a lot when she heard him whine about unfairness. But those words were not always appreciative.

"Since we have yet to lose a signal from our side must mean that Maria is alive in there. But the lack of signal from her side is a concerning thing. We can't even enter to check since we have the zombies on our trail" Nao pointed out with calm observation.

She would not recognize the thought of Maria's death until it was the last thing she did. She would not survive such a crushing blow to herself if things did end up in that way. The less Nao thought about it, the better for her.

"Nao, I'll be going out to check for Maria and the barrier. You stay here and keep me safe from the distance" Suna looked determined to go down and check things out so Nao knew it was impossible to talk her out of it.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Besides, Suna was strong and just as worried about Maria as Nao was. And one of them had to go down to check for Maria in this mess. They could not afford to lose the Oracle here and now.

"Be careful. I'll try and divert their attention" Nao meant the zombies and there was an easy understanding between those two. Their experience showed in such a moment since they did not even need to communicate to let the other know what was going to happen next.

"Hey, untie me first. I wanna help" the kid cried out in helplessness. It was not his intention to fight but that was the better outcome for him.

The two fighters could forget about him once they entered the fighting arena and that would be a devastating problem for Daniel. He also had no way to protect himself against these monsters as long as he was bound.

"We would but we can't. Since we're demons, those chains drain out our energy as well. It'll be better for you to wait out here for Maria or your brother" Nao's words crushed all the hopes Daniel had for getting free.

This was a risky situation for him. What if the girl died inside there or something happened to his brother? Won't he be forever trapped in these chains till someone came to free him? What kind of fate did it leave him with?

"Don't worry. Maria knows better than to die here. Things would be alright-" Suna never got to finish her words since the earth's shaking stopped her cold. Something had broken in their surroundings and the group felt their magic increase in strength.

But the seal had not been completely broken in yet. The quake felt like it had damaged something in the surroundings but had not broken the seal. It was only a matter of time though before the seal would be done.

"H-Hey. The signal went dead from our side as well. W-We lost all control" Daniel watched as the connection screen go blank in front of his eyes.

He had no idea how this communication thing was supposed to work but even he knew that the power inside the device was not supposed to go out ever. Was their third member dead?

"The power went out? Don't be a liar" Nao felt panic seize her as she fought against the incoming wave of attackers. The zombies were beginning to get annoying with their inability to stay down. They could not be taken out without taking out their leader first and that was another thing Nao had added to their list.

So she had no time for prank calls on Daniel's part right now. Not when she was working hard to save his life as well as her own.

"I'm not lying. Come and check for yourself. And also, untie me please" the kid begged as he looked on toward the fighting group. He could help cover the group with his archery skills as well. He had brought his bow with him but he needed his hands for it.

He also had no time to waste here when his weak elder brother was in there, fighting for his life. Daniel needed to go in there and help him out or he would never be free.

"Fine. I'll untie you but don't act smart with me. I will restrain you if you try anything funny" Nao agreed and took out a cloth before touching the chains.

They obviously drained her still but the effect was not drastic and the chains gave way easily. They had not been tied strongly in the first place, so they were really easy to get out of.

And the kid got to work instantly. His shots connected with the zombies and held enough force to keep them in place. The arrows that pierced the zombies made them stick to tree surfaces where Suna finished them off.

It was mindless work and Suna found herself lost in it. This was an easy and familiar part of war she had not missed but she would rather not have it any other way. There was one point in the fight where it looked like everything was over as zombies started to collapse one after another.

It was a sudden phenomenon that startled Suna as well. The zombies fell like puppets without strings and Nao felt like it was all over.

And then the ground shook which caused fissures to appear in the ground. It caused the ground to split over and Nao watched in horror as Suna slipped inside. The other girl seemed unresponsive to the shout of her name so Nao felt she had only one choice.

"SUNAAAAA" with a yell of her name, Nao followed behind the other. All other thoughts except Suna fled her mind as she focused on recovering her partner.

(I accidently posted the warning a chapter early. The next chapter will be out when the privilages go live tomorrow. Hopefuly they go love tomorrow)

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