The second female lead Dual Cultivates

Chapter 127 125: The President Enters The Scene

The outside guard had tightened up considerably as soon as the conscious body of Lucas had been discovered in the bathroom. The guard outside looked as baffled as to the one that had discovered the body. It had left quite an impression on the passerby.

"Look out for the fool who spiked the drinks. You all know just how quickly the young master gets drunk" as soon as the orders came, hushed whispers broke out around the hall. Everyone gossipped about the issue and the lack of the 'escort' with Lucas.

Everyone looked a little disturbed at the missing person and various theories broke out amongst the visitors. Master Lucas was known to get weird after getting drunk so anything could have happened to the escort. Maybe it was Master Lucas's fault that she had disappeared as well. It won't be the first time either.

No one would entertain the thought that the female might have been behind the unconscious young master. The lady had looked so fragile while the young master was someone who had displayed his extreme powers again and again.

"What is all this yelling about? It even reached our meeting?" The crowd parted for the incoming group being led by no one else but the president of the current governing council. He looked sharp with eagle eyes and his eyes quickly took note of the situation.

A disgusted look passed over his face as soon as his eyes landed on his foolish son and he could not help but curse him inside his head. What kind of idiot showed such a side in public? Especially when their father was a high-up public figure.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Mr. President. We're afraid that someone spiked your son's drink. We're trying our best to catch-" the guard called out but the president stopped him with a wave of his hand. Instead, his eyes moved over the spooned crowd and a calculated look passed over his eyes.

"No need. Just dump my stupid son in a room and let him recover. I apologize for his foolishness and hope you all would forgive my stupid son" the apology, as well as polite words, caused everyone to instantly drop their guard snd look at the president with a sympathetic expression.

The president was such a morally upright man with a black sheep for a son. Everyone pitied him for having such bad luck even when he had done nothing but good for the people. He had even fought to set up a public house for the people where they were the rulers and the judges as well.

He was a good man in all of their eyes so no one had any problem. By following his directions. They did not even think of him as anything but a saint for looking after them all.

"Mr. President, we have reports to make to you" the man paused from where he had been passing out instructions before turning toward the guard at his side. The guard seemed to be avoiding his eyes but he also looked impatient and signaled for an 'alone' talk.

So it was something that could not be said out loud in the company. That likely meant that he should hear him out.

"Excuse me, gentleman. Kindly to our guests while I sort out a little problem" the president called and everyone just wished him luck. It felt good to be held in such high regard by the people he had cultivated. They all had been groomed slowly by him to be on his side.

And even if the royal family was somehow to return and uncover his secrets, the president had enough confidence in his image to get away unscathed.

"Hurry up. I do not have all day" the president asked as he flexed his hand. The guard flinched, likely remembering the various rumors he had likely heard. Most of them were true as well since the president had been a war veteran when he had been young.

He was powerful and not afraid to show it off. Unlike his son, he was all bite and seldom barked. That was what made him so efficient overall.

"Sir, we checked the drinks but nothing had been spiked. The younger master's previous company even attested to the fact that he had not been drunk when he left. The escort with him also disappeared somewhere we cannot trace. The guard assigned to them did not even see her leave" the guard let out those and then held his breath

The president was a whimsical man with varying moods. He could be irritated at the news or take it well. There was no telling what would happen from here on. The guard was taking a risk by being the one to report this.

"And? There is more right? Even I could have guessed this much" the president looked bored at the news which made the guard flinch. The president was in a bad mood and it only made his next words stuck inside his throat.

There was an 80% chance he would get injured in the next five minutes but the guard had a duty to maintain. He had to tell the president the disturbing news he had initially come to deliver.

"No sir, there is more. The prisoner we took somehow escaped our hands. The half-demoness with incredible power is no longer in our custody" and there was the temper. The wall behind the soldier exploded and caused heat to explode at his side. It hurt but the angry expression on the President's face was even worse.

It spoke of death and harm and it was not a good sign. The public thought of the president as a gentle and compassionate man but he was a ruthless tyrant in reality. He had a vision and he wanted it fulfilled.

"I want that creature found and collared as soon as possible. Also, find the one foolish enough to attack my son and eliminate them as soon as possible. I will not take any chances with my position" the guard trembled under the glare being aimed his way.

The president was livid and it did not bode well for anyone involved with him. His rage was rather consuming and did not differentiate between friend and foe. It was a weird situation to be in for everyone.

The guard bowed and left the room while the president fumed behind his back. No one noticed the figure leaning against the wall, listening in on everything.

And even as Lady Elma left the hall to pass on new orders, no one suspected a thing. The president was not the only one who knew who to play the masses after all. Lady Elma had been doing it for longer than him.

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