The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 8: Chapter 2

Book 8: Chapter 2

KuhO wind!

Too slow!

The shining sword of a man wearing a mask and clad in white garments cut Ein down.

After Kain left, a man attacked all of a sudden. He was hiding his identity, but this sword technique was that of a Temple Soldier.

Normally, Ein wouldnt be falling behind someone like a Human. However, this man had clearly surpassed the limits of a Human.

She could tell that together with the intense pain, a lot of strength was leaving from within her. The powerful magical power that was kept within the mans Magic Sword seemed like it shaved away the magical power within Ein.


Heres the finisher! Tte, uooh!?

All of a sudden, a beam that came flying in grazed the masked man as he was about to swing his sword down once more.

At the same time that Ein rolled down from the roof in front of the masked man that dodged that, a shout could be heard from the direction that the beam came flying in from.

Soldier-san, over here! A pervert in full white is slashing at a girl with a bladed object!


After the masked man panicked and jumped down in the direction opposite from the voice, a cherry blossom-colored young woman appeared.

This way!

KuhSorry, Qu! I couldnt finish her!

Lead by the hand by the young woman, the masked man vanished into the back alley.

Confirming that the presence of the mans group had faded away, the man that called for the soldier earlier went fuu and made a breath of relief.

Ein, Ein! Are you alright!?

Guh, so it was you, Kain

Since I heard the sounds of a battle, I came back in a hurry. Sorry I didnt make it back in time!

Before she could reply, Kain picked Ein up and ran.

Stop helping meThat was most likely, someone related to the Temple. This will, have an effect, on your future

As if I care! If I were to abandon you here, EinIm sure that, I wouldnt be able to become anything! BesidesI still, havent heard your answer!

Kain shouted, went through the back alley, and came out to the main street.

The people passing by on the street turned to face him and were startled, but Kain showed no signs of being bothered by it.

Ein thought what a hopeless guy. Besides, Ein was thinking of declining the invitation to his party.

KainI warn you. Do not get involved with me any more than this. You willonly become unhappy.

Muttering that, Ein lost consciousness.

Even while noticing that, Kain ran through the streets at night with all of his might.

He didnt know who the assailant was.

Since he had ran away at Kains bluff, he was able to predict that they were someone who didnt want the attack to be made public.

However, Eins words bothered him.

Someone related to the TempleWhy would they aim for Ein with this timing?

He knew that Ein had a situation that she couldnt mention to people.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He purposely didnt pry into it, but he did make the prediction that she was affiliated with an intelligence unit of some country somewhere.

However, it wasnt like Ein was doing any wrongdoings in this country, and instead, she was eliminating things that were plaguing this country, like the Alva and the Goblin Assassins. Since Kain cooperated in that as well, he knew that very well.

It wasnt like that was the reason why, but Kain believed that he knew Eins temperament very well.

She was always calm, and reliable. And yet, she was unexpectedly ignorant in the ways of the world in strange places.

And thenby no means was she a bad person.


Kain came to a complete stop.

Even though this was a main street, the pedestrian traffic had suddenly vanished. It was as if this whole area had the people clear out of it.

Influential people, sure are scary. Since they can blockade a street so easily.

A masked man stepped out from the other side of the street.

Seeing that, Kain went tsk* and clicked his tongue.

Thats right. If the opponent is really someone related to the Temple, this sort of situation should also be assumed.

Using the authority of the Temple Protection Chivalric Order, they blockaded a part of the direction that Kain was traveling in and cleared it of people.

Hand over the one on your back.

I refuse.

Kain immediately answered, and searched the area for any presences.

One, two, threeHe could feel power that was above average here and there. They were most likely people of the Temple Protection Chivalric Order.

UnThis is troubling.

After the masked man said that sounding truly troubled, he scratched his head while saying what should we do about this.

Well, I guess theres no choice but to explain.

Breathing a deep sigh, the masked man took a step forward towards Kain.

She might look like a sweet girl to you but look. The truth is, shes a Mazoku. Moreover, it seems that shes infiltrated this country for a while now.

Kain didnt reply.

Going so hes shocked by that, the masked man took another step forward.

Its understandable that youre surprised. Even for me, if I didnt know anything, I would have been the same as you.

The masked man held a hand out towards Kain.

You were just deceived. Youve done nothing wrong. So, hand her over.

If I hand her over, what do you plan on doing?

Dont worry. Nothing inhuman will happen, I wont allow it. Believe me

Youll kill her, right?

Hearing Kains words, the masked man was at a loss for an answer. However, he then immediately spun out words with a baffled tone.

Oi oi, I just said that shes a Mazoku, you know. Dont be deceived just because she has that sort of form.

Ever since he was born in this world and up until now, Kain Stagius held a belief that had not yielded even once.

A man who would abandon a girl, is the one thing he would never become.

That belief alone did not yield, and continued to push on. He had dueled with the sons of nobles whose peerage was higher than his, and he had even entered the hideouts of villainous bandit groups with only a single sword.

In regards to Ein, I know much more about her than you do. Just as how she looks, Ein is a cute girl.

Hearing Kains words, the masked man went acha and pressed down on his forehead.

This really is troubling. What should I do.

Its simple. You, should just move out of the way.

After Kain glared at him, the masked man went fuu and let out a small breath.

I cant do that. If you say that youre not gonna hand her over no matter what, I have no choice but to take her by force.

With those words, Kain slowly lowered Ein and laid her down.

Oh, so you finally underst

Kain silently placed a hand on the sword on his waist.

Seeing that, the masked man was about to touch the sword on his waist, hesitatedand fixedly stared at Kain from the front.

Quit it. If you draw that, this wont be able to end as just a joke.

I have been serious from the start. And same to you, if you want to end things as being just a joke, please, move out of the way.

I told you that I cant do thatHey, Im begging ya. To have to do battle against a Human like you for the sake of protecting Humans from the Mazoku threat, that cant even be turned into a funny story.

Kain, while keeping his hand on the sword, gazed at the masked man.

To begin with, the idea that Mazoku are evilthat premise is strange.

It aint strange at all. We were nearly destroyed by the Mazoku once before, you know? Why do you think that they arent evil?

Right now, there are even countries that get along with them like the Jiol Forest Kingdom.

Theres the chance that theyve been brainwashed. Theres talk that the Demon King of the past possessed that sort of power, right?

Speaking that far, the masked man went hah and gulped.

I see. So, theres also the possibility that youve been brainwashed.

How did you come to reach that conclusion.

While breathing a sigh, Kain took some distance from the masked man.

The masked man that he was facing had also finally placed a hand on his sword.

This is my last time asking this. Do you have any intention of leaving her there.


Is that soThats too bad!

The masked man drew his sword at the same time that he said that, and approached right before Kains eyes. And then, pretending to swing his sword, he threw a kick.

However, Kain easily evaded that, and swung his sword with a side-swipe.

Woah there!? That was close!

Bending his upper body to evade that, the masked man had his balance destroyed, and stumbled a bit.

Dammit, you seriously swung your sword at me!

Of course I didWhat are you saying after all thats happened!?

The masked man moved back while dodging Kains attacks, and after a couple of the attacks, he jumped backwards with all of his might.

If you plan on being like that, theres no other choice!

After the masked man once again readied his sword, he rushed towards Kain with great speed.


*Gaon* That attack that was fired together with a tremendous sound, Kain evaded it as if warding it off with his sword.

From that attack that was even heavier than an attack from an Ogre, the impact that he couldnt ward off made Kains arms tingle.

The masked man certainly did possess tremendous physical ability, but his sword technique was average.

However, there was an out of place feeling that couldnt be erased no matter what. As if he couldnt handle his own power, it was that sort of feeling.

With every attack, the masked mans sword flashes became sharper.

YouYoure seriously strong, arent cha.

I should feel honored by your praiseshouldnt I!

Taking that instant opening, Kain made a kick at the masked mans stomach. Even though he had put considerable strength into it, the masked man didnt get blown away, only fell one step back, and then once again headed towards Kain. But, that wasnt a problem.

Attack Thunder!


The Attack Thunder that was fired from Kains palm made a direct hit and shocked the masked man.

He wouldnt die even if it hit him, but he shouldnt be able to move for a while.

Kain lowered his sword, and finally took a breath.

Sorry, Ill be having you take a nap for a bit.

Itll be you doing that, though!

The masked man looked like his movements had stopped.

However, the fact that his expression couldnt be read due to the mask had invited Kains negligence.

The man was nothing more than surprised and only stopped his movements.

By the time that Kain had realized that, a kick of incredible force had hit him.

Hah, heres some payback! Attack Thunder!

The masked mans Attack Thunder that was fired was fired with more force than what the person himself had imagined.

It was a lightning bolt that seemed like it would have scorched a Human black with a single attack.

Kain watched as that Attack Thunder came rushing in at himself.

Without being limited to Attack Thunder, lightning-type magic, generally speaking, had speed. Enough that it couldnt be defended against unless a Magic Guard was put up in advance.

That is why, Kain was able to understand.

He couldnt defend against it.

Being unable to incapacitate the opponent, is my own miss. But, at the very least, I need to protect Ein

The moment he thought that and sent his gaze behind him, Kain saw a single shadow approaching him.

That shadow, it threw a spear together with an expression of anger.

The masked mans Attack Thunder made a direct hit on the spear that was stuck into the ground right in front of Kain.

All of the Attack Thunder went through the spear, was diffused, and vanished.

Stepping in between the masked man and Kain who had surprised looks, a young woman pulled out the spear that was stuck in the ground.

Just when I was running around searching for Kainwhat is up with this situation. Ein is unconscious, and Kain just had a close call. On top of that, a pervert in full white was about to kill Kain. I dont get this at all.

EhOi, how did you get here? This place was blockaded

The young woman turned her spear towards the masked man that dumbfoundedly muttered that.

I obviously forced my way through. Who do you think I am.

Eh, noI dont know though.

Ah, is that so. But, I guess theres no need to have you learn my name.

*Zah* Taking a step forward, the young womanSeira Necros fixed her stance, and turned towards the masked man.

Im not as kind as Kain after all. Dont think that this will end with just a few fingers, got it?

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