The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 9: Chapter 20

Book 9: Chapter 20

In contrast to Ysklaass whimsical expression, Eltrindes was one of complete bewilderment.

B-But wouldnt that contradict what you claimed earlier? Be it for better or worse, the Mazoku country will be brought into the spotlight from this. Not only that, the face of the king would get exposed.

Yes, youre right. It is likely that the royal families from multiple kingdoms will learn of Vermudols face through the work of the intelligence squads.


But its different for me.

Ykslaas interrupted Eltrinde.

There is only one member of humanity who knows exactly who I am. And even then, I dont have to worry much about that person. Actually perhaps itd be more accurate to say that there isnt a single person who knows of my true identity.

That one member of humanity was none other than Kain Stagius. It seemed that he was dragged off somewhere by the Alva at the moment, but there hasnt been anything to suggest that he leaked any information relating to Ykslaas.

According to Ykslaas, things have already been taken care of, but she hadnt mentioned the specifics. Vermudol assumed that it might have something to do with her hidden trump card, the special magic that she couldnt use right now.

The same goes for these two. Thats why itll be fine Oh, Vermudol, could you call Brutus here as well?

Ykslaas turned around to Vermudol as if she just remembered something while she was pointing at Shironos and Olred.

Bringing him here would only increase Altejios workload, though.

Itll be fine. Hed be doing it for his beloved and respected Demon King-sama, so Im sure hed accept with a big smile on his face.

Vermudol couldnt imagine the silent composed North General Altejio smiling like that, but he soon cleared his throat and moved onto taking care of her request.

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Upon the snap of his fingers, a black bird immediately flew out of nowhere.

Vermudol let out a sigh as Ykslaas watched him with satisfaction.

Well, theres not much more I can help with that. I assume I can leave this to you?

Of course not, what are you saying?

Ykslaas turned to Shironos with a Bring that to me.

Shironos nodded. After he stepped away for a bit, he returned carrying a large black box.

What is that?

Its your armor.

Kneeling to Vermudols right side, Shironos opened the box and took out a helmet to show him.

It was a full-face pitch-black helmet. Vermudol then understood that it would be perfect in hiding his face.

He could also tell that the armor itself was of quite well-made. At the very least, it was not something that could have been prepared within the span of one or two days.

Considering that this armor was also specifically made for Vermudol, that would also have to mean that it would fit him perfectly.

I dont ever recall having my measurements taken, however

Well, considering that a certain cold-blooded woman made me run around doing maid work, its only natural that Id be aware of your measurements.

Oh yeah, thats right, Vermudol thought to himself as he just remembered.

Ykslaas was technically the acting leader of the maid squad in Ichikas place at the moment. While Ykslaas herself sounded a bit spiteful over it, the fact was that she was doing as much work as needed as to not allow Ichika to make any comments over it.

I see. Its because I havent seen you in your maid outfit that often. I completely forgot.

Well of course you havent, youre always locked up in that office of yours Go on, Shironos. Put the armor on him.

Of course Demon King-sama, if youd excuse me.

Following Ykslaass order, Shironos took out the pieces of armor from the box one by one.

He then began equipping Vermudol with each of the shining black armor pieces, and then finally handed him the helmet at the end.

Vermudol put on the helmet and then placed his beloved Bale Blade to his side, completing the look of the black knight.

A black knight, huh

Theres no particular meaning behind it. I just thought that black pretty much is your color.

I-I think it suits you well, too.

Right? Oh, that reminds me, we better do something about your appearance too. Youre an important symbol, after all.

Eltrinde looked down at her outfit in response.

It was stained with blood, and there were multiple holes made from various weapons being thrust into them. It truly was a bit painful to behold.

Her armor was no longer useful, so it was only natural that itd be replaced by something else.

All potential scenarios must be accounted for Olred.

Got it.

Upon Shironoss signal, Olred suddenly came walking in carrying another box.

Inside it were clothes made for a woman, along with armor that complemented it perfectly.

My, well arent you prepared?

Yes, Ive recently developed something of a hobby in regards to attire. I am glad to know it has been of use.

Ykslaas and Vermudol both peeked inside the box, then exchanged looks with each other. and then once again looked at Shironos. When they heard he had been doing it as a hobby, they assumed he was making the clothes for himself, but it appeared they were wrong.

These seem to be clothes for women, however.

Of course. I did make them with the assumption that a woman would be wearing them, after all.

Well, yes, that does seem to be the case.

It is fortunate that I had something that was of the appropriate size. Now, please come this way.

O-Oh, t-thank you.

After seeing off the bewildered Eltrinde, Vermudol and Ykslaas turned their gazes to Olred, who had an odd expression on his face.

Dont tell me you knew about this?

Vermudol had no idea that Shironos had a hobby of making clothes for women, but it seemed that Olred was well aware of it.

Hmm? Oh, well yeah, I knew. I mean, he did make clothes for women over at Arkverm



Eltrindes shriek, along with what seemed to be Brutuss grunt, could be heard.

Oh, yeah Wasnt the Transfer Magic Point pretty close to over there?

We were so caught up with how bizarre Shironoss hobby was that we forgot

The destination for the Transfer Magic from Zadark Kingdom was positioned pretty close to where Eltrinde had been changing her clothes.

Ykslaas, Im counting on you.

Yes, yes.

Saying good grief to herself, Ykslaas ran towards the direction where the sound of something being stepped on could be heard.

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