The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 9: Chapter 30

Book 9: Chapter 30

Ykslaass group, who broke through the wall at the same time as Rishal Realms activation and made their escape, was at a place that seemed like a storage room in a corner of the first floor.


When Olred, who was leaning on a wall, began to talk to her with a dissatisfied sounding voice, Ykslaas, who was pulling a barrel that was filled with old swords, turned towards him.

What. Make sure that you properly stand watch.

Well, the thing is. Wouldnt it have been no problem if we cleaned up everyone that was over there?

Having that said to her, Ykslaas stared at Olred with half-open eyes.

Ill ask this for now but, how would we do it?

Thats, well, wed endure it until the effect had ended with Magic Guardand then go like, kaboom.

Rejected. That magic, it had the potential of penetrating your Magic Guard.

After Ykslaas said that, she pushed the barrel close to the wall.

Approaching with big steps to the barrel that was being moved slowly but surely, Olred easily picked it up, and placed it in front of the wall with a *don*.

I cant ignore that. What was there to that magic that was just a bit flashy.

It isnt just a bit. Didnt you hear that chant? That was probably, Combination Magic, you know?

What the heck is that.

Its something that invokes a single magic with several people by tuning their magical power. Its possible to bring forth power that is far stronger than the originalthats what is said.

The thats what is said part is because a case of a success had not been confirmed.

Therefore, Ykslaass remark was also nothing more than a guess.

To begin with, a chant was just an apparatus in order to invoke magic, and as long as the proper chant and necessary magical power were prepared, even a cat could use magic.

However, there were limits to an individuals magical power, so in other words, there was also a limit to the magic that an individual could handle.

The magic called large magic could be invoked by taking in the natural magical power that existed in the surroundings, but even so, it wasnt like an inexhaustible supply could be gathered.

That is why, in order to surpass the limits, even stronger magic was constantly being researched.

One among them was the Combination Magic Theory, and if it were put into simple terms, it would be even if a single persons power is weak, if everyones power is gathered, it will be strong.

There were various arguments behind Combination Magic, but the prevailing view was that Combination Magic, at the very least, possesses a force equal to the magic fired in addition to the magical power of all of those that composed the spell.

In other words, it meant that the case of the magic spell from earlier had the power of several Staves of Light knights butby some chance, it might have been able to break through Olreds Magic Guard.

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Of course, it was quite possible that it wouldnt have been able to, but Ykslaas had no intention of purposely testing that out in that scene.

Combination Magic huh

Well, at the very least, its impossible for Mazoku. We are the ultimate gathering of individualists after all.

So its a finishing move only for mankind?

It might not be impossible for mankindI suppose you could put it like that. It might be due to the organization called a chivalric order which has the intent of having discipline and coordination. Come on, move that box over there as well.

The tuning of magical power was easier said than done. Its said that the difficulty is fixed even if twins were the ones doing it.

Even if they were a chivalric order that specializes in magic, they shouldnt be able to use it so easily.

In that case, theres also the possibility that they simply used the same magic with the same timing, isnt there. Even so, there was no mistaking that the force was certainly raised higher than different magic spell being fired at the same timeun, I dont get it. I wonder if I should have paid closer attention to the movement of their magical power.

Ykslaas started to worry over it, but it was there that she temporarily stopped those thoughts.

Well, its fine. More importantly, next is that rack over there.

Are we alright on keeping watch like this

I mean, its much more efficient like this after all.

After breathing a sigh at Ykslaas who shrugged her shoulders, Olred lifted up the rack and moved it.

To begin with, why are we rearranging a storage room like this one anyway?

Its because its suspicious.


Thats right.

Ykslaas nodded, and she suddenly traced the floor with her finger.

After showing her finger that had almost no dust on it, she blew it off.

Whatre you doing?

Isnt it strange. That in this storage room with an atmosphere that says that definitely isnt used, theres hardly any dust thats piled up.

Really? Its a castle, right? You sure they arent just cleaning it?

Ill just say this now but, in the Demon King Castles case, thats due to Ichika, you know? You cant use that as the standard. Normally, you should think of something on the level of Raktors room.

After Olred placed the rack in a corner of the room and placed a hand on his chin, he nodded with a *fumu*.

I see. After thinking of it like that, it certainly is too clean.

While looking at that Olred with complicated eyes, Ykslaas put up one finger.

Thats right, its too clean. It means that this room is used with considerable frequency.

Even if thats the case, what meaning is there in moving stuff around like this?

Ara, you havent read any heroic tales? Its an indispensable part for places like this, isnt it.

After Ykslaas said that, she started walking and pushed Olred aside.

O, oi.

Lookits here.

What Ykslaas pointed out was an unnatural gap in the floor.

It was disguised so that it wouldnt be any different from the rest of the stone floor at a glance butprobably from being open and shut many times over, only that part was unnaturally worn down.

When it becomes like this, the whole hidden passage thing gets ruined. Fufu, theyre so dumb.

Isnt a hidden passage supposed to be something like a way of escape?

Ara, its not just limited to that. It could also be a hiding spot for evil, you know?

After Ykslaas pulled out one sword from within the barrel she moved earlier, she inserted it into the gap that was unnaturally made.

Yoishotto. NnmumuHa! Mumumu

When Ykslaas put some strength into it, the heavy hidden door made a dull sound and started to open.


When a gap had been made to a certain extent, Olred grabbed the door, and opened it all the way.

It certainly is heavy. When its this heavy, isnt it just a pain to use?

Saying that and lightly hitting the door, Olred noticed that Ykslaas was staring at him.


After Ykslaas glared at Olred with a dissatisfied-looking face, she quietly opened her mouth.

Now that I think about it, it wouldnt have been a problem if I had Olred open it from the beginning, would it.

You didnt tell me to open it after all.

If it was Shironos, he would have guessed it and opened it.

Yeah, yeah, Ill do that next time.

While having that sort of conversation, Ykslaas and Olred descended the stairs that were beyond the hidden door.

Whoops, I guess we should close it for now.

Saying that, Olred closed the door once more.

Still, to have a latch on this side of it really makes it like a hidden door. Should I put the latch on?

It doesnt matter. If someone were to chase us this farat that time, well, it would just turn into a case of them turning into a missing person.

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