The Strongest Businessman

Chapter 113 113: Body Strengthening

"Thank goodness." All the employees let out a sigh of relief.

"One more thing." Dylan said as his face turned paler by the second.

"What is it, sir Dylan?" Rick asked.

"Errr, can you girls stand up now? It's getting a little bit... suffocating with your combined weight and all." Dylan spoke with difficulty due to lack of air.

The girl's stood up immediately and lowered their heads after realizing how embarrassing they did. Because of their worry for Dylan, they couldn't calm themselves down and let their emotions get the best of them.

"Oh, we're so sorry sir." The girl's shyly said.

"It's okay. Don't worry." Dylan smiled. After being alleviated from the pain, Dylan stood up and stretched his body.

"Sir Dylan, could you, uhmm, put some shirt on first?" Mary shyly glanced at his face before landing on his bare upper body. She retracted her gaze and blushed like tomato.

The girls who have lowered their head, stole a glance and saw Dylan's perfectly engineered body. Subconsciously, they swallowed a mouthful of saliva as they felt their throats drying as they stared into his body. Realizing their actions, they lowered their heads and covered their red faces.

"What do you mean?" Dylan asked and looked at himself. Only then was he able to remember that he was half-naked.

"Oh!" Well, it became Dylan's habit to take off his shirt before training because everytime he cultivates and trains a large amounts of sweat would then follow.

Dylan's routine was to refine his energy and circulate the Cosmic God Manual for 25 revolutions. After inner training, Dylan would proceed to his calisthenics and body strengthening regime. Finally, to his battle techniques, movement techniques, defensive techniques, and secret techniques.

After doing all of that, Dylan would be soaked with sweat so he decided to not train with any shirt on any longer because he would be only inconveniencing his employees with large bundle of laundry.

"I'm sorry. I forgot." Dylan grabbed the white shirt on the table near him and quickly wore it.

"Mhm." The girl's obediently nodded.

"Hehehe, boss, your body just made the girl's blush! Tell me what's your secret! If I had a body like yours, girls would be flocking from all directions just to warm my bed!" Ron shamelessly inquired.

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The girl's left one by one but before they left they made sure to stomp their foot on either the right or left foot of Ron.

"Ouch!!!" Ron burst into tears and felt down on his but as he held his feet which has just been stomped stomped by more than 30 times!

"Hahahaha!" The boy's laughed at him.

"That's what you get for being too shameless." Ronald laughed.

"Have a balanced diet and exercise daily." Dylan smirked. He knew that this fatty would not be able to do such a thing as he liked to eat as much as he works which cancels out the fat and calories his burnt with his intake.

"What?! Then, it would be impossible for me to do so." Ron felt even more dismal as he heard this.

"Dylan, what happened to you?" Barry just arrived and asked while catching some air. He was on the ground floor and was still a bit weak so he struggled to climb the stairs.

"Barry, I told you to not push yourself​! I'm fine. Don't worry. I just happened to breakthrough that's all. Go back to your own bed and rest." Dylan reprimanded his brother.

"I was just worried, you know. After the sudden energy influxes​, I heard loud banging​ sounds so I immediately got out of the room and climbed upstairs." Barry said.

"Haaayst, nothing happened, okay? The loud banging sounds​ were probably when the girls fell on top of me." Dylan explained after he sighed.

"You broke through? The girls fell on top of you? You did Dual Cultivation?!" Barry shockingly deducted.

"What the heck is up with you, guys? The girls fell on me because they were too many of them behind the door! So the moment I opened it, they fell on me." Dylan frustratingly recounted.

"Oh, hahaha. Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Barry's​ laugh made Dylan feel frustrated even more.

Dylan controlled himself and took a deep breath before saying. "Okay. Go back and rest. You still need to recover. Andrew, Scott, help my brother go to his bedroom."

"Yes, sir." Andrew and Scott answered.

"Hey, you don't need to do that. I'm a grown man. I don't need other people nursing me around." Barry stubbornly said and walked by himself. However, after his third step, his body wobbled sidewards and he placed his right arm on the wall to his right to stabilize himself.

"Bro, look at you. You can't even walk right. Listen to me!" Dylan shouted.

"Fine." Barry unwillingly said. Andrew grabbed his left arm and wrapped it around his back while Scott did the same with his right. The two then, assisted him downwards and to his room.

"The rest of you, go back to your rooms and rest." Dylan looked at the boys who remained and ordered.

"Goodnight, sir. Rest well." Jack and the other turned around and went back to their respective bedrooms.

"Goodnight." Dylan smiled and waited for them to enter their rooms before entering his room.


"Those guys are such worrywarts." Dylan scratched his head but a smile soon emerged in his face. He finally felt the warmth of having a family. Although he and his co-workers all treated him well and genuinely, there was still that gap it had from having a family.

"So this is what it feels to have a big family huh?" Dylan sighed as he stared at the night sky which was being lit up by three moons. His mind wondered off and reminisced the hardships he went through for his brother.


Being an orphan, he never had anyone to take care of him. He, on the other hand, was the one who constantly look after his younger brother. He needed to be strong and independent for his brother.

That's why he worked day in and day out. When what he collected and sold was not enough to buy food for him and Dale. Dylan would resort to stealing bread and food just so that they would be able to fill their growling stomachs.

By the time Dylan was living in the streets, books were becoming more and more obselete for others as technology continued to advance. Whenever there were books that were being thrown away, Dylan would pick them up and read them. To others, it may be obselete but for Dylan, they were his opportunities to learn. He read countless books and learned by himself. He taught himself how to read and write.

After studying the books he had read, he would teach his little brother every little bit of knowledge he has.

After learning about business and management tricks, he was able to make his business develop from literally nothing at all to a one of the most prominent business in his time.

"Hahaha, got a little sidetracked there. But remembering these memories made me realize that my journey to the top is closely tied with learning, persevering to improve myself and providing for my own family." Dylan had an epiphany as he thought of this.

"I need to focus and continue to strive to improve myself. Now that I'm done with the inner training, its time for my body strengthening training!" Dylan closed his eyes for a brief moment and removed all unnecessary thoughts.

When he opened his eyes, there was only steady calmness and concentration. Then, he began his training!

When Dylan was studying for the Noble Test, Dylan discovered that the Origin Transmutation Realm was also known as the Body Strengthening Realm. The mortal body cannot endure and contain the primal-level energy of Origin Realm Cultivators called Origin Energy. Thus, during this sub-realm, strengthening the body is as vital as the conversion of spirit energy to Origin Energy.

For certain percentages​ of Origin Energy conversion, there exists a corresponding body-strengthened level that needs to be attained. To be capable of enduring the first 20%, one must reach the Warrior Stage. To endure the 50%, one must reach the General Stage. To endure 100%, he/she must reach the King Stage.

In the Warrior stage, a cultivator is expected to have the strength comparable to a hundred mortals. In the General Stage, a cultivator would have the physical abilities of 200 mortals. While in the King Stage, a person is expected to have the physical strength of 500 mortals.

Some cultivation theorists even said that there are body-strengthened stages above the King level. There are 3 known theoretical stages above it. First, the Emperor Level​, where one would have the strength of 1000 men strong. Second, the Saint level, where one would have the strength of 3000 men strong! Lastly, the War God Level, where one has the strength comparable to a ten thousand men army!

Of course, they are only theories which have yet to be proven possible by either training or using magical treasures that allows the body to evolve!

Dylan does not have any of the High-grade Strengthening Manual that heirs and princes have. Hence, he could only compensate for hardwork and determination to become stronger!

"I need to improve my physical strength as early as now so that I won't be worrying about improving my physique later! My edge with other people is that I don't need to worry about constant refinement of energy due to my Supreme Core's Insta-conversion ability. Enabling me to focus my training time with strengthening my body and for comprehension of my techniques!" Dylan said as he was doing who knows how many push-ups already.

The training manual that Dylan was training on was called the 48 Basic Exercises. It has three levels. The beginner level is to do all exercises with 100 repitition each in just 12 hours! The intermediate level is by doing it 1000 times in 18 hours while the last level, the mastered level, was doing this exercises 10000 times in just one day!

It is said at the first level one would have reached the Warrior stage. At the second stage, one would reach the General Stage. At the last stage, the King Stage!

This is a proven method and could be done within all cultivation realms and even mortals! However, due to its stringent requirements and primitive nature of execution, most wouldn't practice it at all because the amount of time and effort that was given to it's practice would delay the cultivation of the practitioner.

This was exactly the reason why Dylan decided to train in this technique because it is a guaranteed way to reach the King Stage while still at Spirit Veins and the Supreme Core which excuses him from tireless refinement!

When he first practiced the 48 Basic Exercises, Dylan did not rush by immediately doing 100 repitions. He first ensured that he would be creating his foundations by doing 20 repititions each on his first week and increase it by 20 more each week that follows. Currently, he was doing 40 repititions for each exercise!

'From my speed, I would be able to reach Warrior Stage two or three weeks​ from now.' Dylan thought.

After reaching the Warrior Stage, Dylan planned to increase the repititions added by 100 for every week. So, he would reach the General Stage in 2 ½ months time. Around that time, he would also have officially reached the realm of Origin Transmutation!

"When I reach Origin Transmutation, I would have to add 1000 repititions each week so that in less than three months, I would be able to reach the King Stage and breakthrough to the 20th level Origin Transmutation... Oh, how could I forget? I would be level 25 by the time I reach the peak of that realm, hehe." Dylan smiled evilly.

With his advantage of undergoing Ancestral Veins Realm, he would be able to dominate the next sub-realm despite being one sub-realm lower!

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