The Strongest Businessman

Chapter 151 151: Battle at Dreamy Forest 2

"How did you.... suddenly appear here... in the middle... just like that?" The nearest thug to Dylan struggled in speaking.

"You're a... Mystical Magnate?!" Another thug exclaimed with difficulty. Along with the suppression of first volume of the King of the Land Technique, they could feel their cultivation dropping by 20% or at least by one level due to the natural advantage of the Mystical Magnates.

"That's a secret." Dylan mysteriously said. He summoned his Waning Moon Sword and attacked the nearest person to him. He swiftly inserted spirit energy into the Waning Moon Sword.

"Nooo!" The thug targeted by Dylan screamed in horror when he saw Dylan summon a sword out of nowhere and glance at him. It was not only him but also the person next to him who was also kneeling beside him

"Half-moon Slash!" Dylan accurately aimed at his neck and slashed horizontally which easily decapitated the target of his attack. The headless body fell lifelessly on the ground with blood squirting from his exposed neck.

"This can't be!!" It also took the life of the person next to him which was less than a meter away from the target. With the Half-moon Slash proceeding to his neck as well, he was easily killed despite trying to avoid it.

"Damn you!! Bastard!! I'll kill you!!" The group roared in anguish as they saw their comrades die just like that.

"You kidnapped a part of my family that alone sentences every single one of you lowlives to death!" Dylan's face remained indifferent while his eyes emitted mercilesss killing intent. He did not remain idle and swiftly moved one with another person to kill!

As Dylan was slowly killing those near him, those who were far from him noticed that the pressure in their bodies were alleviating each time Dylan moves. When they noticed this, they stood up gritting their teeth and attacked Dylan!

When Dylan appeared, he made sure that all of the grunts were within the range of his suppression technique. However, one of the weaknesses of the King of the Land is that the further the target is from the center, which is the user, the lesser pressure he feels. Unless its' user has reached the Grand Perfection mastery, this defficiency will remain but will decrease as the user's comprehension increase.

"Die!" The first person to stand up was a man who had a top-knot on his head. He unsheathed his sword and unleashed a Low Earth Rank Battle Technique, Wind Blade. Powered by his Origin Transmutation cultivation, the full powered wind blade he released swiftly cut through the air and made its way to Dylan!


Dylan naturally anticipated this since he knew the weakness of his techniques thanks to Azelmek's guidance. He did not even attempt to dodge, instead he grabbed one of the people close to him and used him as a meat shield.

"Oh no!" The man with the top-knot called out in alarm.

"Fuck you..." The one Dylan was holding cursed as he saw the wind blade move nearer to severely injure him.

Dylan knew that the person he was holding has already reached the King-class body for he could ascertain that his cultivation was the 18th level Origin Transmutation Realm.

Attaining a King-class body would not only enable a person to contain Origin Energy but it would also mean that not even Mid Spirit Rank weapons would not be able to hurt its' skin. Thus, with the person at hand at his mercy, Dylan was easily able to match the path by which the wind blade followed and angled the neck of the person he was holding to that path.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"What are you doing?! Noooo! Aghhg!" The meat shield also met a headless end like the first two. No matter how much stronger the King-class body is than a normal person's body, the neck will still remain one of the vital points of a human.

"Brother Kam! Bastard, I am going to tear you to pieces!" The man with the top-knot shouted wrathfully.

At the same time, another person was able to stand. He retreated several steps back, exiting the range of Dylan's technique. It was a feminine man with a long hair and slender face and was clenching a fan with his fist. Despite his feminine appearance, he actually had a deep voice, "Brother Kiju, calm down! We need to regroup! Everyone who can stand, distance yourselves from him as quick as possible."

Another man was also able to get on his feet and distance himself from Dylan. He was quickwitted and he understood that it was their chance to reignite the morale of their troops. He concurred, "What he is saying is right! I could feel the pressure leaving my body when I was around seven or eight meters away from him!"


"It seems like they are not as dumb as they look." Dylan plainly commented. He did not waste another second watching their dramatic charade. He approached another person and tightened his grip on the Waning Moon Sword while he provided it with Spirit Energy!

"Please... spare me... " Begged the person who Dylan just approached.

"Then, you should have never touched my family." He indifferently killed those who were near him one slash on the neck after the other.


"Release your auras to the best of your abilities. It will help you counter the effects of the pressure!" A man who was filled with tattoos on his body was also able to escape from the shackles of Dylan's King of the Land, instructed to the others,

Hearing this, the group was finally able to see hope after they saw four men standing up. All of them quickly did as the others said. Within a minute, they released their auras to its' maximum output and moved further from Dylan. Those who were at the 4 meter-mark was able to leave with some difficulty.

But to those who were within the 3 meter mark? All were slaughtered! Not a single person was spared.

Bundles of corpses created a small lake of blood. The men stared furiously at the cause of this horrendous sight. A man whose clothes were stained with blood and whose sword was slowly dripping the blood of those it took. Their eyes turning bloodshot from the fury that they were feeling in their hearts as they focused their gazes at the person who killed thirteen of their friends in a minute!

"Brothers, let us attack together! Fire all of your long ranged attacks at him!" The feminine scholar looking youth courageously initiated the attack on Dylan.

"Kill!!" The more than forty grunts remaining fired forty Earth Rank Battle Techniques with varying qualities and masteries at Dylan.

Dylan did not remain idle. He canceled the suppression of the King of Land to conserve spirit energy. He used Zooming Thunder in order to move 20 meters away from the concentration of attacks. But when he moved away from his original location, he was baffled to see that there were a group anticipating his path of escape already.

"You... will die for what you did!" A muscular curly haired man who lead the group ferociously scowled. He charged towards Dylan carrying his heavy axe with him as he initiated the frontal assault.

The axe targeted Dylan's head. But, Dylan did not panic, instead he bent his body backwards to make more room for him to summon the Shield of Dusk! When he summoned the Shield of Dusk, it was at that moment that the heavy axe met the mettle of his shield.

"Gugh!" Dylan groaned when he landed heavily to the ground. He felt extreme pain on his back but he knew that he did not have any time to waste as the axe-wielder already lifted his weapon above his shoulder. He rolled away from his foe and fortunately, evaded the attack.

"You took the words directly from my mouth." Dylan uttered coldly as he stood up. He took a battle stance and prepared for a rigorous battle ahead.



"Hehe, is that all you got, old farts?" Rian taunted as he landed on the ground.

Rian was still fighting the three demon warriors that the 18 leaders formed. A lot of Illusion Isolating Trees were uprooted in their vicinity as the intensity of their battle has started to heighten over time.

"Brothers! Surround him!" The demon warriors moved and surrounded Rian from 3 different directions. With the large physiques of the demon warriors, they were able to block Rian's possible exits by extending two of the swords of each demon warrior on their sides.

"Attack!" As soon as that cry was heard, twelve swords came crashing to the ground!

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

Consecutive explosions were heard after. Despite being surrounded by rains of slashes, Rian was able to use his small body as his advantage. Accompanied with his acute senses and insane reflexes, he was able to read the trajectories of each slash and evade them while he made his way out of this ordeal.

When Rian was able to escape from their encirclement, Rian rushed up to the closest foe to him and barred his fangs. Very quickly, he dashed to a tree and climbed it to bite one of the heads of the demon warrior. When he reached a certain height, he leapt from the tree which caused the tree to break from the enormous force contained by his kick.

But, the controllers of the demon warrior that Rian targeted noticed this. They quickly maneuvered the two hands that were on standby to defend.

Despite seeing them defend themselves, Rian did not show any signs of stopping or even hesitation! He opened his mouth as a vague shadow of a powerful beast appeared behind him and bit one of the hands which defended!

The leaders' reactions were ludicrous when they saw one of the hands of the demon warrior be ripped from its body! What shocked them the most was that Rian actually gnawed the arm and started devouring him. They shuddered knowing that the body of energy of the demon warriors they created were a consolidation of all their energies! It was as dense as the energy of a peak Palace Formation Realm practitioner!

Overcome by their shock, they could only watch as Rian devour the arm in seconds!

"Pweh! It tastes as if it was rotten! Tch, well, I guess I should not have expected something good from you, guys." Rian disdainfully said.

"Tch, you think you're so amazing? We'll slice you into pieces, puppy!" One of the leaders taunted.

"Then, I will show you just awesome I am by ripping you guys limb from limb!" Rian stretched his body and sprinted once more! This time he went even faster than he usually were!


He was quicker than lightning as he bit off another arm from another demon warrior! When he landed, he also ate the energy from the arm and recovered some of his energy. "Two down, a couple more to go!"

Rian took off once more. He zigzagged and moved at an unpredictable rhythm. By doing so, he was able to confuse the leaders which demon warrior he is going to assault next!

When Rian approached them in an unusual pace, the leaders of the alliance were disoriented and scattered from the pressure and fear that Rian gave off.

Taking advantage of their miscommunication, Rian quickly pounced the demon warrior he disfigured first! In a flash, another arm was also torn from the energy body of the demon warrior.

"Kugh!" Now, the demon warrior had a missing lower right arm and middle left arm. The manipulators of the demon warrior who only had 4 arms left coughed several times before stabilizing themselves

"Hehehe, I guess I overestimated you guys!" Rian mocked his opponents arrogantly. After stating those words, he immediately commenced another attack advancing with the eccentric method he did earlier.

"Brothers, we cannot continue like this! We need to watch each others backs! That is the only way that we are going to fend off his ligtning quick attacks!" The leader which was also, the strongest member of the alliance, Angus Mattledeer strongly said.

The others nodded without further debate after determining the severity of the situation. The leaders manipulated their warriors and all of them stood back to back! They prepared their swords to attack the moment Rian tries to rip off another arm again.

"No matter what strategy you do, I am going to win!" Rian arrogantly said as he lunged forward to another demon warrior. Maybe it was because of the successful suppression he did for the past few minutes that he was boasting than he originally did. But his arrogance actually became his undoing the very next moment.

When he prompted the attack, he unrestrainedly chose the demon warrior which still had a complete set of arms. The moment he was only 4 meters away from the demon warrior, the warrior attacked him with his upper left arm.

However, with Rian's terrifying battle sense, he was able to evade the slash by sliding to his left. But how could he have anticipated the ruthlessness of Angus? It was as if he anticipated Rian's move. He commanded the demon warrior to stab his upper left arm in order to attack Rian who just evade the attack!

"Urgh..." Rian moaned miserably from the unexpected attack that he sustained.

When Rian was just about to be sent flying by the stab, his eyes widened when he saw that there was two blades that came slashing down! Evidently, it was from the 5-armed demon warrior which was the one guarding the left side of the 6-armed demon warrior.

"No way!" Rian was dumbfounded as he was hit by the attack. He did not expect that this humans would actually be so ruthless that they would hurt themselves to land an attack!

"Arrrgghhh." Rian was hit yet again and landed heavily on the ground! But, it was not without a cost. In order to land that deadly blow, the demon warrior which originally had six arms, now only had four arms left!

But the demon warriors did not stop there, they knew that it was the opportunity for them to take the little punks life!

Rian struggled to stand up. When he was able to stabilize himself, his eyes shone a dark yet bloody light and muttered, "You're forcing my hand.."

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