The Strongest Clan’s Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 75: Beast That Howls At The Moon

Chapter 75: Beast That Howls At The Moon

With the bright moon shining brilliantly overhead, inside a forest

That accursed Snake!!!

Johann struck a large tree standing beside him and screamed.

They were at the destination of their expedition, which was far away from the imperial capital. Johann and the others from Lorelei had come to this forest to subjugate a Beast that had crossed over recently.

The target of the subjugation was Cernunnos(Horned God of the Underworld), a Beast of depth 12.

Among Lords, Cernunnos was categorized as a heavyweight, but the battle had ended in an overwhelming victory for Johann and the others.

Even though they were consisted of strong members, the current Lorelei had the power of the Demi-Beasts in addition to that. It didnt matter in the least that the target of the subjugation was a Lord, it was easy for them to win against it.

However, even though it was just after they had successfully subjugated a Lord, Johanns mood was as bad as could possibly be. The tree that had been struck by Johann broke off at the roots and fell to the ground with an earthshaking crash.

How dare he drag my name through the mud!!!

Dastard! cursed Johann as he stomped his feet. It was just like a child's temper tantrum. It was far from how a rational adult should act.

Indeed, said Zero, who was waiting at the side, as he smiled wryly inside his heart.

Because Johann was in fact quite right, it was natural for him to lose control of his emotions. Even during the time he was in Dark Scale, he had always been like this.

Good grief, even though theres no need to replicate even this kind of thing

When Zero muttered to himself, Johann looked back at him.

Did you say something?

Nope, nothing

Zero, who was being glared at with bloodshot eyes, smiled lightly and shook his head.

The other clan members were setting up camp around the airship. The only saving grace was the fact that he hadnt acted shamefully in front of their subordinates.

Nevertheless, having to chaperon him like this every time he threw a tantrum was, as could be expected, a hassle. Im not a mother who comforts babies that cry at night, you know? thought a fed-up Zero.

Perhaps such thoughts had showed on his face, but Johanns expression became even more grim.

Don't get too carried away, got it? I know that youre looking down on me. But no matter how much that guy trusts you, youre no more than a failure in the end. Know your place, Nothing(Zero)

Ill take your words to heart

When Zero bowed respectfully, Johann clicked his tongue.

How is the devising of methods for dealing with Snake going? That guy intends to kick us down. If you continue to sit on your hands like this, everything will turn out the way that guy wants

Ive moved forward with the countermeasures. However, Snake is an existence thats far more dangerous than we had expected. If we make a move on him blindly, as the saying goes, a Snake will appear from the brush(well be stirring up trouble for ourselves)*

To say nothing of interfering with the railway plan and pushing the blame for that onto Lorelei, SnakeNoel had earned a humongous profit by short-selling shares. On top of that, because he had invested most of the profit that he had earned in Volcan Heavy Industries, he was now treated as a person of merit to the railway plan.

In contrast, Lorelei, who were used by Noel, found themselves the target of harsh finger-pointing from the other people involved in the venture, worsening their position within the venture.

In order to overcome this situation, it was necessary for them to spend even more money and increase their say within the venture. However, if they reduced the clan's financial power, they ran the risk of giving Noel an opportunity to take advantage. Money was power, and those who lost power would only be eaten by predators.

Also, in order to kill Snake with certainty, I believe that were at the stage where we should be getting rid of the obstacles in our way

What complacent things are you saying!? Us being wary and becoming unable to move is precisely what that guy is aiming for, isnt it!? Were clearly superior in terms of fighting strength! But he knows something like that too! The reason why hes targeting us in spite of that is because he has the means to surpass even our fighting strength as time passes! At the stage of getting rid of obstacles, you said? Youre playing right into that guys hands!

At Johann's reprimand, Zero had no comeback.

It was certainly as he had said. It was easy to imagine that the more time went by, the more advantageous it would be for Noel. Their best bet was to defeat him using the overwhelming difference in might as soon as possible.

However, the fact that Noel had invested heavily in Volcan Heavy Industries had earned him a rock-solid position as a person of merit to the railway plan.

If they tried to get rid of Noel in this situation, that guy would probably choose to crush Lorelei through political means. It could be surmised that the reason why he hadnt taken that choice was to show off his own absolute power through the fact that he could overwhelm Lorelei even using might.

When taking a bird's eye perspective of everything, it was certain that Lorelei would be dealt a severe blow no matter how they struggled. If that was the case, what could they do that would benefit Lorelei the most? He already knew the answer to that.

Understood. As soon as we return to the imperial capital, Ill take action immediately

It was when Johann nodded at Zero's words

Both of them felt a strong sense that something was wrong with their location, and made a split-second decision to take a big leap backwards.

However, both Zero and Johann came to the realization that the enemy was one step ahead of them. Their backs had been blocked by an invisible walla containment barrier.

The containment barrier was strong and it didnt seem easy to destroy. The instant he realized that they had been confined in that place, Zero went into a battle-ready state first, and then activated a Skill in order to intercept the enemy.

Death Scythe!

Dark Skill: Death Scythe

A Skill where a scythe, which is capable of cutting apart enemies along with the space around them, is formed using a large amount of magic power. Before this Skill, all forms of defense are pointless. It's truly a slash of certain death.

Due to the activation of the Skill, a large amount of magic power concentrated in Zeros right hand. However, the magic power didnt form into a scythe, and of all things, it exploded, blowing Zeros right hand off.


Groaning in pain, Zero fell to his knees as he put pressure on his wrist, which was spurting blood. Seeing Zero on the ground before him, Johanns eyes widened in surprise.

Does magic power go out of control inside this containment barrier!?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

In general, activating Skills required magic power. There are Jobs that could activate Skills without consuming magic power, but both Zero and Johann were the type that consumed magic power. If their magic power would go out of control and hurt them, then all of their Skills were as good as sealed.

Youve guessed right. Within the bounds of my Skill as a Punisher, Trick Room(Injustice Courtroom), other than those I allow, no one can activate Skills

Applauding contemptuously as she appeared was a tall, white-haired woman. She was wearing a tight leather suit that revealed the captivating lines of her body. On her beautiful face, which was cold as ice, she had on a faint smile.

At first, Johann had thought that it was Noel who had attacked them. But the instant he heard the woman's voice, he realized that he had been mistaken. The slight Rhodanian accent in her voice was proof that the woman was a native of Rhodania.

I see. So youre Rhodanias assassin

Youve guessed right again

To still be targeting me, Rhodania seems to have a lot of spare time, huh?

Johann Eisfeld, youre dangerous. For the sake of the country, I cant let you live

For the sake of the country? For the likes of a killer to speak of a great cause, dont make me laugh

When Johann provoked the woman, she frowned.

Ive no intention of arguing with you. Ill have you die here

The woman proclaimed haughtily and snapped her fingers. In response to that sound, someone else in a jet-black robe appeared. It was hard to tell if that person was a man or a woman. That persons face was hidden in the shadow of an unnaturally dark hood, giving that person a faceless appearance.

When Johann saw that eerie-looking mysterious person, an existence came to mind.

I've heard about that appearance in rumors. You're the King of Flies, arent you?

At Johann's question, the mysterious person bowed with an exaggerated gesture.

Pleased to make your acquaintance. As youve guessed, Im the King of Flies. Clan master of Lorelei, Johann Eisfeld. Ive come for your head

King of Flies. This person was a Scavenger that accepted any request as long as money was paid.

To even rely on a Scavenger, Rhodania hasnt changed, has it? Risking your life for the sake of that kind of country, do you think that youll be rewarded or something?

When Johann asked mockingly, the woman calmly shook her head.

I should have said it already. That Ive no intention of arguing with you. Do it

In response to that order, countless giant bugs emerged from the ground. They ranged in size from being as large as an adult man to nearly three times that size. From centipedes and praying mantises to spiders and scorpions, they were of varying shapes. They had sharp teeth and claws, as well as sickles.

The woman had called herself a Punisher. The Scout series A Rank Job, Punisher, was indeed inferior in terms of fighting ability compared to other vanguards, but it had various special abilities that were specialized against people.

Assuming what she had said was true, that would mean that the King of Flies was the one controlling the bugs. Their strategy was probably to compensate for the Punishers insufficient attack power using the King of Flies.

The containment barrier keeping them confined was not just strong, but also wide. Approximating its size using the echoes of their voices, it was about 500 square meters.

In addition, the fact that their voices had echoed meant that sound didnt escape outside. In other words, the chances of the other clan members noticing this incident were low.

As Johann calmly analyzed the situation, he put his hand on the dagger that was thrust into the belt around his waist. This dagger had a gimmick, and would extend its handle and transform into a spear when he held it in his hand.

Johann's Job was the Spearman series A Rank Job, Rune Lancer. Even if his Skills were sealed, the modifiers to his strength and agility were high.

Ill scatter the bugs first, then kill the woman deploying the containment barrier. The moment he thought thatthe ground beneath him gave way unexpectedly.



Just before being swallowed up by the ground, which had turned to sand, Zero shoved Johann away. His body was split into two in an instant.

What had splattered Zeros blood and guts all about, were the jaws of a giant antlion that had burst forth from under the ground. Johann could only watch as Zeros body sank into the sand.

It's the end, for everything. Your ambition, your hatred, your legend

The woman said, in a voice filled with pity.


For that very reason, Johann could only laugh.


After clutching his stomach and roaring with laughter, Johann gasped for breath as he fixed his eyes on the woman.

Its the end for me, you said? You don't know anything, do you?

I know your strength. But youre currently weakened. If not, Im sure you would have used yourtrue powerlong ago

What, I guess you dont know anything after all

Johann had an evil smile on his face. The instant the woman frowned, the ground shook violently. The way it shook, it was almost as if there was something squirming under the ground.

This is What on earth!?

The woman was surprised and thrown into confusion.

Look out, themonsteris coming!

Johann said in a teasing voice. They came to the realization that he had spoken the truth because, at about the same time, a huge black gnarled arm emerged from under the ground. That arm grabbed the antlion that had split Zero into two tightly in its sharp claws. The antlion struggled to escape, but it was crushed easily.

As the bodily fluids of the antlion poured down like rain, the body of that black arm slowly emerged from under the ground. Its appearance was unmistakableIt was adragon.


The sinister black dragon flapped its wings and howled at the moon.

In an instant, its stout arms smashed the bugs to smithereens.

Im, impossible

At the unbelievable sight before her, the woman could only stand stock-still in utter astonishment. Originally, dragons were mythical creatures, and the name was adopted to refer to the high-ranking Beasts with a similar appearance. And as long as it was a Beast, it couldnt appear in places that werent Abysses.

However, there was certainly a black dragon before her. The woman finally realized whator rather, who the true identity of the dragon was.

Zero LindrakeAre you one of the extinct dragon-men?

When asked by the woman, the black dragonZero curved the corners of his mouth into what looked like a smile.

Dragon-men, an abominable race that was born from the union with dragon-type Beasts. While they had human bodies, they had the power to transform into dragons. But that was a long time ago in the age of myths. Naturally, the Zero you see here is nothing more than a fake. If youre a spy from Rhodania, you know what that means, am I right?

In place of Zero, who couldnt speak, Johann answered.

Lost Numbers(Irregular Reconstructed Bodies)

Her face twisted in disgust, the woman muttered with a shudder.

What do you want to do?

The King of Flies tilted his head next to the woman.

Even if you've sealed their Skills, with a dragon-man and a Rune Lancer as opponents, the odds are against us. As things stand, it looks like we have no choice but to retreat, doesnt it?

Retreatyou said?

If that was an option, she wouldnt be having a hard time. Losing and dying, or winning and surviving, she could only choose one of these two paths.

However, even if she won and survived, it was certain that she would have no future. If she were to use thelast resortin order to win, she needed to have the resolve to sacrifice everything for the sake of the country.

As the woman hesitated over the decision, rolling clouds obscured the moon. In the world that had turned dark all of a sudden, a small fire lit up near Johanns mouth.

Person from Rhodania, youre wrong about two things. Firstly

The instant the woman heard that monotonous voice, her spine froze.


It was Johann's voice, but his tone of voice was different from how it had sounded just a while ago. The high-strung and prideful tone of voice had disappeared, and in its place, she felt something inhuman and unfathomable.

Almost as if his contents had beenswapped, his presence was completely different.

The clouds rolled away and moonlight illuminated the world once more. Johann had a cigarette in his mouth. While the cigarette smoke fluttered, he continued talking with a beaming smile on his face.

Its not that I cant use my true power. I simply didnt use it

King of Flies!!!

And, secondly

Use that this very instant!!!

The woman cried out desperately. There was already no time for her to hesitate.

As you command

As soon as the King of Flies responded laughingly, countless tentacles burst forth from the woman's body. The tentacles packed themselves tightly around the woman's limbs into a form that looked like bare muscles.


A beast-like growl and misted breath leaked out from the mouth of the woman, who had turned into an abomination. The whites of her eyes had turned black and her pupils shone red.

In order to ensure the elimination of Johann, the organization had ordered her to borrow the King of Flies strength. And that referred not just to his fighting strength, but also included the operation that strengthened her by means of the tentacles.

The woman had no power to refuse. So long as she lived as the organization'sthe countrys dog, orders were absolute. She couldnt do something like going against them.

Even if, for example, she was reduced to turning into an abomination


With barely any of her reason left, the woman charged at Johann. Her tentacle-enhanced legs made it possible for her to move at many times the speed of sound. The moment she came into contact with Johann, the woman transformed her right arm into a sharp sword-like shape.

If she ran Johann through the heart with this, she reckoned that it would kill him for certain. Within her fuzzy consciousness that had started to fade, the woman was certainly convinced of victory.



With just one word from Johann, the woman's body stopped moving.

H, how?

Johann walked up to the astonished woman himself.

You said that we can't activate Skills so long as we're inside the containment barrier, but thats a fallacy. There are Skills that can be activated even without consuming magic power. For example

Holding the cigarette in one hand, Johann's smile deepened.

Like this Talker Skill, Stun Howl

WTFOMG!!! Did you see that coming!? I was so stunned, my jaw dropped when I read it! And if you noticed, author had given a hint to readers through the title. The very first animal that comes to mind when you see the title should be wolf, and even if, for some reason, that isnt the case or you were faked out by Zero howling at the moon too, if you google the title of the chapter, right at the top of the results should be wolf in some form or another. Which is of course a reference to Stun Howls kanji, Wolfs Howl. And he doesnt even have to draw a deep breath and shout it like Noel does, he can just say it, maybe because hes at least A Rank, since it works on another A Rank.

*Basically, the words there are the literal words he said, while the meaning of what hes saying is in brackets. Zero is referencing the Japanese saying that goes: scare a snake out by poking the brush. It means, stirring up trouble for yourself. Similar but sorta opposite English proverbs would be let sleeping dogs lie and wake not a sleeping lion. Still, it left me with the image of Noel poking his head out of the brush and biting Zero, which left me in fits.

Anyways, with that tantalizing cliffhanger, well have Zero & Johann vs the assassin & KoF next chapter! Its a battle royale of villains! How will KoF fight? More importantly, how will Johann fight? Stay tuned!

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