The Strongest Clan’s Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 77: And Then, The Two Met Again

Chapter 77: And Then, The Two Met Again

It was a clear early afternoon, and I decided to conduct the interview of Nina that I had promised Kouga previously.

She was the woman that the stupid Kouga, who was like a useless dog in heat, had pushed for to be the clerk of Wild Tempest after being seduced by her charms.

Other than Nina and me, Leon, the sub-master was in the reception room. Kouga was working part-time at Ninas home, Alma was currently working with Mirage Triad, and Hugo was in the middle of working at my request.

Nina was a beautiful woman. I was concerned that she was a little blunt, but she had a delicate glasswork-like beauty. It was no wonder Kouga was in heat. Leon, who was sitting beside me, also had an expression that said that things had fallen into place the moment he met her face-to-face.

Youre smart

I put a stack of papers on the desk and said.

The stack of papers were all test papers answered by Nina that tested mathematical ability and necessary knowledge, as well as general knowledge and personality traits. Since they were tests that were created by me, I was able to completely grasp Ninas ability and personality by looking at her answers.

However, you lack flexibility as youre overly-particular. It appears that you have trouble with personal relationships because of that. What are your thoughts on such characteristics of yours?

Im well aware that I cant go through life smoothly like other people. However, I learned from my motherworking at my home that I can be much more efficient than others if I methodically list the work that I should do and their priorities beforehand

I see

There were no signs that she was blind to her own faults or that she had become pessimistic. On top of knowing her own shortcomings, she also understood how to make the most of her strengths. Only looking at her in terms of ability, there werent any problems in hiring her as a clerk. Next was the problems of the side hiring her.

I began asking her questions for the sake of reconciling the terms of employment. I had mostly made up my mind to hire Nina. I asked about when she could start work, her expectations in terms of treatment, the kind of timing if she quit, and so on. Nina was also eager to work, so it seemed best to hire her as soon as possible.

However, there was one last question that I had to ask no matter what.

Do you have feelings for Kouga? Needless to say, as a person of the opposite sex

Huh? Th, that is

Ninas pale cheeks turned red. She still wasnt showing much emotion compared to other people, but even so, it was a dramatic change. Her gaze darted about as if looking for a path of escape, and she was grasping the fabric of her dress tightly. Without even hearing her answer, her true feelings were as clear as day.

Its okay. I asked a mean question

As I said that with a sigh, Leon let a chuckle escape next to me.

By rights, romance within the clan was prohibited. I had understood from my Blue Beyond days that nothing good would come of it. However, as Nina was a clerk, even if a romantic relationship developed between her and Kouga, it wouldnt have a particularly significant impact.

That's it for the questions from me. Is there anything that you would like to ask?

N, no, not really

Is that so? In that case, youre hired. Work hard for the sake of our clan

Th, thank you very much!

I nodded at Nina, who had bowed her head, and got up from the sofa.

Leon, Im counting on you to give Nina an explanation of the work using the manual

Alright. Leave it to me

The clerks scope of work had all been summarized in a manual. Leon, with his good leadership, was also good at teaching others. Under Leon tutelage, Nina would likely learn the job quickly as well.

When I exited the reception room, I received a communication from Hugo via communication stone.

Noel, is now a good time?

Its fine. Did you find him?

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Yeah, I found the child in questionthe information brokers brother

The information broker he mentioned referred to Loki.

I had been entrusted with his brother by that guy. It had been a while since Loki infiltrated Lorelei, but there was still no word from him. It was reasonable to infer that he was already dead. There was still a chance that he was alive, but it was certain that the mission had failed.

It wouldnt be wise to go to his rescue. I was sure that Loki wouldnt want that either. What he had asked of me was to arrange it so that his younger brother could live on even if he was alone. That was why, relying on the information about his hideout that I had heard from Loki in advance, I had Hugo use his puppet soldiers to search for him.

Hes being taken care of by the servants, but their employer has gone missing. At this rate, theyll probably walk away from their jobs. If you want to help the child, you should act quickly

Ill go in person at a later date. Until then, Im counting on you to keep watch using the puppet soldiers

......I'll ask you just in case, but you have no intention of rescuing the information broker, right?


I declared without hesitation.

The ones who have captured Loki are undoubtedly Lorelei. Even if hes alive, hes in those guys hands. Marching into Lorelei with our current strength is simply suicide

Is that so? Hopefully, thats the case. Its you that were talking about, so I had been sweating bullets over whether or not you would march into Lorelei by yourself, but Im relieved to hear you say that

At Hugo's words, I smiled wryly.

What do you take me for?

I trust you, clan master. But its because you don't seem to care about shortening your own life. Its dangerous and I have to keep an eye on you

That kind of thing is called not trusting me

When I told him that in a scandalized tone, Hugo laughed merrily.

I left the clan house and headed downtown. Then, I entered a restaurant specializing in oriental dishes that operated in a back alley and gave the employee the password.

Im here to pick up the super spicy deep-fried chicken that I ordered

Understood, sir

Did you use peanut oil when deep-frying it?

Of course. Come, this way please

I was guided to the back of the store by the employee. After entering the kitchen and going down a flight of stairs that led to the basement, I found myself in a spacious laboratory. A variety of equipment used for alchemy, such as a synthetic kiln and an extractor, had been set up, and the walls were lined with the dead bodies of Monsters that had been immersed in formalin.

Aiyaa! Mister Noel, thank you for coming!

The person who had greeted me in the laboratory was an old Gnome with a long beard. He was wearing Oriental clothes and had a peculiar way of speaking.

In fact, this old alchemistRigaku was from the Orient. It seemed that he had flourished as an alchemist even over there, but he now resided in the imperial capital. Because of that, he was also well-versed in alchemy that was unheard of in the Empire, and was capable of transmutations that surpassed the norms here.

Albert, who was the Don of the Gambino family, had his eye on this old man and was having him make the custom-made stimulant. Although it had dangerous side effects, it was a fact that it was a stimulant with extremely high purity.

For that very reason, I thought of making use of him as well.

The thing that I requested, does it look like youll be able to make it?

As a result of careful analysis, Ive understood that there are no problems. The material that Mister Noel brought is the best. If I use that, itll be easy to make the medicine that you asked for

When Rigaku signaled the employee with a look, he brought a black cooler over.

My specialty is transmuting using Beast materials. To this day, Ive handled a great many Beast materials. Of course, Lord materials too. Even among them, this is a first-rate material. Im itching to try my hand at it

However, said Rigaku with an inhuman smile.

The side effects are very severe. Do you still want it anyway?

How severe are they?

When I asked, Rigaku explained the side effects in detail. After listening to his explanation, I nodded. Certainly, the side-effects were severe, but they were within the scope of my initial expectations.

Its fine. Start work immediately

Hyahahaha! Thats what I thought you'd say! Mister Albert was also not right in the head, but Mister Noel is in a different class! Youre completely out of your mind! Same as me!

Rigaku broke into high pitched laughter and opened the cooler. Cold mist spilled out from the cooler. Before long, the cold mist faded, and the material that I had left with Rigaku could be seen.

It's beautiful. To think that I can cut this up to my hearts content, its really the best. Even my shriveled member has become big and stiff

You damned Mad Scientist.

In my heart, I cursed Rigaku, who had a rapt expression on his face.

However, if hes motivated, then theres no need for me to say anything. Hes the type that makes me sick, but Ill let him live while hes of use to me.

From behind Rigaku, I looked inside the cooler. Inside the cold cooler was the head of a man with beautiful features. The mans long blonde hair glowed with a faint phosphorescence.

Preparations for the operation to eliminate Lorelei are in the process of being completed. Once the medicine that I had requested from Rigaku has been completed, itll finally be time for the decisive battle.

The lack of information about Johann is a problem. The extent of what I had heard from Dolly is that Johann has a secret that I don't know about. But Loki, who I had been counting on to discover that, is missing. Seeing that Loki failed, its absolutely impossible for other information brokers.

In that case, do we join forces with Dolly?

No, thats no good. Dolly has an overwhelmingly higher standing compared to us. Even if we join forces with her, were certain to end up being taken advantage of.

Above all, in order for Wild Tempest to become one of the Regalia with certainty, we must prove that we can defeat Lorelei by ourselves. If we asked Goat Dinner for help, itll end up diminishing the point of defeating Lorelei.

Ive been able to put us in an advantageous position by laying plans and acting behind the scenes. For all that, in terms of the strength of the clans themselves, Lorelei remains far superior. For that very reason, if Wild Tempest wins against Lorelei, not only will we become one of the Regalia, itll also become a tailwind leading us to the top of Regalia.

I wont compromise. Ill swallow Lorelei whole with only the power of Wild Tempest.

No matter what kind of monster Johann is, we have a good chance of winning. Thats because, just like how I don't know Johann's secret, Johann and Lorelei also don't know about thepowerthat I'm trying to obtain.

I don't feel like Ill lose. Ill definitely win. No matter what is sacrificed.


When I was walking while thinking about the future, my name was suddenly called. Turning back, I saw a blonde-haired woman in a black dress looking at me.

I didnt recognize her at first. The woman was well-dressed and she wore a number of expensive accessories. The black dress showed a lot of skin, had a plunging neckline, and deep slits in the hem. It showed off the woman's glamorous body liberally.

I suppose its been a while

The blonde-haired woman had a cold smile on her beautiful face.

So I smiled too.

Long time no see. Tania

Badaboom! Its the surprise return of Tania! As long as they were still in the imperial capital, it was something that would have happened eventually, but here we are!

Rigaku speaks in an accent, which is expressed by the author by using katakana in parts of his speech instead of the usual hiragana, which means he technically speaks normal, just sounds off. However, that Aiyaa! at the start is most likely the Chinese exclamation, !, hence hes probably Chinese, like how Kouga is Japanese. By the way, his name has the same pronunciation as the Japanese word for science. Lol But thats Noble Bloods head, isnt it? What kind of medicine is Noel making? Something to solve his rank up problem? More side effects? I feel like Noel is becoming the covered in blood and wounds but still pushes on kind of character.

And unfortunately, I bear sad news. Wont mince words, this series is now on hiatus. Author has had many issues in his life recently, first among them, corona really affecting his work, and then when his father was hospitalized, there was simply too much on his plate. Right now, WN is on break indefinitely, LN volume 2 will be released before autumn, and vol 3(which will wrap up the conflict with Johann) will be very thick, but it will definitely be published.

As for how this affects us, the avid fans... Author actually deleted chapters and had the WN end on chapter 45, but thanks to nenenenemas on my Discord, Ive got everything he had published before the deletion. So this will continue on until chapter 82, after which, this will go on hiatus. Of course, Ill jump right back on should the author resume the WN in future.

And so, 5 more chapters to go. Thank you for reading so far and please enjoy the remaining chapters as there are still many twists, turns and amazing developments! Stay tuned!

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