The Strongest Clan’s Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 80: My King Is Only Me

Chapter 80: My King Is Only Me

......Since we bumped into each other, shall we have tea or something?

When Tania invited him, Noel checked his watch.

Alright. How about that cafe over there?

Noel indicated with his gaze a chic open cafe that was open nearby. There were few customers, and the vacant seats stood out.


The two of them went over and sat in the terrace seats. A waiter came immediately to take their order. Both of them only ordered tea. They didnt intend to stay long.

Its good that you seem to be doing fine

Tania smiled.

Congratulations on the creation of the clan. It looks like youre quite successful, doesnt it?

Quite successful?

Perhaps he found something funny, but Noel burst out into laughter.

Let alone being quite successful, well soon become one of the Regalia. And after that, its the top of Regalia. I don't need things like your flimsy lip service. How much do you think those cheap words are worth?

At Noel's aggressive way of speaking, Tania felt a rush of blood to her head. When she was about to reply in anger, Noel put a cold smile on his face as he forestalled her with his hand.

If you have an emotional outburst, then the conversation is over. Ill leave

Tania was the one who had invited him. She couldnt complain no matter when Noel left. Moreover, the waiter had come over with the tea at that exact moment. She had no choice at this point but to swallow her anger.

Tania sipped the hot tea and calmed herself.

Your personality is as bad as before, I see

I'm always kind. I merely choose who Im kind to

Noel said curtly, and then put a cigarette to his mouth and lit it.

Youve started smoking cigarettes

Unlike you, Im busy, you see? Even something like this helps

Something about Noels choice of words bothered Tania.

Did you know what happened to me after I became a slave?

Of course. I heard it all from Finocchio

Noel continued while sending up a curl of cigarette smoke.

It appears that you happened to meet a wonderful master, didnt you? But then, you and Lloyd were both high-class slaves. I knew from the start that both of you would be able to have a good life. A far better life than being caught for embezzlement, or continuing a life on the run with Lloyd

......So I should be grateful or something?

That's right, Tania. You should be grateful to me

Noel declared unabashedly.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Its thanks to me that you got to lead a good life

How can you have the nerve

Noel snorted with laughter at Tania, who was trembling in anger.

No matter what you think about it, thats a fact. You betrayed me. I took revenge on you. However, were both in a blessed environment now. Then there's no problem, right? It's all in the past. I don't feel anything for you anymore. Neither anger nor hate

In the past, you said?

Tania could only be stunned. She knew that Noel had forgotten about her and was walking a new path to hegemony. However, she had never expected that he would take such an indifferent attitude directly to her face.

She wasnt hoping for an apology. She wanted him to at least vent his hatred for a betrayer. She wanted him to vent feelings that he only had for her. Then she would be able to accept it.

However, Noel himself had no feelings for Tania. Noels cold gaze was exactly the same as the look he directed at the pebbles on the roadside.

Arent you going to ask about Lloyd and Walter?

Noel asked Tania, who was at a loss for words.

Just like how I know about what happened to you, I also know who Lloyd was sold to and what kind of life Walter is leading back in his hometown. I didn't refuse your invitation because, seeing that we were former allies, I thought that Ill let you know about the two of them

I couldnt care less about those two

Tania spat out those words softly and then looked straight at Noel.

More importantly, theres something that I want to ask you

What is it? Go ahead

IfIf we had stayed allies, could we have become as successful as all of you currently are?

Of course

Without hesitation, Noel answered immediately.

The one who chose all of you as allies was me. Though there were some differences, we would certainly have achieved the same amount of success

If thats the case, why didn't you forgive us!?

Tania, who had kicked aside her seat and stood up, yelled loudly.

Certainly we did something that cannot be undone! We ran away from you too! But if you were going to the extent of coming after us and selling us into slavery, wouldnt it have been fine even if you forgave us!? No, its fine even if you dont forgive us! I merely wanted the chance to atone! If you wont even allow me to atone, then its fine even if I become your slave. Im different from Lloyd. If its for you, its fine even if you use the covenant of servitude!

Undaunted by the surrounding gazes, Tania went on in a heart-wrenching voice.

Thats right, the covenant of servitude! You said you couldn't believe me. But if you use the covenant of servitude, youll be able to believe me, right? I can do anything for you. I can give even my life to you. So please. Let me be your ally once more. My talent is acknowledged by even you, am I right? If you gain an excellent Healer, much more than now

I refuse

Tania, who was going on and on feverishly, was cut short by Noel.


My wish is to stand at the top of all Seekers. The allies that I need in order to do that are only ferocious wolves. I dont need people who are like dogs that wish to be chained by their own volition

Thats why, Noel said as he narrowed his eyes.

I don't need the current you

Brushed off by those cold words, Tania staggered a step back.

An idiot elf that I know said that the one you truly loved wasnt Lloyd, but me. Apparently, that seems to be true

Noel laughed in amusement as he said.

Someone like you, desires me? Know your place

In a flash, Tania flipped the hem of her dress and drew the hidden knife from the garter holster on her thigh. Then she brandished it as if to stab Noel.


Why arent you fighting back?

Although Tania was attacking him with a knife, Noel hadnt moved an inch. He merely looked up impassively at Tania.

With your martial arts, fighting back should be easy! Answer me!

Noel remained silent even when she demanded an answer from him. Unstoppable tears overflowed from Tanias eyes. The knife slipped from her hand and fell to the ground.

Sighs of relief escaped from the surrounding guests, who had noticed the tumultuous affair. It appeared that they had perceived it to be a quarrel due to complications of love. In fact, it was exactly that.

Hey, why arent you saying anything? Say something, please

Tania pleaded. Noel puffed on his cigarette.

Forget about me. You have your own life

I cant forget you so simply It was because you were there that I

When words failed her, Tania pressed her lips to Noels and poured her hot breath in. However, Noel wasnt surprised and calmly pushed Tania away. A thin, transparent thread stretched from their overlapped lips and broke immediately.

Don't desire me

Putting the half-smoked cigarette out in the ashtray, Noel stood up. He left the money for their tea on the table and turned on his heel.


Noel left without looking back even once. While watching his back grow smaller, Tania clenched her fist so tightly that blood seeped out. And then, she shouted.

If you wont be mine, thats fine!!! But don't forget! Ill never forgive you!!! Ill never forget you! Ill kill every single one of the women who get close to you!!! Im serious! The current me has the power to do that!!! If you dont want thatif you dont want that

Tania couldnt bear it any longer, and flung herself face-down on the table as if she had broken down.

If you don't want that, stay forever as the you that I admired. Don't show your weakness as a person Be the strongest you who doesnt let anyone get close

She muttered a curse that was mingled with sobs. Noel stopped his steps for only a moment.

My king is only me. I wont be tied down by anyone

Noel declared that with his back to her and then started walking once more. Tania knew, even without looking up, that Noel would never come back.

love you. So much that I could dieI love you

It was precisely because he was such a man that Tania loved him to the extent of losing her reason.

However, a Snake will never be compatible with a person

Notice that when Noel rejected Tania, he was using words that are very similar to what he said to Kouga? Its just what I feel, but I think that hes trying to tell her the same thing he told Kouga, but unlike Kouga, Tania didnt get it. Imo, hes really telling her that he doesnt need her as she is now, but if she were to change

Super short chapter this time, but worry not, next chapter is much longer! Stay tuned!

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