The Strongest Conquest System

Chapter 25: Goblin King’s Pursuit

Chapter 25: Goblin King's Pursuit

Meanwhile, as Azmond was having some fun with an Ice Beauty, in a large city filled with goblins going about their business with a variety of weapons on their backs, there was a giant 9-foot-tall goblin sitting upon a throne made of bones in the biggest castle north of the city.


The entire castle was currently violently shaking from the mere pressure that the Goblin King was exuding.

"You are telling me that after more than 5 years of searching, you still haven't found a single trace of the human Core Formation Cultivator who killed both GrandMeister Argas and my 3 Asuras...?"

The goblin king spoke in a chilling tone towards five shadows who were kneeling before the throne with tense looks on their faces.

"Yes, Your Majesty..." The Goblin Shadow standing at the front answered his king's question.

Following his confirmation, he continued to orate everything that he knew:

"We have only found out the last approximate location of the Human cultivator based on his latest actions against a village of goblins that were destroyed swiftly and promptly by him as he was on his way heading towards the East... or more specifically heading towards our current location."


One might wonder what the goblin shadow was talking about; however, there was some information that needed to be filled in before Azmond made it to the waterfall.

You see, he had a little side quest completed when he was originally on his way to the Goblin Kingdom.

That 'side quest' was to eradicate the entirety of a small goblin village with one simple |Fireball|, a neat skill he named himself while experimenting with the Fire Dominion skill he got from the Divine Devil Arts.

And the goblin village was the perfect training target for his |Fireball| skill.

Of course, he made sure to check for any captured humans left in the goblin village before he razed it to the ground, but most of the humans they captured from nearby human villages were brutally mutilated corpses, with the ones who were still alive being the females...

And let's just say that Azmond put them out of their misery at their request.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After witnessing such a 'sight' firsthand, he became even more determined to eradicate the Goblin King and his entire Kingdom after he completed that side quest.

Nonetheless, it also made him realize that he needed to get stronger a lot faster than he was if he wanted to contest with the Goblin King and whatever else stood in his way to Absolute Power, so Azmond decided to take a 'quick' pit stop on his way to destroying the Goblin Kingdom, which just so happened to be the waterfall with an abundance of Qi available for him to use.

That's the end of the recap, as we make it back to the present day...


The leading shadow narrated the report with an apprehensive tone as his voice got even more strained as he neared the end of it.

"Heading in our direction, you say??" The Goblin King questioned in a chilling tone as a large vein bulged on his big green forehead.

"..." "..."

The five shadows kneeling below started sweating buckets when they saw the furious look on their usually calm and collected king.


The king's aura was reaching dangerous levels as the entirety of the castle was starting to fall apart.

"So... you're telling me that the human Core Formation cultivator who we put a target on over 5 years ago is heading toward our kingdom as we speak, and yet..."

A voice that sounded like it came from the very depths of hell came out of the Goblin King's mouth as he spoke his next words slowly:

"We Still Don't Know Where He Is?!?"

"Is that what you're telling me right now?" He asked.

"Thi-" The shadows were going to respond; however, they didn't even get the chance...

The king seethed in rage as he got up off of his throne and instantly appeared in front of a kneeling shadow and wiped his existence off of the face of the earth with one simple sweep of his hand.


Part of the castle was blown into the stratosphere with that one hand movement, but as if some sort of time magic were at play, the damaged part of the castle started to regenerate by itself until it was good as new.

"!!" "!!"

The other shadows were terrified out of their minds when they saw this scene play out, but stayed calm due to their many years of service to the King.

"Yes, Your Majesty..." Someone ultimately responded to the question that the king asked earlier.


The King then disappeared and reappeared again, this time in front of the shadow who just responded.

The king waved his hand, and another goblin shadow had the life fade from its eyes.

"!!" The leading shadow, who thought he was going to be next on the King's murder spree, responded with a hasty voice, "We have a lead, Your Majesty!"


The Goblin King appeared in front of the lead Goblin Shadow and looked directly into his very soul with a demonic stare.

"Well, spit it out!! What are you waiting for?!?" He roared.

"Yes, Your Majesty!!"


The leading goblin shadow proceeded to tell the king that there were reports made by a few wandering goblin scouts, and those reports stated that they saw someone who nearly fit the description of the Core Formation Human Cultivator.

The goblins who reported this information said they saw a strong-looking human cultivator who looked just like the wanted poster, except that he was older and better looking.

In addition, the reports put an emphasis on the 'Better looking' part, saying that the person they saw was even better looking than the people depicted inside paintings as genuine immortals.

Furthermore, they then stated that the human cultivator was seen by them from a distance, as he was cultivating on top of a small cliff that lay underneath a very large waterfall to the west.

And lastly, it was said that they watched the immortal-like human cultivate for months on end with no breaks or stops as blood constantly poured from all 7 of his orifices.

The goblins who reported this information didn't even know how the human cultivator was still alive after all that blood loss being dished out to him for months on end...



A brooding look appeared on the Goblin King's less terrifying countenance as he walked back over to his large throne and sat down.

He then took a few moments to contemplate before he finally turned his head up and looked at the now-three kneeling goblin shadows.

"I think I know of just the large waterfall tens of thousands of miles east of my kingdom."

The Goblin King's usual sinister face once again returned as he looked in a certain direction and started to fade away.

It wouldn't be long before he would soon disappear from his throne; however, he gave one last command before fully fading:

"I'll go deal with this human cultivator myself... Tell my advisors that I'm going out for a short walk."

"If I hear that any single one of you used my authority for your own purposes when I come back..."

His voice suddenly became frosty.

"Then let's just say that death will be a luxury for you..."

The Goblin King's chilling voice was heard one last time before he fully faded away, as the three goblin shadows still kneeling were practically sweating buckets at the thought of receiving their king's ire.


Meanwhile, in the skies above GoblinHaven,.

'It's time to see which lone human cultivator still has the guts to completely disregard my authority over these lands."


A scary smile emerged on the now-flying Goblin King's face as sonic booms were constantly produced.

His speeding figure was seen headed in a certain direction west of the Goblin Kingdom's capital.

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