The Substitute Bride

Chapter 112

Lu Qichen pauses and continues, "so I asked fantezhu to investigate, and that's how I found out your identity."

"So Did you know I was Ye Zhiqiu Ye Zhiqiu felt that his mouth was dry and it was difficult to react.

"Yes." Lu Qichen nodded, "you and Gu Yanfei both work in Xiangyu. If I hadn't said hello in advance, would you think your entry would be so smooth?"

Ye Zhiqiu can't help calling himself stupid and forgetting this one.

"Then you..." Ye Zhiqiu blushed. If Lu Qichen had known that he was Ye Zhiqiu, what was the meaning of yesterday morning's event?

"I love you." Lu Qichen seriously said to Ye Zhiqiu in front of her, "no matter you are ye Zhiqiu or Gu Yanfei, I love you. It's you. Do you understand?"

Ye Zhiqiu's face is red. Lu Qichen's sudden confession makes her very uncomfortable. The yellow light hits her face, which makes her look very beautiful.

Lu Qichen is not a 17-year-old lengtouqing, but he has just tasted the taste of Ye Zhiqiu, which can be described as eating pith. He hugs Ye Zhiqiu and kisses him.

"What are you doing..." Ye Zhiqiu wants to push Lu Qichen aside. He doesn't stop. Ye Zhiqiu scolds him for being a hooligan. Lu Qichen is not angry, and says with a smile, "I'm just and proper to my wife's hooligan. "

he grabbed Ye Zhiqiu's hand around his head and entered Ye Zhiqiu's body when he was still in a daze.

Ye Zhiqiu was still a little reluctant to let go at the beginning, but she was not shy when she thought of Lu Qichen's confession. She cooperated with Lu Qichen with all her strength and handed her over to Lu Qichen completely.

Lu Qichen asked many times that night, until ye Zhiqiu begged for mercy. She didn't know when he went to work the next morning. When she woke up, it was already noon the next day.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

There was only one person in the family, father Lu, who went downstairs to find something to eat, sat on the sofa and read the newspaper, "get up."

Ye Zhiqiu coughed lightly, and two suspicious blushes flew up on his face.

She didn't walk through the door for a long time. She didn't get up until the sun went up. She was very embarrassed, "well, grandfather."

"Qi Chen got up in the morning and said that you were exhausted last night. Let's not disturb your rest, so I didn't ask you to get up for dinner." Lu's words make ye Zhiqiu's face even more red. Lu Qichen's words are simply telling everyone what they did last night.

Damn it!

"What do you want to eat? I'll ask Mama song to prepare some for you." Father Lu said to Ye Zhiqiu. Her face was as red as a ripe tomato. He said, "no, grandfather, I'll do it myself."

Ye Zhiqiu goes to the kitchen, and Song Ma is also there. Seeing ye Zhiqiu coming, she quietly walks to one side. She doesn't want to say a word to Ye Zhiqiu.

She did not care, cooked some noodles to deal with a meal, went upstairs to continue to submit the resume.

It's been a day, but she didn't even receive a call. She realized that something was wrong. After thinking for a long time, she still called a sister who was familiar in the circle.

"Zhenzhen, I remember you told me before, isn't dark blue planning? I've submitted my resume for a day, but I haven't received an interview notice. You're not hiring, are you? "Zhao Zhenzhen was known by Ye Zhiqiu when he was working. They were of the same temper. Although they were not in the same company, they had a good relationship and came out to get together from time to time.

Ye Zhiqiu had no choice but to call Zhao Zhenzhen.

"Autumn, I was just about to find you. "Zhao Zhenzhen has just received some news and is planning to call ye Zhiqiu," I have something to do now. Are you free this afternoon? Shall we come out for tea? "

"Well, I'll see you at the same place."

After hanging up the phone, she put in a few resumes, all of which were sunk into the sea without any news.

When ye Zhiqiu arrived at the appointed place, Zhao Zhenzhen had already arrived, ordered two cups of coffee, and waved to Ye Zhiqiu, "autumn, here."

"Autumn, have you offended anyone?" When ye Zhiqiu just sat down, Zhao Zhenzhen frowned and opened her mouth. "Recently, things about you in our circle have been widely spread. At first, I thought it was the same name and surname when I heard it. But later I realized that it was really you. What's the matter?"

"What?" Ye Zhiqiu was stunned for a long time and didn't react. She just went out to play for a few days and felt that everything had changed the same.

"You don't know?" Zhao Zhenzhen looks at Ye Zhiqiu in front of her in surprise. Things have happened for so many days. She didn't receive any news. This heart is too big.

Zhao Zhenzhen sighed and said, "recently, it has been said in the circle that you were dismissed when you left Yunman because you copied other people's plans and received kickbacks from Party B, which damaged the interests of your company. It's easy to get out of Yunman with your ability and want to change jobs. But now the industry has received rumors. You say that no one has returned your resume It's normal. ""Plagiarism? Take back the deduction? " Who put the hat on himself?

"I know you, you can't do such a thing, so when I heard this, I noticed that it came from your previous company. Autumn, did you offend anyone?" Zhao Zhenzhen's words make ye Zhiqiu frown. If these words are spread from Yunman, it can only be a person.

She has already left from Yunman. She still refuses to let go of herself. It's ridiculous.

"Autumn, now all companies can't avoid you. In addition, these contents are spread from the cloud, which makes it more convincing. If you want to mix in this circle, you must find a way to clarify this rumor." Zhao Zhenzhen also went to the boss of dark blue. Now dark blue is short of people, but she beat around the bush. After the boss knew that she was talking about ye Zhiqiu, she refused one after another.

After all, no one will accept a picky employee.

So she came here today to remind Ye Zhiqiu.

"I see. I'll do something about it." Ye Zhiqiu frowned and said. Zhao Zhenzhen saw the "strawberry print" in Ye Zhiqiu's neck. She couldn't help but gossip, "autumn, you're not a friend. We haven't seen each other for a month. When do you have a boyfriend, I don't know."

Ye Zhiqiu's face was red, and he pulled the square towel in his neck unnaturally, "there's nothing..."

"Not yet. Look at the smile on your face. It's cheating."

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