The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster



As the larvae keep on charging at them without any hesitation, the soldiers or Gaia that land on the planet is now feeling overwhelmed.

Not by exhaustion but a sense of disgust, they do not know where this feeling is coming from but they know that it is a hidden danger, fortunately they have a pillar for spiritual support.

Yshelia and Leafinia, when any soldiers are on the verge of vomiting, the two of them would cast healing spells both for mind and body.

The sense of disgust disappears when they feel the innate energy in this world grows weaker, upon sensing this, Leafinia’s expression becomes serious.

“Big brother has said to hurry up! Ravager squad advance!” Hearing this, the giant beasts in the army start to stomp the ground and recklessly advance deep into the enemy line.

“Sharpshooter Squad, support the ravagers, alpha squad, prepare to engage any enemy!” The elves and mages start preparing, there are even humans that are carrying some sort of guns with them.

If any Ravager were on the verge of falling, they would rain down their attacks on his surroundings.

The injuries in the bodies of the Ravagers worsen as the acidic remains of their enemy continue to splash on them.

“Healing squad, immediately support the Ravagers! Ravagers halt! Shield bearers advance!” Yshelia now takes on command as Leafinia leads her group to heal the heavily injured giant beasts.


They do not want to have casualties, undeads are different, they cannot be healed as it will only bring them harm but the beasts are different, the elves and the other healers can recover their vitality.

Each Ravager can use their vital Qi to shroud themselves with a vigorous barrier that can block almost all attacks but this in turn will tire them out easily.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The humanoid creatures that are holding the shields follow Gulli’s lead as they set up an impenetrable wall made up of either iron or different types of solid and hard materials.

“Receive! Continue to accumulate! These bxstards will not know what hit them!” Roars Gulli as the insects rain their attacks without holding anything into them.

“Earth masters! Let us shake this very world!” Roars John Mark as both him and Sean Sean use [Earthquake], all the earth mages and earth attributes beings present slams their foot/hand/staff into the ground.

The entire world except for the location of their group is affected, the insects that are flying might be alright but those that are on the ground were gravely harmed.

“Fire!” Shouts the elven queen after seeing the insects getting distracted by what is happening with their comrade.

The shield bearers simultaneously turn off their barrier shields that are blocking the sky above their shield, the arrows shot instantly kills the weak insects and heavily injures the rest.

“Release!” Gulli shouts as all the damage that he accumulates earlier is fired back, the rest of the shield bearers also do the same thing.

The heavily injured insects were killed immediately, their condition is already not that great, coupled with this last ditch attack, it is truly a nightmare for them.

“Advance Alpha Squad!” Hearing this, the elites start charging with their companions and weapons deeper into the world, above them, the Flying Division is also advancing without any fear or hesitation.

All the soldiers encounter some resistance from this world by experiencing multiple natural disasters but unfortunately for it, large amounts of its innate Qi is wasted when it tries to deal with Shadowslash.

One by one, islands sink deep into the ocean abyss, there are underwater insects that surface and attack the marine force of Gaia but they are too weak to be able to deal with the joint forces of Aqua Race and Sea Dragon Clan under the lead of a being such as Clwyd.

ROAR! As the dragons indiscriminately kill anything that they encounter, the royal army of Aqua Race on the other hand, kills anything that manages to escape the clutches of the violent dragons.

Clwyd acts as the controller, if the world tries to deal with the soldiers under him, he will personally block, with his powerful control over the water element, he can contend against this world.

“The Origin Of Water: Freezing Ocean!” Clwyd roars as hundreds of thousands of insects that are swimming towards his group freeze, together with the surrounding seawater around them.

“Our leader is protecting us! You sons of b*tches, go all out!” Roars Sea Dragon Commander, formerly known as the Sea Dragon King.

Hearing this, the Aqua Race Ancestor shakes his head “Such an uncouth thing to say, my children, show these disgusting bugs the might and majesty of our race!”

The two armies split into different directions, intending to kill everything that they will encounter.

Above the sky of the hive world, black clouds gather as a swarm of mosquito looking insects are now approaching a small squadron from the Flying Division.

SKREE! With a loud and piercing cry, thunderbolts start raining down the sky, killing the swarm of insects with ease, like an apocalypse, the power of the thunderbolts also destroys the area they land upon.

It became a sea of thunderbolts, with the rumbling of the sky, the expressions of the small squadron became fanatic.

“As expected of the members of the Hope Family, all of them are basically gods of their domain!” Says one of the hawks present.

SKREE! Their leader, a griffin screeches “Let us go! We are wasting valuable time gawking here!”

Their group continues to advance, their situation is not rare as all the locations where the members of the Hope Family are staying are now getting destroyed with ease.

A white tiger and a black bunny are killing every creature in a certain continent, with each kill, they grow stronger.

On another continent, multiple martial artists under the lead of a giant speed are destroying everything in their surroundings, the ape easily crushes a mountain and uses its crushed bits as throwing stones.

In another location, a desert is now being filled with countless trees, there are elves that seem to be praying in these trees and one by one, the trees shoot green lights that help all the seeds thrown by the elves to grow rapidly.

There are plants that are capable of eating insects such as scorpions, scarabs and many more, they are like ravenous devils that cannot be filled, bottomless pits for the insects.

The hive world is now shaking, it is on the verge of breaking after experiencing multiple attacks from the inside.

Shadowslash’s eyes light up after seeing this, he cannot help but laugh out loud, he cannot help but feel more confident for their future.

At the rate of how everyone is improving, the original bleak and hopeless future seems to become brighter.

“Sans, prepare to receive everyone, we must let them rest for a couple of minutes, we cannot waste such an opportunity to improve.”

“Yes, my lord.” He then commands all the ships to advance near the hive world, they cannot be too close as once it explodes, it will affect the ships.

Shadowslash will be the one dealing the finishing blow, so that everyone inside the planet can escape into the ship before the entire world explodes.

“Leafinia and her group have completed their mission, they are now requesting to return back to the ship.” Says the beastman responsible for manning the ship.

“Immediately start the return procedure!” Shouts Sans, as the ship starts to take down their forcefield and receives the elves, including Leafinia.

As the members of the assault team return to the ships, the appearance of the world becomes more and more weak.

“Void Penetration Thrust!” He shouts with his entire strength before stomping his foot in the void and thrusting his sword with the remaining strength in his body.

BOOM! Once again, another hive world has fallen, all the soldiers cheer upon seeing this, they can finally return home.

Shadowslash returns to his room as Sans and everyone else starts to absorb the remnant soul power and essence that is now scattering to the void.

The undeads and the elves are the ones that receive the most benefits from this experience, the amount of power they hold in their souls is now quadruple than before.

Meanwhile, Shadowslash is currently frowning inside his room, his body is actually being corroded by something malicious.

The energy feels foreign to him, it seems that the Plunder Universe truly created something just for him.

He snorts “Do you really think that I will be stumped with this!”

He closes his eyes and calls for help from a reliable ally, the family member that is the closest to him, Amethyst.

‘Amethyst, are you busy right now?’ Meanwhile, his message is received by Amethyst who is now reading a couple of documents regarding the history of each Domains.

“No, big brother, is there anything you want to ask?” She sounds so surprised, after all, with Shadowslash’s vast amount of information, something that can elude him is not ordinary.

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