The Supreme Level Up System

Chapter 316 Requirements

Aion wondered again why he was thinking about marriage like that, just to ease the worries of his mother, but in the end, it wasn't that crazy. The concept of love before marriage was something fairly recent in human history. People back in the day used to marry to make their families stronger and richer, after all.

In any case, Aion had to work for a while to store all the books. He wondered how Arlana got so many materials to write them, but maybe she found it in some warehouse and brought it back.

When he turned around, Aion saw Arlana still standing while wondering about what to do. That was a bit irritating, but he couldn't blame her… in her situation, he would gladly leave that hellhole… even if it was the only world that she knew of.

"I can't go…" Arlana said.

"I see… well, until next time, then," Aion shrugged.

"I don't have any real clothes, so I can't go…" Arlana added.

Aion replied… he couldn't recall the last time he heard something that stupid. She couldn't travel through time because she didn't have other clothes. As if that was an actual requirement for it.

"I guess you are still a girl…" Aion said and then sighed. "I have some spare pants and some leather armor that you can use. After that, you can buy some on your own."

"Buy? You mean… in a clothes shop?" Arlana said while showing eyes filled with astonishment. "I read about them, but…"

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"Yeah… you are a girl. I was foolish in putting the words clothes and buying in the same sentence," Aion sighed and then took out the items from his inventory. "

Aion moved out from the dungeon to let Arlana wear those substitutes for clothes and wondered what he should do now. If he keeps using the relics, the enemies might come for him again since another version of him was killed already. Even though he felt that he needed some answers to confirm the few hypotheses that he had.

If Aion decided to lay low for a while, the enemies would come for him, and he might be blamed for all the destruction and deaths since it is unlikely they would bring his name while they cause problems.

Why can I only see lose-and-lose scenarios?" Aion thought and then sighed. "I need to consider my next steps with caution… I probably have some time, so I can't be hasty."

"I am ready," Arlana showed up and then said. "It will be your fault if something were to happen because of this."

"By the way, you said that you studied some time where people sent their spirits to take over other people's bodies. What are the limitations?" Aion asked.

"I am not certain. I didn't find any vestiges where the spell failed… but in all of them, the casters took over the bodies of newborn babies," Arlana explained.

It felt like the same type of reincarnation as Aion, but Aion didn't do that. The casters didn't even hesitate in abandoning their old bodies for one reason or the other, though. Regardless, he could do some research about that later…

Aion used the relics and then found the mirror that would take them to his timeline. As expected, Arlana hesitated, but then he pushed her. Aion expected to see the last of Malon again, but nothing happened this time… he wondered what the trigger of the whole thing was.

Once they left the castle, Arlana had a hard time adjusting to all the light outside. She claimed that she had never seen the sunlight, so that wasn't surprising. Her skin looked quite unhealthy thanks to it, and she was mostly skin and bones as well.

"You should eat this. It will take a while before we can reach my home," Aion said and then took a huge chunk of dragon's cooked meat from his inventory. "I wonder what mother will say once he sees you… I need to think of a decent explanation, or she will get the wrong idea."

"The famous Artemisia Milleris… I am a huge fan of hers as well!" Arlana said, and then Aion sighed.

"Don't say anything unnecessary to her… I have the feeling that you will spill the beans if you stay idle for long, so soon I'm going to put you to work," Aion declared and then he created an earth platform to let them fly.

Aion also summoned his death knights and made them spread around to hunt the earthworms. Arlana didn't look surprised by that, so the other version of himself probably used them in front of others.

"So, these are the legendary death knights… I heard that you had hundreds of them before you were killed, or the other you were killed," Arlana said.

Aion had been using his powers nonstop, and it was suspicious since his grandfather wasn't asking anything… he should know that necromancy wasn't something that their magic should be able to mimic, and yet… he wasn't showing any concern.

"How are things going, grandpa?" Aion asked. "... Don't ignore me. I hate when people do that."

"... My magic power is recovering like usual," Arc said after a long sigh. "Interesting conversation that you had there, but for some reason, I couldn't hear some parts when you were talking. Your mouths were moving, but I couldn't hear the sounds. "

"During which parts?" Aion asked.

"I don't know since I didn't hear, but it seemed that you were talking about some people and what they might do in the fur," Arc replied.

That was weird… Aion looked at it. Arlana, but she just shrugged. She didn't cast any spell, and her ability couldn't do that. Was that some countermeasure against people that couldn't use any short of time magic? He had to investigate it more…

"By the way, grandpa, can you keep sending your mana periodically?" Aion asked. "That will really help since, at this rate, I will be outmatched by the real enemies that I have to defeat."

"... I can, but I have some requirements," Arc replied after some seconds of silence.

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