The Tales of an Infinite Regressor

Chapter 32 – Creator II

Chapter 32 – Creator II

[Translator – Jjsecus]

[Proofreader – Gun]

Chapter 32 – Creator II

Noh Doha’s patients never hesitated to praise him whenever they gathered.

“Wow, the road to Bansong feels so refreshing and nice.”

“Exactly. There’s no bumps or cracks in the asphalt. Instead of managing unnecessarily wide lanes, just having a clean, pretty single lane makes such a difference, doesn’t it?”

“Indeed, it’s Teacher Noh. Where is Teacher Noh’s hometown?”

“It’s a village called Dangil at the end of Haenam.”

“Ah, no wonder you were born in such a beautiful place with clean water and air! We need someone like that born in our neighborhood too.”

At first glance, it sounded like grandfathers babbling while playing baduk, but old folks tend to choose detours over straight roads. Translating their inner thoughts would sound something like this:

“Envious! So envious!”

“Please pave our roads too!”

Noh Doha was a character who passively carried human distrust and misanthropy, born into this world, yet he intuitively knew that beneath the words uttered by humans lurked vile and pathetic desires.

However, this eccentric was incredibly generous to his patients. It was as if he had a limited edition level of favorability towards them. Just as a dictator who hated humanity would humble himself in front of a pet like a mere servant, Noh Doha also balanced his own heart in a subtle way.

“Elderly people… even to your neighborhood, would you pave the roads…?”

“Huh? No, no, Teacher! I didn’t mean to say that!”

“But you did say that… you said you’d like it if we paved the roads, didn’t you?”

“Oh, geez. It would be nice if you did, really nice. I just… I feel bad complaining to you, who’s already overwhelmed with work.”

“Yes. You must feel sorry. You, a patient who has nothing but age in this messed up world, clinging to a promising technician like me. Since you know you’ve vented to the overwhelmed teacher, please continue to apologize to the other patients…”

Noh Doha visited the Guild Union.

Even now, and back then, the leader of the union was arrogant. Well, to me, it felt like being called in as a mercenary captain once in a while.

“Welcome, Teacher Noh Doha. Heard you’re doing some business lately.”

“Ah, please don’t say such things… It’s a bit embarrassing to boast about business in front of Three Thousand Worlds. I’m just gathering a few old men who used to roll around in the mudpits and making a few miles of shabby roads…”

Unexpectedly, Noh Doha was blunt and arrogant.

There wasn’t necessarily a meeting of minds between them; it was more about finding common ground in their wallets. Whenever Tang Seorin saw the physical assets Noh Doha brought in every quarter, anyone would feel a sense of deference.

“Why suddenly so humble in front of me? So, what’s the matter?”

“Well, it’s because we’re doing some maintenance work on the existing roads to make it easier for patients to travel… There’s also an issue of fairness, and you know how people are, if they feel like they’re the only ones not getting something, they get upset. So, given the circumstances of the construction…”

“Are you planning to overhaul the entire road network in Busan?”

“Well, yeah… it’s actually tidier that way. But it’s turned into a massive project. Each guild claims this is their territory, so they’re at odds.”


Tang Seorin adjusted her wide-brimmed hat.

“Could you help me organize the territories?”

“Yes, of course. If it’s inconvenient, you can just call me when there’s a guild meeting or something, and I’ll make sure there’s a seat for you…”

“That sounds better. I don’t want some guilds having fits because I seem to be milking Teacher Noh Doha. This is something the teacher should handle from start to finish, so there’s no room for gossip.”

“That could be the case. Guild leaders are filled with pride and greed…”


Tang Seorin grinned.

“I’ll arrange a seat as soon as possible.”

“Thank you, mam.”

Noh Doha chuckled softly.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“If by any chance you become a cripple later on, I’ll really give you a good deal. Just come back with your brain and heart intact…”


The noteworthy part here isn’t the wording “cripple” but rather “a good deal”. There was no mention of doing it for free, even if one were to die.

Noh Doha nodded goodbye and left the train carriage.

Tang Seorin glanced at the sofa where I was sitting. Coincidentally, I was also visiting the Three Thousand Worlds Guild as a guest.

“What do you think?”

“Noh Doha is a good person.”

I sunk into the sofa. The chairs were very cozy, probably because this was one of the few places in the country where they had converted the lounge car of a luxury train.

Tang Seorin looked at me sharply.

“Even though he insulted me?”

“To be more specific, he said ‘if you become a cripple later’. Don’t take offense. Adding weight to every word he says would only tire you out, sir. Have you ever seen the Three Thousand Worlds Guild Leader witnessing Noh Doha treating patients?”


“I’ve had the opportunity to observe him closely all day.”

This story wasn’t about the current run; it was about another one. Ah, just so you know, I always tell stories as if they’re unfolding in real-time, but that doesn’t mean everything happened within one run. Most of the time, events unfold over several runs, and I skillfully weave them together during editing.

For example, when describing the downfall of the government in this country. I’m not glued to the radio 24/7, and how would I know what statements the Provisional Government and the coup forces made?

Some speeches I heard in the 4th run, others in the 11th. Witnessing refugees throwing a Seoul city official out of a window only happened in the 37th run.

My “omniscient observer perspective” was gained through numerous runs and experiences.

And I’ve invested plenty of time to judge whether someone is trustworthy or not. Among those times were occasions when I almost acted as Noh Doha’s sidekick, assisting him almost like a secretary.

Unfortunately, in the past runs, I wasn’t present in this scene when Noh Doha visited Tang Seorin. So, his projects always ended after progressing only to downtown Busan at most.

But things will be different from now on.

As I mentioned, this time, I came to the headquarters of the Three Thousand Worlds Guild “not by chance.”

“People who are physically uncomfortable often feel emotionally uncomfortable too. Is it only the patients themselves? Even if there are caregivers, they feel the same. Despite hearing complaints and curses from such people, Noh Doha has never once turned away a patient.”


“On the surface, he seems ominous and has an odd way of speaking, but it’s hard to find anyone as reliable as Noh Doha, no matter where you go.”

“But he’s always extorting money from Awakeneds.”

“It’s a scam tailored to each person. Didn’t I say? He’s never turned away a patient. Would only Awakeneds with some flexibility in their wallets visit Noh Doha’s workshop?”

Tang Seorin stroked his chin.

“…But still, he’s someone who has been caring for patients his whole life. Can he handle big responsibilities?”

“He’s not someone who adjusts responsibility to fit his size, but adjusts himself to the size of responsibility. It’s okay.”


Finally, she nodded.

“Okay. If it’s your character assessment, I’ll trust it.”

[Translator – Jjsecus]

[Proofreader – Gun]

And Tang Seorin was the type to follow through hell and high water once she gave her trust.

Not long after, a national guild meeting was held at sea in front of Busan. As you can guess from the term “at sea,” a cruise ship was chartered.

In reality, there was no fuel to sail, so it just docked at the pier, but even that was a luxury and extravagance that was hard to imagine in this day and age.

At such formal events, figures like those from the Second Provisional Government or members of the Youth Corps were strictly excluded.

Some self-proclaimed “big shots” sent representatives to protest, but Tang Seorin dismissed them lightly.

The Foreign Minister of the Second Provisional Government? What’s that?

Oh, a member of the Fukushima Korean Association.

Sorry, but it’s hard to hear here. Why don’t you come closer and speak from across the Korea Strait?

It was a meeting hall exclusively for guild masters.

The only invited guest here was Noh Doha. Except for the chef, singer, and jazz band brought in for appearances, of course.

“Uh… Master…?”


Noh Doha looked around at the guild masters in attendance, wearing a puzzled expression. It was an unusual sight.

“Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like not only Busan guild masters but also guild masters from all over the country are gathered here…?”


Tang Seorin waved her hand as if it were no big deal.

“Don’t worry. We’re getting inquiries from everywhere because we’re holding a meeting. It’s been so long since we’ve seen each other’s faces. Why not take this opportunity to extend the shelf life of our appearances?”

“Oh, I see…”

He was relieved.

The event proceeded as follows. First, Tang Seorin, who hosted the meeting, came out and greeted everyone. Just briefly, making it clear that she wasn’t the star of the show.

Then it was my turn.

The applause was thunderous.

“Doctor! It’s been so long!”

“Come visit Gangwon Province sometime. Our kids really want to see you.”

“Is Sim Aryeon doing well? Thanks to the last time you sent Sim Aryeon, we cleared the gate without any trouble.”

“I’ll make sure to make a place for you and entertain you sometime!”

On one side of the meeting room, an elderly man in a government uniform sat with his arms crossed.

This was truly a gathering of Korea’s prominent Awakeneds.

Sure, I was just compared to a mercenary captain, but did you know? Even Switzerland, a neutral country, once made a living as mercenaries.

The trust earned through mercenary work could easily be transferred to the financial sector, creating a historical precedent.

In other words, among the guild masters gathered here from all over the country, it was extremely rare to find someone who hadn’t owed me a favor at least once.

And like diligent debtors, the guild masters were eager to repay both the principal and interest owed to the country’s bank. They knew well that if they didn’t repay now, they’d be in for a snowball effect later.

“I sincerely thank all of you who have gathered here from far and wide. While these words might seem ordinary, they encapsulate the theme of today’s meeting. The long and arduous journey. Isn’t it time to take a closer look?”

“Right on!”


The theme of today’s meeting? That was already written down and sent with the invitations.

Even when the guild masters opened their letters, the Saintess shot off a message in the group chat. Something like, “‘The Saintess of Savlvation highly recommends this quest.” Something along those lines.

The authority of Tang Seorin. My trust. The endorsement of the Saintess.

It was literally a trinity. There was no greater credential in the entire Korean Peninsula. Probably not even in the whole world.

“Some of you may already know. Our eternal supporter of the Awakeneds! Thanks to this person, even if monsters chew our limbs off, it’s not a problem! The owner of the ‘Noh Doha Forge,’ which has made remarkable contributions to maximizing the combat capabilities of Awakeneds! …And also a person with the character and personality to make even the Awakeneds who are a bit stubborn nod their heads. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give a warm welcome with enthusiastic applause! It’s Mr. ‘Artifact Maker’ Noh Doha!”

Thunderous applause erupted. Not figuratively. Who used thunder magic?

I noticed Tang Seorin leading the first clap from the front row. A happy smile spread across her face.

By the way, Tang Seorin had quite the temper. If someone called her an idiot, she had every intention of proving who the real idiot was.

I may have portrayed only the good side of Tang Seorin, but there were times when she grabbed a rival guild master who dared to curse at her, gave them a good beating, and then laughed, saying, “Oh, look who’s here, a TS cutie in a place like this? Now, who’s the real idiot?”

Of course, it was mainly because of her particularly bad blood with that guild master.

Anyway, it was a good proof that she hadn’t acquired her position at the helm of the Korean Awakeneds Guild Federation through poker chips.

Have you ever heard the saying, “Green is just another shade of blue”? That they’re all in cahoots? It may have become less common now, but there was a time when I, too, was a faithful follower who rose to the position of sub-guild master under such Tang Seorin.


With joy at being so well received by Tang Seorin and me, Noh Doha trembled all over.

After receiving my introduction, Noh Doha strode up to the platform. Then he grabbed the microphone. The expression Noh Doha had at that moment was, uh… probably the kind he wore quite often when he was a grade 7 government official.

To put it in simpler terms, it went something like this:

“I’m Noh Doha…..”

Well, shit.

[Translator – Jjsecus]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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