The Third-Gen Chaebol Becomes a Genius Actor

Chapter 125: Do you know who gave it to you?

Chapter 125: Do you know who gave it to you?

Chapter 125 < Do you know who gave it to you? >

The emperor and Lee Kang, who had become haggard, caused a commotion in the courtroom. And the prisoners who wore prison clothes were hit by eggs thrown by someone and got on the escort bus, and Shim Naekwan, who was thought to be dead, followed them tied to a rope. Seong Hyunwoo didnt kill Shim Naekwan after all. He just shot the floor.

Thats how the emperor and Lee Kangs crimes were revealed, and Lee Seoeun became the next emperor.

Seong Hyunwoo, who saw Lee Seoeun wearing a crown, turned around and left the palace, and the scene changed to the rooftop of the building where they often met.

Thank you for keeping your promise.

Lee Seoeun, who stood next to Seong Hyunwoo, who was sitting alone, looked at the distant sky.

The contract period is over What are we?

I dont know

I have a promise to keep too.

Lee Seoeun, who hesitated, stood in front of Seong Hyunwoo. Then she knelt down on one knee. Seong Hyunwoo, who noticed what she was going to say, smiled slightly. He remembered when Lee Seoeun shouted I want to marry Woo Hyun! when they were young.

Will you marry me?

Seeing that, Seong Hyunwoo felt a surge of emotion and opened his mouth.


The main OST of the drama played as background music, and behind-the-scenes photos came out instead of the preview.

Shin Yewon X Yoo Yeon Seo showed off their special chemistry in National Bird Ratings Hit

JSTV ambitious work National Bird resonated with the world

National Bird saved Koreas beauty Korea is suffering from Hyunseo couple

Yoo Yeon Seo, sweeping the drama, movie, and advertising industry Unrivaled box office guarantee check

-Im happy that National Bird is doing well

-Yoo Yeon Seo Shin Yewon chemistry is awesome Crazy this is real

-When will the last making of National Bird come out? Im refreshing it all the time

-I know its scary to know the taste, but I know its a clich, but its so fun

-I swear Im not delusional, but I cant take off the delusional lens of Yoo Yeon Seo Shin Yewon

-National Bird is not a community, its really felt

Everyone talks about National Bird at work and lunch time

Wow, our company too

The kids next to me are talking about National Bird too

Our boss also watched it

[Male actor] What is Yoo Yeon Seo? +203

Honestly, I didnt expect National Bird. I admit that Yoo Yeon Seos acting has improved, but honestly, when I think of Woo Soon-gans destructive acting, the taste is not felt at all in the spicy noodles Im eating now.

But I just wanted to watch it out of loyalty because my goddess Shin Yewon was in it.

And there was also the fact that the writer was Min Joo-kyung. I know hes good at making clichs work, but its too obvious. Who likes Cinderella stories these days Of course, making Shin Yewon an emperor is a progress for Min Joo-kyung.

But there was a gif that captivated me.


NoAh Ridiculous Crazy isnt this? Whats the angle of the kiss scene face? Is the shoulder crazy?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Wow, whats with that look? Are you crazy?? What did you eat and grow up to look like this?

Why couldnt you do this if you could do this? Wow, Im going crazy

Hey Yoo Yeon Seo, lets get married first before we get divorced

What are you talking about? You said you wouldnt watch National Bird even if you die

(Writer)I ran to the last episode after seeing that gif

Finally switching from Ahn Hyun-seong to Yoo Yeon Seo?

[Breaking News] Harabi falls for Yoo Yeon Seo

You were so mean, but Harabi too

Ah crazy dont come

Thank you Yoo Yeon Seo -Ahn Hyun-seong fan club-

Dont come please

Love letter rejects Harabis fandom

(Writer)I already joined



Wow, youre an idol, youre an idol.

Han Daepyo, the representative, stuck out his tongue at the pile of gifts that filled one side of the office. He already had a lot of fans, but the agency was busy as a lot of influx fans were created by the hit of the drama.

The number of followers of the agencys SNS, which posted pictures of the actors as a fan service, also increased explosively.

What is this?

He picked up a white envelope on his desk. It looked like a wedding invitation with a silver sticker sealed. Did one of the staff give it to him? He opened the envelope and laughed.


The wedding invitation had Yoo Yeon Seo and Shin Yewons names on it, not the staffs. If a stranger saw it, they would think they were really getting married. It was a sophisticated wedding invitation.

There are people who are obsessed with the main couple of the hit drama. They are called delusional and even after the drama ends, they sell memories and claim that they are dating beyond the characters.

Park Siljang, who came in with the gifts rolling outside, laughed at what Han Daepyo was holding.

Funny, right? Did you get hooked too?

Status. What should we do at times like this?

I dont know either. Weve been quiet.

It got noisy since they recruited Yoon Yeon Seo.

But Director Park was just as confused. Halo Media was focused on production, and it was a small company that raised a few rookies and actors with thick bones in the movie industry. It was the first time they had an actor who was as popular as an idol.

And I didnt know it would be Yoon Yeon Seo

The president smiled as he thought so. He had the confidence to handle the criticism, but this popularity It was a good thing to be popular. With the impact of National Bird, this phenomenon seemed to continue rather than being a simple one-time thing.

Hello, Mr. President, Mr. Director.

Oh, Tae-gyeom is here? Whats that?

The foreigners outside gave it to me. How did they know I was his manager?

Its not incomprehensible. Even the secretary Lim Seung-hyun recognized him, and it must have been easier to recognize the manager who was always with him. Tae-gyeom put down the paper bags and dolls he brought in a pile of gifts.

I mean, even if I tell them not to send it, they send it anyway I cant throw this away either.

Mr. President, what if you throw it away and someone takes a picture? Ill deliver it to him.

He doesnt usually take these things, does he?

He seems to like it secretly. Isnt it okay to have fan letters or small gifts?

Really? Then lets check if theres anything weird first.

The three of them sat down on the floor and rummaged through the gifts. They had to check if there was anything dangerous for protection. Fan letters were the same. It would be a big deal if there was something strange written on them.

Wow What countrys letters are these?

Should we throw them away?

Ugh, I dont feel good about throwing them away He wont be able to read this, will he?

Mr. Director, hes good at reading. Should we try to translate it roughly?

Just put it aside for now.

They put the ambiguous things aside and threw the strange things into the trash without hesitation. There were so many gifts that they didnt think they would finish today.

Did you know that they gave free coffee to our employees at the cafe in front?

Why? Oh, dont tell me its because of the people who came to see him?

Director Park nodded. The sales of the nearby cafe increased sharply as the information that Yoon Yeon Seo often visited the agency was revealed.

No wonder they sold all the sandwiches they didnt sell.

Mr. Director.


Director Park looked at Tae-gyeom with a serious expression. Tae-gyeom carefully examined a letter. The envelope didnt have anything printed on it, so it seemed like he came to the agency and gave it himself.

Do you know who gave this?

I dont know. Our staff received it.

Did it get caught on CCTV?

Maybe? But why, is there anything strange in it? Throw it away.

Tae-gyeom mumbled and put the letter in his pocket. The content was suspicious and he thought Yoon Yeon Seo should check it himself. Yoon Yeon Seo, who had doubts about Lee Hee-seos death, it was strange that Lim Seung-hyun, who was always behind Yoon Yeon Seo, kept leaving his seat.

Director Park didnt think much of it and focused on opening the gifts.

Then, how are we going to adjust our schedule? What does he want to do first?

Uh, I think hes going to rest for a while.


The president, who was listening, jumped up. Almost every company was looking for Yoon Yeon Seo because of the hit of National Bird. The agencys phone was already on fire, and there were even people who called the president and asked him to model their products.

What do you mean, you have to row a boat when the water comes in, not launch an aircraft carrier?

Tae-gyeom nodded and mechanically opened the gift wrap. He looked blank. The president shouted. It didnt matter that Tae-gyeom was different from usual.

He doesnt even want it, does he?

Hes not a person who needs money desperately, you know.

The president closed his mouth. He couldnt refute it.

Hes not just any company, but the third generation of Joo Sung, who can play and eat for the rest of his life with just the stock dividends, even if he just breathes. He also runs a personal investment company that makes enough profit to make a name for himself in the industry. And there was also news that the movie that Yoon Yeon Seo participated in as a production investor made a lot of money.

Thats, that

And Joo Chairman was retiring from his position and giving his shares to his children and grandchildren. There were articles that could be seen without boredom. How much would he get as the son of the next chairman?

The president, who was stuttering for a moment, took a deep breath.

Money is, necessary! No matter how rich you are, who would refuse money! He has to worry about taxes from now on if he wants to inherit it!

Why are you asking me that. Tae-gyeom frowned.

He doesnt care.


The president was frustrated and hit his chest. He couldnt do all the ads that came in because of image management, but his body price was so huge that the more ads he did, the more money he got from the agency. He could make a lot of money with just a few big ones The president looked sad.

Cant you persuade him well?

Mr. President, do you think that will work?

It worked well before.

Thats because he had a passion for his work. He didnt care about advertising.

Han, the representative, was speechless again. In the quiet office, only the sound of them ripping open the wrapping of the gifts was heard.

After a long silence, Han raised his head.

Then lets just shoot three!

Ill try to talk to him.

Lee Tae-gyeom ignored his desperate shout. He knew that he wouldnt agree anyway.


First of all, this is what we investigated.

What is it, you have more than what I investigated?

Baek Seo-joon opened his mouth wide at the thickness of the paper pile. How could they dig up more information than the police, even though he was tied up?

We checked the dead people first There was no suspicion. The traffic accident perpetrators didnt have anything special either.


He thought he could find a clue Then he had no choice but to investigate all the survivors. Yoo Yeon Seo bit his tongue. Lately, there were many people who blocked his way. He stood out too much for investigating alone. Did he do Guk-sae for nothing

My lord.

Are you here? You came together?

We met in the elevator. Hello.

This is my brothers friend.

Lee Tae-gyeom looked at Baek Seo-joons face, and Yoo Yeon Seo briefly explained. Lee Tae-gyeom put down the pile of stuff he brought on the sofa.

What is all this?

Letters and small gifts that came to you. I checked them in advance, and theres nothing special, so just take them.

Why are there so many?

Yoo Yeon Seo didnt say to take them back even though he grumbled. He felt strange to receive affectionate words from people he didnt know, but he didnt feel bad.

When he read the fan letters written in clumsy language, he felt like he was looking at the picture that Raul, the kid he saw in Welcome to the Guest House, drew for him.

I told you Im taking a break for a while, right?

Yeah, but I dont think the representative will give up easily.

Han, the representative, was stubborn Yoo Yeon Seo shook his head as he clicked his tongue. Anyway, Guk-sae would be popular until the end of the year, so it would be okay to rest for a while.

I got it. Ill think about it. Go ahead.

Just a minute


Lee Tae-gyeom quickly grabbed Yoo Yeon Seo, who was about to turn away. He hesitated as he took out a letter he had hidden in his pocket.

I think you should see this.

What is this?

Its a letter that came to you The content is suspicious.

What? If he gave it to him separately like this Yoo Yeon Seo opened the letter and checked the content. He opened his eyes wide.

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