The Third-Gen Chaebol Becomes a Genius Actor

Chapter 57: How can you kill the actors like that?

Chapter 57: How can you kill the actors like that?

-I just watched White Tiger

There was nothing else to watch, so I went to see the actors’ faces

The story was just predictable, but the action was awesome and there were some jump scares

└Really? Everyone who came out was talking about the action

└└My boyfriend was so impressed by Yeon Seo-hyung, even though he’s older than him

└So you have a boyfriend?


White Tiger was released on Wednesday and the real audience rating started at 9.3 out of 10.

And on Saturday of the opening week, the broadcast of the variety show that Park Minwoo and Lee Hangeul recorded for White Tiger promotion was aired. 

They divided the team into entertainers and actors according to the setting of the special forces in the movie and played a survival game at a paintball field.

“Why is A team so good?”

“We can’t win like this…”

The entertainers who had played this kind of game a lot had the upper hand. Park Minwoo and Lee Hangeul, who were left after their teammates were eliminated, complained to the camera.

“From the start, we had one less person…”

“That’s not fair. The balance is so off, isn’t it?”

Park Minwoo vented his frustration. He looked cute as he whined, and the PD who was watching him held back his laughter.

“There’s a reason why we have one less person.”

At the staff’s words, Park Minwoo and Lee Hangeul widened their eyes.

“We have a reinforcement coming.”


Just then, a gunshot and a scream were heard from afar. Soon, the broadcast announced that someone from A team was eliminated.


“Who is it, who is it?”

And then another gunshot and another broadcast. In a short time, two people were taken down.

“Let’s go and join them.”

Lee Hangeul snapped out of it and pulled Park Minwoo.

The screen changed to show a person who was secretly helping B team. 

It was Yeon Seo, who covered his face with a helmet, goggles, and a mask.

“How many are left now?”

“A team has six and B team has two.”

His voice was distorted as if he wanted to keep it a secret from the viewers.

“Should I go up?”

When Park Minwoo and Lee Hangeul were having a hard time on camera, Yeon Seo, who was walking through the forest as if he was taking a stroll, stopped at a suitable tree.

He climbed up the tree with one hand without any difficulty. His swift movement of turning his body and landing on the tree made the staff who was watching him gasp.

“Huh? Why is there a camera here?”

And not long after, a person wearing a red helmet from A team looked around. The savvy entertainer saw the VJ who couldn’t get away in time and smirked.

“He’s around here?!”

The screen moved the focus behind the entertainer and showed Yeon Seo aiming his gun from the tree.


The entertainer fell exaggeratedly after getting hit by a paintball on his back. Another entertainer from A team ran over in a hurry after hearing the commotion.

“What’s going on?”

“On the tree! Watch out…”

Yeon Seo’s exact location was exposed, so he jumped off the tree and rolled once to land safely. He quickly hid behind another tree. The other side fired paintballs at him, but luckily none of them hit him.

‘Five, six…’

They must have used up all their bullets by now. 

Yeon Seo casually turned his body and shot with one hand. 

The entertainer who was trying to reload his gun got a paint mark on his chest.

“Wow! Amazing! I thought I was watching a movie!”

“But who are you?”

Yeon Seo didn’t say anything and turned his body to look for another target.

“He’s so cool…”

The first entertainer who fell muttered softly as he watched his back.

Yeon Seo walked through the survival field as if he was taking a stroll and muttered.

“Four more left.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

His voice distortion was lifted. Yeon Seo’s voice was low and had a unique personality. 

The viewers who were watching this wondered if it was him. 

At that moment, Yeon Seo sensed someone nearby and quickly hid behind a cover and aimed his gun at the enemy.

There were two people rustling and making noise. They were wearing blue helmets, so they were allies from B team.

“Huh? I think I saw a blue helmet just now.”

“Isn’t he over there?”

Yeon Seo waved his hand outside the cover. Park Minwoo and Lee Hangeul were excited to see the unexpected reinforcement and approached him.


“But who are you…”

“It’s me.”

Yeon Seo lifted his mask and goggles slightly to show his face. The screen briefly switched to show Yeon Seo’s profile. They probably thought that his old videos were too bad to use, so they used a lot of clips from Chunbaek in ‘Dreaming’ and the trailer of ‘White Tiger’.

“Holy, Yeon Seo hyung? When did you come?”

“Just now.”

It was well known in the industry that Yeon Seo hated variety shows. But he was different now.

He felt bad that only Park Minwoo and Lee Hangeul were working hard for the promotion, so he agreed to appear briefly at the end.

“Did you take out those two earlier?”


“How did you do it? They were the aces, we had a hard time with them.”

“It was easy.”

Park Minwoo and Lee Hangeul pulled their heads back and made a fed up expression.

When they asked him how he did the high-difficulty action moves while filming ‘White Tiger’, Yeon Seo’s usual answer was ‘It was easy’.

“If you were going to do this, you should have joined earlier…”

“Then the game would have been over already, wouldn’t it?”

“Oh, confidence.”

Actually, no. He said he would only appear briefly at the end, so they really sent him out at the last minute. They didn’t care much about his performance, since his appearance alone would guarantee the buzz.

“Yeon Seo is so good. PD, did you know he was this good?”

“I didn’t. He didn’t even attend the pre-meeting…”

“At this rate, Yeon Seo will catch them all by himself. How about changing the rules?”

But they didn’t expect Yeon Seo’s amazing performance, so the PD and the writers who were watching the monitor went into an emergency meeting. After a short meeting, they sent a radio to A team.

“What do we do now?”

“What do you mean, what do we do… We find him and shoot him.”

Yeon Seo raised his fist and folded his index and middle fingers. Park Minwoo sighed.

“I thought the same thing when the game started…”

“Me too.”

“But why does it sound so easy when Yeon Seo hyung says it?”

“It’s all because of the brainwashing I got at the filming site.”

I could never forget the acrobatic action moves that Yoonseo performed without a stunt double. 

It was unbelievable that he did those moves when he had been discharged from the hospital less than six months ago.

“So, why are there only two of you left?”

Yoonseo cut him off. It was not good to stay in this open space for too long.


Apparently, they had a hard time dealing with the survival enthusiast and former shooting athlete on the other side.

On the other hand, here were a rookie actor who had never played an FPS game and an idol who had only done some leisure activities during his own content shooting, busy with his late comeback.

“Isn’t the balance weird?”

“It is weird.”

Yoonseo looked at the two people who were protesting sincerely.

Wasn’t this promotional variety show supposed to be easygoing? Park Minwoo and Lee Hankyul seemed to be burning with the desire to win. They must be popular as rising actors because they worked hard at everything.

“But I’m glad you came.”

“Shouldn’t we plan a strategy?”

As the three of them were brainstorming, one of the production staff ran over.

“Everyone, as soon as Yoonseo joined, two of you were eliminated… We want to change the game rules because of his unexpected performance.”

“Oh, come on. That’s not fair.”

Park Minwoo grumbled, and Yoonseo looked at the production staff with his arms crossed.

“How did it change?”

Honestly, he didn’t care if the rules changed or not… But let’s hear it out.

“The rule is… to capture the flag at the base.”


“Do you remember the construction site where we started?”

Lee Hankyul and Park Minwoo nodded. Yoonseo glanced at the map sign nearby.

“Team A is occupying that site right now, and you have to capture it.”

“Is the site in the center?”

“Yes, but instead of being eliminated by one shot, you have to be hit by five shots. You win if you capture the flag inside the base within the time limit.”

As the two of them listened blankly to the production staff’s words, Yoonseo looked at his watch.

“The time limit is… 15 minutes from now.”

It was 2:15 p.m. now… So until 2:30 p.m. Yoonseo nodded slightly and went to the front of the map.

“15 minutes… Can we do it?”

“Let’s try. Come over here, everyone.”

Even though Yoonseo joined late, Park Minwoo and Lee Hankyul followed his instructions naturally.

“How much time has passed?”

“About five minutes.”

“When are they coming?”

Meanwhile, Team A, who were scattered around the base, waited for Team B, who showed no signs of coming.

“Did we do too well? What are we going to do if we make the actors lose their confidence?”

“That was too boring.”

Team A had already secured their victory. The production staff told them a different rule, that they had to guard the flag as usual, but Yoonseo would be eliminated if he was hit by more than two shots.

“But I heard that Yoonseo, who joined last, is really good.”

“He can’t beat me, no matter how good he is.”

At that moment, a paintball shot rang out and one of Team A’s members fell backwards.

“They’re here!”

“Everyone, hide!”

Two more shots hit the fallen entertainer. Everyone panicked and hid behind the trees.

“Where did they shoot from?”

They were caught off guard and couldn’t figure out which direction the gun was fired from. As they were flustered, another paintball shot was heard. The broadcast announced that the first person who was hit was eliminated. It was a 3 vs 3 situation.

“Ouch! I got hit!”

“Don’t panic! It’s just one shot!”

Team A’s leader, who was a survival fan and a former shooting athlete, shouted loudly.


Park Minwoo hid behind a tree and fired his gun randomly. 

Lee Hankyul, who was hiding on the other side, hit two people with one shot each.

[Team B Park Minwoo is out!]


It was a 2 vs 3 situation, and Park Minwoo lay on the ground. He didn’t look that regretful, considering how he had protested to the production staff earlier. He was a bait, after all.

When everyone’s attention was drawn to Park Minwoo, Lee Hankyul, who came out from the other side, ran quickly and captured the flag.

“Our flag!”


And in that gap, Yoonseo, who had been hiding his presence, aimed his gun. Another member of Team A was eliminated. It was a 2 vs 2 situation. The time limit was not over yet, so they had to guard the flag until then.

“Wow, where are they shooting from?!”

The team member who still couldn’t figure out Yoonseo’s position was annoyed.

“Five shots! You got hit by five shots, Hankyul!”

“Me too, hyung.”

Lee Hankyul and the entertainer from Team A were eliminated at the same time. It was a 1 vs 1 situation. The flag was left where Lee Hankyul was eliminated.

Yoonseo had circled around and hit the remaining entertainers of Team A with his gun when Park Minwoo and Lee Hankyul acted as baits.

[30 seconds left.]


Team A’s leader ran towards the flag, and Yoonseo, who caught up with him, aimed his gun with a fierce look.

[15 seconds left.]


Team A’s leader also turned around and fired his gun. Yoonseo bent his body low to avoid it and rolled once to close the distance with Team A’s leader.

He had hit him three times before, and now it was four…

“Five shots.”

Yoonseo stood in front of Team A’s leader, who had fallen backwards with a bruised butt, and bent his upper body. 

He casually picked up the flag that was lying next to Team A’s leader by a hair’s breadth and said slowly.

“It’s over.”

[Team A Bae Youngjae is out! Team B wins!]

The screen showed Yoonseo’s full body and face, who had thrown off his goggles and helmet.

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