The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 116 - I Didn’t Kill Her

At the Mall of Mocon

Dax entered the mall with two advocates and his secretary in tow. They entered the infirmary to see Billy Craft blankly sitting without daring to step out.

"President Craft." Secretary Sawyer greeted him to get his attention but failed to get any response.

Dax nodded again looking at pale Billy Craft. Secretary Sawyer took the cue and patted Billy's shoulder.

Billy uttered out in fright moving away from the source of touch. "I didn't kill her. I didn't…" He regained his senses and sat straight thinking of a way to hide what he blurted out.

Dax assumed 'her' was his innocent Dum Dum and grabbed his collar instinctively. "Who killed her?" His every word was clear as day but frosty as stone in the freezing winter. Neither tone nor his expression carried any hint of warmth.

Secretary Sawyer and advocates were taken aback but his sudden change into a grim reaper. They didn't dare to cut in or speak afraid to be the next target.

Dax Grant didn't grow Skylar International depending on anyone's background or begging somebody for the project. He had worked hard with determination, merging day and night to reach where he is. 

As much as the perfect planning is important for the steady growth on the path, bringing it to action is also important. While Aarvi stood as an invisible pillar, planning and drawing out every step of success, Dax was a pillar who faced everything with her hidden support and climbing atop.

He would never entertain unnecessary things or slacking off and disgusting bugs like Billy Craft. He would ignore any comments and ugly remarks on him but wouldn't care to break the face of anyone who tries to hurt Aarvi, Shawn, and his parents.

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Secretary Sawyer instinctively thought of Aarvi seeing Dax's reaction, 'But she is alive.' He thought and still believed Aarvi was on comatose after the heart transplant.

Billy laughed awkwardly without understanding why Dax was reacting that way, Secretary Sawyer's hand trembled when he nudged Dax indicating him to control as they had to complete what they came for. Then he asked Billy, adding insincere laughter, "President Craft, you didn't kill anyone in the mall. Did you?"

Dax shrugged him and clenched his fist to calm down. He needed to see Zain Kelly as soon as possible and know the whole thing from him else he wasn't sure who he would beat up before Aarvi could reveal everything.

Even though he knew the current Aarvi is evil and crafty, there are numerous things she could become soft-hearted so he wants her to live and have fun letting them handle those bastards.

Billy vigorously shook his head, "I was beaten up, why will I kill anybody?"

Then, Secretary Sawyer cued the advocate to speak and stood aside, "President Craft, we regret to inform you that your cooperation with the mall of Mocon has to end today."

Billy: "..."

The advocate handed him a copy of the agreement and continued, "I hope you remember clause number 79 stating that if your character or actions reflect on the operation of the mall and its reputation, your shareholder-ship will naturally suspend."

He handed another fresh set of papers to frozen Billy Craft and continued in his toneless voice, "Legally, your all shares belong to Skylar International. Please sign the paper to complete the procedure." He took out the pen and extended his hand to Billy.

Billy saw the pen and came out of his daze before throwing the papers away, "Don't fool me… T-There was no such clause, my shares belong to me." He shouted at the top of his lungs.

Secretary Sawyer was amazed by hearing him. He really commended Dax in mind as he took his tab from the blazer inner pocket, "President Craft, then please watch this."

Whilst Dax was praising Aarvi in mind thinking how farsighted she was. Usually, they send the paper to let them read and sign it off but she had asked the company lawyers to explain it to him and also record it.

It was the video of a lawyer explaining clause number 79 and Billy hearing it with a huge smile for getting a chance to work with Skylar. Then the video skipped to the end where Billy orally accepted all terms and signed the paper.

Billy was trying to think of a solution but Dax sneered disturbing his train of thoughts, "What? Do you think you could find another way? Go ahead."

Billy was fidgety to take any decision, he was going to lose an earning source so easily so can't keep himself calm and hurled at Dax, "You… You tricked me. It was all your plan."

Dax asked in surprise, "Me!" then he thought, 'I am not as smart as my Dum Dum.' He couldn't believe Aarvi just met him and watched Billy falling in the pit just by sitting in a cafe. "What are you talking about? If I want, I could destroy your Craft Company instead of this."

Dax couldn't understand why Aarvi just gave simple punishment to Billy if he is connected to her past. But he didn't underestimate her knowing her plan would connect to something else and that is yet to be found.

"You tricked me with a fake girl as president of Skylar." Now he started to realize it.

Secretary Sawyer asked in amusement, "Pardon me, President Craft, did you perhaps overhear us and thought CEO Grant's friend as President?"

'CEO Grant's friend?' Billy thought over and looked at Dax's mocking gaze. 'Why will a president hug a CEO? I-I assumed it myself.'

Realizing the trouble he is in, he pulled out his mobile to dial a contact hoping he would help him to get rid of this problem. 

Dax hates half-witted people, firstly they can't understand what they say. Secondly, they blindly believe what they assume, and finally, because they waste too much time. Whereas dumb people will try to understand and smart people will know how to deal with things.

Billy Craft was flustered when his contact didn't answer his call, who he called? Leon Harmon to save him from the abyss. After all, they are good friends in society and the business circle.

The third time Billy tried to reach Leon Harmon when Dax spoke, "President Craft, as compensation I am giving you ten million." He placed the cheque on the bed and continued, "Waste my every minute, I will remove a zero from it."

Then he pointed the wall clock right when a minute handle ticked at 12 indicating Billy's time started. 

Secretary Sawyer started to lure the cuttlefish, "President Craft, if this goes to the legal process, wouldn't you lose your money, you will not get shares in your hand either. If I were you, I would have signed and taken compensation. And then think about fighting back." What he said was the truth, it was the better choice Billy had at the movement instead of losing more money.

Billy wavered hearing him but he couldn't understand why Leon wasn't answering his phone call. The first time in his life, he felt a minute was too little and wished to stop the time right there.

--- At Harmon Industries ---

Leon Harmon had lost his cool and the ability to handle other works so he ignored Billy and Mia's calls to save his ass by just suppressing the media pulling his name and Harmon companies out of the scandal. He used his PR department to remove the posts in which netizens were taking his name negatively.

Even if Billy really harassed the girls in the mall, Leon Harmon had numerous ways to make it history by diverting with huge news but he wasn't in a mood to help anybody. As well, he felt it is a suitable time to leave Billy and the Craft family.

Hence Leon and Dylan Harmon didn't answer any call from the Craft family throwing them away when they needed him the most.

--- Back in the infirmary of the Mall of Mocon ---

Dax grabbed the cheque to tear it off after a minute but Billy shot up and snatched the cheque, 'Something is better than nothing.' He thought and quickly signed on the papers.

"CEO Grant, I will take back what belongs to me." He announced like a righteous man.

Dax waited till the advocate verified Billy Craft's signature and left the infirmary. Even though Billy wasn't smart, Dax didn't want to take a chance of his invalid signature in later days.

"Take back?" Dax asked as he pulled a stool with his leg and sat in poise. "Let me guess, Leon Harmon's help? You think he would stand against us for you?"

Billy Craft panicked thinking what if Leon Harmon drops him away, he had painstakingly made Leon approve his daughter to be daughter in law of the Harmon family. He can't imagine his years of hard work gaining nothing.

Dax continued to indoctrinate Billy, "I am sure he always answered your call but what did he do today?" Dax wanted to see if Billy would easily fall for it and ask for help. That way, he could easily know the truth behind the brutal state of Ava/Aarvi.

Billy's face turned red in anger and smirked. He got off from the bed and walked out saying, "If I fall, I will pull him down with me."


Dax's plan to get information from Billy - Failed.

Aarvi's plan to get the shares - Checked.

Her continued plan - Initiated whilst she was flirting with Aaron choosing the nicknames for each other.

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