The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 186 - Allie Evans

Milo Wen pitied the sulking secretaries who had to stay back without going for lunch seeing the president back to the office. Then he turned to Aaron to know if he needed changes in his schedule and to ask about his lunch.

Aaron sat opposite Nico Bruton on the single armchair and felt another gaze on him. His unemotional eyes were on Nico while he demanded to Milo Wen, "Five minutes, Lyonnais's proposal should be on my desk."

Milo: "..."

The secretary who was assigned to translate the french project proposal hadn't done it yet and they had thought Aaron might ask for it at the end of the day so she was busy with other work that needed immediate attention.

"It will be on the desk, President Rivas." Milo Wen responded giving a low bow before scurrying away to instruct all the secretaries to divide work and complete as soon as possible.

Aaron's gaze didn't move from Nico who took the cue and opened the file which he had kept on the center glass table when he had sat down. "Brother Aaron, The real daughter's name of Chairman Evans is Allie Evans. This is the copy of the birth certificate from the Evans Hospital."

He placed the paper which was a copy of the original birth certificate of Allie Evans who was responsible for the foreign business and new branches of the Evans Industries which is headquartered in country S.

Aaron glanced at the paper which was on the coffee table before his eyes set back on Nico. Well, Aaron really wanted to commend Nico for obtaining the most confidential document of the Evans family.

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Due to their high profile, Felix Evans aka Chairman Evans always preferred to stay low to enjoy his time with family. Hence his wife and even his children's personal life and information are tightly sealed away. 

The only information revealed to the public is Felix and his son Jaxon Evans's face with their names. However, Allie's and Mrs. Evans name or face is too confidential.

Certainly, there were a handful number of people who knew them well, if not completely. Little did Nico know, Aaron Rivas is one of them.

Nevertheless, Nico is a rare treasure in the fields he works for being able to get the real identity of the daughter of Felix Evans.

Nico didn't see any changes in Aaron's face or composure. He didn't find it odd either as that's how Aaron had changed himself from teen to adulthood.

Nico spoke this time without any proof to prove it, "I had guessed there might be another daughter from the family but the information I gathered clearly mentions Chairman Evans has a son and a daughter. There is no mention or proof that there is another daughter with the name Aarvi Evans."

Aaron rested his elbow on the arm of the armchair and placed his chin on his knuckles as he faintly nodded in boredom. He already knows all of it. He wanted to hear something exciting that he doesn't know.

Nico couldn't come to a conclusion if Aaron was believing his words or not. The nod of Aaron was unreliable even though his sharp eyes caught the action.

Silence encircled. Nico wanted to hear a word or two to make sure Aaron was listening to him or is he making a joke of himself?

The second hand of the clock ticked each second causing the minute hand to shift after 60 movements of the second hand but the man blankly watched Nico.

Nico oddly remembered Aarvi's gaze due to Aaron's calmness. It was like a replica of the same look on two bodies and the force that pushes the one to talk even though he wanted a response.

'Ahem,' Nico awkwardly coughed upon realizing he was staring at Aaron's face but was thinking of Aarvi.

Nico took another piece of proof which was again a photocopy. He placed it on the coffee table saying, "Due to high confidentiality by Evans, I was only able to fetch the teen Allie Evans's picture. As we can see, there is a birthmark above her lips, below the end of the left corner of her nose."

Aaron's brows slightly raised before settling. If Aaron calls Felix or Jaxon to inform Nico Burton, a man from country A found quite a few information about Allie Evans, either they would contact the President of country A to handle Nico Burton quietly or they will complain in Country S to higher officials saying a man spied on them and they feel threatened.

The first choice will result in the suspension of Nico from the military and the second will cause the same with the imprisonment of Nico Burton in country S.

Nearly half of the country S's economy depends on Evans Industries and many businessmen from country A invested in his companies so country A or country S wouldn't dare to stand against each other but sacrifice the man.

Aaron wanted to applaud Nico's bravery which is no less than dumbness. But he was still there, sitting and presenting the evidence without the Evans family having any idea. Isn't he an absolute treasure of the military?

Nico gritted his teeth for earning a response of silence every time. He chose to reveal it to Aaron 'cause Aarvi Evans is Aaron's girlfriend and his team had failed to trace her for a week.

He can't trust Shawn or Dax due to a reason so if it's Aaron, he could manage to deport her back to whichever country she belonged to.

Before another word could be out of Nico's mouth, Milo Wen knocked on the door and entered the office as he arranged the freshly printed papers in a black file.

He was three minutes late so he wasn't sure how Aaron was going to react but he felt his hair rise as soon as he stepped in. 'President Rivas, cool down cool down…' He told himself as he walked up to Aaron.

Aaron extended his hand and he spoke before Milo Wen, "Secretary Wen, you have worked for me for three years. Let me ask you a question…"

Milo Wen gulped his non-existent saliva hoping he wouldn't ask difficult questions that he might not know the answer to. But he could oddly guess this question has something to do with Nico Burton.

Aaron continued leaving the file on the center table, "What will I do if anybody tries to sneakily gather information about my family?"

Milo Wen was speechless. What kind of question is this? A man with common sense can answer it, alright?

However, Nico got to know why he was asking a silly question. "What if you have no idea about the person?" His voice and eyes had brimmed with confidence and he was sure Evans couldn't know about him.

However, Milo Wen responded right after him, "And you have no idea how large scale the informers works for us."

Aaron smirked while Nico gritted his teeth. Does he look like an idiot? Nico had gathered all possible information on Evans before starting his operation to check on Aarvi Evans, Ava Kelly, and the daughter of Felix Evans.

Nico frowned and noticed two men's gaze was on him. Seeing Aaron had no issues with Milo Wen hearing it, he placed another paper on the coffee table thinking to leave before they piss him off more.

He eerily felt Aaron could be worried about him being stuck with the Evans hence he might dislike that he went to such length about Aarvi Evans. However he continued to speak about the picture, "This is the picture prediction of 15 years old Allie Evans to 25 years old Allie Evans."

This time Aaron's brows ceased visibly darkening his face. He couldn't believe the experts under Nico were so professionals that he was able to get the almost perfect look of Allie Evans. It wasn't only unsafe for Evans, but for Aarvi too; however before he could make a move, he wanted to see every piece of evidence Nico had and gave him the limited course of triumph by getting irritated.

Milo Wen realized Nico Burton wasn't a small player and a simple man but had his tricks up his sleeves just by looking at Aaron's gaze.

Nico assumed Aaron was believing everything now so he was ready to continue to tell him about all the evidence he had gathered and his analysis but Aaron snarled purposefully, "Is this how you and your group are working? Does this look like a school assignment? Make it professional, now."

He slapped the file to Milo Wen's hand that mildly startled the man. Matter of fact, the translation wasn't accurate. The ones who barely knew french also helped in translating and the page Aaron opened ended him up at the paragraph that was filled with mistakes.

Milo Wen knew Aaron's sudden change in composition was due to Aarvi's safety and identity but Nico thought it might have hurt Aaron hence he was losing his calmness without discerning it can be an act.

Milo Wen chided Nico in mind and also thought Rivas and Bruton might go against each other too soon if Nico won't stop in time. He won't be surprised if a piece of new breaking news appears as Nico Burton went missing with his whole team or they go on an unbreakable deadly mission and don't return.

However, these were all Milo Wen's thoughts by knowing the power of his president and the length he could go for Aarvi's safety. Aaron's plan was totally different.

Next Nico found himself hesitating to speak about Ava but he continued. 

Aaron failed to notice Nico's quandary eyes. He clenched his fist feeling his blood boil in his veins, urging to cut the tongue which spoke ill of his woman.

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