The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 243 - Vicious

Holding his cheek, Brodie Powell quivered to meet Leon's gaze.

Being a gate-dog of Leon Harmon won't just get him a lot of money, he has to sell his conscience, bear Leon's wrath and endure Leon's behavior, irrespective of his age, job, social position, and his pride. Yet he didn't have the guts to talk back or fight for himself.

Does he like this kind of life? No, but he had come too far and there is no turning back even if he regrets it. He can end this only by giving up his life for Leon or surrender under the law. Anyway, he wasn't ready to do both.

He doesn't want to surrender himself under the law so it left him the only choice of endurance and bear Leon's wrath.

He knew meeting Leon without permission and especially entering his office in uniform would rile him up. But he had expected Leon to hear him out.

Leon glared at the Chief controlling himself from doing anything to him. Since Ava Kelly targeted the four officers, he was expecting her to aim at Chief Powell soon. He couldn't believe the halfwitted chief straight reached him at Harmon Industries in the broad daylight when she was waiting like an eagle to kill the poisonous snakes with their mistake.

According to the evidence and proofs which she was using, Leon analyzed she wasn't digging out old dirt but catching them red-handed and using it against them. He was deciding to be careful till he got her to his hands but Chief Powell's appearance brought more and new trouble.

Leon bellowed, "Why the f**king hell are you here? Did you lose your goddamn brain to appear here?" His tone carried extreme disappointment with fury.

Chief Powell gently pressed his painful jaw and before he started to speak, "T-that… g-girl… Vance Hays's fiancée is a-alive."

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'Vance Haya's fiancée.' Leon frowned for hearing him still call Ava Kelly as Vance Hays's fiancée. He didn't bother correcting him and asked in a grave tone, "How do you know?" He wanted to know if Ava took action on him already.

Chief Powell hesitated but he narrated everything that happened on Saturday and why he ran away without helping or calling him. He was expecting Leon to get angry but the latter started laughing… scornfully.

Once the eerie laughter ended, Leon's slender long fingers wrapped around the neck of the man and pressed him against the floor. "Do you know why she left you unscathed?" He asked through his teeth. the chief was wriggling on the floor to catch a breath.

Leon was beyond control so chief's painful groans were of no use. He applied more pressure instead and answered his own question, "She wanted you to tell me she is bloody alive and coming at me."

Leon suddenly lifted his hand letting his lungs blow up to catch some air but Leon's brown designer leather shoes kicked him at the waist causing him to roll away on the floor coughing his lungs out.

Leon continued to roar at him, "What did you do? You gave her another outstanding chance and came here. Now she will pull my name down with you all. She isn't destroying my business but me, my image, my pride."

He raised his leg to stomp his stomach but a sudden pull from behind caused him to stumble back. Like an arrow left the bow, he immediately directed his rage to the person who stopped him.

Dylan's face turned dark witnessing Leon divert his anger. He raised his forearm and easily blocked Leon's arm. He controlled from sounding annoyed but worrisome carrying in his composition, "The reporters are downstairs, they are aware Chief is here to meet you."

As Leon analyzed, Ava is right on his deduction and ready to act however he might react. Commonly businessmen use the situation in their favor saying he reported those officers and chief was thanking him. If Leon does that, he is certain Ava Kelly is ready with some more video to make it viral and prove Chief Powell isn't clean. That will also smear the dirt on Leon. So Leon didn't have that choice.

It will give the same result if he tries to join his hands with Chief Powell and reveals about other corrupted officers. Leon found it a reasonable and easier method but if he releases it with Chief Powell and Ava Kelly releases any proof against Chief Powell, the result is same.

He neither can associate with Chief Powell, nor put him in high position.

Then what reason could they give for their meet at Leon's office? It can't be any personal reason especially when the man is in uniform.

They can't ignore the press and the Chief's appearance as well. It will create more rumors and worsen Leon's situation. So?

Leon's gaze landed on the man who pulled himself to sit on the floor and was shivering continuously afraid of him.

The only choice to keep his slate clean is by sacrificing his ally.

Leon has money so he thought he could buy off anybody new.

He suddenly felt it can also be as Ava Kelly planned. Destroying his own men to stay safe.

Wasn't he the one who ordered Chief Powell to handle her? She left him helpless but do the dirty job.

He watched Chief Powell and recalled that Chief hadn't touched Ava Kelly and doesn't even know her name properly. Chief Powell just followed the orders of Leon and she left the Chief to be ended by Leon.

How meticulous!

But does he have any choice? He didn't find any. He turned to Dylan who was next to him, ordering his team and security to be on guard and watch over the network from any word appearing negatively. Leon asked his opinion to know his view, "What should we do?"

Dylan paused instructing over the call by hearing Leon's words filled with uncertainty. Dylan was proud of Ava Kelly for slowly crumbling the confidence of Leon Harmon but it is also too dangerous for her. A small mistake of her will put her in a dire state. He wished her to be powerful this time to protect herself.

Dylan responded to Leon's question by shaking his head and added the current situation they were in, "We are trapped. A wrong move, the whole women empowerment organization will stand against us. That means standing against the country." That will affect their business in every way.

There is only one way out now. How much ever he tried to discern, Leon wasn't able to guess the next move of Ava Kelly if he could escape this. 

He could guess she was torturing him, unlike the physical torture he gave her, wants to inflict it again, she was affecting his psychological state. For the first time, he felt somebody as more vicious than him. And it is a girl.

Leon nodded at Dylan as a cue after pointing his chin at Brodie Powell. Dylan understood the coming plan without a word, he sat in Leon's chair to use Leon's desktop. He was extracting the most suitable piece of videos to hand to the government and media to put an end to Brodie Powell.

Leon suddenly thought of a person and turned to Dylan, "Did she attack him too?" His voice was laced with curiosity thinking if Ava Kelly really is ruthless or still has her heart.

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