The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 344 - Make Or Break A Promise

Aaron cupped her face and caught her teary eyes. When they were on a night call he had mentioned Shea Morris for some reason so Aaron knew Aarvi can't be sad for anything Shea did. 

In fact, it wasn't Aarvi's behavior to cry for trivial matters. She was fine till they entered the mansion so he was clueless without understanding what hurt her that could bring her to tears.

Concerned, "Aarvi?" He lifted her face to look at him and saw her pressing her lips trying to hide away her tears. Despite knowing her efforts to hide, he didn't let go of it, "Look at me…"

He got her complete attention before he asked, "Tell me what happened?" He was extremely anxious.

Aarvi contemplated, it wasn't the first time she felt the problem with her memories. The numerous times she felt she might have known Aaron before she woke up from comatose, but she never found out how they could be related.

She had even thought about her past but nothing felt vacant. She remembers what happened every year excluding the time nine months when she was in a vegetative state. But seeing the piano in the living hall, everything came back to her mind.

She unwillingly asked, "Y-you are the teenager in my dreams, aren't you? I- I have forgotten you, haven't I?" She sniffled at the end and a tear rolled down her cheek.

Aaron froze.

He could hear the uncertainty in her voice but she was highly sure she had forgotten him. He knew she was slowly recovering all the memories but never forced her to remember anything.

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But he had forgotten by doing things that are related to their past, the chances are high to disturb her memories. He least wanted her to be distressed over the forgotten memories that could affect her health.

He still wanted to say don't stress yourself but her backhand brushed her tears away and flashed him a delighted smile, "Do you know? When I saw the piano, I got blurry memories of telling the teenager that my family couldn't afford to pay the fees for piano classes. He told me that he will teach me when I grow up. It was you, aren't you?"

It wasn't just piano, she had recovered such memories of cupcakes, learning to ride a bicycle, solving her mathematics problems, playing chess, and many more. 

She really wanted to ask, 'Am I your Cupcake?' Because that's what the teenagers call him in her dream and she loves the Cupcake he bakes for her but the words just stuck in her throat with a negative line of thinking.

She didn't know which is actually just a dream and which one is her memory. She also doubted all of them could be just a dream as she didn't know when she could possibly have forgotten him and she couldn't see the face of the teenager.

She was also afraid if everything was just a coincidence and her words might make him feel miserable. Even if the teenager in her dream wasn't him, she wasn't going to leave him for the teenager. 

But she would really be pleased if it's Aaron and at the same time, she felt her heart squeeze at the thought of what if she really forgot Aaron and he is doing everything for her in silence. He must have been so hurt to know she forgot him.

Aarvi sensed his nervousness, agitated due to her health, and reluctant to lie to her. Slipping from his hand, she wrapped her arms around him resting her chin on his shoulder, trying her best to comfort him.

She knew she was guessing it right. Her dreams aren't just dreams and she can understand he doesn't want to lie and the truth might be either harsh on her or him. 

Unwilling to make him more worried for her, she tightened her arms and her resolute voice sounded, "I won't pressure myself to remember anything. I will prioritize my health without dwelling on it."

Her soothing voice calmed his fearful heart. As a normal human, he had his fears too. He feared nothing but seeing her struggling with unclear memories, the post-recovery effects on her if he lets her know and feared of losing her.

Seeing her comforting him when she was the one in pain, all he could do was be her support. Snaking his arms around her, he wished he could take away all the pain and confusion to himself.

Aarvi let out a breath of relief when his shoulder relaxed. Her words continued if he was thinking about how he could respond to her, "You don't have to tell me anything, I won't ask or force you either."

She will let the memories recover, and see who the teenager is without troubling him. Her instincts told her it was him but she didn't want to have the expectation that could hurt her later if the teenager turned out to be a different person.

"All I need is YOU. Even if I had made any promise to a different teenager, I will break them all to be with you." If the teenager is really different one, she will only have gratitude for him, for being there for her, for listening to her, for taking care of her when her own family had no time for her.

'A different teenager?' A faint smile appeared on his face. He was the only one who made space in her heart in the past or present. There is no other one to make or break a promise.

He just wants her to keep her mind at ease. He could lie for her but it would bring distance between them later. He could coax her to forget it, but with her current speed of memory recovery, she won't be able to ignore it. Instead, she will avoid speaking about it with him to solve it alone.

His Cupcake is so understanding that it is easier to take her for granted yet she will try to comprehend their situation. 'My harmless sweet Cupcake.' he thought as he pulled her away from his embrace to face her.

Her eyes had regained the twinkle and her lips were curled into a pleasing smile. If he hadn't entered the kitchen probably she wouldn't have told about her memory recovery and exited the kitchen with the same decision of keeping him unworried.

"I love you." He professed with a soft kiss on her forehead.

He looked back at her face to tell her the teenager wasn't somebody else but saw her stuck her tongue out at him. She was teasing him to indicate she wasn't going to tell him back.

'Heartless Aarvi Evans.' He thought, pulling her cheek accepting his punishment. Anyway, he got a loving kiss on his cheek in return. 

He so wished they could have dated as a little young couple while studying and created many memories for each other.

Pinching his cheek, Aarvi added earnestly, "Do not think for one moment that I will have a change of heart. I will love you no matter what."

Aaron was delighted. His dozy Cupcake kept on confessing how much she loves him in many different ways without having any idea. At this rate, he didn't know what was there as a punishment.

Finally seeing the golden hue brighten in his eyes, Aarvi bumped their heads gently and turned aside to peel the oranges to add the pulp to the juice maker.

Aaron leaned on the cabinet, peeking at her face, he silently waited for to witness her reaction after realization.

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