The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 60 - Responsibility

In the hut

On the single couch, Aaron had no option but to cuddle Aarvi, which wouldn't only keep them warm but it also managed the space problem.

Initially, he was spooning her but Aarvi had flipped and snuggled in his embrace. Hoping she wouldn't get mad and understand, he slept too.

'Thud thud thud...'

Aaron frowned and quickly covered Aarvi's ear to avoid waking her up early in the morning. He raised his head to see it wasn't a door knock instead Naomi was at the glass window ramming it continuously.

Thinking it might be critical, he moved to get up but Aarvi groaned losing warmness. Having no heart to wake her up, he cued Naomi to leave with his hand.

Nothing is more important than Aarvi's good sleep because she hadn't woken up even once during the night.

Naomi assumed Aarvi did that on purpose but she didn't dare to continue after his cue. She had no choice but to leave as she gritted her teeth deciding to call her parents and plan to teach Aarvi a good lesson.


Aaron was rather surprised seeing Aarvi who wasn't only having good sleep, she slept for a long time. If he hadn't confessed and she wasn't trying to get along, he wouldn't have thought to cuddle but now the situation is different.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

But he didn't dare to steal a kiss.

Around eight, Aarvi yawned, opening her eyes to see a shirt collar, a muscular arm under her head as a pillow, another arm warmly wrapping around her. She was never close to anybody that she could feel the body warmth. Raising her head, she saw Aaron's expressionless face who wasn't blinking waiting for her to react.

One second...

Two seconds...



Five seconds later, Aarvi didn't react and went back to sleep snuggling in arms without believing her grogginess.

Aaron gently vocalized, "You are not dreaming."

Aarvi's eyes shot open and moved back. "Ahhh..."

His loose wrap quickly tightened, pulling her up before she could fall down. "Relax... Relax..." His soothing voice sounded looking at her widened eyes.

Aarvi tried to understand the situation first. 'Okay, it was cold... No place to sleep... No blankets... I am not a little girl to panic about this... He wasn't taking advantage of me... Cool, no big reaction... It's no big deal...'

From the time she could remember, Aarvi was always alone while she slept, she doesn't even remember her mother putting her to sleep or father. She always lived a life of luxury in absolute emptiness.

Unknowingly, Aaron always fills that emptiness by sitting next to her while she falls asleep, waking her up if she oversleeps or struggles with dreams, and looks after her even if it's the whole night when she was unwell.

If she had slept on his shoulder or lap or leaning on him, it wouldn't have shocked her but being so close where she could feel his heartbeats and his lingering scent on her was a little fast forward.

Aaron wasn't sure if she was blushing or her face was red due to the cold atmosphere.

Aarvi controlled her expression and asked facing each other but maintaining the possible distance between them without getting up, "Isn't your arm numb?"

'Okay, out of syllabus.' Aaron thought to himself and responded, "It is."

Aarvi nodded and pointed his hand which was on her back. Understanding, he left her but Aarvi was losing balance hence she held him and reached his arms again.

'Please bury me now.' Aarvi thought to herself still behaving calmly as if it was nothing. Aaron realized she was acting and she was truly embarrassed.

Helping her to get up, he purposefully started so that she doesn't have to bury it to herself. He wore his jacket saying, "You better take my responsibility."

Aarvi instantly gave voice to her real thoughts and burst out, "You are the one who took advantage of me and you are asking me to take responsibility. In your dreams! How dare you to cuddle me without my permission? Now keep dreaming that I will accept your feelings. Die single."

Aaron found her cute making all the faces of anger. "Okay, I will take your responsibility. Don't work up in the morning."

Aarvi who was glaring at him snapped back for it, "Who the hell wants you to take my responsibility?"

Aaron put on an innocent face asking in confusion, "You said I took advantage of you."

She couldn't help but retort ignoring her muse, "Don't be over smart with me. Don't put that face on as if I did something to you."

Aaron was enjoying their morning squabble so he didn't cut it off, "Actually you are the one who snuggled close to me."

"I... I was sleeping." Aarvi flushed red recollecting how easily she had gone to his arms without believing her sight.

Aaron mused, "So you love to cuddle me to sleep."

Aarvi forgot about her composure and flustered hearing it, "When did I say that?"

Both continued to banter till they reached the guest house ignoring the onlooker. "I am not talking to you anymore," Aarvi hmphed and pushed the door open of the room where her clothes had been arranged.

Aaron who chuckled was about to enter his room but saw Aarvi standing at her room door without entering. "Aarvi, what's wrong?"

Aaron went to her and saw the room was completely messy. As if it wasn't enough, the clothes had ragged off and thrown around. Even the thigh-high leather boots were slit to damage it.

Aaron's face darkened and dialed secretary Wen's number while Aarvi smirked accurately guessing who did it. She also guessed the anger was taken out on the room and the clothes arranged for her.

Secretary Wen reached there in no time and was shocked to see the room state, "President Rivas, other than us, nobody came here. Why will..."

Aarvi cut in turning to two men, "Since I don't have clothes now, will doctor Fisher mind if I use her clothes? She must be already at camp." Her voice sounded helpless but Secretary Wen defined the meaning behind it and the room accurately. 

Aaron couldn't understand why she was trying to sound like she was going to trouble Naomi for such a simple matter.

Secretary Wen spoke first, "Ms.Evans, don't worry, I will deliver the information to Doctor Fisher about this. I am sure Doctor Fisher won't mind."

Aarvi smiled hearing him. She understood Secretary Wen deciphered everything and was helping her. Whereas Aaron who never cared about Naomi didn't think about her.

"Investigate who did this." Then he faced Aarvi and his voice turned gentle, "You don't have to think so much about anything. If you want anything, just order it. Alright?"

Secretary Wen wasn't sure if he should respond looking at them so he went aside to carry out the work.

Aarvi nodded and turned him around to send him, "You should get fresh and go to the camp quickly. I will come after a little rest."

Aaron wouldn't mind even if she sets everything on fire so he will not care if she does something so he didn't think too much about it.

When Aarvi checked Naomi's clothes, she doubted if Naomi was there to go on dates or work looking at numerous brand new pretty dresses rather than formals. She didn't find black in them so letting go of her stereotype, she chose a pretty combination of the outfit.

'Naomi Fisher, I master the game you are playing.' Aarvi thought to herself looking at the reflection in the mirror.

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