The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 625 - A Miscommunication Led To A Misunderstanding

When Aarvi regained her consciousness, she felt a warm hand holding hers. At the movements of her fingers, the hold tightened and Aaron's soothing voice reached her ears, "Cupcake, you are awake? Are you feeling unforgettable? Any headache?"

Aarvi didn't want to open her eyes. If she was asleep for the whole night, she wouldn't be able to accept it and she didn't know how she would treat Aaron. She felt her heart weighing down recalling what he did to her. 

There are also Shawn and Dax. She knew Shawn needed her and Dax. He might be in danger if Leon had attacked him. She didn't know if she would be able to forgive Aaron.

"Cupcake!?" Aaron's fingers glided over her cheek and cupped her face, waiting for her to wake up.

There was sudden turbulence and Aarvi groaned when a sharp pain hit her head. Before she could think anything other than the pain, She felt Aaron leave her hand and pulled her to his embrace. "Hang on. We are landing now... "

Aarvi's eyes shot open hearing 'we are landing.' She pulled herself away and stared at his worried eyes. "I- I didn't sleep all night?"

Aaron cupped her head, as though he could avoid uneven air movement effects while landing, "All night? It's an hour flight."

Aarvi's lips gaped, realizing she thought too much just because he apologized. She understood his sorry was for putting her to sleep without letting her think while they are on the airtime. The pain in her head was enough to tell about the headache Doctor Wells was speaking and Aaron was worried.

However, Aarvi burst into tears, throwing punches at him, "You scared me…"

Esme, Milo Wen, and Roach who were in the front seats turned behind and witnessed Aarvi crying pitifully. Behaving like any other normal girl. Since it wasn't the kind to be crying over grievous, they looked away, letting them handle themselves.

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Aarvi sniffled, adding, "If you had told me, I would have listened to you. I-I thought you wanted to keep me away…"

Aaron hadn't expected she would misunderstand and realized why she was crying before falling unconscious. He wanted to tell her but he had no time to coax her as the flight was on the runway and she was busy over calls. And to coax her, Aarvi would definitely say, she could handle it as it was important for her to think about the situation. 

Anyway, they needed no argument. He lifted the armrest between them and pulled her to his embrace. "I will keep that in mind, Cupcake..."

Aarvi hummed and whimpered, "My headaches. Hold me." 

If he hadn't cared about her feelings but just health, Aarvi knew he could have really put her to sleep till morning. She felt like a fool when he always did what she wanted. 

"Why did you sedate me instead of giving me medicine?" She asked as she sniffled, trying to look at his face from his embrace.

Aaron felt a twist in his heart looking at her eyes red, filling with tears. "The medicine will put you to sleep. It will keep you drowsy for a minimum of four hours." He never took her health lightly. He had medicine for her headache as they were on the road and sea for the whole Sunday.

She knew he would consider every possibility. Burying her face in his embrace, "I am sorry, I shouldn't have thought negatively." She apologized for letting a misunderstanding lead her emotions by recalling Jordan's actions.

Aaron caressed her head. "No, I should have told you clearly. It wasn't your mistake."

Aarvi shook her head. She should have just asked him instead of assuming anything. Since she was afraid to hear it was overnight dosage, she felt it had both of their mistakes. 

A miscommunication leads to a misunderstanding.

Once the flight touched the ground, Aarvi still had the left lingering pain so she stayed low asking Aaron to turn off the flight mode on their mobiles.

Once she felt she could bear the leftover pain, she sat on the seat. Aaron had his arm around as she wasn't wearing a seat belt. Before he could check any information received during an hour flight, Aarvi tugged him to look at her, "Ronron, I promise, I won't make you worry about my health after Friday."

Aaron flashed her a faint assuring smile as he nodded, "I won't stop you from doing anything. I only need you safe and healthy, you can wreak havoc everywhere."

Aarvi flashed him a loving smile as she nodded in acceptance. However, the smile wasn't fated to last any longer.

Her mobile rang as soon as it got on the network. She knew it could be from her team as they were told to keep an eye on the airport.

Aaron passed her mobile to her, as he checked the messages first on his mobile. Aarvi answered the call and kept it near her ear.

"Boss, it's better you take the taxi Secretary Wen arranged at the general arrival gates. Leon's men are around from half an hour, if they attack a helicopter, your life will be in danger."

Aarvi let the others know, "We are going on a Taxi. Sister Esme, your manager will pick you. Roach, you need to change into a taxi driver uniform. Leon's men are near the company car…" Aarvi's voice trailed when she noticed Milo Wen's worried gaze.

She noticed Aaron was too quiet so she kept her mobile back at her ear, "How is Dax?"

Aaron stood up as he said, "Let's get off first."

Aarvi followed Aaron as she heard the other end, "Boss, CEO Grant's car met with an accident forty minutes before."

Aarvi stilled. She wanted to say 'continue' but a lump created in her throat making it hard for her to utter anything,

Dax's most of the cars were ordered by her. She knew each of them had good safety measures. A normal accident on the road won't cause many injuries other than shocking him or giving him superficial wounds. 

Aaron held her arm, which pulled her to reality, they needed to leave quickly. So she quickened her footsteps. She hoped… No, she prayed Dax should be fine. However, luck wasn't on her side to hear anything good.


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